Hunrdeds of Gaza water sites damaged or destroyed. #Rafah #Gaza #BBCNews

15 L of water that’s the minimum amount one person needs per day for drinking washing and cooking according to the World Health Organization but the average household in the city of Rafa in Gaza is believed to have access to just one liter of water a day that’s according to UNICEF Israel launched a military operation in Gaza last year in response to the October the 7th attacks we analyzed over 600 water and sanitation facilities across Gaza and found that more than half of them have been damaged or destroyed since then the Red Dot on this map represent the facilities affected the majority in the northern area and hanun we also looked at damage to gaz’s wastewater treatment plants which are crucial to preventing the buildup of sewage and spread of disease most have been damaged like this one or destroyed residents in Gaza told us they are queuing for hours to access drinking water some people we spoke to said drinking polluted water is now their only option

  1. Reminder this is all man made and it's not a natural event. Never forget Israel is to blame for everything that happened before October the 7th and after.

  2. Pakistan 🇵🇰 support Palestine 🇵🇸
    India 🇮🇳 support Israel 🇮🇱

    God bless Pakistan 🇵🇰
    India 🇮🇳 always on the wrong side of history

  3. Free Free Women's Minds and Bodies Must be Free From SLAVERY Butchery by Islamic Muslim Arab Palestinian RELIGIOUS Persecutors persecution. Thirty-seven percent of Arab women are reported to have experienced some form of violence in their lifetime, though sources indicate that the true percentage is actually higher. Two practices that fall under the broad and ugly umbrella of gender-based violence and control are female genital mutilation (FGM) and child and forced marriage (CFM), which together affect tens of millions of Women

  4. Maybe hamas shouldnt have dug up the water pipes to make rocket launchers to attack isreal..
    Seems the biggest threat to Palestinians is hamas

  5. Can BBC verify clarify a claim from the BBC 4 today programme where a Pro Hamas student claimed the "ICJ ruled that Israel is committing a plausible genocide."

    This is not true and was not corrected by presenter Amol Rajan. When asked for clarification after the programme the BBC has decided not to apologise even though they have acknowledged this was an incorrect statement.

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