Russian Advance Rattles Macron? French President Vows Troops If “Ukraine Requests Or Front Breaks”

French President Emmanuel Macron in an interview with Economist reiterated that he has not ruled out sending troops to Ukraine. Macron said that the issue would “legitimately” arise “If the Russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a Ukrainian request”. “We would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question,” Macron said. The French president also emphasised that NATO had overcome its initial reluctance to send advanced weaponry to Ukraine.

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  1. Having been booted out of her former colonies in Africa, France is trying to rally support amongst NATO countries against Russia. Let him try it and see the consequences. Bless God, Russia has what it takes to teach him a lesson.

  2. Lots of ruzzian bots here. I salute President Macron for his courage and boldness. Other nations should follow his example and stand firm in defending Ukraine against the ruzzian thugs

  3. The EU in electing to be led by the US under the guise of NATO is more of a threat to europeans than Russia ever has been.
    The weasel words twisted and turned to make Macron look like he cares are meaningless when lined up with the lies France and Germany told Russia that NATO would not expand any further east. Lies. The west just lie and people die. Shame on them.

  4. Didn't Macron also say not long ago that France or it's Allies in Europe have no chance against Russia (2nd most powerful in Ukraine) without US assistance? It's all a big game to them.

  5. By no security in Europe what this globalist puppet means is that the NATO war machine, the army of the globalists will no long have the control over natural resource supply it currently enjoys. Nigeria has been attempting to build the The Trans-Saharan pipeline a joint project between Nigeria, Algeria and Niger. The plan is for a 4,000 km pipeline to ferry up to 30 billion cubic meters of gas a year from Nigeria, through Niger, to Algeria where it would connect up with existing pipelines across the Mediterranean to Europe.
    Not looking too good with Niger cosying up with Russia hence the huge uproar in Western propaganda media.

  6. This guy is a joke. He is only escalating problems bc of his ego…he may do stupid things at the expenses of his own country. Why do ppl elect stupid ppl with no self control or sensibility to come into power just for them to make stupid decision that may cost us our lives or make our lives miserable? Vote wisely, our lives and livelihood depend on that. Don't put our lives and the lives of our children at the mercy of stupid politicians.

  7. I think not all NATO nation members will fight Russia. There is a possibility that they may even side with Russia. These psychopath leaders should stop gallivanting and promote peace.
    May God's will be done…🙏☺️

  8. Iam Brandon Hayley Mac-nack from Netherlands. High Priest Christ Iesus Ia-mes James Mes-Ia the brother of most High, a angel in the flesh in the comments : Isaiah 42:1-2 King James aka Pharaoh Tutmose

  9. Does that fool Macron honestly believe the French people will rally to his war call? just like that twerp Rishi Sunak – not a clue these so called leaders have, they are delusional. The chickens will come home to roost – that I can assure them of

  10. NATO AUKUS EU . That’s North Atlantic Treaty Organisation , Australia United Kingdom United States & European Union . Showing there true colours . COWARDS . Circling a country like a pack of mongrel dogs . Like dad used to say . Man just got no Guts . And that’s how I see it Andrej Kondisenko Cairns Australia 🇦🇺

  11. I find it hard to accept the truth about our Swedish demilitarizing politics which started when the Berlin Wall fell. Before that we could mobilize 800.000 troops, at least if we consider all categories from officers to young private soldiers and of course we had sufficient equipment in the air force, navy and in the army. Imagine that in a population of just 7.000.000 such a strong military organization did exist in which everybody was prepared to fight for our freedom. I estimate that we now can mobilize 50.000 in case of a war. 
    Politicians responsible for this enormous misjudgment of Russia's aggression, which led to the military cut down should be prosecuted, condemned, and sentenced to jail. They are nothing but traitors.

  12. deny i dont help u on a minute by minute basis …(everyday they go to the bank and steal from this house …macron u and ur paris idiots are in a heap of shit ….)

  13. Mr Emmanuel want french for war ,,,on what course?,,,in the name of Us or NATO,,,,, but Ukraine is not a NATO member state,,,,on what account are you talking your country to war ,?,,, Bad idea,,,

  14. Это просто ужас, во Франции скоро не останется коренных французов, а этот идиот хочет отправить их умирать в чужой войне… Французы опомнитесь, вас замещают мигрантами, вас режут, насилуют и грабят исламские дикари. Русские вам не враги, возьмите в руки оружие и докажите что в вас еще осталась европейская кровь, освободите свой дом, а уже потом лезьте в чужие дела. Если надо мы поможем вам любыми средствами

  15. C'est très triste de voir Macron exécuter les ordres de Washington comme un chien dressé. Aux États-Unis, les marionnettistes s'assoient et disent à Macron d'aboyer, et Macron, en tant que véritable chien fidèle au propriétaire, commence à aboyer. C'est triste de voir la France sous contrôle total des États-Unis.

  16. Je connais la France en tant que pays souverain indépendant qui mène sa politique, mais pas maintenant, pour 2024, c'est un pays entièrement contrôlé des États-Unis, sous le contrôle total de Washington. Macron est un agent américain qui exécute tous les ordres de la maison Blanche. Même maintenant, il a reçu l'ordre d'envoyer une armée mourir pour l'Ukraine et il a exécuté cet ordre, déjà tué 40 soldats français! Pour L'Ukraine! L'Ukraine vit aux dépens de la France et la France meurt pour elle! Honte! L'Ukraine n'est pas un membre de l'OTAN, pas un membre de l'Union européenne, elle vit sur les subventions de ceux qui ont accepté de les parrainer, dans 2014, ils ont pris le pouvoir dans le pays par des anarchistes.. et maintenant, la France envoie ses soldats mourir pour un pays étranger. Quelle honte! Macron vous n'êtes pas président, vous êtes une poupée américaine!

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