Rust armourer sentenced to 18 months for Halyna Hutchins’ death. #BBCNews

you’re hereby sentences follow stand I
am sentencing you to 18 months of
incarceration at a New Mexico Women’s
Facility I find that what you did
constitutes a Ser serious violent
offense it was committed in a physically
violent manner a fatal
gunshot done with your recklessness in
the face of knowledge that your Acts
were reasonably likely to result in
serious harm you were the armorer the
one that stood between a safe weapon and
a weapon that could kill someone you
alone turned a safe weapon into a Lethal
Weapon but for you Miss Hutchins would
be alive a husband would have his
partner and a little boy would have his
mother please take her

  1. Wow so Alec Baldwin doesnt get anything because hes rich and famous. In all honesty this was a freak accident anyways. Movie execs shoulda just paid the family

  2. The Armorer didn't do her job. Firearm safety rule 1 is treat every firearm like it's loaded. The people in charge of production did not do their job by not having a firearms safety program. Alec Baldwin did not do his job, see firearms safety rule 1. This was a negligent discharge and they all deserve to do their time for not protecting everyone.

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