Turkey halts trade with Israel over ‘humanitarian tragedy’ in Gaza | BBC News

turkey says it has suspended all trade with Israel citing the worsening humanitarian situation in the Palestinian territory anchor said all imports and exports would be suspended until the Israeli government allowed an uninterrupted and sufficient flow of Aid the trade between the two countries was worth almost $7 billion last year Israel’s foreign minister Israel Katz accused turkey’s president Reep typ erdogan of behaving like a dictator adding that turkey would lose well Gaza the United Nations claims Aid lores have been regularly blocked on a road leading to a key Israeli checkpoint it says these delays are hindering humanitarian efforts although Israel says it is doing everything necessary to facilitate Aid well BBC verifies Jake Horton has been looking at the evidence people in Northern Gaza facing imminent famine and humanitarian groups say more food is urgently needed the majority of Aid comes over land on Lor it’s collected from Southern Gaza and taken North how quickly these lorries able to travel through Gaza is crucial Israel says it’s doing everything necessary to make that process as smooth as possible but the UN says big qes at Key Israeli checkpoint inside Gaza are repeatedly hindering its efforts the checkpoint is here on Salah Aline Road a key route for Aid South to North we’ve been investigating reports of blockages here over the past month exclusive satellite images obtained by booy verify show a bottleneck of lorries just north of that checkpoint in this photo you can on from the 15th of April you can see dozens of lores we’ve counted more than 70 in a kilometer long queue the UN says the blockage built up over three days and almost half of the fleet used to deliver Aid was stuck at its peak the UN has previously sent us these images from on the ground you can see a line of empty lorries pulled up on the side of the road we’ve located these to the same stretch of road on Salah Aline similar blockages have happened before according to the UN and we found satellite images that confirm this like this incident in early April where you can see dozens of trucks waiting north of the checkpoint we asked the Israeli authorities about these reported delays but we haven’t heard back is Israel has previously accused the UN of being too slow to distribute Aid in this tweet posted on the 11th of April by Kat the Israeli that oversees humanitarian efforts they said there was sufficient aid for 600 lorries waiting to be picked up and that the bottlenecks aren’t on the Israeli side a week later in another tweet Kat said the Aida built up further urging the UN to do its job the UN says their work in Gaza is often restricted by Israeli rules Israel now says it’s a reopen the main Aid Crossing into the north but as people there Edge closer to famine the UN says better coop operation is needed from all sides to distribute supplies properly within Gaza yeah Jake Horton there with me now is say shahata from BBC Arabic s all of this underlines the need for a truce so how are those talks going there is no talks right now uh the latest is Mr Han Hanya the chief of the political Bureau of Hamas talk with the Qatari prime minister yesterday and talk with the head of intelligence of Egypt Abbas camel and they talk about sending a new delegation uh from Hamas to negotiate about a truce they was suppos Hamas to respond to a proposal from Israel on Monday but they didn’t on Wednesday they didn’t so it looks there is a problem because Hamas and Israel they have a big gap between them Hamas condition the withdrawal of the Israeli force from Gaza they want to Perman ceas Perman ceas fire but Israel is saying you know after the release of some hostages return of some prisoners uh will be uh kind of a truth for 40 days where there will be no hostilities or no like fighting and they call in the next second stage of like sustainable period of calm instead of using permanent ceasefire so is a gap between them in addition to that you know Mr Netanyahu insisting on launching a ground offensive uh in Rafa so and this even in spite of the warning from United States from the Palestinian from other United Nations organization because would be the catastrophic effect on the civilians where there’s more than one one million people live in far in in Rafa most of them are displaced from the north and other plac in Gaza you think all of this would put pressure on both sides to to reach an agreement is it just that their their demands are too far apart because even America is is is putting a lot of pressure on on both sides Americans they trying to put they saying you know Mr blinkin and Mr Biden saying the now Hamas turn to accept what is Mr blinkin said a strong proposal from Israel but in Hamas opening is not because their condition is not are not compromised according to them so they insist on the withdrawal and the return of the displaced people from the South to the north and this will affecting you know like the situation inside Gaza so the picture you’re painting is the sides are very far apart at the moment um the longer this goes on it’s bad news for both sides and our BBC colleagues are reporting alarm in Israel Over possible legal action over Gaza this interesting report on the BBC website saying that the international criminal court is potentially planning to seek arrest warrants for military and political leaders on suspicions of war crimes including prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu he could be among those it’s not a good news for Israel because there is some isolation for Israel International era there is like demonstration in America there’s demonstration other places there is a case by South Africa against israelian I the international uh court of justice and now seeking arrest warranties against Mr Netanyahu and other top leaders from uh the Army and the politician is not a good news and even Mr Netanyahu and this shows like his concerned about that he said like he accused the IC of attempting to paralyze the ability of Israel to defend itself so he accusing them but the IC looking at that after Mr Kim Khan the chief prosecutor of the IC looking into the cas he visited Israel didn’t he and the occupied West Bank last December and this this is coming off the back of that yeah he visit and he condemned the violence against civilian on both sides not only on the Hamas you know G side but also what the Hamas done in Israel so he condemned both sides and he promised to to investigate that and part of that is the maybe plan of arrest warranties against Mr potentially I should Netanyahu has called the prospect of senior Israeli figures joining The Wanted list as an outrage of historic proportions accusing the ICC of attempting to paralyze Israel’s ability to defend itself Sayed as always thank you very much

Turkey has suspended all trade with Israel over its offensive in Gaza, citing the “worsening humanitarian tragedy” in the strip.

The measures would be in place until Israel allowed an “uninterrupted and sufficient flow” of aid into Gaza, the Turkish trade ministry said.

A UN-backed assessment said last month that 1.1 million people were facing catastrophic hunger and that famine was imminent in northern Gaza by May.

Israel launched a military campaign in Gaza to destroy Hamas in response to the group’s attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 253 others were taken hostage.

More than 34,500 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory’s Hamas-run health ministry.

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  1. Why does the United Nations + NATO exist? Why do wars + genocides occur in the world? The United Nations + NATO serves no purpose other than protecting the wealth and interests of a group of global companies.

  2. Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
    "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." – Voltaire
    Anti-GENOCIDE is not anti-semitic, nor is it pro Hamas.

  3. This will hit I$$rael hard as all the oil I$$rael imports is from Azerbijan via Turkiyeh and the Arab countries and Iran will not sell oil to I$rael which leaves only Russia which I$rael can’t import from because of the US sanctions. CHECKMATE!!

  4. This step had to be taken after MOSSAD's activities in Turkey. Israel underestimates us Turks. We have seen many bullies like them in this geography. We will speak in a language they understand.

  5. How Rich!!!! The Ottomans were the very first to betray and marginalize the "Palestinians" which is exactly why the selfsame "Arabs" ran screaming to The Crown for support who founded Mandatory Palestine for them….The Irony and Ignorance is astounding

  6. the statement where israel says "it is doing everything it can to facilitate aid" , is this the same statement they were saying before biden threatened them they might change policy and suddenly they allowed a extra 70-100 trucks of aid in? "doing everything they can" or is this something else? πŸ™

  7. Palestinian deaths = 34622
    The deaths of immigrants (according to the collection of war reports) = 11700
    The settlers and their supporters are very, very weak in ground combat, and this 3-to-1 ratio may be reversed and even more.😒

  8. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯οΈπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  9. WHY THE FUCK THE ONLY PHRASE BETWEEN QUOTATIONS IS " HUMANITARIAN TRAGEDY " ?????? its a FACT, not something that's up to "debate" or "opinion"

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