Germany’s Left Party calls for kebab price cap | DW News

the price for dinner kebabs has been increasing in Germany and people are not amused in the past few years inflation has caused prices for the staple sandwich to rise sharply almost doubling in some places young people especially say they’re barely able to afford it that’s why talk of a Duna price b or Kebab price cap is being discussed on social media and in political circles too Chancellor Schultz addressed the issue on Tik Tok G but according to SCH such price controls are not implementable in the free market now Germany’s left party Dinka is proposing exactly that they want to limit the price for a kebab to € 4490 or €290 for school kids such a subsidy program would cost around4 billion a year dink has calculated the Kebab is one of Germany’s favorite fast foods its price increase reflects a more General rise in the cost of living there rent energy and food prices have been soaring

#döner #kebab #germany #dönerpreisbremse


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  1. 9 Euro for a Doener Kebap here in a metropolitan area … But better to pay 9 Euro for a Doener than to vote for the Putin-party "Die Linke".

  2. I love a great Rollo… But everything is more expensive as these wars are waging. Chicken prices have literally doubled. Eat less, I guess. The government is already strained.

  3. Bei 6 euro für Döner hole ich lieber für 5 euro Lachsfilets. Einfach Schwachsinn für so ungesunden Abfall so viel zu bezahlen.

  4. So putting price cap mean that gov will pay the difference to people who made kebab? Or they just somehow need to keep own prices below cap even if price of labour and ingredients will be higher than cap… first solution mean people will abuse situation because gov paying money so you can manipulate situation to milk the gov… or second scenario where you need to compromise ingredients quality or/and size of kebab… Olaf maybe is boring but he is right about it.

  5. Bad idea! If they subsidize it, then theyll raise the prices even more knowing the govt will cover it. Let your money do the talking instead. Stop frequenting the places that raise the price exorbitantly.
    We have the same thing taking place in the US with our fav food chains. They arrogantly crowed about how they could keep jacking up prices. We stopped going and their sales decreased. The corporations quarterly profits dropped.
    And you know what…they did me a favor. I realized that i dont need to eat that junk so frequently. Im eating way healthier and dont miss it.

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