Harry Potter Castle Struck In Russian Missile Attack + More | Russian Invasion

five people are dead another 23 injured
and hospitalized after a Russian missile
attack on Ukraine’s Southern Port of
Odessa the former International humani
University’s reception house also known
as Harry Potter’s castle was damaged in
the strike it’s the residence of
prominent former MP Siri kov who is
among the wounded it houses the Odessa
Law Academy run by Mr kilov Russia has
not commented on the air strike but
firmly maintains it was targeted
military and Military linked sites
only meanwhile United Nations sanctions
monitors say de briis from a missile
that landed in the Ukrainian city of H
on January 2nd was from a North Korean
wasung 11 series ballistic missile in a
32 page report presented to the security
Council committee the UN sanctions
monitors concluded the attack was in
violation of the arms embargo on North
Korea North Korea has been under un
sanctions for its ballistic missile and
nuclear program since 2006 those
measures have been strengthened over the
years three sanctions monitors traveled
to Ukraine earlier this month to inspect
the debris and found no evidence that
the missile was made by Russia they
could not independently ident identify
from where the missile was launched nor
by whom the Russian and North Korea
missions to the UN in New York did not
comment uh to a request for comment on
the monitors
report our NATO Secretary General Yen
stoltenberg has praised Ukrainian
president vadir zilinski for his
leadership and bravery of Ukrainian
forces and people but acknowledged that
leadership and bravery alone cannot
repel Russian forces in the country he
acknowledged Ukraine has been outgunned
for months while fewer Russian missiles
and drones have been shot down ukra and
president announced on Monday his
country will join NATO after defeating
Russia’s full scale Invasion a meeting
held in keev where stoltenberg came to
visit and I have been clear that if
allies face a choice between meeting
NATO cap targets or supporting Ukraine
they should support Ukraine to replenish
our stocks we need to produce more so I
welcome that allies are stepping up
defense production and also working to
produce together with Ukraine well I
really believe that Ukraine’s rightful
place is in NATO and therefore I’m
working hard to ensure uh that Ukraine
um will become a member of this Alliance
uh uh to have that decision we need all
allies to agree we need consensus we
need not a majority but actually 32
allies to
agree um and uh I don’t expect that we
will have that agreement by The Summit
in July but I really hope that we can uh
demonstrate that uh we are moving uh
Ukraine closer to membership and that
the day uh will arrive as soon as
possible for us to have Ukraine as a
full member NATO allies have not
delivered what they promised the United
States spent months uh not agreeing a
package for Ukraine and European allies
uh have not delivered uh the amount of
ammunition they
promised and this had had serious
consequences on the battlefield the lack
of ammunition has enabled the Russians
to push forward along the front line
lack of air defense has made it possible
for more Russian missiles to hit their
targets and the lack of deep uh strike
capabilities has made it possible for
the Russians to concentrate more forces
and we see the consequences of that now
biggest risk is if President Putin
prevails and if President Putin wins and
the biggest cost is if Russia wins in
Ukraine because then we speak about
enormously uh much bigger amounts of
money a much bigger amount of money that
NATO has had to to invest in our
security so supporting Ukraine is the
best way to ensure our own security and
that’s the message of NATO
allies joining us now is the V Anna
trova she’s in ke Anna great to see you
and the native Secretary General and
sorry Secretary General Yen stoltenberg
was in ke yesterday and I just was
commenting to my colleague here that ke
does look relatively safe I mean for Yan
Stenberg and president zalinsky to be
outside out in the fresh air uh the
spring weather just enjoying it and then
speaking to the press it must be
relatively safe
there good evening well uh you know some
experts actually say that ke is
currently the safest capital in the
world which is you know positive and
negative of course because uh the level
of danger for ke is probably also the
biggest if we consider uh other other
states well except of some of the states
but uh but it’s definitely among the to
in the top of the least
so yeah K is relatively safe of course
when Ukraine has enough air defense
missiles because uh when ke is attacked
usually um Russian forces use uh
Hypersonic and ballistic missiles and U
uh these kind of missiles are only
possible to uh to heat uh with uh with
specific uh with specific equipment with
Patriot systems and uh yeah and of
course ke has the systems u in action uh
but uh as we can see for the past uh
with the past attacks some missiles were
more difficult to hit because and uh if
we’re talking about the latest biggest
uh attack on ke and outskirts of ke when
uh the termal uh station was um was
destroyed uh ke even then ke did not
have enough missiles to to fight uh and
to destroy all all of the missiles which
Russia launched so relatively safe uh at
this point if we’re talking about the
fact that well the eight package is
coming and we know that a lot uh a lot
of um ammunition for air defenses coming
within this package then yeah we can say
that ke is quite safe and especially ke
is safe when there is no air raid alarm
and uh it was no alarm yesterday when
when Mr Stenberg was in ke yes and I
noticed that for uh most of the
high-profile visits except just a few of
them you know where there were attacks
on keev as they visited president vad
zeneski but but back to Yen
stoltenberg’s visit and what he said at
that press briefing it says it’s not too
late for Ukraine to join NATO um more
support is on the way does it seem like
that to Ukraine um this support it’s
receiving from NATO the possibility of a
membership well it’s complicated
question at this point because of course
Ukraine uh aims to join NATO and Ukraine
um and there is understanding uh both
within the Society and also among
experts that probably Ukraine after the
war ends Ukraine will be one of the most
experienced country uh in the modern
world with such scale of War because uh
well after the World War I um the world
did not experience this such scale of
War on the territory of Europe and uh
everyone understands that definitely
this would be a great asset for NATO uh
at the same time uh Ukrainian uh
military system which was quite
different from NATO system uh before the
the start of the fullscale
invasion especially uh it is changing
because Ukraine has just no other
options Ukraine is receiving uh support
and ammunition from the allies and
Ukraine needs to change in internal
system uh within the armed forces in
order to be able to uh use this kind of
weapons and uh also the training is
undergoing in order for Ukrainian
soldiers to be able and to have enough
knowledge and training to use a certain
kind of equipment ammunition so uh this
is changing in internalist and as
president zansky actually mentioned that
uh when time comes and um there is a
belief that uh when war ends Ukraine
will have much greater chances to join
NATO than while the war is still ongoing
uh of course then as president zinsky
said Ukraine will be experienced enough
and Ukrainian military system internal
military system will be appropriate for
NATO which is definitely uh the case and
uh it looks like Ukraine uh is uh aiming
to you know to change internally um well
as fast as possible because there is as
I said there’s no other option uh but
also there is understanding uh that
while the war is still ongoing uh the
chances are really low that NATO members
will uh well will approve such
so but I think that this you know hope
and this goal uh which is quite clear
for Ukraine uh in terms of NATO
membership and uh in terms of the you
know in terms of the things that Ukraine
has to do to gain this membership I
think that this brings hope and uh
brings you know this kind
of well internal um you know coming
together uh with especially within the
within the military because uh people
understand that uh if everything is
going uh good for Ukraine in terms of uh
you know towards the Victory and in
terms of uh of the end of this war then
there are great chance chance
ahead I I do understand the the you know
complications and how complex the
situation is um be and even for the
other NATO allies uh which are
supporting Ukraine at the moment we
talking about the US and the UK
supplying Ukraine uh with the necessary
weapons and with the necessary support
for NATO membership could be devastating
for these countries as Russia has
promised to attack them if that
eventually happen but we’re talking
about um NATO membership at the end of
the war that’s still very uncertain Anna
realistically when is the Ukrainian
President Vladimir zelinski really
looking at a NATO
membership I agree and also there is a
big question what should it be the end
of the war because uh many people many
like within within Ukraine uh experts uh
allies uh this question is discussed uh
and uh everyone has you know different
opinions on how the victory or the end
of the war should look like because it
is a very you
know well for some people it’s difficult
to difficult to realize that uh that for
instance Ukraine will get all the
territories back or for some some people
believe that this could happen some
people believe that this is not the case
and discuss a possibility that Ukraine
will join NATO with those territories
that would be left so it is extremely
complicated question and I think that uh
we well we better discuss it uh you know
at the point when at least there is
understanding of what possible end of
the war could be because at this point
there is you know as you correctly said
there is there there is no understanding
and uh and if this will happen and when
most of people and most of experts
believe that eventually this will happen
this the war will end but uh again uh
what would be the territory of Ukraine
at that point what would be the you know
the uh the final uh DEC the negotiation
what negotiation would bring to what
would be the uh the agreement and so on
and so forth so there are a lot of a lot
of things to be considered and um you
know uh
what I can say like within Ukraine
inside of Ukraine there is a belief that
it will be a certain shape of agreement
and a c c certain shape of Ukraine that
will definitely be left uh under
Ukrainian governance as independent
state and apparently and this would be
probably considered as a country to join
NATO at least this is what discussed but
of course we cannot say at this point
for sure and uh
we don’t definitely don’t know what is
discussed be behind the closed doors and
we definitely don’t know what are the
additional options because you know when
certain agreement is coming well is
happening for instance for instance uh
then we will probably hear much more
options from different parties than than
we can discuss right
now yes Anna and it is very likely that
uh the map current map of Ukraine could
change at the end of the war that is
realistic um but look moving forward I
mean with this NATO membership does
Ukraine foresee a NATO membership
Russia um well yes I think that Ukraine
uh Ukrainian position here that uh
Ukraine will not I mean Ukraine will
consider NATO as the only option to uh
to to have a chance for peace in the
future and uh this is what also
president zki mentioned that if Ukraine
would have been in the um the member of
the alliance then uh this war would
never happen and this is actually a
believe of a lot of people here in
Ukraine uh and uh again a lot of experts
are talking about it that uh well Russia
Russia’s you know communication at least
um you know this
um external communic ation and external
messages that Russian officials are are
saying uh they often are different from
what is really happening and in Ukraine
there there is a belief that uh the only
option for the country which will remain
on the map so as you said the the
current um the current shape of Ukraine
could change but uh what will be left
and what would would be left as an
independ independent state the only
option for for long-term peace would be
the membership in the alliance otherwise
Russia will just come back
with with a large scale War um in the
upcoming years when it is more prepared
so this is uh probably yeah this is
probably the main point of why Ukraine
is so certain that uh it will be aiming
NATO despite anything how is Ukraine
reacting to news of the North Korean
missile The Struck har earlier this
year well um first of all this
is Ukraine is com Ukrainian officials
commenting on this as a as a breakage of
of of law of the wartime law and of the
UN sanctions uh of course Ukraine is um
Ukrainian officials are uh highlighting
the point to the to the to the allies
and to the rest of the world that uh
ukra that Russia and North Korea are
cooperating and this is not well and
this is something that uh um that should
be the other countries should react to
this uh and as we’ve heard from the US
officials that uh Ukraine Ukraine
already received a certain amount of
attack uh missiles which was actually a
response to the North Korean uh missile
used by Russia and uh I think that this
is uh this is just you know another
confirmation that Russian Russia would
use whatever they can H to you know to
um to attack Ukraine and that allies
basically uh also can uh can react with
more ammunition Supply and uh you know
long range missiles as well because this
is what was discussed for quite a long
time in some count count are still
hesitating if they should send long
range missiles to Ukraine so uh Ukraine
well it just once again and the
Ukrainian authorities are sure that this
will continue that Russia will will be
continuing to use uh North Korean
missiles because this is something that
uh the same as Iranian drones which are
used every day so this is something that
uh that is you know not a surprise
anymore it just another uh confirmation
that Russian Russia and North Korea are
cooperating in the military
area Anna thanks again for your
reporting and do stay safe in
ke thank you

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