Video shows aftermath of Ukrainian airstrike at apartment block in Belgorod, Russia

Video shows aftermath of Ukrainian airstrike at apartment block in Belgorod, Russia

Russia claims an airstrike by Kyiv hit one of Ukraine’s own apartment complexes Sunday, killing at least nine — following allegations that the Kremlin also kept accidentally bombing the Russian-controlled area itself.

In one of the deadliest attacks of the war in the Belgorod region, Ukraine allegedly launched Tochka ballistic missiles and other weapons at “residential areas of the city of Belgorod,” Russia’s Defense Ministry said.

Russia’s air defense system took out 12 of the missiles fired, but “fragments” of one of the missiles fell on the apartment complex, killing at least nine people and injuring 20, including two children, according to Moscow and its Belgorod governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov.


#ukrainerussiawar #airstrike #russia

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  1. For those intetested in the truth, the anslysis of blast video and effect inducates it was likely a russian glide bomb that either malfunctioned or perhaps a false flag, watch the video, basement blows up, from east.

  2. Ukraine did not strike this house, it was an accidental drop of a Russian bomb from a bomber. Search for video of the explosion on the Internet

  3. Украина не наносила удар по этому дому. Это ошибочный сход российской бомбы с бомбардировщика. В интернете есть видео детонации, по которому можно определить какой дом, как дом расположен, где был взрыв и так далее.

  4. Russia is advancing mightily all along the front lines, moving into Kharkov. Kiev is panicking. Ukraine is finished. The US fake fed-printed money and weapons we haven't even manufactured yet won't save them.

  5. This is either a malfunction Russian missile (which literally happened many times and hit Belgrod many times) or it just Russian false attack to blame Ukraine. WAKE UP STOP BEING A CLOWN

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