Devastating Strikes – HUGE Vulnerability Gets Exposed – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News

get a Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and looking after yourselves wherever you are now as always we have a fair bit to go of so of course we be having a look at the maps and we’ll be looking at some information some Intel that I was sent off the front line that goes against some of which we spoke about yesterday as far as where the Russian movements may be and some critical points around that aiva front as well we looking at movements up and down the front line in other directions as there has been some then we’ll look at at this system that may end up being actually the Achilles heel for the Western weapons given into Ukraine being GPS and we’ll look at the stated declining efficiency and effectiveness of GPS as Russia is having more success than jamming it we’ll look at Russian strikes and we’ll look at Ukrainian strikes satellites all the refineries a bit of everything as usual I’ve actually been thinking of maybe breaking these videos up into like four separate ones because we just have like 10-minute pieces of whatever maybe that perform better maybe worse but I digress what we need to look at is this Ukrainian uh attack’s cluster strike against a Russian uh concentration of troops and firstly I’ll show you where this is so of course we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 2022 the purple since 2014 now we have the H oblast of which you guys be familiar with with you know people are saying that we could have another major Russian offensive in here and then we have the lugansk ablast out here now we’re looking is this below Lutz and then just below we have ROV and then we have Kuban now this strike is down along this River here so let’s just get a location to here out to edge of the occupied territory we’re talking about 80 km now the pages reporting on this most of most of them will say 100 km behind the line sort of incorrect sort of not so we’re talking 80 km 83 maybe into occupied territory but what they’re factoring is in is they’re factoring in then a buffer of say 20 km 10 km maybe for where those systems were then behind the line but as far as actually in we’re talking about 80 K and concerningly in this is that they’re seeing then drones op operating then 80 km within Russian territory just as concerning when we see the Russian drones occupy sorry operating 80 km within Ukrainian territory as well now this full video is available on our telegram if you’d like to watch the entire thing but I will be skipping through it as it is 6 minutes long so what we’re going to do is we’re just going to have a skip through but we can see where these soldiers are built up and you’ll get a better idea around the 30 to 40 second Mark here we see then these soldiers on the ground now how many actually here is difficult to get an exact count of this but we know it’s it’s about 100 probably to the right side just in the low 100 116 I’ve seen some people point out but we know it’s around that many now in this when we zoom out I’ll just keep my cursor on where we’re actually looking so you can get an idea of where these strikes have been on target or off Target we can see a number of vehicles also sitting here so my cursor is staying with where these troops are so you’ll get a better idea so we’re looking at where the river then turns around to the right and where this tree line is so as we skip forward through the footage we’ll get a better idea so we’re talking down in here as this drone does one of these ones on us so we’re talking around this area then as we skip forward we’re continuing to look here now we we need to come to about 3 minutes and 40 so we’re looking here is where that troop buildup was then see this first strike over here now what exactly is this there’s a lot of spec all the speculation about what this is now either either it is a dud that hasn’t gone off and has just spded into the ground or it is then the canister off the cluster Munitions coming down the reason I think it may not be that is it hits approximately 12 to 13 seconds late we see then the the Clusters which we’ll talk about why that is an important factor as well so here we go we see that now you can either count or look this hit at exactly 350 and then sorry this is where these troops are here from what we saw before remembering that was now 4 minutes ago and then we see this first cluster strike right in this area maybe just off but there are ones here too and then a second one right over the top and you can just see the devastation of Airborne cluster Munitions and what they can then do on the ground right over this area approximately 12 to 15 seconds after we saw that first Spud in or the canister drop why I bring that up is that’s still a lot of time if you are near a prepared position that is enough time to get under something away from something if you have that now of course that is not much time and I’m not suggesting that that no casualties here I think there was probably very large casualties here but it is still worth noting that there was a delay in time there and that will have likely saved some people so we can see the absolute devastation of around here then we’ll skip forward a little bit and we can see that there are definitely survivors of this attack as we then zoom in you can see then guys on foot moving here near where those Vehicles were before up this water in a sec you will then see um people on foot moving then right to left of the screen as we have potato recording here now this is always done on purpose we see Russia and Ukraine do this it’s not give away how good the cameras are or aren’t they reduce the quality dramatically and it is stepped on a lot so we can see movement there just there if you saw that guy walk across as well so we know there some survivors underneath this and then we see then a third strike out in this plow field now was this against another location unsure one thing I will say of why I mention it is a ploud field if you’ve ever walked through a plow field on foot bloody pain in the ass that’s why I don’t really think you’d have a concentration of troops out on a PL field maybe running training I don’t know the footage doesn’t suggest that or having vehicles out in that boggy area so as far as the actual casualties of this event look I’m not 100% sure I don’t believe anyone currently can say that we have a four strike down in here as well maybe other movements other concentrations troop buildup we just don’t know what I’ll say with this footage and with other footage is yes there’s definitely casualties caused here but we don’t have anything that can give us a BDA a battle damage assessment of exactly what has happened here now I’m sure that over the next couple of days we will get more and more video coming from exactly what has happened here whether on the ground or that footage does cut off early and it’s poor quality maybe we’ll get a better idea as well now why are there three separate areas well it may have been hitting three separate areas or it may have been interference by Russian electronic warfare which we know has been successful against these Systems Prior and against more systems which we will be talking about in a bit but I do suspect that there are mass casualties from that event as well now Russian media and many Russian Pages have been sharing this footage and I’ll say as well this is inconclusive as well so here we have a vehicle but then we have said to be two high Mars systems then moving into this tree line and said to be struck with ice scander M you can see sitting down in here but as well then we zoom out a long way and we always zoom out from these and this is what I say we can’t exactly say exactly what has actually been hit in here so then we see this first strike you see the shock wave then hit the Drone and then we see second strike now as well these are said to be strikes on these systems but from this video can we say 100% that those were hit no we can’t get a banel damage assessment Ukraine hasn’t said that anything has been hit so on both of these instances both have been released today maybe just hold your horse on exactly what the outcome was of those now we have some more Russian strikes as well down in Odessa of course the port city where a lot of eyes have been looking recently due to a number of Russian Ice scanned strikes and last night was no different so we’re talking down here in Odessa so we have a warehouse which is owned by a CA and logistics company Nova posa in Odessa Port so we have this on massive fire in here said to be struck by at least two I scaners now this is all blurred out at the bottom not to give away Geo locations it’s not me who blurred that it’s other people but massive fire down in here we have some footage of this as well so you can see a fire in the distance and then we look over just to the right here and you’ll see the strike so a strike on target there as well as more of just this massive fire that is burning here now what is here we don’t know some will say it’s lubricants fuel what would go with the fire others say it’s a buildup of weapons blah blah blah look we just really don’t know with all these strikes we never really know now talking about missile stocks this has been really spoken about everywhere in the Ukrainian pages and I can’t find where this was actually originally from so maybe grain of salt is your salt B me but the GU named the approximate stocks of missiles in Russia as well as the Dynamics of their production now every time we’ve talked about previously since 2022 about Russian missile stocks it’s always in correct whether it’s incorrect intelligence whether Russia is just making more in the intelligence was correct at the time or it’s some informational propaganda game we just don’t know but we know we know now to be incorrect but at the time back in late 22 23 Russia was meant to be out of missiles and they’re still fing them in but of the zir on hypersonics that they’ve got 40 left and can make up to 10 missiles a month 400 uh Onyx and can make 10 a month 27 caliber and can make 30 to 40 a month 45 k69 and can make 1 to three missiles a month in April Russia has about 950 missiles with a range of over 350 km so still a hell of a lot of missiles and fire power there that can go into Ukraine but as well with any of these numbers please just massive massive graan of salt because I can’t find the original of that and even from official sources of the amount of missiles that Russia has again they’ have been incorrect many many times on that one more there should only be one or two more waves 80 months later still having waves of attacks now as well the rise in oil refinery which we know has been struck by Ukrainian drones before has been on fire again overnight as well as targets against other oil refiners but the only one I can find video of is this one up here so as you can see well away from Ukrainian territory so we’re talking oh let me so 500 km from the nearest point of course it’s going to be fired from back in the territory a little bit and we have some footage here again from this footage we can’t confirm exactly what damage has been actually assessed on that Target now let’s have a look at GPS and what has come out and I was brought uh this to my attention by a friend of mine who’s been incredibly reliable and a great friend of the channel although he’s anonymous now I don’t know if numbers are correct but if they are they put the whole quality versus quantity debate in a somewhat different light there’s a very reasonable argument to make in favor of firing a very small number of highly accurate shells that will destroy their targets in a single blow even if they’re expensive after all it greatly simplifies Logistics reduces Barrel Weare minimizes collateral damage Etc but if the enemy can jam your satellite guidance then you just have a small number of very expensive regular shells to bring up why you may want a small number of more effective shells and I was like where does this actually come from so this is the link here if I forget to put it up so meeting blah blah blah right here it’s from this document here by Dr Daniel Pratt senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and well down in this document it has this now Excalibur artillery rounds GPS gued we know when they went into Ukraine had a large effect but saying here that the artill RS had initially had a 70% eff efficiency rate hitting targets when first used in Ukraine however after 6 weeks efficiency declined to only 6% as the Russians adapted their electronic warfare systems to counter it and this goes in line with a lot of what we’re hearing both on high systems and systems like this is the blocking of GPS and where these work and this could be if really really effective a real Achilles heal to a lot of then those weapon systems and that was very interesting to read and friend then continues interestingly the Russians use laser guidance on their cipole shells which is like their variant which is more Awkward to use because you need something to designate the target but it’s also much harder to jam and you can hit moving targets of course if a drone is used to designate the targets you can try and jam that it’s probably harder than jamming a shell though there’s a lot to rethink here I reckon so what we’re talking about is if you plug into a shell GPS coordinates you’re just hitting that GPS if it isn’t jammed where your laser designating something is you ever got a drone designating On Target whether it’s moving or not that is supplying information to the Shell to then hit now of course there’s still a link here that can be jammed but he is saying that it is much more difficult to do and that’s where this laser uh designation is coming in and we know that of things like the alland and we think there may have been a change in the ice ganders and maybe the tornado to have some effect with that as well potentially when we’re seeing it hit targets and that kill chain reducing a lot now speaking of GPS we have this released that I just saw I think it was from an ad actually from th air where suspending our flights to tatto from the 29th of April until May 31 the approach methods currently used at the tatto airport are based on GPS signal and GPS interference in the area affects the usability of this method now I was like where is Tatu and Tatu sits right down here in Estonia I don’t know why I’ve still got this up but down here in Estonia right across from the Russian border and there is a lot of reporting of GPS jamming in and around this area from Russia and there is a large Reliance on GPS with weapons that are Crossing into Ukraine it will be very interesting to see what Solutions come up with for this now before we get into the maps one last thing to have a look at this was from the ministry of Defense of Ukraine they will cooperate with one of the largest satellite companies in order to limit the filming of the territory of Ukraine representatives of the mod met with the management of the satellite company so they’re not named but the meeting is to discuss the limitation of space photography of the territory of Ukraine under martial law so of course with martial law Ukraine has special rights and Provisions saying every day satellite companies survey the territory of Ukraine these images can be used by the enemy therefore we are grateful to our partners for their willingness to sign a memorandum with us and jointly Implement a mechanism to limit filming in our territory this cooperation should become an example for other satellite companies in the conditions of War we must minimize the risks of using images of Ukraine by by the enemy now one thing I will say in this is this trying to limit military use or aant use that can disprove narratives now Russia China we and we know China is giving a Russia a lot of imagery as well they have within the hundreds of military satellites of course used for different things as gloess and this and that but this company here is not going to be doing that but we do know that the US is unveiling more sanctions against China that could affect bits and pieces like this also the mod plans to extend the contract with the satellite company in order for up toate images of territory of Ukraine for defense and security purpose which would be coming straight from the US anyway but we could be getting limited amount of satellite imagery now let’s have a look at the maps now that we have I guess the news out of the way so let’s come down here into a diva now we do have some significant changes on this map more territory made to the about 2 and a half 2 yeah 2.3 to 2.7 km here which is a large gain when we take into the account of how much territory we have seen change over the past then 18 months and we will talk about down in pki a little bit later as well now what we spoke about yesterday was trying to get then to this intersection over here now I have someone who has sent me this who we spoken to before in this but of course Anonymous the failure of the 115th Brigade rotation has led to a concerted effort by enemy forces to cause a multi-directional assault to overwhelm AFU defensive positions at a very high cost to them so we know in osher rney there was a withdrawal by that unit what caused their ner to call guys who are actually on the ground actually fighting then cowards they will continue a peric advance as long as they can now peric means one at Great cost that it may not have actually been worth the fight for the cost it had however by extending their supply lines so quickly and in an environment that almost no cover and poor Transportation routes this leades them highly vulnerable and enables the few to make successful counterattacks where the enemy are trapped in this environment with no protective positions so saying there aren’t any protective positions in here and I don’t know the lad land of where the past Ukrainian defensive positions were here I to take that up but one thing I will say is as this is widening down here those lines of logistics and supply to the front are then increasing um such advances are suicidal in the long term and no matter how many pericet successes they have it shall always be a negative outcome now with this I like getting separate ideas on it and with everything time will tell on these maps on these advances what actually becomes of them so Noah reports is back and he has his Map update showing the same amount of movement around Bachi now out from oser a fair bit less it doesn’t show this Northern push up here as we can see by where then these waterways sit but also that K has then come under under control and the movement between but if we line up where then these waterways are showing not today’s amount of movement on The Mod map we’ll bring up Surak map’s update of what is happening today now maybe not as easy to see but this is osar Kik nanovi and this Ukrainian movement out from a defensive position in here as this pushes across in here closing up this dot is then this town up here saying situation northw have Diva Russian army continue advancing South West and West of solivo along the trench lines until Ukrainian Army stopped the attack so we have solov so Russia trying to move down here until Ukraine was able to stop the attack but this is showing a fair bit further out towards soill in addition Russian troops are fighting in the southern part of here and advancing further east of Oar as a consequence Ukrainian Force withdrew from the central trench systems northwards what area is being secured by the Russians so all of this area that really sits in here is being closed up and we may see that then close up tomorrow to give you an idea of what we spoke about so we saw then that close sorry yesterday and then this then today as we sort of predicted in this area of that closing gap between osney and then Kara Meek now let’s then have a look up at chass OFA let’s have a look there’s no change on this map in this area it’s been no change on this map for a while in here we have a look at shess of yard it shows more Russian control out along this is Mount Bubba area just here during the last hours Russian army took control over the remaining areas of Mount bubber the Intensive bombardment uh forced Ukrainian Army to withdraw to the trenches of to the water channel in addition clashes between both sides are taking place in the first buildings of the canal micro District so the movement trying to get back in and break into chesya and this movement on then this Southern flank now to the north of here we have no update now we do have a map update just to the South of aiva down near per Mei here now this is from Noah reports now of course he’s been a few days behind on these Maps because he’s been away but we do have this advancement out Peri as well as the closeup here but not showing down towards neli that then the mod Map update is showing here and this map now shows more similar to what Zak was Shing maybe about a week ago again this map not showing anything k h as we know we know this is incorrect in here then nothing in noay livka but we do have an update from suriak in here showing movement to the south of no I know the red is difficult to see on here but during the last two days Russian army made new advances towards constantina ugad Road and Southwest of Noka clashes with Ukrainian Army are taking place close to the outskirts of Paris scovia if we have a look at where this bul had here this is showing just in this region as well as a movement out from no livka and closer and closer to this next town but no movement being shown on this map then we come down to orani and then we do see an update here as well as yesterday so we saw yesterday had this update so there has been two major steps up through here over the last few days if we come from where this was sitting here to here talkinging 1.6 km so a mile in 2 days that is a lot considering the movement we’ve seen over the last 18 months I always say and they report does show this movement as well towards urani and then Surak shows very similar although Surak is showing a lot less around where this river runs here the mod map is showing across basically straight across here where suriak is not showing that so when it comes to a Russian Advance we we’ll take the Ukrainian map as probably more on the money here situation here during the last six days Russian army improved the positions the southern outskirts of urani so it’ be very interesting to see exactly where these Maps catch up over the next few days and of course no reports is showing the same down in Heron now Legends that’s all for today I had to start and restart this video at least 20 times I just could not get through it at all there’s probably a heap of cuts in it but look after yourselves have a great end of the week and I’ll see you very soon thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well, Today we talk about the Russia’s winter offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. On the satellite's, it's clearly about limiting narratives to the public…Russia has plenty of their own 🛰️, they don't need to use publicly available images 🤦

  2. Willy is willy willy sad now that it's clear the West is getting our asses kicked, our lying face bashed in, and our economic balls squeezed.

  3. Oh my God man are you crazy you're looking that's something that looks like it's 20 mi away on the ground from a satellite or something you can't tell anything where troops are hiding or bombs going off you can't tell anything from this video where so far away. What a trip,!!!!!!!!

  4. YouTube just unsubscribed me for no reason not just this account also brandon herra i got unsubed from I don’t understand this I literally wouldn’t unsub from either of you it literally makes no sense I’m subed to people from 6 years ago when I made this account it HAS to be intentional there’s no way I watch on my TV so there’s no way I can accidentally click it especially not for more than one person like what. I only use my phone to comment.

  5. Hey Willy once again great show. I hear alot about Pokrovsk and the highway and its a wrap if RU gets there. 210 miles since Adivika van we hold them and is there a treaty coming?😂

  6. I don't know how there can be so many comments calling you biased willy. I think your reporting is spot on 100% of the time. I follow all of the telegram groups.

  7. Let's all take a moment to breathe and consider how crazy it is, that we (the West) are engaged in a hot conflict with a Nuclear power… That's insane. How did we get here?!!!

  8. Willy on copium and hopium….goodbye AFU, NATO, EU EURO, UN, WEF, WHO, IMF the US pedo dollar. Nothing left but the crying and the finger pointing.😢

  9. Willy, a "Pyrrhic victory" is a victory that cost more to achieve than it gained. The phrase you use comes from Roman times, when the mercenary army of King Pyrrhus of Epirus defeated Roman armies, but each victory greatly reduced their strength. I can explain 'decimate' meaning another time. Cheers.

  10. Once Again the 3 &4 letter Globalist agencies continue a pointless war for financial gain by a Corrupt Ukrainian Leader! How can anyone support these War Mongers & not see it from Russias Perspective?

  11. Looks like Russian special forces or Aerial observation got some of their Grid Co-ordinates wrong, or those at the other end firing stuffed up. Its way small groups of SFs with laser targeting systems are crucial. Intel plus swift accurate targeting is so crucial !

  12. i dont know but somehow all videos i saw from cluster ammo are not that impressive e.g. the dudes riding on a tank in the forest one got a bomblet very close like 1m in front of him sitting on that tank but it seemed he has survived it maybe there are diffrent blu's

  13. We have seen these strikes before with a Russian soldier taking a video that made it to the internet and what we saw was Russian soldiers running but not sure why and then we see injured soldiers coming from many dead soldiers all grouped together in a field, I actually saw this video a few days ago on telegram and it hit pretty much were the first group was not sure what the other strikes hit

  14. @Willy OAM, some things for you to consider which are outside most military analysts knowledge/optics. Per se you discuss weapons production for Russia, big difference between the Western model and that of Russia. The West is completely private ownership with lots of political and financial drivers, where Russia is state run, hence why they have been able to ramp up production so fast compared to the West. Russia also due to sanctions over a long period has become a bit of an Autarky and the nation is very rich in resources. The other big difference is they have spent decades on developing less expensive yet still highly effective weapon systems. In addition the commodification of missile and drone tech is a big deal now, not just in this theater but globally. From a macroeconomic perspective this is going to be very interesting to watch in the coming years after most of the West de-industrialized and now it can only double down on sanctions which in turn damage their own economies and with increasing social dysfunction. Thank you for your efforts and find your reports worthwhile, cheers mate.

  15. Imagine being a Ukrainian fighting the Russian invaders in your country with the help of the Germans 1940 .
    Imagine being a Ukrainian fighting the Russian invaders in your country with the help of the Germans 2024

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