Eurovision’s executive supervisor Martin Österdahl booed by the audience. #Eurovision #BBCNews

to make sure the jury voting has gone according to plan let’s check in with the man in control the Eurovision executive supervisor Martin EST on what can you tell us about the result yeah good evening the Moment of Truth has arrived and I can tell you that we’ve checked and verified all of the results and we’re ready to start revealing the results of the grand finaly with the Ebu this year is the face of it so he’s getting that response oh

  1. All they had to do was bar Israel from competing, but I think that would've upset a sponsor and we can't be doing that can we?

  2. Free Free Women's Minds and Bodies Must be Free From SLAVERY Butchery by Islamic Muslim Arab Palestinian RELIGIOUS Persecutors persecution Thirty-seven percent of Arab women are reported to have experienced some form of violence in their lifetime, though sources indicate that the true percentage is actually higher. Two practices that fall under the broad and ugly umbrella of gender-based violence and control are female genital mutilation (FGM) and child and forced marriage (CFM), which together affect tens of millions of Women's

  3. EBU made a big mistake by disqualifying the Netherlands. Big. HUGE. Joost didn't do anything wrong, it is quite the opposite; The camera woman was harassing Joost. Joost did NOT touch her. The camera woman kept filming him, even while this is in breech of EBU's contract with the artist not to film backstage. Joost asked her twice to stop filming and she kept filming him, so he made a gesture to the camera not even to the camera woman! EBU disqualifying Joost is like victim blaming and so not right. I hope justice will be served and there will be pressed charges against the EBU and their camera woman. Joost, you are in our hearts and everyone knows you were the public's choice. No one can take that away from you, Joost! Eurovision should apologize to Joost and also publicly for what they have so unrightfully done to Joost. Disqualifying him is not right, just not right…

  4. Biggest sponsor of the event, Moroccanoil is an Israeli company. Joost made somewhat of a statement against Israel. Furthermore EBU is located in Switzerland. Joost, especially after deciding to suspend him, was a threat to them. They clearly wanted him out and used the rule book and room for interpretation to benefit their prejudices.

  5. I think the disqualification has to do with the fact he was before Israel so to confuse the voters. They wanted Croatia first and put it in the best spot while the top competitors like Ukraine and Israel at the beginning. Jury votes need to be reduced to 30% or 40%

  6. Well, the 'puppetshow' must go on. Eurovision isn't the same anymore as is it was 40 years ago. It's just influenced by some crazy deepstate people, who think they still got power by creating chaos using the Eurovision Contest.

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