Kate’s youth and strong family support give her best platform for swift cancer recovery, doctors say

Kate’s youth and strong family support give her best platform for swift cancer recovery, doctors say

in January I underwent major abdominal
surgery in London and at the time it was
thought that my condition was
non-cancerous the surgery was successful
however test after the operation found
cancer had been
present she mentioned uh in her video
that at first they didn’t think it was
cancer or they weren’t sure but it was
only after the surgery and some time
afterwards that it became obvious that
it was actually cancer she was dealing
deal with I think when I heard that it
was the common story that that patients
end up coming to my clinic they’re
having a symptom they seek medical
attention and many tests are needed to
know what are the next steps whether
that be a scan blood
tests even right after surgeries when we
can confirm that cancer is present it
may take even further time to better
characterize the
cancer um
very complex uh molecular testing and
other stains to eventually come up with
the right treatment
course my medical team therefore advised
that I should undergo a course of
preventative chemotherapy and I’m now in
the early stages of that treatment when
I when I think of the word preventative
chemotherapy I tend to think of
chemotherapy being administered to a
patient after a
surgery and with the hopes of preventing
ing or decreasing the risk of the cancer
showing up again in the future that’s
typically what I think of preventative
chemo although the details of that what
exact drugs are used how long it will
continue on really depends on the
specifics of it of of the can at least
to the best of our knowledge um she
indicated her chemotherapy started in
late February after recovery from
surgery which typically as a medical
oncologist we would not start
chemotherapy until the surg surgical
team indicated the patient had
effectively recovered from their
surgical procedure and they were safe to
proceed with
chemotherapy the duration of
chemotherapy is very variable um based
on the the stage of the tumor the type
of the tumor but in most cases would be
months um as opposed to to days or
weeks so we work really hard um to
ensure that patients symptoms during
chemotherapy are as minimal as possible
we want our patients to be thriving
during their
treatments um there are many supportive
measures to help the side effects of
chemotherapy such as nausea um we watch
the blood cells very carefully to ensure
individuals are safe from infections we
try to match the dos of the treatment to
ensure their fatigue is not too dramatic
you know the goal is to really ensure
that patients are feeling as well as
they can to and to uh be able to
complete their chemotherapy such that
they can have the best oncologic outcome
when someone what we’re finding and
there’s a large study published last
year that is showing us that the
incidence of cancer in those under the
age of 50 is
increasing um we don’t know exactly why
there’s a lot of people trying to study
this and figure out
why there is an especially rapid
increase in those with gastrointestinal
cancers um when someone younger is
diagnosed with a cancer it doesn’t
necessarily mean that their prognosis or
their outcome is any better or worse
than those that are old diagnosed at an
older age what it does typically mean
though is those that are younger tend to
have less chronic medical conditions and
therefore the treatments that are
recommended like surgery or chemotherapy
or any other types of you know new
Innovative therapies we have these days
are better
tolerated as opposed to those that are
older and have a lot of other medical
conditions that they’re contending with
oftentimes that’s the case where the
aggressiveness of chemo therapy can be
um increased or optimized in someone
that’s younger and that’s more likely to
tolerate the side effects in one way or
the other this journey will continue for
the rest of her
life um so I don’t think there’s any way
to predict when she’ll be back in the
spotlight or when she’ll be able to be
attending to her previous duties and and
I think these are the things that she’ll
she’ll need to deal with I’d have to say
I treat a lot of patients um that are
younger and we and we see them survive
and we see patients live on this journey
whether they’re cured of their cancer or
not I think there’s studies that
actually show that those with a strong
caregiver social support Supportive
Services like
dietitians psychologists mental health
professionals that can help with coping
all lead to better
outcomes um and these are outcomes in
quality of life in survival is is the
importance of that strong Community
which of course the princess is is
blessed to have so one of the things I
was very impressed by as a medical
oncologist with Kate’s um interview was
the way in which she addressed
discussing Her diagnosis with her
children um we take care of many young
patients um who have family at home who
have children at various ages and I was
just so very touched by the way she
discussed the honesty um and meeting her
children at their at their um
developmental stage to ensure that they
understood she was well um and I can’t
underscore the importance of that
Honesty on a child’s development when a
parent um is facing a a medical um
situation I I think it it’s is terribly
shocking um we had the announcement back
in January that the the king um was
having surgery and that the princess
Wells was having surgery and then the
king announced that they’ discovered
cancer and then we had um The Duchess of
York announcing she’d had skin cancer
and now we’ve got the Princess of Wales
and it just seems well staggering really
it’s such bad luck for one
family I I would hope it would put the
speculation to rest um in in Britain we
have very strict privacy laws on on
health matters and so as we’ve seen in
previous eras the the queen and the
prince philli didn’t give a running
commentary about their health um and so
it’s very unusual for both the king and
the princess of Welles to very bravely I
think announce that they’ve got cancer
um obviously they would hope the
speculation ends but in reality um it’s
social media and and people are of often
incredibly vile and and troll people
left right and center and I don’t I
don’t know what you can do about that
it’s it’s really the wild west they’ll
they speculate and and talk absolute
nonsense well I think you have to
remember that they’re they’re all still
grieving the death of the queen and
indeed the Duke of Edinburgh and and now
this this must be well beyond shocking I
mean Prince William you know his wife
has cancer his father has cancer you
know the queen her husband has cancer
the children I mean it’s it must be I
know what it’s like to watch someone F
battle cancer and most of us do I
imagine and it’s it’s terrible it you
know it takes such a toll on you the
whole time so it is it’s going to be on
a personal level it’s going to be awful
for the Royals and obviously on a
practical level it makes things
difficult but you know Kate’s been out
of the public eye since January Charles
has been undertaking cancer treatment
since since then as well and you know
the queen is doing a sterling job and
and so is williiam

Kate, Britain’s Princess of Wales, said on Friday (March 22) she was undergoing preventative chemotherapy after tests following abdominal surgery in January revealed an unspecified form of cancer.

Medical experts said that while Kate may have a long road ahead – depending on her particular case and the type of cancer – her relative youth and strong support system would give her some advantage in battling the disease.

“There [are] studies that actually show that those with a strong caregiver, social support, supportive services like dietitians, psychologists, mental health professionals that can help with coping – all lead to better outcomes,” said Dr. Sheetal Kircher, an associate professor of oncology at Northwestern University in Illinois.

Dr. Carey Anders of the Duke University Cancer Center, said Kate’s treatment with chemotherapy would not necessarily preclude her return to some normal activities in the coming months. “We want our patients to be thriving during their treatments,” Anders said. “There are many supportive measures to help the side effects of chemotherapy.”

Read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/royals/26866393/kate-middleton-cancer-diagnosis-what-we-know/

—Contents of this video —

00.00 – Kate reveals cancer diagnosis
00.16 – Oncology expert on Kate’s health
01.11 – Kate on her medical team decisions
01.18 – Dr. Sheetal Kircher on preventive chemotherapy
01.50 – Dr. Carey Anders discusses treatment schedule
02.29 – Dr. Carey Anders discusses how medical experts can minimise downsides of chemotherapy
03.16 – Dr. Sheetal Kircher on benefits of being a young cancer patient, more reactive to treatment
05.07 – Dr. Sheetal Kircher on benefits of having a strong support system for cancer patients
05.56 – Dr. Carey Anders praises Kate for how she handled her cancer diagnosis with her children
06.27 – Royal biographer gives insight into this hard moment for the Royal family

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  1. ENOUGH!!! Stop with the panels, experts, analyses! This is click baiting and more than annoying.
    You are going to lose all your SUBSCRIBERS ! Like now – switching off! Bye 😂

  2. Please stop we have been told about the Princess of Wales illness can we not just let her and her family have some time to get better with her family and let them be.

  3. BOYCOTT anyone who spread LIES about the POW. Any apologies from these people are to save face and their bottom lines. This One and his IGLBW have yet to call off their GOON SQUAD.

  4. These doctors have no place to discuss Princess Catherine health. She is in good care of team doctors who are experts and professional in the field. So please just mind your business and leave the Wales alone.

  5. You are in my prayers every day since today ,our beloved princess. Wish you a speedy recovery!
    I will share my experience. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 63. Now she is doing well and she is 79. First year is really difficult for all of us, but after that we all learnt to live with it, including my mother. She always keeps her occupied with meritorious, religious work. We all supported her.

  6. As a hospice RN in the US. Like some have said below, I can tell you there are a lot of young people in their 40s with terminal cancers. They tried everything, cancer centers etc. But their battles are hard because their young and otherwise healthy if not for the cancer. Without the details, its hard to see which way catherine or charles cancer will go. Time will tell. I wish them well, cancer is a serious disease and one of hospice largest clients. If they get in remission, and stay free of cancer for over 5 years, their chances of it not returning is high. Cancer usually returns more agressive, and metastasized causing high mortality 5 years later.

  7. The Sun thank you on the handling of this sad diagnosis which Princess Catherine spoke about to the public, but please no more medical people on here talking about it, give Catherine the peace and privacy she again asked for as she goes through her treatment



  10. Good report! I am an occupational therapist specializing in pediatric oncology. Hope and Optimism are so important. Thankfully Princess Catherine has a wonderful family! 💝

  11. SUN, at least you should be decent enough to call her by her name! She deserves more than that but it would be at least something! You embarrass yourself in the world!

  12. Catherine PoW sat on that bench bearing details of her medical condition. She asked again for privacy, why can't this be honored? Did you not hear what your future Queen asked for? Do you not see the comments in the comment section of your videos? Why can't you show the same grace & decency that she showed while sitting on that bench?

  13. For decades, the MSM has been the Lap Dog of the RF as the identity of the RF hinges on what seems like 24/7 Sensationalism with no expense spared. When I saw the Photoshopping narrative, I knew something wasn’t right. Why would the MSM hang their precious RF out to dry allowing people to speculate on the families’ integrity? It became immediately clear as soon as Middleton released her video (with the aid of the MSM of course). The MSM had bated the public into gossip, fuelling the so called “Conspiracy theories” with a softball and non-circumstantial attack on the RF. This was purposefully allowed to stew for many days. At a flip of a switch, the MSM then pivoted with their prepped video of Middleton to re galvanise positive public opinion for the RF to an even greater degree whilst repetition of narratives such as “Trolls” and “Conspiracy theories” drove shame deep into the publics’ Psyche. This is overt Trauma Based Mind Control, an age old PSYOP technique which uses emotion and suggestive language to solidify behavioural change within the social sphere. Did we not learn our lesson from 2020? “Save a Granny”? “Act like you have it”? Do you remember? We know now, this was all lies to get the solution the MSM and Establishment wanted with the “V”. This time, the solution is Censorship and a pre-emptive move to protect the RF from future scrutiny. The Cabal is falling and the only way to maintain their relevance is by re shaping our perception of them. The tact of the MSM clearly shows that they are in panic mode. Oh and BTW, Epstein didn’t kill himself.

  14. I don't think it's bad luck that they have so much illness in the Fam. They have been under enormous stress trying to do their best in front of the world stage, while being brutally attacked by Harry and Meghan. It's well known that your body is less able to fight disease when under stress, and they have been under a lot!

  15. we all feel for Kate and her kids, thank God she gets the best treatment.

    Emagin how many mothers in Gaza suffering from cancer and unable to receive any treatment not even getting pain killers.

    Humanity is indivisible.

  16. I have to say I am very impressed with how The Sun is covering this awfully sad situation. I thought The Sun was just a rag mag but their youtube videos are interesting and informative and not tacky. No conspiracy theories nonsense.

  17. She has accomplished more during her 42 years than most people could ever dream of doing in 100 years. Her passing will not be in vain, her legacy will be eternal and serve to inspire countless others. May God bless and protect her soul.

  18. This doctor’s comments are naive. Cancer doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t matter whether we have strong family connections or how old we are when it occurs. We all know people much younger than 42 who have succumbed to this disease. Yet people much older can survive without strong family connections as the doctor suggests. Cancer doesn’t give one damn. And that’s why it’s very frightening. We have very little control.

  19. I cared for my grandfather, father and husband through cancer. Thankfully chemo gave me extra precious time to spend with these wonderful gentlemen. Sadly chemo leaves its mark. No one is the same after it naturally. Though, from the bottom of my heart I wish Catherine a healthy recovery. She,s a wonderful woman and it was heart breaking watching her discuss her illness.

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