welcome to Divine Justice the Ukrainian armed forces have launched a stunning resistance against the Russian occupation Army on the Eastern front lines in AA one of the routes that the Russians most want to occupy Kev has deployed its military units in the most strategic positions using ingenious tactics in the Frontline areas leading to Aika ukrainians have also begun to use booby traps mines and numerous hidden explosives this has had an incredible impact on the Russian invasion advance in AA in recent days having put pressure on the settlement of chassi V west of bakut and intending to pursue the same strategy in aiva the Russian forces were shaken by the resistance activities of the Ukrainian Army it was reported that a group of Russian infantry armored vehicles passed over a land mine near AA and that there were several other mines on the route the group that passed over the landmines turned out to be a huge Russian military Convoy the possibility that the Russian main battle tanks and infantry Vehicles advancing at the Forefront in the terrain would split to the right and left when the landmines exploded was also considered in fact it was observed that there were mines on both the right and left sides of the route of the Russian Convoy advancing in the area so there was no no chance of salvation for the military vehicles of the Russian forces when the Convoy arrived in the area a Ukrainian drone managed to record the moments of the explosion in the footage it was clearly visible that the Russian military Convoy was blown to Pieces after the footage was published on social media the casualty figures in the Convoy were also clearly revealed it was reported that at least one Russian main battle tank was burned and more than three Russian infantry Vehicles became unusable after the mines exploded thanks to this surprise Ambush attack the ukrainians prevented the Russian military Convoy from reaching AA as the Kremlin was unable to send additional reinforcements to its troops in aiva the Ukrainian Armed Forces continued their efforts to increase their control over the region in response to the losses from the Ambush attack the Russians continued their offensive from areas close to the town this time the Russians targeted the settlement of Crash noiva located Southwest of aiva Lieutenant Colonel Nazar volosin spokesman for the Ukrainian Frontline ctia operational strategic group of troops reported that Russian assault groups advanced in Kiva west of donx city and entered the area where an industrial plant is located this clandestine Russian Advance was discovered by Ukrainian defense units in the area near the site according to Ukrainian media Outlets Ukrainian Army TV reported that the enemy was repelled thanks to the efforts of the military units in the area including the 59th Brigade the statement also emphasized that the Ukrainian armed forces have taken full control of both crno H and the outskirts of the settlement Ukrainian military officials announced that Russian forces had cut off the supply of ammunition in CR Bika and that their troops had attacked the town of n 10 Mi further north and were trying to advance towards the eastern part of nearby Peri but the kremlin’s attempts have failed officials told the press as Russian troops advancing towards pero myi have also been blocked by Ukrainian Defenders and artillery units in other words the Russians had once again again attempted another failed offensive on the Don front lines on the other hand the Russian military’s attempts to conceal this failure near cnoa were quite remarkable a Russian meal blogger claimed that Moscow forces broke through Ukrainian defenses east of privika and completely captured a street however the institute for the study of War reported that this claim could not be visually verified recently reports from the region also suggested that the ukrainians had been successful against the Russians in crno biva this situation Southwest of aiva has severely hampered the kremlin’s war efforts both in Aika and nearby bakut in addition to AA the Russians are also known to have continued to seize chiv Yar to the west of bakut however the losses suffered in Aika have put the Russians in a dilemma about entering chiv Yar the reason for this is the possibility that after the Russian army concentrates its forces in chassi varar the ukrainians will Retreat to defensive lines in this city and launch surprise offensive attacks in aiva this strategy could increase the losses of the Russian army much much more the Kremlin on the other hand is resorting to different methods in order to eliminate this possibility of losses not to lose control of AA and to carry out its plans on the bakut chiv Yar Corridor Russian forces have allegedly taken control of the otin settlements Northwest of AA it is estimated that this settlement will be used as the epicenter to carry out the stages planned by the Russian military after making a break through in the northern defenses and taking control of otin Russian forces turned their offensive North leaving many to ponder the consequences of this strategic maneuver initially the primary objective was for the Russian army to advance Westward towards poov the nerve center of Ukrainian operations in the region however the tide of battle in the fields before umansky revealed a different story one of adaptation and change in the face of staunch Ukrainian resistance this story was further Complicated by recent reports that Russian forces had made significant gains capturing two more Frontline villages in K and Don regions to understand the story more clearly let us take a deeper look at the geography of the K and donx regions the geography of the region has played a crucial role in shaping the conflict Russian advances were driven by natural barriers created by Rivers creating a predictable offensive path this Terrain funnel allowed Ukrainian forces particularly the 25th airborne and 53rd mechanized brigades to establish fortified positions and engag the enemy from multiple points the evolving dynamics of the conflict with both sides maneuvering to gain strategic advantages are highlighted by new defensive measures against Russian advances in the K region these brigades of battle hardened troops have turned the fields into a veritable gauntlet using anti-tank mines atgms artillery and fpv drones they effectively neutralized Russian assault groups that lacked the Tactical finesse to navigate the well-prepared Ukrainian defenses the results of these failed offensives were clearly visible in satellite images shared by Ukrainian military bloggers the fields near tonen turned into a graveyard of Russian armored vehicles with losses reportedly exceeding 100 tanks and armored vehicles in response to these setbacks Russian commanders launched a month-long operation intensifying artillery barges rocket launches and air Stripes despite these efforts Ukrainian drone operators skillfully targeted Russian mortar positions further reducing the enemy’s close fire support capabilities as the battle raged Ukrainian forces demonst strated their resilience and tactical Acumen combat footage released by the military showed the effectiveness of anti-tank missiles and fpv kamakazi drones in repelling Russian mechanized attacks thanks to the latest failed Russian offensive attempts and the Ukrainian strategy of resistance and defense against these attacks the Russians were unable to make the desired progress in kariv and provide additional Invasion support to the DX front lines through K the conflict in Ukraine is a testament to the dynamic nature of Modern Warfare the ability of the Ukrainian Army to adapt and strengthen its defenses against a larger enemy has been a decisive factor in this phase of the war although Russia’s response to Ukraine’s resistance has not been as harsh as they had planned on the front lines Moscow is trying to use its preference for retaliation in the political Arena Russia summoned both the French ambassador to the foreign office and the British ambassador to the foreign office and issued stern warnings to both Russia also demanded some explanations from the ambassadors Russia told the ambassadors that Russia knew that French and UK troops were in Ukraine and demanded that they withdraw them otherwise there would be a direct confrontation these are not part of the official statements but we may hear more about these meetings in the coming days even the official statements of the Moscow leadership on this issue in the Russian media are not very clear what is clear is that Russia is accusing the United Kingdom and France of threatening rhetoric the fact that Russian officials have stated that British military facilities and weapons in Ukraine and Beyond will now be targeted is the most concrete evidence of this thesis Russia has also threatened the United Kingdom with retaliation Moscow officials claimed that this rhetoric was prompted by the lifting of Ukraine’s ban on striking Russian territory with British weapons for a long time the West the UK Germany France and the United States had previously restricted the use of the weapons they supplied to Ukraine to use within Ukraine’s borders but the UK’s announcement lifting this ban was a bold move in the more than 2year long war in Ukraine the UK authorities allowed Ukraine to use these weapons on occupied Ukrainian territory because they considered Crimea to be Ukraine but they banned the use of missiles in other weapons in Russia David Cameron lifted this ban and UK foreign secretary David Cameron gave the ukrainians the green light to use airplanes guns and missiles as they wish with such weapons the ukrainians can hit Moscow St Petersburg Crimea or anywhere else Russia saw this as a dangerous sign of escalation and condemned it the Russian foreign Ministry claimed that David Cameron’s statements were hostile provocative and offensive that is why Russia wants the United Kingdom to back down Russian officials say that after the war started we were given some assurances one of them was that Western weapons would not not be used on Russian territory according to Russian foreign Ministry officials if the West does not change its approach on this issue it will lead to a direct conflict to summarize it has been a difficult year the war turned into a direct face-to-face confrontation between Russia and the West when the war started Global actors with the acception of the United States of America and some of the European powers were reluctant to provide UK train with even a single tank even if it was a rifle even a bullet they felt the need to secretly give it to Ukraine they were worried that Russia would be upset and think it was an act of War then they started giving Ukraine tanks artillery and even fighter jets we expect Ukraine to receive the f16s this month or next month once again medium and long range missiles have been provided currently Ukraine is using Storm Shadow missiles made in a joint British and French project France the United Kingdom and Italy are supplying these missiles to Ukraine so far Ukraine has used these missiles in Crimea these missiles are being used in the Black Sea to some extent it is understandable because it considers Crimea as its territory but the situation may change when with David Cameron’s permission Ukraine starts using Western weapons against Moscow this would then probably significantly change the overall situation on the Eastern front lines Russian forces in eastern Ukraine will be forced to concentrate their efforts primarily on defending their own borderlines this will pave the way for the Ukrainian Army to retake the occupied territories on the Eastern front lines through air strikes and artillery clashes in short with this tactic Russia is likely to lose both in the east and south even in Crimea thank you for following us see you in our next work


  1. Some say "Russia is learning an adaptating" yet they went in without air support and in convoys packed with vehicles close following each other.

  2. Hey Vlad who are you using Iran and north correan weapons, you cannot win Ukraine now you want to fight Britain, Russia was once a supper power now because of you Russia is now a dessaster.


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