‘Dreamy’ Kate is not a fake like Meghan who has just one expression – she’s natural, says expert

‘Dreamy’ Kate is not a fake like Meghan who has just one expression – she’s natural, says expert

should we take a little romp through the
raw relationships good or bad that are
happen at the moment abely um William
and Catherine we haven’t seen them for a
while uh justifiably because Katherine
obviously you know recovering from from
cancer how the last couple of months
have been incredibly stressful for The
Prince and Princess of Wales um they
have a very strong couple but how do you
think they will be coping right now I
think what what the prince and Prince of
worlds are doing right now um is just
concentrating on their family life um
the children go back to school next week
um we’re going to we probably will see
Kate driving them to to school possibly
um I think that they people are just
waiting to see her again but I think
when you see William and Kate together
they have a great relationship they they
they’re quite touchy feely but not over
touchy feely like Megan and Harry are
they don’t cling to each other but
occasionally they they do and they laugh
again I think it’s laughter they laugh
together a lot um and I think that
William is very very supportive of his
wife and I know that Carol Middleton has
said that to friends um he is so
supportive of my daughter and she’s very
sort of proud of proud of him so you
know it’s it’s it’s that Mutual support
they have with each other are you
surprised that there was a yugu poll I
think this week um that despite all the
Ferrari around the the Mother’s Day
photograph that the prince and princess
of Wales are still the two most popular
members of the royal family I mean
they’re not without their crisis
remember a couple of years ago the um
Caribbean tour you know which I was on
was an absolute PR disaster they’re not
without their problems what what is it
about their you know you talk about them
being warm and they are very you know
affectionate to each other in private
and public um what is it about their
relationship that really strikes a cord
with the public I think it’s the warmth
between them and the warmth that they
they you know it’s not fake it’s when
they give out warmth and of course that
Kate is a photographer’s dream she’s so
beautiful and William’s a very
good-looking uh young man and I think
that uh it’s it’s natural it’s not you
see with with Megan uh I feel it’s she’s
got one expression the big grin um and I
feel that’s all and that doesn’t feel
natural but with Kate and williiam
they’ve got all it’s just a warmth they
have and it it sort of exudes to
everybody around them which is what the
magic that Diana had
however nervous Diana was about meeting
people or going out on her own the
minute she was out there she exuded this
warmth and friendliness and and that’s
what Kate and William do now a less
functional or a more dysfunctional rural
relationship is uh prince Andrew and
Sarah Ferguson obviously they married in
the 80s um divorced now living together
and basically you know supporting each
other through through thick and thin did
you ever have much dealings personally
with with with Andrew and and Sarah I
had a lot of dealings with Sarah because
I wrote a book about her and I knew
Sarah before she was uh became the
Duchess of York um she’s very loyal
she’s extremely loyal to Andrew and I do
think she found certainly in the early
years of her marriage she found this um
arrogance that he has you know don’t you
know who I am entitlement I think she
found that very difficult she loved him
but I think she found that side of it
difficult cuz she’s another warm
friendly person probably too friendly
sometimes and I but she’s remained very
loyal I I feel and I don’t know this
that she must have talked to the queen
and the queen must have said please look
after Andrew for
me yeah and I absolutely feel that and
that’s what she’s going to do I don’t
think she’ll leave them I don’t think
they’ll get married again and I think
she is you know really trying to move on
and make money and work in the area
she’s interested in which is film and
television um she hasn’t been hugely
successful but she’s been pretty
successful she’s made a lot of money out
of her books um but she’s the she’s
really you know we all look at her as
the sort of money earner but I think
that’s what she wants to do and she can
quite happily work from Royal Lodge it’s
not a bad place to live probably rentree
the only thing You’ got to do is look
after her husb well her ex-husband
I mean it’s it’s a diff it’s a it’s
interesting relationship it is do you
think perhaps you mentioned about loyal
would it be wrong for me to say that
she’s too
loyal after everything that’s happened
with Epstein and everything that’s
happened she’s not going to walk out on
him he remember he supported her when
she was really in trouble over all the
various scandals and things she’s been
involved in he supported her so it
wouldn’t look too good if she kind of
walked out on him and she wouldn’t she
just wouldn’t I don’t think she’s too L
I think it’s just a really lovely
character trait I often over the years
I’ve heard quite a few tips from from or
people suggesting that they might
remarry you earlier you you you would
rule that out I can’t see the point of
them remarrying unless it’s for tax
reasons I mean I really don’t see the
point I think if something works the way
it is don’t muck with it I mean maybe
their their daughters would like them to
remarry I don’t know but uh I think that
probably Fergie is better off being her
own person she doesn’t she’s still the
Sarah Duchess of York she doesn’t need
the HR everybody knows who she is they
either like her or they don’t and I
don’t see that there’s anything that she
would make life better for either of
them if they got remarried so when are
you used to speak to her what what how
would would she talk much about Andrew
would she talk about what kind of guy he
was yeah she did I mean I I used to know
her very well um yes she did talk about
him um I think well of course he hasn’t
got into all this trouble then I um I
think she’s very protective of him now
because you know he needs
protecting but I I don’t I don’t I think
she well she always says I don’t want to
talk about that and quite rightly so
what can she say she can only make it
worse by stirring things up I think
she’s absolutely right to keep her mouth
shut about it fine now uh one couple
that doesn’t get talked about as much as
the others we’ve discussed today um and
we had some comments on on on YouTube
last week saying well they’re Su Edward
and Sophie Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh
are a very successful partnership they
are it’s 25 years this year they’ll be
celebrating their anniversary and why is
that marriage succeeded whereas others
have have ended in divorce what is it
about Edward and Sophie and in their
relationship because um they’re popular
but we don’t see them very much
well I think they’ve become more popular
recently because we’ve seen much more of
them um Sophie was always you know a
wonderful photograph beautiful lovely
face and you know doing worthy worthy
things and she’s given quite a lot of
interviews and uh she seems such a a
very special lady and I met her when she
first appeared on the scene and she was
always incredibly friendly difficult for
it was difficult for her because you
know there a lot of people saying well
you know she’s very ordinary her
father’s a car salesman which wasn’t
true and her mother takes in typing or
something it was quite cruel um but it
wasn’t true her father’s a lovely lovely
person um and I just think that they’ve
kind of worked it through and they and
Sophie’s so nice about Edward she said
some lovely things the other day about
him and they they they have their own
lives but they come together I I know
they’re both very busy and they but they
always try and have one of them at home
when the other one is traveling

PRINCESS Kate was recently crowned the most popular royal – and this could be due to her exuding “warmth” and not appearing “fake”, according to a royal expert.

Royal editor Ingrid Seward exclusively told The Sun’s Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson why the Prince and Princess of Wales have resonated more with the public than Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

On The Sun’s Royal Show, Ingrid claimed: “I think it’s the warmth between them [William and Kate] – it’s not fake and they give out warmth.

“And of course Kate is a photographer’s dream.

“She’s so beautiful and William’s a very good looking young man.

“And I think that it’s natural.

“You see with Meghan I feel she’s got one expression, the big grin, and I feel that’s all and that doesn’t feel natural.”

Ingrid shared how Kate and William possess the same “magic” that Princess Diana – dubbed the “People’s Princess” – did when meeting the public.

She continued: “With Kate and William it’s just a warmth they have and it sort of exudes to everybody around them which is the magic that Diana had.

“However nervous Diana was about meeting people or going out on her own, the minute she was out there she exuded this warmth and friendliness and that’s what Kate and William do.”

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  1. You mention the Caribbean tour, lets be honest that was the markles meddling, the photos of them with the fence, was completely manipulative, the people they met enjoyed them, it was a political ploy, at the expense of Catherine and William and the media played it up. Report on the sugars and bouzy.

  2. British “media” are protesting too much.

    They are hiding something, or helping to hide something much more sinister than “Who wore what dress better?”

    The corporate MSM all seem very desperate to spin the narrative, but Middleton is still Missing and the internet continues to ask questions.

    You can’t say “leave Kate alone” but then cover her in the “news” as if she is out and about. Unless you still expect the public to believe that farmers market nonsense? Or the photoshop? Or the AI?

  3. The Mother’s Day photograph looked like Meghan’s work. Not Cathrine’s. Kate said – apologies for the amateurs work. Will the Kensington palace admit, that someone broken into the website and posted the pic? I don’t think so.

  4. Yes, Kate is dreamy… Is she still in that coma? I mean that AI video did not fool anyone. The UK media forgot that people have long memories and remember how Kate met William. How she ran after William. William spent time with George and the UK media failed to mention that Rose Hansberry's son was also with them at the game.

  5. Do the public honestly believe this utter bull st. Kate hasn’t been seen for over three months and incidentally is/was no angel. William is a complete narcissist and a phycopath. Harry is also a drunk and deserves that devious witch of a woman. Thomas Kingston was murdered at Middleton family home, and Dianna was undoubtedly killed bc she knew too much. That evil family will stop at nothing to protect that outdated Monarchy. Time Thea were booted out once and for all//?

  6. Very sad, pathetic and dispicable that doing PR for Kate and William entails nonsensical bismirching of Meghan, and this from a fraud who was caught lying about the interview she had not seen.

  7. Stop the lies! Prince Harry & Meghan are not jealous of Prince William & Catherine. They are striving in the USA & minding their business. It’s British media that’s jealous of them. The media wants them to fail & spreads hate about everything they do & say. Prince Harry & Meghan are carving out a life for themselves & their children. They don’t have time for bitterness & foolishness.
    The British media is falling apart & have nothing to profit from other than propaganda against Prince Harry & Meghan. Pray for wellness for Princess Catherine & peace for the families.

  8. Everything that Meghan wears sell out. It’s strange how the haters try to put her down but everything she does turns out to be good. So it shows that haters only hate, but Love conquer all! No weapon formed against Meghan & Prince Harry will prosper & all the hate aimed at them will be turned to love. God is their protection!

  9. Best couple ,lovely parents ,we can fell how they love each other,the look ,the smile,the touch,simple,sincere, sweet!Sara is very nice I like to see her around RF with ex husband and daughters 👍

  10. SHE GROWN UP TO A GOOD, LOVING, CARING & SUPPORTIVE FAMILY, WHEN GROWN UP SHE HAS A GOOD ENVIRONMENT THAT REFLECT OF WHO SHE IS, You can see or recognize what Princess Kate is,In her behavior, her posture, in her approach, you can see that she has RESPECT, GOOD MANNERS, humbleness, Down to Earth, easy to approach you can see that she was raised w/ breading comes from a very LOVING,CARING & supportive family IN WHICH ALSO ADOPT OF PRINCE WILLIAM HOW THEY RAISED THEIR KIDS.

  11. The Princess of Wales could be covered with a burlap bag, and her beauty still would shine as bright as the stars! Nothing can dim her beauty. Princess Catherine has a rare quality that few process.

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