Russia: Remark ‘dangerous escalation’ | Threat of NATO- Russia direct confrontation? | WION

our top focus at this hour UK foreign secretary David Cameron has said that Ukraine can use British weapons to orchestrate quote unquote direct assaults inside Russian territory Cameron’s latest statement has sparked the threat of a possible direct escalation between the west and Russia the UK foreign secretary’s remark came during his visit to keev where he pledged an additional 3.74 billion military aid TR to Ukraine as you know we are your strong supporters uh and as I said to your foreign minister we come not just as friends we come as partners how can we work together over this year militarily diplomatically politically financially to support you in all the ways that we can now taking no time to hit back the Kremlin has warned that using the NATO Allied Count’s weapons to Target Russia deep within its territory it’s a direct and dangerous escalation Russia’s foreign Ministry has further added that it poses danger to European security and is a Cause of concern this also puts the UK in a more hawkish position than its Ally the United States the risk the Russia Ukraine war it risk the Russia Ukraine war spilling into broader confguration between Russia and the Western military block NATO us tipat that any weapons that it supplies can only be used by the Ukrainian troops within the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine it approved weapons from the $61 billion trans just earlier this week it includes longer range Army tactical missile systems that can hit targets up to 300 km away these are double the range of the mid-range attacks that the US supplied last year in recent weeks Ukraine used us supplies Supply drones to launch assaults in the Central and Southwestern regions inside Russia Ukrainian troops struck two oil refineries on the Russian territory as Russian troops continue to make marginal gains in the East and the southeast of the Eastern donbas region reaching the 500 Mile front line meanwhile in yet another escalation France’s president Emanuel macron said that he is firm on his plan of sending French troops to fight for Ukraine adding that Europe is mortal and faces existential threat Russia’s foreign Ministry warned that such remarks are an acknowledgement that the West is waging a war against Russia using Ukrainian hands it’s the first time that a western politician admitted something that is already an Open Secret to all the countries of the world’s majority the West is conducting a Flatout war against Russia with the hands of the ukrainians now for more on this we’re being joined by left Colonel Danielle L Davis who’s military expert live from Virginia thank you so much sir for joining us what does how do you assess these statements from Cameron saying that the you it’s up to Ukraine how it uses weapons which are supplied by the UK do you see this as a direct escalation yeah I I see it as a problem I I I do because what’s what’s absent from this and nearly everything that the West has been doing is that there is no strategy there’s no overarching even stated objective here’s what we want to accomplish here’s what these weapons are going to do is how it’s going to succeed for Ukraine here’s what success even looks like there’s none of that it’s just let’s give some weapons and then they can do whatever they want with it oblivious to what’s happening actually on the front lines where the armies are meeting uh which are decidedly going in Russia’s favor and it continues to move in that direction everything that goes on especially off the battlefields from what’s being produced by the Russian uh uh uh Ministry of Defense their industrial capacity they’re growing their army by by tens of thousands every month Ukraine will never be able to match that so by launching by giving basically permission to launch these missiles in into Russian territory which you know Russia has said is is off limits then they risk that Russia will now with fire even more targets inside Ukraine in retaliation because Russia has many times more weapons that they can fire into Ukraine that they have thus far relatively held off to military targets or en energy infrastructure related to military capacity so this could go a lot further than what it has been and the talk of bringing in troops from from France is not a good sign absolutely sir in fact would you say that this points to differences within NATO members the European members and UK over how Ukraine is using these weapons and it said that it’s as you mentioned as well that it’s up to Ukraine as to how it chooses to use these weapons now what sort of an outcome are we looking at if that does happen well see that’s that that’s the whole issue you asked the right question there what is the outcome so people like General uh one of the retired American generals Ben Hodes has often said we need to use these longer range missiles to drive the Russians out of Crimea which is absurd that that’s not how War works it hasn’t worked that way in the other direction Russia has fired thousands of longrange missiles throughout the entire Ukrainian territory but you see that has not brought them to their knees so the idea that firing a few long-range missiles into Russia will have any impact on the front line is just counter to to observed reality on the ground but it can fire them up and make them a lot angrier and make them expand their target list inside Ukraine bottom line is this is not going to help Ukraine win because at this point nothing can all it’s going to do is make the stir up that beehive make it more angry and it’s probably going to cause more casualties on the Ukraine side uh absolutely so I believe what I’m also trying to understand is that can a divided West or a divided NATO actually help Ukraine if these are the kind of statements that are coming out well it’s worse than that that to answer your question yeah the divisions and the lack of any kind of strategic Direction because you have the us doing one thing you have Britain doing something else you have Slovakia doing something different Poland the baltics everybody’s kind of just Mish mashing whatever they want to do and there’s no chance that’s going to have any positive outcome on the battlefield but it’s even worse than that because all of these uh tranches of support that’s coming in now it’s not clear at all that the us is going to have anymore after this and several other countries are about the Edge Edge of what they’re going to do so Ukraine is saying that they this money is going to help them get through 2024 but when you get to 2025 it’s not clear at all that they’re going to have any more support so it’s it’s there’s every way you want to look at this it’s bad for the Ukraine side and they need to seek a negotiated settlement all right well uh left Colonel Daniel L Davis host of Daniel Davis a deep dive on YouTube thank you so much for joining us on Von always a pleasure to have you you bet thanks for having me for latest news download the Von app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

During a visit to Kyiv, Lord Cameron asserted that Ukraine has the same “right” as Moscow’s troops to strike inside of Russia. Watch to know more.

#russia #ukraine #russiaukrainewar

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  1. YouTube needs to ban these Russian orcs because all they know and perceive is what putler tells them. I can’t take the bias and the lack of critical thinking anymore. 😂😒

  2. Sunak wants to ensure that Ukraine dies a more horrible death. If UK is a "partner" of Ukraine, then it is dragging NATO into a direct conflict with Russia, leading to WW3. Is Sunak sure that is what the other nations in NATO wants?

  3. Провоцируя, финансируя и затягивая вражду между двумя христианскими народами, прожившими вместе более трех столетий и связанными тесными историческими, религиозными, экономическими, культурными и семейными узами, США не только не продвигают демократию, а лишь используют украинцев в качестве пушечного мяса ради сохранения гегемонии и геополитических преимуществ. Не важно откуда будут взлетать F16, которые будут убивать русских, Россия будет считать их законной целью!!!!

  4. If Ukraine can't win Russia must be winning but they are not winning . So , did he tell the truth or did it just come out of his heart , not his head ?

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