Iran protests: Evidence suggests Nika Shakarami molested and killed by armed forces | BBC News

to Iran next a teenager found dead
during high-profile anti-government
protests in the country was sexually
assaulted and killed by undercover
agents working for the security forces
that’s according to a leaked document
contained by the BBC World Service
investigation team nikar Shakari was 16
when she disappeared in September 2022
after telling a friend that police were
chasing her her family found her body N9
days later the authorities denied
involvement in her death claiming she
took her own life but what appears to be
a classified report by Iran’s
revolutionary guards reveals the
teenager was beaten to death by the
agents who detained her re canari from
bbci investigations has this report a
warning you may find the details
distressing this is the moment an
ordinary teenage girl became an Iranian
icon Nika Shakari is burning the hijab
as part of the women life Freedom
Movement that swept Iran in September
2022 9 days later her mother found her
dead at the time the Iranian government
claimed that NAA had killed herself but
bbci investigations has obtained a
document telling a very different story
it appears to be a classified report
from the Islamic revolutionary guard
Corp or irgc part of Iran’s Security
Forces we’ve translated it into English
and it summarizes a secret hearing on
case according to the document na was
hunted down and arrested by team 12 one
of many undercover units at the protest
she was put in the back of their vehicle
an unmarked freezer truck with her hands
bound the report includes the direct
testimony of Team 12 explaining what
happened next
Arash gagged her mouth with his
socks and saw s was sitting on her with
his hands in her
pants she kicked at my face so I had to
myself I could hear the sound of the
bton hitting
her is she breathing I think it was beus
who answered no she’s
dead we crosschecked the documents
contents with geolocated videos from the
protest Na’s death
certificate and her mother’s
testimony her face and cheekbones were
broken her teeth were knocked out and
the back of her head had been hit so
hard it caved in that’s what killed her
the damage to her
head we also showed the document to
multiple experts and overall despite a
few inconsistencies they said it looks
one expert agreed to test the report’s
ID number with his own sources inside
irgc this report is a small part of a
322 page case File the report number is
from a Judicial investigation about the
rioter in 2022 they confirmed
this is there any way that document
could be a fake no it’s nothing it’s
original and we accepted that
the document also reveals the hearing’s
conclusion that sexual assault caused
the fight in the rare compartment and
that strikes from Team 12 caused the
death of Nika
Shakari none of Team 12 received any
punishment for her death we put our
allegations to the irgc and the
government of Iran they did not respond
Raha kanara BBC News

An Iranian teenager was sexually assaulted and killed by three men working for Iran’s security forces, a leaked document seen by BBC Eye Investigations says.

16-year-old Nika Shakarami disappeared during an anti-regime protest in 2022.

The Woman, Life, Freedom movement had been sparked just days earlier by the death of a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini.

Nika’s body was found nine days after she disappeared. The government claimed she killed herself.

The BBC put the report’s allegations to Iran’s government and its Revolutionary Guards. They did not respond.

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#Iran #MahsaAmini #BBCNews

  1. I DONT understand why people speak so bad of Islam 😅
    Here is an example why they are called the most ,, peaceful ""

    suRAh 9:5, “When the forbidden (4) months of Islamic calendar have passed, then fight the polytheistic wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and prepare for them each, and every ambush. But if they repent, offer prayers perfectly, and give obligatory charity, then leave their way free. Surely Allah is forgiving merciful.

    Enough said – I will leave that here and will come back later to see how many shots was fired my way by this peaceful nation. I think Hubaal forgot about his people 🤔

  2. It has nothing to do with religion. In Iran, almost all women walk around with their heads half uncovered. Jina Amini and Nika were murdered because they were Kurdish. This is not the first time it happened 10 years ago, 50 years ago, and 100 years ago.This is how they massacred our people. Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, 3 million of our people were massacred in the last century, but the West and these States talked about the incident as a women's issue as a religion, not a Kurdish issue. They wanted to destroy the connection with Kurdishness, but our people in Dersim, Zilan, Maraş, Halabja, Anfal, Qamışlo, Amude, Şirin, Mahabad, Laçin and Karabakh were massacred because they were Kurds. 40 million of our people were assimilated, 10 million of our people were forcibly emigrated, so what happened? Kurds became refugees in their own homeland and think that they were massacred not because they were Kurds but because of religion etc.

  3. When i read the details of this horrific crime against this child, I literally wanted to throw up! What a cruel, Mafia regime Iran is under!


  4. What religion are the people who ethnically cleanses Muslim rohingya in Burma egged on by monks? What's the religion of the African villages who torture and kill people accused of witchcraft? What is the religion of the majority population of India who regularly lynches Muslims because they want their religion to have control over their nation?

    This is a regime maintaining control over a population, and sexist oppression. Don't believe the text which they use as an excuse is unique. Fundamentalism is the problem.

  5. Dear British, everybody in the world knows that the death of Mahsa Amini was orchestrated by the British to change the regime in Iran. As usual, the British failed and their attempt did not work. Nika's story is almost two years old and the BBC tried to revive that story to start another uprising in Iran, keeping the story on the BBC website for another year(like what BBC did with Mahsa Amini's death), giving her mother a prize, Noble peace commitee give a Nobel prize for 2024 to her mother, blah, blah, blah.
    This won't change anything and now the British are the target of the Islamic Republic of Iran as Israel was a few weeks ago. Brace yourself!!!!

    British, Change your tactics; that's all old hat.

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