Bodies found in search for missing Mexican tourists | BBC News

to Mexico next and three bodies have been found during a search for two Australians and an American who went missing last week during a surfing trip Australian Brothers Jake and Callum Robinson and their American friend Jake Carter were on vacation near the coastal city of enada in the Northwestern State of Baja California when they failed to turn up at the planned accommodation the bodies have yet to be identified Allison petski is a correspondent for 9 News Australia she explained the timeline leading up to them going missing Jake uh Callum and their friend Jack the the American national they were they have not been seen since April 27 so we’re coming up to uh seven days I think since they have been heard from they were on a a a boys trip uh Jake had traveled over to see Callum Callum uh his Australian brother actually lives in San Diego so they’d gone to Coachella together they were going to celebrate callum’s birthday so they came down the coast down Baja’s Coastline uh to chase wav because these guys are Surfers and and they were looking uh for a a big birthday celebratory holiday but they disappeared off the grid they failed to show up to an Airbnb in Rosarita which is right up towards Tiana so right up near that us Mexico border uh and after they failed to show up uh their their mother Deborah had that gut instinct that something was wrong so she posted on social media she took to uh Facebook groups uh on the Baja coast and said have you seen my sons they’ve been missing uh and that sparked an enormous response uh from Mexican officials as this post went viral uh and now we are here today where we are in the situation where they have found three bodies in the search area where they have been looking at I traveled out there today with a police escort because that’s what you need when you’re going through that area this place is called La bakar bakara uh

Mexican authorities have found three bodies in an area of Baja California where two Australian brothers and an American went missing.

The FBI said the bodies were found in the town of Santo Tomas and have not yet been identified, the BBC’s US partner CBS News reported.

Jake, 30, and Callum Robinson, 33, from Perth, and American Jack Carter Rhoad, 30, were on a surfing holiday near the popular tourist town of Ensenada. They disappeared on 27 April.

On Thursday Mexican police questioned a woman and two men in connection with their disappearance.

Forensic tests will be conducted by a state laboratory to identify the bodies, the state of Baja California prosecutor’s office said.

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  1. Rom 3:23
    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    Rom 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death;

    Psalms 9:17
    The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

    Acts 8:37
    And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Rom 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    Corinthians 15:3-4
    For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

  2. For all of those people that are saying not to come to Mexico let me share with you some context. I am from Ensenada, the place where all of this happened. People here too feel devastated by the news, this isn't "normal" for us. The exact location where (unfortunatelly) they decided to go surfing is quite far from the city, not a common tourist place and very isolated. Much so that that coastline is mostly populated by americans who retired and currently live there. Here, as in any other country one must be cautious and be properly informed before traveling; I wouldn't go camping there for example. My husband and I travel all around our country every holiday, we've visited most states and nothing has ever happened to us. Mexico is full of beautiful places and kind people everywhere. It's so sad that it gets misjudged by events as unfortunate as these. I'm not denying that there are dangers, of course there are, but again, one can be careful and chose not to take certain risks.

  3. Ya busqué tus videos para actualizarlos! Nuestro gobierno no tiene idea de cómo la gente está sufriendo económicamente estos días en el mundo. Gracias Sra. Melanie Rose Caparro, imagínese invertir $6,000 y recibir $14,000 cada 8 días. Es importante que todos prioricen la inversión

  4. Why would one grin and laugh over mispronouncing the name of the site whilst reporting upon a subject such as the location that dead bodies have been found?
    Total disconnect from the material.

  5. 2 beautiful souls who would have helped anyone in need the type of people you could leave your kids with good people, killed by animals the lowest form of humanity.

  6. This is awful. Random deaths in Mexico have been a horror for decades. Now, we have the random deaths of Mothers in Gaza to be horrified by. The UN reports that on average 37 mothers are murdered each day by forces of the fascist and apartheid state of Israel.

    Know nothing Gen-Z, by any chance?

  8. Mexico should do what the president of El Salvador has done and let the Army loose on the criminal gangs. In El Salvador it has achieved miraculous results in only a few years. Whereas formerly the country was one of the most lawless and dangerous places on earth, it is now one of the safest, and the tourists Mexico is now losing may well be going to El Salvador. But if you want somewhere really safe where there is virtually no crime, I recommend Singapore, but dont try to smuggle drugs there unless you are tired of life.

  9. This mexican will never go to Baja California… Or most mexican north, anyway risk tourism is a trend isn't it? So please don't ont blame an entire country next time some firstworlder suffer the dangers of risk tourism. 🎉

  10. Condolences to their loved ones and friends.
    Personally, I will never go to Mexico again. Less than 12 hours into my first and last holiday there some local guy was shot dead just 150 metres away from me on a tourist beach. Another took bullets in the back, but survived. And all this in a supposedly crime free resort.

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