Russia shows off Western military hardware captured in war in Ukraine | BBC News

Russia has put on display Western
military hardware its troops have
captured in Ukraine it includes British
army vehicles as well as tanks from the
US and Germany our Russia editor Steve
Rosenberg has been to look at them well
I’m in moscow’s Victory Park a World War
II Memorial complex but this has got
nothing at all to do with the second
world war and everything to do with
Russia’s War now in Ukraine this is
Western military hardware that Russia
has captured in Ukraine and today the
Russian military is putting its War
trophies on display and letting the
Russian public in to take a look so for
example there is this this British Army
husky tactical support vehicle as you
can see its windscreen has been shot up
and just across the way there are tanks
as well there’s a German tank a leopard
tank and an American abrs as you can see
the place is absolutely packed and all
of this Hardware clearly making an
impression on the Russian public
it’s incredible jawdropping it’s amazing
to think our guys managed to get these
trophies so why has all of this been put
on display well I think the authorities
here have two main aims the first is to
reinforce the kremlin’s narrative that
in Ukraine NATO and the West in general
is waging a war against Russia even
though in reality it was Russia that
launched a fullscale invasion of Ukraine
but there is also a big element of
gloating here the Russians are
increasingly confident about the way the
war is going in Ukraine and their main
message is written on a sign over there
and it reads our Victory is
inevitable Steve Rosenberg BBC News

Russia is showcasing Western arms captured in Ukraine to coincide with its Victory Day celebrations, commemorating the end of the Second World War.

The month-long exhibit in the capital, Moscow, features vehicles from 12 different countries and Nato equipment.

Russia said it is a demonstration of their power and success in Ukraine.

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  1. Funny, Putin doesn't want to show off the 1000s of tanks and armoured vehicles of his that Western and Ukrainian weapons have blown up! The audience may have a different opinion if they were shown the truth.

  2. Мы ждем Ф-16 если будет целым то будет новый экземпляр техники. Места в Москве еще много

  3. Аристовича не видели он обещал на абрамсе первым в Москву въехать ?

  4. Смотрите западные вояки и усваивайте очередной урок Истинной Истории, от Владимира Владимировича ПУТИНА, уже на своей шкурке!
    Ваши деды, прадеды и прапрадеды, свой урок тоже на своих шкуренках прошли, только вот, не передали видимо своим потомкам совсем ничего!!!
    «Идите и скажите всем в чужих краях, что Русь жива. Пусть без страха жалуют к нам в гости. Но если кто с мечом к нам придёт, от меча и погибнет. На том стоит и стоять будет Русская земля!».

  5. BBC should show it to its PM, politicians and policy makers that how much failure they are , making Ukraine a scape-goat , fight with Russia. BBC, U are a damn fake news chn. !!!!! .

  6. The funny thing is, all the vehicles are for display and not repaired for use against the west…in other words the Russians haven't a damn clue how to fix them!! 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Wow, that's sooooo trailer park. Parading around western weapons is like saying you're so impressed by western tech it actually shows how terrified of western tech they are. Especially when Russian families are asking where their sons bodies are and they drag garbage back to Russia 😂. It's like the scene in "the God's must be crazy" when the villagers are impressed by a Coke bottle dropped by the "gods".

  8. this is the america and nato put the military bases and nuclear missiles all over close to russian border……why america is not fought the war on his own land….what is the problem….i do not understand…..remember the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS…..please search and you will got all answers….LONG IN SHORT….

  9. The West's weakness is that aid to Ukraine is being delayed. Why is Ukraine not given arms aid so that Ukraine can strike back and drive the Russians back to Russia? Russia can use missiles to attack the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, but Ukraine will not be given weapons with which it could similarly attack Moscow or St. Petersburg. Western support is cowardly. The West should give help so that the Ukrainian people do not experience genocide.

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