UNBELIEVABLE! 50.000 Russian soldiers abandoned Putin! Kremlin is completely helpless!

[Music] [Music] welcome to PPR Global the protracted war is resulting in growing unrest and mutinies within the Russian army in the past we have often seen Russian soldiers Mutiny for reasons such as malnutrition lack of training and breakdowns in the chain of command however a new reason has emerged in recent days Russian troops especially in the south of the country do not want to fight on Easter Russian soldiers do not want to fight on a religious celebration like Easter but they are under pressure from the Russian army command and are forced to fight this is causing a growing wave of rebellion among the soldiers one of the examples of this unrest is the Revolt of the pesov paratroopers in the occupied part of the zapia region of Ukraine it is already known that this paratroop contingent is is already exhausted and it is a great tragedy for the Russians that they are forced to fight on religious days adding to the previous fatigue according to reports the pesov paratroopers were defeated by the Ukrainian Defense Forces and lost more than 60% of their personnel according to Ukrainian intelligence sources the paskov paratroopers refused to participate in the offensive in zapara and more than 1,000 Russian soldiers from the 104th Air Assault regiment mutinied refusing to obey the order to attack currently a military prosecutor of the Russian Armed Forces is trying to find the mutineers in orov on the other hand there has been a serious escalation in desertion levels in the Russian army in particular there is a serious desertion problem in Russia’s Southern military District this is felt more acutely in combat units in total more than 25,000 soldiers have left the service without authorization the majority of these soldiers around 12 ,000 belong to the eighth combined arms Army which is directly deployed in the areas of constant conflict in eastern Ukraine desertions and units of this Army are particularly concentrated among those recruited through mobilization around 10,000 deserters are people who joined the armed forces in this way the remaining 2,000 deserters are contract soldiers this shows that there is serious dissatisfaction and demoralization among contract soldiers as well the desertion in the 58th combined arms Army another important unit of the Southern military District of the Russian army is also remarkable the number of deserters in this Army reaches approximately 2,500 people in addition the number of soldiers who surrendered directly to the Ukrainian Army is reported to be over 20,000 since the beginning of the war Kiev claims that the Russian army has lost more than 475,000 soldiers however these losses do not include those who deserted from the front did not want to fight surrendered and left the service without permission these total almost 50,000 the Russian army has so far sent around 800,000 soldiers to the Ukrainian fronts in other words for every 15 Soldiers the Russian army sends to Ukraine one deserts or surrenders and 10 are wounded or killed this is an incredibly unsuccessful campaign for the Russian army the unwillingness of Russian soldiers to fight and the transformation of this unwillingness into Rebellion can have important military and geopolitical consequences military mutinies can weaken an army operationally failures in the chain of command can disrupt coordination and Rapid reaction among troops a decline in military resilience in a particular area of the war means that the opposing side can recognize this weakness and take advantage of it soldiers unwillingness to fight and Disobedience to orders can also lead to demoralization among other units this can have a negative impact on Military performance by lowering overall Army morale and the will to fight the military leadership is forced to take the risk of mutiny into account which can lead to a shift of attention and resources from war strategy to internal security measures insurgencies in the Russian military can undermine Russia’s perception of power in the international Arena enemies and allies May doubt Russia’s mil military resolve and stability military mutinies can lead to internal security problems which can put pressure on the leadership and Trigger political instability this can create a lack of confidence in the government’s Authority leading to domestic political difficulties insurgencies damage relations between the military leadership and the lower ranks lack of trust can lead to a further breakdown in the chain of command in addition mutinies often lead to more disciplinary investig ations and punishments putting extra pressure on military personnel such incidents within the military can undermine public confidence in the military the reputation of the military leadership in the eyes of the public can be damaged leading to tensions in civil military relations in other words the Mutiny of Russian soldiers could affect the course of the war and damage Russia’s military and political situation while Russia is grappling with these risks on the Ukrainian side the brutal of the war continues unabated Russia has carried out a drone bombardment that has increased the intensity in eastern Ukraine in these attacks Russia launched 24 shahad drones 23 of which were neutralized by Ukrainian air defenses however the debris of the downed drones fell on buildings in the nipro Petrov region causing fires but luckily no casualties six people were injured in a drone strike in K region in the Ukrainian Capal Capital Kiev the public was urged to follow Orthodox Easter ceremonies online due to security concerns the head of the Kiev City Administration Seri Poco warned that even on these special days the attacker could do evil Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski delivered a speech on the occasion of Easter calling on ukrainians to unite in prayer and calling God an ally in the war with Russia in a video shot in front of the historic St Sophia cathedral in k zalinski wearing a Ukrainian traditional vishanka embroidered shirt painted a picture of God carrying a ribbon symbolizing the Ukrainian flag saying that with such an ally life will triumph over death on the church front the situation is complicated the majority of ukrainians identify themselves as Orthodox Christians and many belong to the independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church however the Rival Ukrainian Orthodox Church which split from Russia after the 2022 Invasion and previously remained loyal to the Moscow patriarch is viewed with suspicion by many ukrainians in Moscow Easter ceremonies led by patriarch koll the leader of the Russian Orthodox church and an outspoken supporter of the Kremlin were well attended including by President Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin’s Easter message was notable for avoiding direct references to Russia’s ongoing military intervention instead Putin focused on on the country’s difficulties and the importance of the church in these difficult times rather than on the conflict which Russia calls a special military operation Putin thanked patriarch koll for Fruitful cooperation in the current difficult period when it is very important for us to unite our efforts for the stable development and strengthening of the motherland and emphasize the role of the church in state policies and social issues this cooperation reflects the close ties of the Russian Orthodox church with the state and the church’s active role in domestic and foreign policy issues in particular the church’s tough stance towards domestic opposition is a concrete example of this cooperation the church takes serious measures to suppress dissenting voices which shows that the church’s interference in politics is not only in word but also in practice the fact that a priest faces deportation after refusing to pray for Russia’s victory over Ukraine is an indication of how strictly the church can deal with its members who do not align with State policies this makes it clear that the church acts not only as a religious institution but also as a force that supports the political goals of the state in another example the dismissal of a priest for presiding over a memorial service at the grave of deceased opposition leader alexe navali shows how the church intervenes in politically sensitive issues and how such actions are received by the state it is a sign that the church not only supports State policies but is also used as an instrument of repression against opposition movements these emphases in Putin’s Easter message and the harsh measures taken by the church reveal how intertwined the state and the church are in Russia and how this relationship resonates both in domestic politics and in public perception such close cooperation between the state and the church can elicit different reactions from various segments of Russian society and affect Russia’s International image it also raises questions about the independence and impartiality of the church and may lead to an increasingly blurred boundary between church and state at the international level Russia’s handling of the war and the church’s intervention in politics are shaping Global reactions particularly in the Western World doubts about Russia’s commitment to Human Rights and international law could lead to continued International sanctions and diplomatic isolation in inclusion the effects of War are not limited to physical destruction and Military strategy it profoundly affects the social fabric of society the psychological health of individuals and the cultural fabric of Nations the conflict between Russia and Ukraine illustrates the complex nature of war and how it can upend a nation’s domestic and foreign policies it emphasizes that war is not only a physical conflict but also a social psychological and cultural one such conflict can create long-term problems for the Reconstruction of post-war societies and the redefinition of national identities thank you for following us

UNBELIEVABLE! 50.000 Russian soldiers abandoned Putin! Kremlin is completely helpless!

  1. Kun permanente nga di mo gubat ang mga russian soldiers anhi na mahagba ang russia😂…kay ang mga sundalo ra maoynag dalaggahom sa russia kung wala ang mga sundalo di sagubat di na mosugot samando ni putin bisan unsa pa ka high tech ang armas sa russiamahimong way kapulanan😂

  2. How can anybody come forward with such completely fake news? Ukraine is whatever you like it or not, finish in a week from now. They know it, NATO knows it, and your Fake News is not gonna change that fact. Like it or nor, reality can no one change on You Tube.

  3. This is not a War it is a Mass Murder Serial Killer Putin getting away with killing No one Arrests him China treats him like a Saint and will continue like all Serial Killers do until stopped😢

  4. Unbelievable, because it’s utter garbage. Have you no shame? No dignity? People are dying and you are looking for extra clicks. Garbage.

  5. Iyan mga rasia gusto cla ang masusunod sa bansa may presidente cla kaya gusto ang rasia maghari hindi dapat may hangangaan pi tau para sa atin kaya nga binoto nang tao para sa kanilang bansa !!hitter iyan c putin gusto cia ang masusunod sa buong nasasakopan nia !!!

  6. Why do we only hear of Ukraine conquest? I don't think we're hearing the real situation? Too many stories about the Russians losing doesn't make sense?

  7. The fact that people in this comment section haven't figured out that this is a propaganda channel pushing lies to gullible ignorant people is quite alarming for the state of the world.

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