McDonald’s to buy back Israeli restaurants after boycotts. #Shorts #McDonalds #BBCNews

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  1. Generally those who eat at McDonald's aren't those who base their lives around scruples or morality.

    So I wouldn't expect much to change.

  2. Boycotting an ally when they got started on? 🙃 . Only on this planet. Was there calls for this sort of thing since 05 in which time slme 100.000 missiles launched into Israel from gaza. After the land for peace which Israel gave them? No didnt think so.

  3. Way too little, way too late. They should have revoked those breaches licenses and forced them to rebrand within days of them giving out the free food to their army

  4. We muslims and pro Palestinians are never touching McDonalds ever again and this boycott will continue on in our future generations as well

  5. Boycott Saudi and Iranian Oil and refined products. This will diffuse a lot of the issues in the Middle East. Eat whatever hamburger you like or none at all.

  6. ( 2 CORINTHIANS ) 6 : 17.. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the LORD, and touch not the unclean thing; ..😂

  7. They fed the soldiers. Based on the reaction many in the west have had to the McDonald’s owners feeding soldiers you’d think they rolled up to Netanyahu‘s private villa with a truck full of Big Macs so they could suck up while feeding him and his cronies.

    Soldiers in some countries don’t get to decide who they fight, when they fight or even why they fight. Too often we in the west apply our culture to those of other countries without taking time to learn about said cultures. It’s easy to criticize others from the sidelines.

    I love America! I love my country, and I have taken time to learn as much as I could about it. Living in a country doesn’t even offer us a complete understanding of the cultures within. That said, at times I believe we fail to consider how things work in other cultures/countries.

    In Israel, everyone has to serve two years in the Armed Forces. The way people reacted to this whole McDonalds situation you’d think it’s common knowledge Israeli soldiers are allowed to tell their commanding officers to screw off when they don’t personally agree with the mission at hand. I don’t know what it’s like to live in a country that’s landlocked and completely surrounded by enemies.

    I can’t even imagine what it’s like to live in a country surrounded by enemies. I’m blessed to live in the United States where, outside of the invasion happening on our southern border, we’ve been free from our enemies attacking us on our mainland outside of Pearl Harbor and 9/11/2001. I’m from New York and was in the city on 911 and I still can’t imagine the stress the Israeli people must feel living in that environment. The only people who are happy to go to war are those who profit from it. That’s an issue on its own and one every nation has to deal with. Some more than others.

  8. So is McDonald's planning on giving free meals to the Israeli soldiers that were responsible for murdering 7 WCK staff?!?!? F%ck all the way off, McD.

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