Co-op Live: Opening on UK’s largest arena postponed for third time | BBC News

Britain’s biggest indoor arena Co-op live in Manchester has postponed its opening yet again called off this week’s coner concerts by the Grammy Award winner Olivia Rodrigo the third and latest attempt to open was abandoned last night less than an hour before a performance by an American rapper with fans left queuing outside shows by the comedian Peter K have already been rearranged twice music fans last night complained of being left out of pocket while managers blamed a technical issue let’s speak to reporter Sarah Rogers who’s outside the venue hi Sarah good to see you so postponed now or delayed opening for a third time what’s going on there yeah good morning yet third time unlucky for this 365 million pound venue said to be one of the biggest indoor entertainment venues outside of North America and fans they actually got here last night they were queuing up they were waiting to go inside and they were given this piece of paper which said to them that they kindly asked fans to leave the area and we deeply apologize for the significant inconvenience this will cause for many we now know that it was part of an air conditioning unit that fell from the ceiling that was after soundcheck from the American rapper Boogie with the hoodie had already taken place so really late notice but if we have a look at the rest of the car park where we are at the moment it does resemble a building site really lots of heavyduty equipment people arrived early in their High Vis vests and hard hats and lots of people going inside which does suggest that there is more work to be done now Olivia Rodrigo as she said she was she’s on her world tour at the moment this was her first UK leg here she has released a statement that says I’m so disappointed we’re unable to perform in Manchester due to a venue related technical issue we’re doing our best to reschedule the show and I really do hope to see you soon now sponsors the co-op are asking for an explanation from the Oak View group who are behind the building who have said that they would not put on any kind of geig or concert um unless the safety was spot on now aside from safety issues this now it’s a logistical nightmare isn’t it there’s tens of thousands of tickets that now need to be rescheduled or refunded and we still don’t know if the events that are going on at the weekend or next week are still going to happen okay for now thank you

US singer Olivia Rodrigo has expressed her disappointment after her gigs at the UK’s largest indoor venue were called off.

The singer is the latest act to fall foul of a crisis at Manchester’s troubled Co-op Live arena.

The decision came after the arena’s opening was postponed for a third time on Wednesday when a fault scuppered a gig by rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie.

The £365m venue was due to be opened by comedian Peter Kay last week, but his shows have been postponed twice.

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  1. I was supposed to see Olivia rodrigo tomorrow but it’s getting postponed 😢 but third time they really need to make sure it’s safe before they promise things

  2. I am sending this because the CIA and fbi refuse to answer my pleas for help.
    My wife is an international terrorist and a set of doppelgangers.
    My mother is a satanic cannibal.
    People are convinced I am a demon, or Jesus or an alien.
    I have done nothing wrong.
    I am tortured by Bluetooth neurolink involuntarily.
    I have been raped by lookalikes and science and tech.
    I have had my money and biomass stolen from me.
    My offsprings are violated and confirmed by villains and perverts.
    I have clear evidence, motive and proof.
    Yet law enforcement refuses to do anything.
    When I informed our allies in such matters the government seems to have cuy them off and attempted to start a war with them.
    Zzst zzst, that is what you get for looking. They said as they gave me a penis reduction while I walked to the smoking section at Hilton Rose Hall Jamaica.
    Please help!!!
    Crazy is irrelevant, I am being tortured,
    Christopher John West

  3. НАТО обвинила Россию в «гибридной вредоносной деятельности на территории альянса»
    БРЮССЕЛЬ, 2 мая. /ТАСС/. Североатлантический альянс обвинил Россию в «гибридной вредоносной деятельности» на своей территории, включая «дезинформацию и саботаж», и пообещал, что продолжит снабжать Украину, несмотря ни на что.
    вы мимо зеркала там что ли прошли? вы ничего не перепутали там? это кто у нас тут три года рассуждает на всех углах как он русню мочит и жжет? ой? не Нулланд случаино? не Макрон? не Столтенберг? не Обама? не Меркель? нет? это кто у нас там все СМИ в позу Камасутры нагнул и весь интернет от "нежелательной информации" вычистил? кто у нас, такая зая, власть Вашингтона и Лондона над Киевом отстаивает? кто у нас санкции вводит? это что, какая то "секретная операция" о которой трезвонят все и на каждом углу? вы ничего не попутали там? при каких обсотятельствах последний раз Бундесвер был в Киеве, никто мне не напомнит? а армия Франции? может Польши? Италии? когда там исторически было НАТО? когда эта земля принажлежала Европе? кто смелый из вас? кто мне ответит?

  4. At least 4 BBC presenters are sueing the BBC for unfair dismissal, sexism , racism, ageism etc….as the BBC desperately try to save money.

    It's days are numbered

  5. Unrealistic timings for projects and clients squeezing the costs. All leads to poor workmanship and ultimately late delivery of completion. Welcome to construction projects.

  6. Co-op are pathetic, stuff falling on your head? Taking money on purpose to inject temp funding just to return it for turnover or money laundery – knowing full well you don't have a venue ready? How are they not sued yet?

  7. Heruu heruu mistress tale heruu JUSTIN Trudeau tui MELANIE joly ke marry jolyr 10/12 number husband hoea jaaa. Joly er 12 number husband hobar souvhaggo kere neeeh

  8. It’s a pity people don’t research who the owner of this venue is? Irving Azoff a Jewish businessman know for supporting Israel.
    Ask yourself why these key bands and artists keep on dropping out of their opening nights.
    See if any of the pro-Palestine artists are attending at this venue? I DON’T THINK SO!

  9. What a complete farce, had to that the horrible architectural design of the building and Manchester has a real lemon. Try looking at the wonderful modern architecture being built all over china and what does Manchester get , a black box that doesn’t work ( even Amazon has better designed warehouses). Really can’t see this monstrosity being still being therein 20 years.

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