Frontline Rapidly Deteriorates, HARD TRUTH From The Front – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News Update

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and so far a fantastic start to your week now today we have a lot to go over we’ve got some information that I was sent across from a guy who’s been on the channel before but is definitely Anonymous but after the war if he will come out it will be fantastic to speak publicly but this isn’t just some guy on Twitter tapping away this is a real hitter on the tools and is open and very honest with me as well now of course me to talk about the residential building that has been hit down in belgrad as well as we’ll look at the maps we’ll talk about the north group the success that Russia is having there what Ukraine is saying about this of course we’ll look at Shu we’ll look at what the Department of Defense from the United States has said about Russia’s advancing through Ukraine as well as some other rounds and Strikes which I think we will find interesting but first off the bat I want to talk about what I was sent across last night as it does confirm a few things so the other day but this is over two days but youal mate they are just going to do this like they always do and have done now this is back to my video in response to uh combat vet reacts Paul about this movement in here and this guy who there agrees with this and today’s deep state map is actually showing what we spoke about so what it is showing here is more movement down n and as well more movement up here n NOA poovi where we have exactly spoken about all these prongs coming out and envelopment of there but we will talk about the map movements in a second as you can see there’s a lot of r on this map of course up in the north also but he says you’re one of the only ones out there that says what he sees there’s zero critical thinking going on and hasn’t since day one pro propaganda Ukraine is winning when they aren’t is short-term lived and the ground reality soon becomes apparent and when it does and when the penny drops it’s far more devastating and politically embarrassing and we’ve spoken about this that propaganda while on the pro can then backfire massively and I think we’re in a ground of that over the past few months with the whole idea that Russia’s out of weapons out of troops fully degraded no economy and then we’re seeing this some people going hey what is going on and I’m more I’m very surprised that more people on the platform of YouTube who are uh Watchers not Publishers aren’t asking these specific bloggers Publishers journalists about like what’s going on you’ve been saying for 2 years this it’s not matching up I don’t know but say a problem stop it or fix it there and then instead it keeps walking into those Flames terrible really thank you mate uh BR realistic the top comment the other day one of the comments was Willie went from Pro Ukrainian idealist to Pro Ukrainian realist now even if people now think I’m part of the FSB anyway but I think that lines it up that I want the best for Ukraine but I’m also realistic in what I see on the ground now I’m happy to be wrong I’ve been wrong many many times but I I say it as I see it and a lot of the times that has to have me swelling my pride he continues it’s an extremely dangerous game I think when so much effort is pumped into Happy propaganda The Lads are doing fine when they aren’t when honest analysis is conducted problems are exposed and quick exposed quickly and fixed so bringing light to issues rather than just everything is going great so it shocks me that most Pro Ukrainian accounts aren’t the most outrageous things happening especially with things like Defenders rights the demobilization and rotation of guys on the front lines now continuing here I found more and more guys have come forward with Anonymous statements from the front purely cuz I’ll actually give the boys a voice even if that isn’t positive it’s what’s needed I dare say you’ll get warning someday from someone you can’t see or reply to I asked what does this mean and for telling the truth too much and I have had multiple people reach out who I trust who have said along these same lines now I don’t know if it’s just a bit of fear but you never know but I’ll be honest until the day I bloody the Tuma gets me but let’s have a look over what has been going on with what’s been in the news what’s been big and what hasn’t been now firstly I want to talk about what has occurred up in belgrad now I think I said down in belgrad in the beginning maybe down in if we’re talking Russia up if we’re talking Ukraine but we have seen that there has been a lot of shelling going in and we have seen that yesterday a residential building has collapsed killing and trapping both civilians and emergency workers now I believe at the moment russer is reporting 15 people have been killed and we’ll watch the footage we’ll go over it and I’ll talk about what I see and what benefits can come from things like this but let let’s watch the footage here so what we first need to look at is we’re looking down here where we see the explosion and this blue building here now this is said blue building this here where the dot is is what then collapses so we are looking from here across this way that’s the direction of which we’re looking and then if we zoom out we can see this is where Ukraine is so what people are pointing at is well how could the round come in from the back or could have it come in from the front regardless we’re going to have a talk about it but just to lie out where exactly we are looking across that blue building so here we go looking down here now to for my eye it’s not a immediately obvious what has happened and what has occurred here we see then that explosion that collapse the terrible collapse of a building and then we’ll see footage here as well of emergency services and people digging through the rubble here and these are terrible terrible things i’ I was in turkey and Syria when the earthquake hit and we had a lot of buildings have collapses like this it is a horrible horrible thing that said it is unbelievable that you can find people alive in buildings like this weeks after I think maybe 9 or 10 days after people were still finding be being found alive there I know it was an earthquake not you know this but regards we’re going to talk about this as well and then we have seen the roof further collapse here as well with emergency workers clearing so all in all it’s just a horrible situation now both sides of the coin have pointed fingers raging from that it was a Ukrainian missile to shelling to an FSB inside job and me and not many other people in the world who are public no one knows exactly what has happened yet but one thing we do know is that Ukraine has definitely increased its shelling into belgrad over not only the past weeks but especially in the past say 24 hours and there’s a lot more footage coming in of this to so we have his car park here and up here you’ll see a shell so shell go off there and causing some damage now I’m not a big fan of the whole eye for an eye thing these civilians and again I am very disappointed when we PE see people celebrating civilian casualties purely because they’re not the right civilians that fit then people’s biases like this we see it should make no difference what happened to the house in belgrad 50,000 strong armies now marching in that direction as well as here for apartment for sale well ventilated and this is Ex two examples from large people but there are thousands of examples when instances like this happen now whether it was a gas explosion rigged up whether it was some a shell hitting gas and it going off or an Interceptor or a missile regardless it is horrible that civilians get caught in things like this now as well something that came across that I saw was this Fab 1500 golide bomb here saying burning for belgrad you bastards now the reason I bring that up is regardless of what actually happened here Russia will benefit just like with the Ukrainian backed incursions into these areas and the shelling going in this leads to more men signing up for the front and more people supporting the effort of the war now take with that information as you will but I think the incursions we saw that cross into here have done a net negative for what was achieved from those compared to what now is coming from it in the informational space and using that as a recruitment tool and all this I think has been a net negative you may disagree with that that is just the way I then see it so again horrible horrible situation there and we need to point out there of course there been a shitload of shelling coming from this direction back into har and into V chance and areas like this also so let’s have a look on the maps go up and down and something that I did actually miss yesterday for talking about North group in the video posted on telegram not on here because of the what we saw in the video is we can actually see the Russian soldiers being targeted had what had on what I would call 72-hour pack so like a 3-day um rock sack on their back what to me as a former Soldier will mean that these guys are looking to sustains on foot for 72 hours it’s heavy it’s cumbersome but ammo food water things like this so that tells me that what we see here are forward Recon elements looking out feeling for where then a larger assault can come through now I’ve seen claims of thousands of troops have have crossed and tens and tens of tanks and I haven’t seen any evidence yet of this we will see Ukrainian fpv Drone footage coming out of striking that ISR footage coming out we just haven’t seen a lot of that but let’s talk about the north group as things are becoming I don’t know if it’s coming clearer or actually more murky and muddy but we can see this further confirmed advancement in here on then the Deep State Ukrainian map so if we take from a point here to point here we’re talking let’s say 6 km confirmed which is a hell of a long way into an area now measuring a kilometer here or a kilometer in another area in the front it isn’t fair due to the defensive works the terrain whatever but this is still a fair large advancement it really really is into an area which we know had defensive works now where the defensive work sit here well there’s a bit of speculation about that but we’re going to talk exactly on this but we can see an increase in Gray Zone as well across the whole front into Volve chance on this second or the easterly push here as well we’ll speak more about that and look at it further but this was one of the first things that I have seen from Ukrainian accounts on then uh Facebook today strike eral reconnaissance group of the 57th Brigade stopped the advance of storm Z the brigade’s artillery worked superbly and finished off the second company along with fire support equipment but the enemy is gathering reserves street fighting began and the city was surrounded now this is V Chans he’s talking about down here which is shown fully in then the green on this map which is interesting anyway uh I can say this because we could die and no one will hear the truth why then everything the first line of fortifications and mines simply did not exist we’ve spoken that Ukraine needed to not after the fall of aiva but and everyone has been critical of this from people within Ukrainian command structures to Soldier X through to me of defensive Works need to be built everywhere early as possible but uh did not exist the enemy freely entered the gray Zone along the entire Cordon line which in principle should not have been great in 2 years there should have been concrete fortifications at minus three floors at the Ukrainian border so deep down and there wasn’t even uh minutes we could come to the conclusion that this is either insane theft or deliberate sabotage now we’re again losing people territories and doing what we already did in September 22nd so push back again I know now that the 125 TR who abandoned their positions already show that they were forced to sign acts of acceptance and transfer fortifications that were not even 30% ready as completed construction I hope those respons will be punished so those that left their fortifications and are being called cowards here that these guys are saying that they had to sign off getting into non-completed fortifications this war is not going anywhere we have we had time maybe still have time to build fortifications if you’re going down this route of We’re just trying to eliminate as many Russian soldiers as possible this attritional Warfare which I don’t know if the best aspect but regardless these needed to be built we have photographs of zinski walking through checking these blah blah blah and these guys calling out what has happened there and we have seen that 6 km Advance potentially further in a day now this is further about V chunk here the situation Vol V chunk hary region has worse in the city is almost destroyed there are almost no people left we’re evacuating the remnants officer of the National Police in this video here I couldn’t find a translated version of that I apologize but we have V chance sitting over here this is the first major area and there will have been defensive Works before this so it will be interesting to see what then occurs down in here now we’ll talk a little bit more about this but let’s have a look at what suriak then shows as like him or bloody hate him Surak has been very reliable on areas of the front and I’ll show you on other areas of the map today which are trickling in as I said these will trickle in where it is then catching up so this isn’t the easiest to have a look in I wish we got a zoom in on each one of these but we can see these areas now this Cy movet coming then under occupation of the Ukrainian forces which is sorry Russian forces which is then lining up on these Maps as well down to zeleni as well so these I believe are fairly close to one another we’ll go over what he says in a second but this is where it is showing some major difference is the red zone and length that he shows compared so down in the western side here so we can see that he’s showing right down to about here so the gray Zone still there as well as a further push into we see where this road leads out of V chunk this right hand Turnal as we look at it it but down sitting around here now we’ll look at a j location he gives in a second but we can see on the western side that there’s a further push much deeper down in here so again so why we show you two different versions of the same map but situation Northern front the four spearheads became toe after Russian army secured new positions along the border from the left spearhead Russian forces took control of these areas we spoke about thus reaching the northeastern outskirts of hoki so this area as well we would presume that before these areas these major builtup areas that the defensive Works sit somewhere here so before you know 6 km in you’d presume so it would be interesting to see what is built up there and that message we saw from the ukrainians that didn’t give us too much confidence anyway from the right spearhead troops took full control uh over here and the combats with Ukrainian Army reached then the butter Factory so this Village here saying full control and the butter Factory on the outskirts of V chunk now I haven’t seen any footage to confirm movement at the butter Factory yet but let’s have a look at where that then GE location is so it’s on this left turn here right on the outskirts of V Chans which then is this left hand so right right on the edge of the gray Zone here as well remember these maps are part of information campaigns as well so it is very very interesting to see what is happening there now this Village here we have a Russian video that’s come out now one thing I want to just say with this video is people haven’t yet been able to actually find the specific geolocation yet there’s a bit up in the air so maybe everything in this war you should be taken with a grain of salt regardless but it’s being shared around saying this is liberated that was easy the enemy fled without resistance well sh will wait for us we will come soon so soing that it was easy to move through on then that area which that is concerning when there’s that movement coming through so so we will see what exactly is going to happen further down there now let’s look at what the Ukrainian general staff has recently then put onto actually their Instagram this is their official one but the Defense Forces continueing uh intercepting the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the hark of Direction the operating environment remains complex and dynamically changing they’re fighting in the directions of these areas which as we know some have been occupied in addition uh opponents conduct storm operations actions of these other areas as well so this is these two fronts and The Villages that sit within it during the day the enemy carried out 22 assault operations in these directions which of which 14 are still going there have been fights at the border city of spec uh the enemy has deployed significant forces to attack the city with up to five battalions and is not counting its own losses only killed in this direction Russian foreigners lost more than 100 occupiers per day so we I will say we haven’t really seen either that many losses here either but we will gu with everything wait and see uh at present the enemy has tactical success measures are plan to destroy an enemy who has wiped into our defense our Defenders conduct defensive actions inflict fire on enemy extensively deploy unmanned systems of drones for Recon emission Point strikes and Target maximum losses the deployment of reserves to stabiliz situation is ongoing in the process of uh determining tasks to troops one of the main priorities is to save lives of our own soldiers so giving an overall view here now now one thing which has been floated and I’ve heard this talked about is is this some 4D chess game being played by Ukraine as well to make Russia move soldiers from areas in hon up into belgrad for Success here so then they can have a cross deep into her son now I I don’t think this is the case that for I’ve spoken about in a war of attrition these 4D chess moves this late in the war I just don’t really not really on the side of but I thought I’d mention it just in case so that’s out there in case that happens I can go sort of told you so so this was from president of Ukraine zalinsky talking about what’s happening in har the occupier is trying to gain a foothold in some of them or simply use them uh for further advancement so occupying areas to then further push in in particular the outskirts of V chance the situation is extremely difficult same area we spoke about um in fact the ID Behind These intact in region is to spread our forces thin undermine the morale and motivational basis of the ukrainians ability to defend themselves and this is I think this will have more uh strategic goals for Russia as far as in informational spaces rather than maybe even making territory so what it’s going to have is Ukraine is going to have to move forces around they’re going to have to deploy reserves as zinsky says to spread our forces then undermine morale which we know there is a morale issue in Ukraine Ukraine has not had any um large successes on the battlefield since the end of 2022 with harv and her son now 2023 counter offensive I think is a net negative for the loss due to the ground made and the informational propaganda downfall that then came out of that due to how much it was built up which ties back into exactly what we spoke about in the beginning of this video with that pet stooling of things and then the fall which potentially we could see happen with the f-16s and of course I believe these um events that are happening and Russia moving is going to affect further mobilization and morale of guys wanting to mobilize or volunteer or come back to Ukraine for that to happen and I think it’s going to have an effect on countries which may be a bit on the fence coming into the Swiss peace um nego Peace I don’t going to say negotiations but no the peace conference based on zelinsky’s 10-point peace plan which five and six talk about territorial integrity and winning back the borders in Switzerland on the 15th and 16th of June at all part of this you got to remember that everything here is cogs in a large machine so that is what then we are looking at now we will talk about Shu we will look at maps in one second but just one thing I wanted to talk about I want to talk about this I know I talk about a lot but this is from the US Department of Defense it’s on their website from uh General Basham I believe but us and its allies sorry us its allies and partners becoming stronger and standing up to Russia’s aggression with Finland and Sweden coming into NATO Basham spoke of the importance of Defending NATO saying quote make no mistake no matter how this ends in Ukraine Russia will not stop with Ukraine unless they stopped in Ukraine so this is what we hear so much from Biden these generals from everyone and I just don’t think I just don’t think this stands up to critical thinking Russia which now occupies under 20% of Ukrainian ground is going to push through into NATO where Article 5 would be enacted on countries which haven’t yet lost a single soldier in a war I just don’t think like I’m all four people going to uphold the rights democracy and freedoms and blah blah blah blah blah we are putting in weapons and goals and security guarantees blah blah blah to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia crossing the border fair enough go for it all for it but this rhetoric of what we’re hearing that Russia’s not going to stop that they’re gonna they’re going to somehow with taking two years and tens of thousands if not in the hundreds of thousands of casualties to move to here is then going to push all the way through here and have an effect out in here which they’ve shown Russia shown no interest yet in doing this nor the Strategic or tactical ability to do that either especially with the issues seeing here I just don’t think these very intelligent generals and Kels and people who are doing it I I don’t know I just I don’t think they believe it I think this is a weird tactic going because I don’t think it holds up to legitimate critical thinking I’m sorry I just don’t think that it does anyway bam address The Challenge from China noting that Russia and noting that like Russia Beijing is a global threat including its malign influence in Europe particularly in the areas of space and cyber and one thing this war has done is push countries like Russia and China then close together with sanctioning on of course very hard on Russia but also on a lot of Chinese companies and then people will look for other markets to flow into and we are seeing this leveling out of the Western’s influence over then the south and east around the world now let’s have a look at the maps I know this is probably what you’re here for I’ve just had to have a bit of a round about some things first so of course we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke this is the northern push that we are seeing the red areas are since 22 the purple is since 2014 sorry I’ve got my bloody lines crossed in my head now we spoke about and I’ve said that this map while other things are happening will start trickling in updates of which we know have to potentially have been true for now a number of weeks and I believe today is no different with down here in vov Russia then having this ad advancement and I don’t believe that they advanced in this direction 2 km in one day I think it was small chips away over the last few weeks or potentially longer down here now this is not in the same area but again does show that has been more Russian movement here on the Surak map but this is talking up then on this road but what is important about this and why we’ve been speaking about this what we think has been closed up for a while is well if we click on then the fortifications we know the cican line runs directly through here and that by this shows that Russia has retaken the area of the defensive works the Russian defensive Works cican line that was taken by Ukraine and that first breaking from the counter offensive which was costly in this area now I’m spoken about there will be little bits and pieces trickle in on these Maps now no other movement and Mar inard andar front then we come kka and there is a small Slither down here showing into the industrial to the north of the industrial Zone here after yesterday’s large update in there so now this map is catching up to where we then further believe sorry my neighbor’s dog is barking but this is then Surak Map update which shows actually fairly similar to what we are seeing maybe just a little bit more up here but again compared to what we saw the other day a hell of a lot more uh following I follow more closely so uh following the withdrawal of Ukraine Army towards the center of CR rivka Russian army took full control of the 2014 trench system located in the eastern part of the Town located the micro District in addition troops made new advances north of the refactory plant this bush in here um Tak control over the city council and big part of private sector about 40% is now under control of the Russian hands so is very interesting to see what exactly is getting moved in here and now the maps are lining up now like we spoke about in the beginning we’re seeing what we presume of the pushing here from Neto as well as towards noov and out from Seka as well these are large updates all in one day we are talking 1.3 km here now someone said well you can’t really call anything in kilom in advancement I don’t know maybe I need a new dictionary or thesaurus remember remember if this was the other way what you need just do is if this was the other way how would you then be seeing it use that with everything including not regard to this war just in everyday life if someone said that to me how would I feel about it anyway this map from Surak shows further advancement up around this sort of keramic osar front closing up the Gap in here which we are unsure so we see where this Waterway runs that this has been closed up we presume this may have been in Gray Zone for a while regard just due to how difficult the terrain would be to working that on three sides during the last 5 days Russian army continue advancing North asne and reach the Kiva ponds on the other hand during the last hours Russian forces recaptured a series of trenches southeast of here so Southeast down in this region some trenches again we’ll wait for multiple maps to show the same thing as one thing I will say is we don’t have no reports Maps either so we’re sort of flying a little bit blind we like two or three to line up now we did see yesterday this very large movement out of ivanovski if we can get that there going which we know was over a few days of movement and we actually said this shows more than Surak did well suriak now shows this same advancement in here just showing this tree line and a little bit more Gap in here I presume that there’s no one left in here as it is getting closed up may but that doesn’t mean then Russia in there it just means it might be just Gray Zone but 3x shows that as then crossed up because if no one’s in there eventually it will be occupied fairly quickly now let’s have a look at this before we talk about Shu now this I’m not but everyone’s sharing this because it’s an Abrams and I believe the KN taking out I’m not actually interested in that I’m interested in the two systems here what we know is Russia’s killchain was [ __ ] house in the beginning of the war from seeing a Target through then to dropping something on it sometimes people reporting like it just never came whatever artillery or missile or whatever they they ordered it never came and we have seen that F bomber recently talked about the kill chain and who it needs to go through for son off has been shortened therefore more efficient as well as as the use of what we presume is a lot more laser guided Munitions and I have spoken about the increased speed to put an ice scander M on things I think that should be a plug-and playay send but I reckon there may be some more guidance talking to a drone from that for corrections as we are seeing it strike time sensitive targets like helicopters that is just my two cents and from reading online it would be very difficult to strike something like that if you didn’t have like pre got predesignated targeting either the kill chain is shorten there or there is some laser guide movement anyway what this is this this is an Abrams tank here and a grut 4 drone now what it does here is it paints it with it gets taken out here by cipole Shell crolle Shell is like Russia’s variant of the um Excalibur shell now the Excalibur Works off GPS Plug and Play shoots off then hits Target can make Corrections in the air for itself problem is things like that can be jammed or if the target moves it’s preset it’s going to hit now I’m not an artillery bloody buff I could be somewhat bum steering you in this but that is what my guys tell me thing with something like Kapa is it is less uh so less likely to be jammed so drone in the air Laing something so painting a target with the laser and the shell is fired and then what what’s happening is the shell is then talking to the Drone so much shorter communication it’s not bouncing off satellites or whatever and can make Corrections because it can then uh paint and lay it in different areas so we are seeing the use of that and I believe use of that with Russian ballistic missiles potentially as well and I think that could be one of the reasons we’ve seen a massive increase in uh the ability and success of a lot of those shells targeting and missiles as well i’ I’ve actually spoken this isn’t the first time I spoken about this exact thing there’s videos a few ones back but we need to talk about reshuffling in Russian senior command most notably the Minister of Defense Shu now everyone is saying that he’s been fired blah blah blah he’s out and he’s going to go out of a window like this which 800,000 people have seen fires Shu it was a re the war in Ukraine is going great firstly I think of all countries within the past couple of years Ukraine should be the one who knows about a reshuffle in senior members in command we saw the head of the Special Forces replaced two days ago and of course we saw jalni withuski and many massive reshuffles all throughout Ukrainian Ministry and we know as well that this isn’t going to collapse things just like it didn’t in Ukraine it’s not collapse it here but again the way people painting this is he’s fired blah blah blah well people who know more than I have said things like this have you seen that sski I’ve been sent the message 100 times on that me he’s now to head up the Russian Security Council that’s actually called a promotion so I guess when you promoted your sacked from your position to move up I guess but let’s go over this from some other bits and pieces former Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shu has been appointed to the position of Secretary of the National Council of Russia within replacing the former secretary Nikolai prev so this guy here he seemed to got [ __ ] over who has served here since uh 200 with more people saying shu is out as defense minister moving into the head of Security Council and they what it means here break down and then this guy writes this as well so thoughts this doesn’t appear to be designed as a demotion for Shu but one thing I want to add to is Shu had talked about retiring apparently before the 22 Invasion anyway um who not only received an important position as Secretary of the security Council but will also retain oversight of domestic and foreign defense issues take that from the new Minister of Defense Andrew this bl’s background is in economics not defense and he served as acting prime minister when this bloke contract contracted can’t say that word on here anymore um this may seem surprising but Anon oliv’s background was in business and served as the minister of taxes before he was appointed Minister of Defense in 2007 at the same time Putin deliberately chose someone from outside the mod in Ministers of Defense 199s were formal General so it all stepped up and of course then you get a lot of corruption scandals and everything in that to enact a painful and unpopular reform this choice is likely a reflection of Putin’s personal trust in this blog and the need for a better internal manager of the mod’s bureaucracy so yeah take that as you will Legends uh longer one today I do apologize please look after yourself have a fantastic day tell your family you love them and I’ll speak to you soon thank you byebye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Would shelling from the Czech Vampire system cause that kind of collapse in a building?? Surely not?? Missile or inside job to bolster support

  2. If you look close enough and think, you will realise, how corrupt Ukraine is. These complaints about non existing lines of defence – the reason is in that – deep corruption.

  3. So they for several month announcing that Russia will gather forces to attack on Kharkov, and what they are doing? Cosmetically build some small parts of strong defense so that Zelensky make photo shot tour and make propaganda ? And also Sirsky speak that 2/3 of Ukrainian armed forces actually are not combat troops at all? So on paper Ukraine have 800k soldiers but its look that appear that Ukraine have less combat troops then Russia in Ukraine. Its will not be surprise if in some part of front line Ukrainian army start to run away without fight, because they probably get enough of constant fight without any rotation and replacement.

  4. hello, just a commentary to understnd well what happend, … for sure it's horrible pictures, movie, and a big thinking for people under collapsed building, … but the explosion came between the camera and the building ? correct ? so means the missile came from the north west ? or west? how it's possible ? maybe I am wrong ?

  5. "Rule 1, on page I of the book of war, is: "Do not march on Moscow". Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good. That is the first rule."

    – Field Marshall Montgomery speach to the House of Lords 30 March 1962

  6. I'm so pro Ukrainian that I think it's just be better for every Ukrainian besides Z man to side with Russia. My pov: NATO is pretending to care while purposely not, because who's gonna suffer? It ain't NATO.. It's a good thing I'm not a world leader cuz Putin would've got the nukes months ago. Now I just gotta sit here and wonder why on earth such a bullshit form of democracy is worth propping up makes me detest my own leaders, NATO, and the West for sitting quite literally idle while the population of Ukraine hangs in the balance. I mean you, reader. What if you were a Ukrainian male dealing with forced conscription while the women of your country are being sold into sex trafficking under the guise of fake dating sites? I'd be pissed. Well that's the reality of it. Again, as I will continuously reiterate; for land you most likely will never own bordered by invisible lines. If that's democracy, what do you need a dictator for?

  7. Why are these people so delusional that russia wil attack nato its not worth it fore them , what resources does europe have that is worth ww3 not a thing , are these people so stupid or am i just that smart , and where was zelensky , who tf was making sure the defenses got finished , maybe powdering his nose , they fd u pand are paying the price fore it now , wel the poorly trained men are , no wonder they run away i would to.

  8. Basically Russia is going all in, not rotating troops in the front line, and starting a new front will strain both sides to the max now if they keep this up this will be over (6 months to a year)

  9. Propaganda meets reality.

    The Kyiv Independent Zelensky: Kharkiv Oblast fortifications strongest, other regions should follow suit.

    BBC The Russians simply walked in, Ukrainian troops in Kharkiv tell BBC. Money stolen, nothing built, it's that simple.

  10. Willy is clearly Pro-Ukraine. He did not condemn the AFU’s clear and indiscriminate murder of civilians, choosing instead to decry it as a bad move that only serves to motivate Russians. Nonetheless he does provide some interesting commentary which I balance in other channels like WeebUnion, Military Summary, DPA and Judge Napolitano’s guests.

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