‘If You Dare To…’: Russia Ready With Mega Retaliation As West ‘Plots’ Fresh Crimea Attack

‘If You Dare To…’: Russia Ready With Mega Retaliation As West ‘Plots’ Fresh Crimea Attack

Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned any Western-backed Ukrainian attack on the Crimean Bridge or Crimea will result in a retaliatory strike from Moscow. The warning comes after a Ukrainian envoy to the UN, Sergey Kislitsa, implied that the bridge connecting Crimea to the Krasnodar Region may not be standing by the end of the year. Russia accused Kiev of planning a new attack on the Crimean Bridge while terming these plans as forms of terrorism. Watch for more…

#russia #ukraine #unitednations #terrorism

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  1. Russia is once again flapping their toothless gums. They won't do anything to anyone other then Ukraine. Russia is MASSIVELY struggling with Ukraine alone. If they dared attack a NATO state not only would they swiftly get a back hand to the gob but NATO would reverse all russian gains in Ukraine and push them out. Russia is struggling with one nation. Russia will be defeated in less then a year against NATO a coaliation of over 30 nations one of which is the most powerful in the world even more then Russia. Russia threatens by saying they are the only country in the world that can reduce US to radioactive ash. I don't think they realize we can do the same to them if they start a nuclear war. I say call their bluff. The chances are far higher they will do nothing or barely anything or risk provoking NATOs wrath if they target anyone but Ukraine essentially. Whoever has the strongest conventional army wins in war. Nukes mean nothing because everyone knows oblivion awaits everyone if anyone tried.

  2. Putin is worried – he knows that the alliance of civilised countries 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇺🇸 is stronger and smarter than dictatorships/3rd world countries. Слава Украïне!!!

  3. Russia built an unpermitted bridge structure having legal ownership of one side of the waterway. Situation will be rectified. Russia is welcome to keep the part on their side of the Kerch strait.

  4. RUSSIA IS BLUFFING!! All my life, they've beat the war drums.
    I realized 2 years ago… if Russia couldn't take Kyiv in the 3 days they claimed… their military is useless.
    Ukraine is clobbering the Russian military at 15 to 1(Russian casualties to Ukraine casualties.

  5. Scared US like to use proxies so they don't sacrifice their soldiers and scared to die. Stupid zelensky sacrificing his people like goat. Now dragging them from countries they fled to. Russia will never lose they have nukes. If you push them to the wall. Kaboom good bye to Europe and Russia also will suffer. Negotiation is the only way. This is not a video game. Stupid CIA, Biden and Victoria Nuland.

  6. The fact that the Ukraians and the west want to attack the Crimean bridge on the anniversary of the Red Armies defeat of Nazi Germany in W.W.2, speaks volumes that Adolf Zalensky still thinks that his facist regime is still a relevant force in Europe,wake up Nato your backing the enemy…..

  7. You Terrorist america n terrorist Nato sending arms of billions why should not Russ use iran iraq yenen korea china others. West nato terrorist cant rule the world turning every country is terrorist. world is watching your evil sanctions gave no effect…?

  8. If you are wondering how Deagle came up with an 85% reduction in the British population, and massive reductions across other European countries by 2025 look no further than this article to see how that comes about.

  9. this channel sounds like russian fan boys. Block channel
    India shouldn't piss of the west if it will rely on them to help defend against china.

  10. The wests plan biden knows his lawfare amd he cannot won at the ballot box against trump.
    According to our laws biden cannot declare wars and to make a martial law legit in America we have to be under a full blown national emergency amd war with russia would make that legit so ask yourself this why would biden use NATO to escalate so close to an election in the U.S knowing Trump is winning majorly in the polls and public opinion biden wants a reason to remain in piwer so what better way to then to have an all out war with bric.
    So france sending troops into Ukraine u.k allowing Ukraine to attack into russia Lithuania sending drones into belarus putins ally.
    Also the niger and other african countries threatening the wests power there making the dollar more useless we know how that angers the wests elites. Nato is doing everything to cross putins red lines to have Putin attack a nato member that allows Biden to not only have article 5 in play but under that biden them can declare martial law allowing him to not have to lose at the ballot and he remains in power.

  11. USA wollen das es krigt gibt zwischen russland und der nato ,sie selbst wollen nur waffen verkaufen und hetzen und kein krieg in ihres land ,schlau diese amis.🤣🤣🤣🤣


    Issand, meie Jumal, Sa kõige targem, kõige vägevam ja rohkelt armuline! Meie, Sinu patused ja vääritud sulased palume ja anume Sind:

    Kuule meie palvehäält sel tunnil ja tee lõpp kohutavale sõjale, mis möllab Ukrainas!

    Vaata, Issand, taevast ja näe oma loodud olendite vaeva ja valu, pisaraid nende silmis, nende hingeahastust ja surma, mis siin maailmas tugev on.

    Sa tead, et patt ja ülekohus on üle meie pea tõusnud, aga ole meile armuline, sest Sina oled meie lootus ja kindel müür.

    Valgusta neid, kes selle sõja on valla päästnud, ja anna neile mõistust, et nad täidaksid Sinu püha tahet, kes Sa ütled: „Õndsad on rahunõudjad, sest neid peab Jumala lasteks hüütama“.

    Oh halastaja ja Inimesearmastaja Issand, anna Ukraina rahvale püsivust ja lootust ning jõudu seista vastu sellele ülekohtusele sissetungile.

    Saada oma pühast eluasemest inglid ligi kõigile, keda see sõda puudutab, olgu kodumaal või põgenikuteel, ja anna neile kannatlikkust, vastupidamist ja lohutust.

    Sest Sina oled meie Jumal, halastaja ja Päästja Jumal, ja Sulle, Isale ja Pojale ja Pühale Vaimule anname meie au nüüd, ikka ja igavesti. Aamen.

  13. You idiots surely have access to news outside the lies of Russian media and yet still think that Russia is doing the right thing by invading Ukraine. How stupid can you people be? Then you think that Russia has a chance to defeat NATO if it comes to it….A bunch of brain-dead MFers!!!

  14. Russia will not do anything. They haven’t the capability to do anything but what they’ve been doing. Any mega escalation will be the end of Putin’s army and him. Say goodbye to the Kerch bridge and Crimea.

  15. Russia is off the reservation and so fair game. The West should say to Russia give back Crimea or perhaps a peace will require territory previously Russian.
    It is nonsense that Russia gets a free kick at the cat!
    In short they are setting a dangerous example that we the West may decide to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don Hansen

  16. If cowardly india is invaded by pakistan and china they will not get help from russia. Fact is India is too stupid to realize they on the losing side

  17. Putin lose the war. As putin anger he fire his high rank general for the big mistake that lead Russian heavy loses😂😂😂😂 followers believe this fake spreading channel is stupid 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. Oh dear! Putin's red line again. You almost wish that he would carry out a threat and then the west would take him out before anything happened and we'd be rid of this evil deluded imperialist dictator.

  19. US is busy in senseless warmongering. They should stop their warmongering and attempt to live peacefully. Without US the world is on good terms.

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