Russia-Ukraine war: Russian missiles pound Ukraine’s Kharkiv | WION

there are visible signals of Russia upping its offensive in Ukraine har has come in for repeated pounding over the last 24 hours Russian missiles pounded harke for second time in the day on Saturday evening causing massive fires in the industrial district six people are reported injured but firefighters walking to D Flames reportedly spread over 4,000 square met earlier Russia launched an overnight drone attack on Ukraine’s harke and nipro regions hitting critical energy infrastructure besides commercial and residential buildings according to the hares Governor Russia targeted the city with two Iran made Shahid drones which had hit the industrial area although Ukraine claims to have intercepted the Russian strikes the Ukrainian President says Russia used eight missiles of various kinds and nearly 70 guided aerial bombs against communities and Frontline positions during the day after Ukraine’s Air Force downed 13 Shah drones that targeted the harv and Neo regions overnight in the denes region of eastern Ukraine Drone footage shows the extent of the devastation inflicted on a village called eterne in Ukraine with most buildings and even homes being destroyed while some still burn after Russia’s assault most of the residents have fled the area this comes as Russian troops have been making advances on the battlefield and the village has been on the receiving end of its military attacks for several weeks Ukraine’s military has even acknowledged that the Russians have gained a foothold in the village for now Ukraine is hanging on in chassi viar if chassi viar falls Moscow can use this elevated position to hit a string of nearby Ukrainian military cities despite Russian forces advancing advancing in the ukrainians um in the Ukraine’s Eastern regions the recent arrival of us arms could help turn the tide the first deliveries of new US military assistance have arrived in Ukraine as part of a$ 61 billion package they include artillery shells and long range missiles but it will take several weeks for weapons and equipment to reach the front line in large quantities on the other hand Russia has added Ukrainian president volia zi to its list of wanted criminals a move keev has dismissed as a sign of moscow’s desperation zin’s name appeared on the Russian interior Ministries Wanted list an online database of alleged criminals sought by the Russian authorities it say the Ukrainian leader was wanted under an article of the criminal code without providing any further details for all the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

There are visible signals of Russia upping its offensive in Ukraine. Kharkiv has come in for repeated pounding. Over the last 24 hours, Russian missiles pounded Kharkiv for the second time in the day.

#russiaukrainewar #kharkiv #wion

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  1. Huraaaaaaaaaaaaah! From Angola; Africa; VIVA Long live the INDISPUTABLE greatest WARRIORS of our world, with the most POWERFUL army on planet; Big Russia!

  2. Now someone is happy and will go to conferences to enjoy the media attention – like the Peace Conferences without the so called unprovoked aggressor.

  3. Those talking about peace and agreement forgot that have been tried and rejected by both USA and Britain.
    USA openly sacrificed another country's men for political power and no one blinks an eye.
    ICC just all but cleared Israel and so now what on earth can the USA promise Russia??!!!! NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. It's interesting to see some folks expressing their patriotism online. Perhaps they'd find even greater fulfillment by putting their courage to the test in a more tangible way.

  5. The faster the world realizes that a actor comedian Zelensky isn’t in control of Ukraine he is just the puppet for the CIA/MI6

  6. "Support the aggressor, Russia, at all costs!" I know of a cult leader in a Far Eastern country who incites his followers by shouting, "Support the aggressor, Russia, at all costs! So many of his followers have been relentlessly posting on the Internet around the world in droves in support of Russia and in blasphemy against Ukraine. The crazy charismatic guru's argument goes like this.
    "By supporting Russia, we can win Putin over to our side, and thus pull Russia away from communist China."That is utterly ridiculous and delusional. How could such a thing possibly cause Putin to cut ties with China? The cult's guru does not realize that he is making a grave and irreversible mistake.

  7. Why taking more than 2 years to capture a small village and tiny infrastructure by second most powerful country 😂😂

  8. War-> to whom you never known to whom you never meet, the one who never had hurt or harm you, you are killing them, just for leaders you are against one another rip humanity….

  9. Ukraine is suffering because the US and NATO won't allow Ukraine to have peace talk with Russia. This !d!0t Ukrainian President listens to the US and NATO not realizing that he is being used.

  10. stupid, pointless war ! the West (especially the U.S. of A.) instigated this conflict by successively violating the international agreements (Minsk I & II) : a proxy war with only losers !
    the european political leaders are stupid war mongers which don't care about their own citizens, only about their own "power & glory" ..

  11. Спасибо Байдену, за уничтожение Украины и украинского нацизма. Если бы не этот старик, напрочь убитый деменцией, мы бы и не знали, что с ней делать. Молим Бога, чтобы он пошел на второй срок. Уверен, он нам подскажет, как отсечь метастазы раковой опухоли планеты, под названием США, протянувшие свои щупальца на Евразийский континент и разжигающие по всему миру войны, устраивающие цветные революции. Проводящие политику неоколониализма. Уверен, Путин вымостит вам дорогу в ад, красивой мраморной плиткой. Заслужили

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