Putin is furious: Ukraine dealt the biggest blow to the Russian army with a surprise single shot!

[Music] the welcome to Oracle eyes Ukrainian forces have recently dealt critical blows to the Russian military both physiologically and psychologically the Ukrainian Army has destroyed critical targets including Russian military bases and airfields in the Crimea marup and kador regions severely reducing the Russian military’s combat capability last day Ukrainian missile units used atacms to blow up the main Russian headquarters in marup eliminating more than 30 senior Russian commanders in a single blow and this week’s destruction of three major Russian military bases and air bases in Crimea as well as air bases and military installations in crador and Russian training camps in luhans dealt the Russian military the most severe blow the week was marked by the magnitude of the losses at the Russian military base in marup as Russian soldiers lost faith in the kremlin’s war policies Ukraine’s missile attack on the major Russian headquarters in marup the day before which killed dozens of senior Russian officials has driven Russia into panic mode the missile attack on the important Russian headquarters in marup killed around 30 officers and came after US military Aid and a secret shipment of atmas making it Ukraine’s most devastating blow to the Russian military significant new information about the Ukrainian Army’s successful operation have surfaced last night Ukrainian forces used special missiles to strike the major Russian military installation in marup the operation was extremely costly for the Russian army and caused concern in the Kremlin according to Russian media Igor kovski counselor to the Putin appointed Don Governor stated that the Ukrainian military’s employment of attacment may be demonstrated by the distance to the line of contact the distance to the line of contact readily demonstrates that on Wednesday night our air defense systems fired down ATMs missiles near marup according to kovski Russian air defense and Aviation systems intercepted 10 atcm missiles in the last 2 weeks according to the Russian defense Ministry it further stated that six Storm Shadow missiles five Hammer bombs and 1,278 Ukrainian drones were shot down despite Russian assertions that they had hit everything in marup Petro andreus chenko the mayor’s adviser said that the Ukrainian Defense Forces had effectively launched strikes against the Russian army base in the village of babak tarama according to Andre usenko at least 10 attacks on the base were reported and 20 Russian soldiers stationed there were killed andreus chenko there are at least 10 hits the death toll has now reached 20 and the total number of wounded is at least 35 all of whom are officers soldiers were not stationed there following claims made by people in babak Tama about the use of atacas andreos chenko stated babak Tama Maru pole region confirmation from the other side as said a tacas he sent a mail with the lovely sent Ukraine has been waiting for attac Miss missiles from the United States for quite some time however US President Joe Biden did not insist on deploying them because to concerns that Ukraine would initiate attacks on Russian territory however it appears that the US has surreptitiously deployed aacm missiles to Ukraine and they are being employed on the front lines according to a senior Us official the US secretly handed a new longrange missile system to Ukraine last week and Ukrainian forces promptly utilize the weapons to strike a Russian military Airbase in cria last Wednesday and Russian troops in the country Southeast on Tuesday the US had already provided Ukraine with a variant of the Army tactical missile system known as AAC Ms which is equipped with wide area cluster Munitions capable of traveling up to 160 km however Ukraine has long desired a longer range version of the device with a range of approximately 300 km this might extend deeper into occupied Ukrainian territory including Crimea The Hub of Russian air and ground forces and cut off moscow’s lines of communication with its forces in the southeast of the country last night Ukraine fired longrange missiles toward Russian forces in the port city of berdiansk on the sea of azof according to a senior Us official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss operational operations last wedness day ukrainians social media sites reported enormous fires and explosions at a military air strip in janco Crimea which a senior Administration officials said was also a longrange aachman Target in a speech that evening President Vladimir zalinski hailed Ukraine’s senior Commander General Alexander cersi but made no mention of the attack in a significant strategic shift President Biden secretly approved in mid-February the decision to deliver more than 100 longrange missiles and other types of cluster Munitions according to a senior Us official they were part of a $300 million armaments shipment to Ukraine in March the country’s first major Aid package since funding expired in late December to avoid alerting the Russians Administration officials kept the shipment a secret previously when the US gave Ukraine with long-range weapons the ukrainians caused significant damage on Russian soldiers however the Russians withdrew their personnel and weapon stores from weapons range until Ukraine could employ a newly donated longer range system the longer range atacms were among the final significant Weapons Systems Kiev desired and the United States was hesitant to provide them President Biden and his closest advisers have waved their objections to donating the long-range missiles for a variety of reasons according to the official the military decided to keep more missiles rather than sell them to other countries which allevi created Pentagon fears about missile shortages Russia’s increased deployment of ballistic missiles and Strikes on critical infrastructure have fueled Ukraine’s need for weapons capable of countering these threats as a result the 60.8 billion dollars in Aid to Ukraine approved by President Biden last week contained longer range weapons while parliamentarians and president zilinski hailed the provision of military aid including the new missiles they made no mention of the fact that Ukraine has previously received and utilized a limited quantity of weapons likely to conceal their use from Russia the first attack with the new missiles had a violent outcome residents posted videos online last Wednesday depicting burning in the wake of the attack 4 hours after the strike the Crimean wind Group which monitors local social media posts and sites residents reported that ammunition was still bursting and windows and Residences near the airport were were shattered later the Ukrainian general staff published video of the missile strike which Ukrainian security sources claimed was successful the footage clearly showed four S400 surfac to- a missile systems three radar stations an air defense command post and a fundament m Air Defense command and control system being targeted senior defense officials claimed the $300 million Armament package revealed last month was funded by savings from contracts awarded under the tender which included Air Defense interceptors Artillery shells and armor systems officials from the Biden Administration acknowledged that the March Weaponry delivery was at most a temporary measure equipping Ukraine with only a few weeks worth of weapons and ammunition it is critical to remember that Ukraine requires air defense systems particularly while Russia continues to bomb cities in the east at the time prominent members of Congress were warned that the crate contained a secret supply of AAC EMS however Biden Administration officials made no public statement indicating that both types of aacms would be supplied to Ukraine however when strikes with long-range weapons became known supporters of providing modern weapons to Ukraine praised their effectiveness Senator Roger wicker of Mississippi the top Republican on the armed services committee said in a statement that the attacks demonstrated once again that Ukraine can win battles when given the necessary equipment Ukraine can attack every Russian asset in Crimea including crucial ammo and fuel Depots imagine if they had these Rockets two years ago last week’s raid came after a succession of successful Ukrainian strikes on Russian military sites for example the Ukrainian Security Service reported the day before the attack that it had destroyed a long range radar 434 km from the Ukrainian border but these strikes were carried out with Ukrainian made kamakazi drones US military officials have warned that aacms arsenals are modest and that the missiles are being employed in other Pentagon War plans including those on the Korean Peninsula loed Martin the systems manufacturer claims that only 4,000 atacms have been produced since the missiles development in the 1980s nonetheless many supporters of supplying Ukraine have ignored the beon administration concerns about escalating the confrontation with Russia urging the White House to provide Kiev with the Weaponry it requires to win thank you for tuning in

Putin is furious: Ukraine dealt the biggest blow to the Russian army with a surprise single shot!

  1. So because x president Trump is threatening that he will not help Ukraine, Ukraine should copy all the ammunition that United States sent to them so they could be on the safe side

  2. Americanskii CIA.. another slap is coming from Tsar!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹
    You're dirty as Hell. Deleting my answers will not stop your Humiliation from Vladimir๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ˜

  3. Big bully Russia is getting beaten up by a small country Ukraine ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Russia should not have started the 'Special and Stupid Operation' ๐Ÿ˜†

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