Did Ukraine Leave It TOO LATE? – Disturbing Release Of Criminals – Ukraine War Map Analysis

get Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and so far a fantastic week now today we have a lot to go over but I believe as all the videos I make but this one especially is incredibly important and we touch on some very sensitive but incredibly important aspects of what is happening in the war so of course what we’re going to talk about we’re going to talk and look at what is happening on the front lines and have a look at the maps and update because we did miss some updates yesterday due to the map not updating in time now I’ve heard back from my International lawyer friend about targeting the Crimean bridge now that Ukraine has said that Russia does not use it for military use and what is the legal targeting of that now as we know Ukraine is still saying that that is eventually going to come down now what we need to look at as well is a Ukrainian investigative Center who has gone over some 11,000 criminals that are serving within the Ukrainian Army and of course their court cases pushed so then they could be mobilized the majority of these are from minor crimes but there are cases of incredibly incredibly serious crimes including a word that I cannot use on YouTube but starts with an R of a minor and then this person is now serving the deputy commander of the military unit for moral and psychological support so we will go over all of that in this video as well as some Intel that I’ve been sent directly off the front line about what is happening and a no [ __ ] approach now the most criticism I get online and yesterday’s video was no different from this and people calling me naive but is when I call out war crimes and say that we need to treat this as Case by case regardless of who committed it what happened or where the un’s bias sits now a lot of this criticism I would say is probably from people who have never served or would never serve in a capacity to defend or on offensive actions but my opinion here is simple and I’ll clear this up I’m for the lads in the trenches doing the fighting not for the politicians not for the economists now I believe we have the duty and in history has shown this to reduce suffering of those men who are fighting in both current and future warfar and we saw what chemical weapons did in conflicts like World War I where post this 193 countries banded together to ban chemical weapons both allies and adversaries so we have all said this cannot and should not ever be used now if you want to call me naive to Warfare fair enough but I’ll never stop preaching that we yes war is part of the world and I myself served in the combat cause I agree that lethal is Justified in many cases around the world but there’s also a letter of the law that if we don’t maintain legi legitimacy of that well we’re on a slippery slope bloody downhill today is May 9th of course Russia will be celebrating Victory Day now Victory Day is when the Soviet Union declared victory over Nazi Germany in World War II now in weeks prior and days prior the Russian FSB has said that it has thwarted Terror attempts by Ukrainian forces operating within Russia while the Ukrainian sbu has said that they could potentially see a Russian false flag event in Russia during the parade to then drum up more support so look in Australia the time is ahead but I’ll update this if then anything happens now Ukraine and many other posts Soviet States they try to distance themselves as far as possible from from the Soviet Union and I guess the history there too we see the removal of statues War memorials but at the end of the day I believe it needs to be acknowledged that this is part of their history that the sacrifice the Red Army made to defeat Nazism was unbelievable from all of these areas whether you like it or not history is history now from this book written by Mark B Smith I think this sums up uh this day and and the celebrations here the fight to the death between Nazism and communism was the bloodiest in history the Soviet side responded with atrocities of its own but the red army veterans and their descendants are entitled to remember their Victory as the culmination of a moral struggle with the darkest forces of the 20th century I think that sums it up well from the Russia anxiety now what we need to do is have a look at the Kurt straight Bridge the bridge that connects Russia to then Crimea through here and it’s been a longtime Target of Ukraine whether by truck bombs whether by missiles WEA by drones WEA by drone boats and we hear more and more that this bridge needs to come down as well as officials alluding to this bridge coming down but we have seen over recent days and recent months a lot of talk about the non-military use of this so on May 6th the independent investigative group mulfar reported that Russia stopped using the Crimean bridge to trans military equipment to the front lines and is instead using Overland routs in occupied parts of eastern Ukraine we know Russia has put new train lines through in Ross ofan Mario P bird an K topple down into cria there are new routes in here as well as on March 25th the head of the sbu vasil meak has said Russia no longer uses the Crimean bridge to supply weapons and we have reported on that as it happened now many people asked me and said well Willie does this mean it is still a legitimate military Target or dual use Target can that be targeted now I’m not a lawyer thank God a good friend of mine is an international war and criminal lawyer so uh here it is if you’d like to see a full podcast with him breaking down intricacies of this war both Ukrainian and Russian and videos of examples I’ll push you to this video over here now the starting point is whether the bridge makes an effective contribution to the military action of the Russians and whether an attack on the bridge offers a definite military advantage to the ukrainians the standard of the military Advantage is concrete and direct if the purpose of the attack is to make the Russian civilian leadership make some political decision of benefit to Ukraine or to cause the Russian population to become disenchanted with the Russian political leadership such an attack would not amount to a definite military Advantage even effects based operations so ebo with the effect being reduced economic capacity would be unlawful unless a concrete and direct military Advantage can be achieved by the Ukrainian military that’s the case even if the economy contributes to the ability to wage war which it does but any advantage is too remote therefore not direct so talking about the military Advantage economic advantage that that then supplies into war the question for advice states that Ukraine is not using the bridge for military purposes anymore in that regard it cannot be classified as a military objective based on use use refers to its current employment by military purpose however refers to an intended future use so if there is a reasonable belief that the bridge will be used for military purposes in the future it becomes a military objective even though it is not presently being used mere potential for future use however is not enough purpose means more than potential location of the bridge is relevant it may be possible to Target the bridge based on its location if neutralizing it will deny the Russians use of it that can’t be too speculative in a temporal sense it can’t be targeted merely because there is a possibility in the future that destroying it now may deny the Russians the use of it in the future that would not meet the test to definite military Advantage overall the facts provided it is unlikely that targeting it now would be lawful so has the boat sailed a little bit on the targeting here well as I spoke about the beginning I don’t think anyone is going to care if that is then taken down but regardless that bridge is a very important part of this War I think the Strategic aspect has gone now that Russia has built these new ways through but for a PR Victory people are I guess hanging their hat on this now I got sent this off another friend of mine incredibly knowledgeable guy after the war will tell us some fantastic bits and pieces but their focus is shifted now and they’re doing what they should have done long ago depth targeting and strategic Focus so Ukraine has now shifted and targeting in-depth and strategic elements rather than just right on that very front line the Kirch Bridge is a classic example of this it’s now not a strategic Target as it’s too late note the Yanks Americans send the attacks at the same time Russia completed the multi rail line from rosov to ca the bridge is no longer needed if you strike that rail line now maybe wipe out 100 met it it will take 3 hours to repair and he brings up was this sort of known here these are from different guys Al beit on Signal anyway I asked him more about like what’s going on he yeah good mate the faar flag waving [ __ ] does my head in you know where they tap their own backs they’re full of [ __ ] it’s a trickle feed and nothing else talking about equipment going in also the F16 shite please point out that an F-16 is nothing more than a vehicle a taxi yet again like the leopard CH Abrams people are hyping up [ __ ] all the question should never be when the f-16s arrive the question should be what ordinance has been supplied with it I fear it’ll be used as a propaganda piece and nothing else an empty shell now of course an F-16 can work with ordinance far better and far more streamlined than an say a mig29 su27 whatever but like he’s pointing out here if that isn’t then supplied with it well he’s saying it is then a vehicle a vehicle to put missiles in the air that is what a fter jet is at the end of the day it’s a vehicle to put ordinance or ISR assets depending on the type into the air but I think he touches on some important points here now before we have a look at the maps we need to talk about this investigation now we have seen Russia recruit from prisons of hardened criminals who have done horrific things primarily into Vagner PMC in B mood some of these guys who had done horrible atrocities then came in came out and committed them again this is not a pro Russia or a pro Ukraine thing this is a pro people and Justice thing and where seeing now similar happening in Ukraine due to now this investigation so this the NGL Independent anti-corruption Center NGL media was created by a group of journalists in 2013 under the name our money Lviv works with financial support of international donors and readers I’ll point you to their website if you’d like to have a look over this now first bit of criticism I got Willie it’s Pro Russian to focus on this widespread War horrible stories like this are likely widespread don’t feed into the algorithm this is not pro Russian this is not Ukrainian this is justice for victims who have gone under terrible things and what is actually happening here telling the news I’m not focused one way or the other I’m telling the truth as I see it so here we go Thursday April 4 during a regular court session the judge of the Mak district court in cave region tender was accused of a fatal traffic accident asked to release him on custody so that he could mobilize anyway a letter from ground forces about the Readiness to hire him a deputy commander of the company for moral and psychological support faces real imprisonment the consideration of his case would be stopped until demobilization which we know in Ukraine now there is no demobilization law a lot of people are pushing for 36 months you know unknown what it would be and during this time the statute of limitations would probably expire we know this war is going to go on for a long time what the statute of limitations is is the time frame that the state has to charge you so I run over someone they have X amount of years or days or weeks or months depending on the charge to charge me after that they cannot so that could then expire and get away with it however the court kept him Ino and continued the examination on merits instead turned out to be a letter from the military suddenly lost its validity when and the Battalion commander who signed it was removed from his post saying he was unlucky because of the publicity and media attention to his case so saying that once it sort of go into the media then it all fell away but NGL media has found thousands of similar cases where criminal defendants voluntary voluntarily mobilized after which courts suspend their cases this applies not only to those guilty of fatal traffick of accidents or bribery but also to Miners and assistance to Contract Killers angl media analysis of the Court register over the years 22 24 shows that consideration of 11,000 cases was stopped indefinitely due to the mization of the accused the state judicial administration of Ukraine does not keep official statistics of such cases I think you need to keep official statistics of these after the fact if the statute of limitation still there to go well come on let’s see if you need to then go to jail the possibility of stopping Court proceedings duud to mobilization is provided under this article on the criminal proced code was called up for military service during mobilization for a special period the court suspends legal proceedings against such an accused until he is released from military service unless that statute of limitations then rolls over the anoun stopped cases shows that mostly are theft drugs serious traffic incidents but it doesn’t mean that there aren’t other more serious ones which we’ll see broken down here now this is the breakdown of the 11,000 with 766 Road accident with victims of course a victim of a road accident can be anywhere from Fatal through to minor drug trade which I would say this is more trafficking because we have then purchase of drugs down here 757 342 being arms trade domestic violence 200 intentional murder at 185 so this isn’t rare anyway let’s continue down here of course it cannot be unequivocally stated that all the defendant who mobilized are trying to delay the trial for some of them it could be completely natural desire but saying that I’m 100% sure that there are cases of abuse and not only in court proceedings that we monitor specifically with judges there are cases when judges were mobilized to avoid other processes as well for example consideration of disciplinary case the vrp a recent example is Judge kager who was mobilized to suspend consideration of a complaint regarding her drunk driving the result of consideration of such a complaint may be dismissal but while the case is suspended the judge will remain in his status and receive a judge’s fee therefore it is a problem not only for court proceedings but there are many cases where such proceedings proceedings are abused of course you’re going to have problems when it’s not only people who’ve committed the crime but then judges as well the miners are became the deputy Commander for moral and psychological support we’ll read about that one in a sec but most of the crimes are minor crimes in particular the most accused are theft where the statute of limitations is short however there are cases where the court stops the proceedings on charges of serious crimes for example the case of vladislav rakovan is pending in the October district court in the MAV region he is accused of inflicting Grievous bodily harm that led to the victim’s death it happened more than four years ago in June 22 Rak of Jen became a sanitary Marksman of the military cargo escort Department of the security platoon in the same region the court stopped a case against Tima the Great who is accused of aiding and abetting a contract killing that happened almost 10 years ago previously he hid from investigation and is wanted for more than a year in July 22 he initially went to serve in the voluntary formation of this Ser uh City territorial Community but the court refused to stop the case because this was not part of the structure of the Armed Forces however already in the following year the court stopped the case because this was mobilized in the armed forces so then found another unit and went forward this is the one which is horrible since the beginning of 2019 the case of this R of a minor has been heard by the bravar court and District Court of the Kev region the names of both the defendant and victim are withheld due to the highest sensitivity of this information according to the investigation the accused together with a group of accomplices used physical violence against a minor girl and are her including in an unnatural way but in May 22 the court stopped the proceedings due to his mobilization a special feeling of Shame is caused by the fact that he serves not just anyone but the deputy commander of the military unit for moral and psychological support unbelievable release corrupt officials in April the vova rer adopted in the first reading of draft law the mobilization of convicts which stipulates that only five categories of convicts will not be able to mobilize for example crimes against foundations of National Security intentional killing of two or more people so not just one murder are all others can be mobilized according to olena Shaban Deputy executive director of anti-corruption Center this draft law will allow the release of convicted corrupt officials under guise of increasing mobilization the draft law will actually legalize evasion of the Court determine punishment in the form of deprivation of Liberty and in the future thanks to corruption schemes the evasion of military service in general so I know my thoughts on that and I’d like to know your thoughts on that but I think that this needs to be sorted out as quickly as possible what we can see is this is systemic running through the courts as well as being aided and embedded by officials corrupt officials regardless this needs light B to it and people to see it and this to be fixed minor offenses I completely understand but these horrible things no it is absolutely inexcusable anyway let’s now have a look at the maps as we do have a lot to go over because we did miss two days so here we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 and the green of areas where Russia has been and has either withdrawn or being pushed out now let’s step back to yesterday and have a look at then what we saw so if we go back to the eth and we turn on this we can see in this rosani front that Russia did make a significant amount of ground we’re talking about 1.57 km so that is bang on one mile which is not nothing and then if we come then to today we do see a reduction in that amount as well so that front line has moved a little bit back and forwards there according to the Deep state o mat but let’s have a look and talk then about this so we have the first one here showing this Movement by Surak in the same direction showing a large amount of land anyway during the last days Russian army made significant advances west of sski by taking control of the high positions that overlook this locality in addition Ukrainian Army withdrew towards the center of urani so down in this direction now we have a second update later on not showing that push back of which the Deep State showed but Russian army entered starski and took control of 20% of the locality so this one on the right is yesterday this is then today showing more expansion out into here out into Then star mski here shown by the map but not anywhere near to the same extent anyway later update saying Russian troops reach the first houses but it’s not yet possible confirmed consolidation of positions there however after losing adjacent Heights Ukrainian troops are going to have difficult ulties to hold their positions Lo in the Valley of the mul while on the other bank the Russians are pressing hard on urani as we can see where this Waterway runs through here so this will be a front to keep an eye on of course this is where Ukraine made some of its most advances in the 2023 counter offensive that did push about 8 kilm down into Russian occupied territory now let’s have a look over a couple of differences on the map if we come up to today now one thing I want to talk about K Hua we know this map is very very incorrect we know other Maps Ukrainian Maps everything shows very different here we saw this little push out here over the last couple of days but nothing more than that but we do know we have gated footage of Russians putting flags up outside of even Gray Zone shown on this map of course questions the entire authenticity of this about 12 hours ago this came out May 8th for the spokesman of this group of forces who’s operating in this area that Ukrainian soldiers stopped Russian assault groups in the territory of CR ARA refactory plant where we have those flags going up uh the city is under full control of Ukraine’s Defense Forces the Russians are still there the enemy is cut off from the supply of ammunition our Defenders have full fire control over both CR hka and the outskirts of the town so I don’t know we’re hearing very very different things about what the scenario actually is here I believe and marking with other I believe with this and lining up with other Maps this is more what the situation actually is this is now the refactory plant and this push on then the Eastern Edge now what has this done well it’s created this Gap in here enveloping whoever is in here as well as defensive operations in here so I believe this will close up in the coming days or weeks but Russian army Advanced Southwest of the hunting house and entered cres rivka from the north taking control over a series of positions in the urban area until the nursing home and the stadium at the same time clashes with Ukraine Army are taking place near the town hall so pushing Beyond then the refactory plant into the center as well as in now the north as well and then suret continues here looking at the map we can confirm the predictable the Russian forces will force Ukrainian forces to abandon the Eastern defenses by enveloping maneuver in here after this is the center of the city will fall quickly leaving the fighting in the northern suburbs where perhaps the fighting will be prolonged a little longer so we know the break in here took a long time but we know this map is likely incorrect now let’s have a look at what changes we see then on the map today so we do see this further closing up in between pervi and umans this open territory out from the East then of aiva nothing shown on this map to then the north of aiva but then a push out from perki to Wards Nel ski as well as this other envelope starts closing up as well so let’s have a look and see what we have situation Northwest of Don City so this same area Uh Russian army secured series of trenches south of per measi in this direction so we know that there has been movement down here but this is showing this padic rather so we’ll keep this one up here and then we have a map update from then the next day this is this part so pushing then further out to the east of that Russian army secured new position south of permi in addition troops took control of a series of high buildings in the center of nalo so the continual push out from payi then into nalo vodana area here so we’re seeing this now we do have an update from a divka in then Noel reports as well now let’s Zoom there we have Solid V so showing dust out here this close up of territory down towards Seka which is shown actually Less on his map than the mod map as well as this push out from osar as well which I believe is close is but it is definitely hard to line up we can see where these two paddocks are are these so similar but doesn’t show this Northern expansion see these out here that his map should show to line up within the mod map now another interesting update on this was deep showed an advancement of if we take the largest point 1.59 so 1 mile around this V front now I believe this is actually catching up on a number of weeks here but again showing large movement now that is all the movement we see on this map now what I believe this map is doing this map plays into narratives and propagandas and information as well as well as other maps on the Russian side do and whatever but this is the Ukrainian map we know sign deals with the ministry of Defense I think that we will see trickle feeding in Russian advancements to try and reduce the amount that comes on one day so I think they’ll update here and then if there’s no movement here we’ll see an update in crua and if there’s some in no Myka so they’ll space them out a little bit and I actually believe Russia do this with uh taking out important pieces of equipment so say a Russ Ukraine sink a Russian ship if Russia have footage of them blowing up a highas or a patriot they’ll release that the day after to reduce the impact of that you got to remember that the Frontline war is one aspect the informational war is a whole different aspect to this war and just as important as movements when it comes to dealing with Democratic countries that are supplying the money in to do this and that’s what I’ll say more on these criminals who have done serious crimes if you’ve done a minor crime I don’t give a [ __ ] if someone’s in the military I could not care but these serious crimes that could avoid any justice and sentencing then and if we’re funding this we need to have a say on how that works and I’d like to see a journalist who has contacts into embassies wherever actually asks these bloody hard questions I myself have reached out to many ambassadors whatever I can’t get [ __ ] but someone with the balls to actually ask about things like this Legends sorry if the last couple of videos have just been a bit of me going off but I believe this is all important stuff and it’s all part of what’s building the story around this war and in the future we’ll look back and will’ll break down exactly what’s happening day to day week to week and wherever this then ends look after yourselves have a great end to the week have a great day I’ll speak to you soon thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. G'day guys,
    As I was watching this back I know the Questions will be asked, 'Why should they not serve if they have committed a crime?' 'Better use them than sitting a a cell' ..
    These are legitimate observations, I think the issue here becomes:
    1 – Just being born a man 18-60 you will then possibly face the same consequence as a criminal, (Both can be sent to the frontline without demobilisation laws).
    2 – Statute of limitations – May never actually face criminal proceedings. (Statute of limitations should be paused until after the war under martial law). Example: The case presented in this video is 2019… It is 2024, Ukraine Stature of Limitations in the case of a Serious crime is 7 years, a particularly serious crime is 10 years, Could this war go to 2026 or 2029….?
    3 – Further questions of the courts legitimacy/corruption rightfully will be asked.
    4 – As the article (linked below) states, mobilization doesn't just mean frontline, Some are sent to checkpoints and areas hundreds of kilometres from the front within cities or Western Ukraine.


  2. Many of the ex Soviet nations try to cut off a part of their own history, effectively spitting in the face of their own forefathers who fought on the right side of history and won, just to please the EU crowd and fit nicely into their modern day ideology is just sad.

  3. I wholeheartedly support your drive to prevent war crimes.

    But you did leave something rather important out . First, both sides have to have the same values and one of the values is international rules of armed conflict. The source of these values is a professional officer in NCO core throughout your entire military on both sides.

    I think the best example of core values would be surrender to protect your soldiers under you when your position becomes untenable with wounded and lack of supplies . This example is clear for all to understand. Well decision to surrender seem simple as actually very difficult and requires military professionalism.

    The problem is two fold. Very senior officers now are politicians not warriors. And they don’t hold the values I described above. Your mid-level officers and Senior NCOs have died due to the attritional war. You never had the leader ship at the top in the Ukrainian army and the middle level professional officers are all dead.

    It’s not recoverable at this point on Ukrainian side, except for little bright points of Hope with individual brigades and units

  4. Ukraine could pass a law to halt the time of The Statute of Limitations on the date the war began in order for justice to proceed no? As Pig Fancier Lard ‘’Just call me Dave’’ Cameron would say ‘’I am not a Lawyer’’ 😂

    Never mind the bollox mate, you’re doing a great job. Great info, great presentation. I’m very grateful of your hard work.🙏👍😎

  5. The Na.is release criminals and implemented them in KZ Guards and SS cleaning groups. So what's the difference. I do not wonder, that the Nato "leaders" seem to have no problems with this action.
    Obviously the same mindset.

  6. This is the most important video and it will be long?!?
    Damn, if you don't have anything new to say, make a SHORTER VIDEO!!!

  7. 18:01 Hey! There is no corruption in Ukraine.. Zero!

    Now I take my tongue out of my cheek.

    Really bad situation there,, I am pretty sure, if this ends they way I envisage, shit like this will be brought to the sunlight.

  8. If you want to really understand who the right side in the conflict is, you just need to look at how they treat history and culture.

    People who are right do not fear monuments and symbols.

  9. as a doctor on cultural and historical heritage I can honestly say the way is to keep heritage so then you can educate society about it (in the way you find convinient), just imagine the germans start demolishing all concentration camps, wouldn´t we be enraged for them erasing history and so their mistakes?

  10. USA is not committed to DEFEATING Russia. It drip feeds, give weapons after events, not anticipating Russian actions. It is not how you WIN wars! USA delay seems to have cost them 'control' of this war. Many Europeans want weapons used on military in Russia, talk of DEAFEATING Russia, returning Ukraine lands. Is this your view too?

  11. So lately your conflict daily videos turned into reading bunch of online messages and news articles that don't mean anything.

  12. Ukraine has been controlled by the US since 1943 and you're offended that they're ruled by pedos? What else would they be? The president of the United States is a long known pedo. Thank god they're terrible at building weapons and executing wars. Granada was their one and only victory. You'll eat crickets and be happy.

  13. Before appereance of the USSR Ukraine did not existed as a state. Ukraine is typical communist creation.
    If is that put in to the history context all seems different than presented.


  15. Willy, open your eyes, mate ! Open your ears ! Educate yourself on the subjects you comment here, you are again second-place guessing !
    The story with "no more military traffic on the bridge" is for brainwashed ignorant !
    In real world, both UK and France Ambassadors were called to Moscow and warned about the fact Russia will nuke the crap out of them not only in Ukr but also in London and Paris if they send troops in Ukr or allow the hohols to target that bridge with UK / France weapons !
    Short after the meeting, couple days ago, and after the nuclear drills staged by Russia, Micron and the UK clown both start screaming out loud they never ever sent troops in Ukr, and they popped the story with "no military traffic on the bridge", ergo no bombing of the bridge.
    So, willy, grow-up mate, do your home-work better…

  16. Initially, "Ukrainian" meant a Russian living on the outskirts of the country. In ancient times, Russia had many "marginal territories (Ukraine)" located along all borders of the country. And it was only under the Communists that Ukrainians became a separate nation, and a language was formed from the Ukrainian dialect. Russians and Ukrainians at that time did not differ from each other in culture, history, or language. In 1991, 80% of Ukrainians considered Russian their native language. Then, logically, it can be assumed that there is no point in living in two countries with one people, since this still implies division and competition. Therefore, the Government of Ukraine has begun to remake the people of Ukraine. Another history of the country has been invented, other heroes, and the Ukrainian language is being forcibly introduced everywhere. Russian culture is banned, and the government of Ukraine has always tried to be on the side of Russia's opponents. As a result, this led to a conflict.

  17. Thank you for your professional neutral reporting, it is much appreciated as most reporters are propagandists for one side or the other. Please keep up the good work

  18. Bro you’re young and don’t know the world. White people can’t do war crimes. Even when you see with your own eyes. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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