Putin just got terrible news: The largest Russian oil facility in eastern Ukraine was blown up!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global recent military actions and geopolitical mobilization are reshaping the landscape of War both on the front lines and across borders Ukraine’s attacks on Russian oil networks continue to profoundly affect Regional security balances and Global energy politics this conflict highlights the Innovation and determination of Ukraine’s military strategies and the vulnerability of Russia’s critical infrastructure in this article we will take a closer look at Ukraine’s latest attacks and analyze their consequences in the evening hours today aak Ms missiles which were introduced into the Ukrainian Army’s inventory by the United States hid an oil Depot in luhansk according to local sources the explosions caused large fires luhansk residents shared these events on social media and revealed the situation in the region local news sources and social media reported that aam’s missiles hit the oil Depot following this strategic attack in luhansk the leader of the so-called luhansk People’s Republic Leonid pnik confirmed that the oil Depot had been hit Leonid pnik characterized the city as a peaceful place despite its long occupation at the moment the most important goal for the staff of the ministry of E emergency situations who are fighting the fire is to contain the fire and protect the inhabitants and their homes from the Flames it was reported by pnik that the Personnel working for the ministry of emergency situations arrived at the location of the fire in a relatively short amount of time additionally pnik indicated that he is personally in control of the problem and that he will keep communication with the broader public as additional information regarding the incident becomes available in the immediate aftermath of the event statements were made suggesting that five individuals who were employed at the oil Depot had injuries and were sent to the hospital for treatment the Russian media reported that power lines were damaged that several households in the area were left without electricity and that a high-press natural gas pipeline was also damaged all of these things were reported to have occurred the most recent example of the recent Sergey in military activity in the luhansk region was this strike which contrasts with the previous example it was carried out by the military of the Ukrainian government over the past few days a number of operations have been carried out against Russian military Targets in the region and atacms missiles have been utilized as a component of those operations in the luhansk region the target of an assault was a training facility that was located close to ROV this facility is around 80 kilomet distant from the front line as part of their possession of the territory Russian occupation forces forces exploited the facility as a military training and coordination center for the duration of their rule the concentration of Russian forces and military activity in the region had been identified by a drone before to the attack this was discovered before the attack took place it was the Drone that was responsible for transmitting and receiving the real-time coordinates of the targets as a result of this the weapon system was able to provide a reaction that was not only accurate but also quick the there were a total of three aack Ms missiles that were launched into the surrounding area both of these facilities sustained severe damage as a result of the initial missile strike which was directed at Russian personnel and military equipment located in the adjacent area it was determined that the second missile was a probable Miss because there was no indication of Russian presence in the surrounding area this was despite the fact that the second missile did make contact with the target sector a crucial Crossing site on the Adar River was struck by the third missile which inflicted major damage once again the Silhouettes of military vehicles could be seen at the Crossing site because of the strikes carried out by the atacms more than 110 men were eliminated from the Russian training camp this was a direct consequence of the attacks the preparations that the Russian military was making in the land that they had taken were significantly hindered as a result of this the most significant accomplishment of Ukraine’s effective attacks on the front lines is on the other hand the execution of operations that cross international borders targets of the activities that span International borders include oil refineries Supply hubs and vital Logistics infrastructure these facilities are targets of the activities one thing that should be brought to your attention is the fact that this includes the strikes that took place deep within the Russian Federation the ryazan oil refinery which is a vital component of Russia’s huge oil infrastructure was the target of a new defensive that was initiated by Ukrainian forces in the early hours of May 1st 2024 during the early morning hours this Refinery is operated by the rosn organization which is controlled by the Russian government it is located about 150 km to the southeast of Moscow and 460 km away from the point on the border between Russia and Ukraine that is the closest to the refinery the corporation has reported that the maximum amount of oil that can be processed in a single year is between 17 and 18 million tons with the majority of this quantity being shipped to International markets the operation which was carried out by drones operated by the Ukrainian government and supervised by the intelligence directorate of the Ukrainian defense Ministry was directed against the center of Russia’s oil production capacity the goal of the operation was the Hub the evidence reveals that at approximately 2:00 in the morning there were four separate explosions that resonated throughout throughout the broad grounds of the refinery these explosions were subsequently followed by a big fire that engulfed the entire area the Russian authorities have stated that the fire has been brought under control and that there have been no casualties as a result of the incident on the other hand the allegations that were issued by the authorities were debunked by the images and videos that were uploaded to social networking sites by inhabitants of the area the day before the assault on Ryon the region of smolin was the focus of an assault that was carried out the Ukrainian military had attacked an oil storage facility the day before which was situated in the vicinity of the village of razdar rovo which is situated in the smolin region there was yet another case of Ukrainian military aiming their weapons at Russian oil facilities the city of smolin is situated barely 10 km away from the site of the attack and it is believed that drones were utilized in order to carry out the operation State Governor vasil an noin has reported that fires have broken out at Fuel and energy facilities in both the smolinsky and yarty regions these fires have been reported by Governor an noin the inhabitants of both regions have been exhorted by him to keep their composure and to prevent from becoming excessively anxious these videos which were distributed across several social media platforms provided evidence of the severity of the fire these assaults were not a unique incident contrary to what is commonly believed estimates released by the the Ukrainian Security Service indicate that simultaneous operations carried out by the gur have successfully carried out at least 13 strikes on Russian refineries these estimates are based on the fact that the G has successfully carried out these operations taking into consideration the cumulative effects of these assaults a major influence has been brought about because of these events Russia’s oil production and processing capacity experienced a major decrease of 12% while the vital oil infrastructure of the country continued to absorb significant damage at the same time Russia’s oil output and processing capacity declined significantly the economic and logistical challenges that Moscow is currently suffering as a result of the conflict have been further worsened as a result of drone strikes in Ukraine according to sources from Western media sites these strikes have already caused gasoline shortages across Russia Vladimir zalinski the president of Ukraine has been informed that the United States of America has expressed some qualms about the likelihood of targeting Russia’s electricity grid this information has been brought to his attention zalinski emphasized his conviction that given the current scarcity of Ukrainian air defense equipment this is the only viable option to mitigate Russian attacks on Ukrainian Energy Systems what this means is that in order to impose pressure on Russia it is necessary to strike Russia’s own key infrastructure in order to make Russia pay pay the same price in spite of the fact that it has been recognized for a considerable amount of time as the most important Pro state in the world Russia is currently facing a challenge the necessity of protecting its territory while simultaneously Waging War on its neighbor all of this taking place against the backdrop of a fuel crisis that is still unfolding on the domestic front were all factors that contributed to the situation shock waves have been sent through the Kremlin as a result of the persistent drone strikes that Ukraine has been car caring out against oil infrastructure located deep within Russia’s borders the gasoline supplies in Moscow have been significantly impacted as a result of these strikes which have also led to a major increase in the prices of Commodities produced throughout the country there is a possibility that Russia will be obliged to alter the quantity of its exports as well as the composition of those exports as a consequence of a reduction in its refining capacity this might lead to Russia losing market share in the extremely competitive inter AAL oil Market to other producers from around the world this strike was carried out by Ukraine in the future the lessons that were learned during this combat will undoubtedly have a big impact on the future of warfare they will also serve as a source of inspiration for a new generation of military strategists and they will redefine the boundaries of what is possible in modern conflict thank you for watching us

Putin just got terrible news: The largest Russian oil facility in eastern Ukraine was blown up!

  1. These wars going on all around is going to spread and leave us all dead. Remember people in power or people in streets both together. War means human killing one another.

  2. The big difference is that Ukraine is fighting for their lives and their country , as the Russian's are being forced to fight with little to none back up, the Orks can't even be fed on a regular basis and medical attention is just about non-existent !!!! There is a huge difference when you're heart is in the fighting for the good of your country !!! And then there's the Orks who are not being treated well by their own commanders !!!

  3. No podemos ni debemos gozarnos de lo que está pasando ;
    Es una pena que la humanidad Después de haber alcanzado el grado de cultura que tenemos. Sigamos siendo unos bárbaros.

  4. You are using lies and deception as clickbaits to attract viewers.
    Giving false hopes to Ukraine and all peace loving people is cruel
    …and you are also deceiving yourself.

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