Une expérience à l’étranger peut-elle ramener les jeunes vers l’emploi ?

the trip to Italy showed me that the
life is very short and I really um have
to do something out of that
I got to know many new Italian friends
and getting to know a new language and I
also worked there in a hotel and learned
at my work many things now I feel more
free more confident so it opened my eyes
and my perspectives about other
things my dream career is to become a
doctor someday it’s not easy like to go
and study medicine every everywhere you
need like exams so yeah I still have to
clear that out and to start my
career we are trying to empower them to
motivate them into achieving what they
don’t even know they can achieve they
get to be on their own feet for the
first time they organize their their own
schedule their own um money their budget
um so they become more independent and
they believe in
themselves we help them look for jobs
work on their presentations and
everything and they get to see the
result results from uh the last group of
people that we had more than 50% have
found work or uh school or education
been for
what are the consequences of being
classed as a need for an individual and
for society yeah so a status as need is
is related with a whole uh range of
social problems so need are much more
likely to be poor much more likely to
live a life in relative social exclusion
much less likely to transition to the
labor market later on for society the
total cost in terms of uh missed labor
productivity uh the cost of social
programs U but also the cause of trying
to regulate crime and so forth uh are
huge so they amount to about 142 billion
uh a year can having an experience
living and working abroad lead to a
lasting change these types of skills and
these types of experiences can signal
that you are able to perform a number of
uh that could be very much in demand so
they can definitely work but the most
vulnerable ones the low skilled ones
here they do not work and that requires
a completely different uh approach do
you have any countries uh policies that
can serve as model in your research
Germany has a very well functioning
vocational education system we see here
that the school to work transition there
actually works uh works very well now
the issue is that you cannot just take
an education system from one country and
implement it into another country you
have completely different cultural
settings that makes it kind of difficult
to export what steps uh governments and
educational institution should take to
help young people and needs transition
from education to work yeah so if
there’s one thing that we know predicts
a status as a vulnerable need then it’s
early School leaving so invest in your
education system invest in keeping
people on board and invest in programs
that teach children skills that are in
demand on the labor market and then
focus on the children who are most
vulnerable put them front and center
thank you Professor you’re welcome

Le projet ALMA, lancé par l’Union européenne en 2022, propose des séjours à l’étranger aux jeunes éloignés de l’emploi. Nous avons rencontré deux jeunes femmes allemandes, Hatice et Jasmin, qui ont récemment participé à cette initiative.

En partenariat avec The European Commission

LIRE L’ARTICLE : https://fr.euronews.com/2024/05/01/une-experience-a-letranger-peut-elle-ramener-les-jeunes-vers-lemploi

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1 comment
  1. Ce qui peut ramener l'emploie c'est les perspectives. Arrêtez d'injecter de l'argent dans les guerres et les faux vaccins pour commencer. Fouttez en taule tout les politicoPourris.

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