Rare 4.8-magnitude quake rattles New York and surrounding areas. #Shorts #BBCNews

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  1. No matter how big the earthquake is, it still freaks me out. I’m from Japan and literally experienced a massive earthquake on 311.

  2. This video is so cringe. First thing to do during emergency? Grab a camera and film yourself, of course! Fake, stupid people.

  3. Well its not funny when you consider the loss of human life. No matter if it's in a poor country or some rich parts of New York. Not all New York is rich. Let's be real about it. I can only imagine the numbers of human lives lost abd the Billions of Dollars loss on buildings infrastructure repairs in the trillions at most. To all, all over the world if you have lost a loved one toban earthquake my deepest condolonces and to those that have survived or lived through it. Feel lucky and truly blessed. Thank God everyone is o.k. safe and sound ❤

  4. Is there no earthquake warning? In China, all electronic devices such as mobile phones will sound an alarm, and the countdown to the arrival time of seismic waves is several tens of seconds later

  5. Do you think it's embarrassing for me to wear a skirt? In the era of gender equality! Please do not discriminate against gender equality form Chinese government ! Thank you!

  6. They sound like your typical Democrat women didn’t they learn in school to get under your desk! Look at their vice president, she always has that smirky smile on her face. It’s typical folks. It’s typical they have no brains. I’ll leave it at that just saying.!

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