Ukraine says situation worsening in Kharkiv | BBC News

Russia has intensified its attacks in Northeast Ukraine raising fears of the city of KV could soon be in range of its artillery the Border Town of V Chans has been heavily bombed kib’s Governor has said that Russia is trying to stretch the front line Ukraine’s commander in the area has been replaced in another s of the growing strain on Kev Ukraine has said it’ll need record energy Imports after Russian attacks on infrastructure well as Russia makes progress in the war President Putin is appointing a new defense Minister Andre bov like his predecessor Sero Shu who doesn’t have much experience in the military field but he is one of Putin’s most influential economic advisers and analysts say that may offer a clue as to the Russian leaders desire to fund his military Ambitions well we’ll have more on the changes in Russia’s defense hierarchy in a moment but first our correspondent James Waterhouse has the latest on the fighting in Ukraine the hard region really does form the focus really of this most sign ific of ground offensives we’ve seen since the uh start of this fullscale Invasion two years ago now what Ukrainian forces are saying is that Russian the Russians are deploying significant troop numbers to two main incursion points uh across the border where invading forces are claiming to have taken around nine Villages now they’re claiming to be in a town called V Chans which has been heavily bombed Kev is disputing that so saying there is still heavy fighting some forces are saying they’ve killed around 100 invading soldiers today but there are also fears twofold really firstly that the fighting could well spill into other settlements as this sort of new tide of Russian uh occupation starts to spread but also uh if they were to get within say 20 miles of of hardk City itself Ukraine’s second biggest city then that would put them in artillery range and that is when defenses can’t really do anything to protect you and people living there as well as you know in countless settlements across the East know what happens next where you have cities that sustain really significant damage and make it all the more impossible uh to live there that said it’s not thought this attack is capable yet of taking a city like hardik Russian forces tried and failed with a far greater force two years ago but nevertheless this is a concerning new point of attack for already overstretched Ukrainian troops and and James obviously we have seen the US um vote through this um military aid package overall how is that likely to tip the balance of power and strength in this ongoing battle well I don’t think it’ll tip the scales fully back into Ukraine’s favor by any stretch I think Ukraine would take a simple leveling out out uh if you want to look at it like that I mean at the moment you know it’s not just the story of the last 4 days with this Russian assault it’s the story of the last six months where you’ve seen Russia really throw everything at trying to take as much Ukrainian territory as possible notably in the East but the disturbing development for Kev is the fact that it is now happening in the Northeast and there is a lot of frustration too there are troops there who said you know these Russian soldiers walked across the border they were barely challenged and we’re barely met with any kind of Ukrainian falsification it’s a similar kind of criticism we heard leveled at the authorities in the early days of the uh Invasion so I think the arrival of artillery shells or long-range missiles will simply allow Ukraine to perhaps and it’s a perhaps uh slow this Russian Advance at the moment they’re saying we’re we’re confident we can take uh the territory back that’s been taken eventually but at the moment there is only one direction of travel and it’s it’s looking pretty desperate in some parts of of a region that was liberated two years ago we must remember that James waterous there in k

Ukraine says there is heavy fighting taking place in Kharkiv, as Russia intensifies its attacks on the region.

This follows Friday’s surprise incursions across the border, seizing at least nine villages and settlements in one of the most significant ground attacks since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Thousands of civilians have fled towards Kharkiv, and there are concerns among Ukrainian commanders about what could happen if Russian forces get within artillery range of the city.

Kharkiv regional head Oleh Syniehubov said Russia was deliberately trying to stretch the front line by attacking in small groups in new directions.

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  1. Vatnik PR campaign is underway to make Russian seem invincible. What we're seeing in Ukraine at the moment is the peak of Russia's capability, but that is all it is. If West and its allies supported Ukraine with everything it needs it would be able to push Russia out, and at a fraction of the cost that Russia is currently spending on its imperialist land grab.

  2. JUST IN: "We managed to outwit Russia in the Kharkov direction. They crossed the border to find out that our defensive lines don't exist," — Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov about the current situation in the North.

  3. Most people who take in the full spectrum of information coming out of the Ukraine, will have known for some months, that Ukraine's armed forces on the ground have had only limited success, in comparison to Russia's gains.
    I am nobody's side here, and I do not wear any silly badges on my lapels, or fly flags from my window (for what? What would be the point?), but it has been clear that Russia is making more progress each week and the meat-grinder that the war has become, has virtually decimated the young male population of the Ukraine. More or less a whole generation has been wiped out, to satisfy the blood-lust of the west and NATO.
    Just like the China 'flu of 2020, it has all been a big experiment. (Only my view – differ if you wish). This war has been a gigantic money-laundering operation.
    For the west, especially the Americans, the Ukraine has served its purpose and the appetite for further supporting them with the fervour they initially found, has lost its appeal, both politically and in human terms – put simply, they no longer care what happens, so long as Putin does not take the whole country, which he is not interested in. Putin is interested in Crimea (already in) and the Donbas at this time. He has no current interest in Poland, the Baltic States or any other "NATO" member nation – he ain't that stupid.
    He just doesn't want any missiles on his southern borders – the fact that NATO and the EU keep banging on about membership of one or both, compels Putin to fight on and win, whatever the cost.

  4. Bbc thinks Russians are they're current President who cant even walk 😂😂😂 can't even talk Russians can Fight a real modern warfare not some goat herders in a mountain

  5. Always peddling Putin's propaganda at the BBC. I hear Shoigu was fired and Russian casualties and equipment losses in Kharkiv are astronomical. Any comments, British Bolshevik Channel?

  6. We have been shown different things than what BBC is saying about war.
    Ukraine should start business with Russia instead of USA or other allies to save environment there

  7. The very first time guilt and admission heard from western reporter that Ukraine is really in dire situation and many more to come probably…still if this comedian insist and listening to the Boris like cronies to continue then very sad for the Ukrainians to say

  8. These media houses thought that they can alter the course of the war from their studios. Now it's clear that ukraine was and is not at par with the Russian War machine.

  9. "The Russian offensive operation aimed at capturing the city of Vovchansk in the Kharkiv Region is largely the result of a Western policy, according to which Ukrainian forces are restricted from using Western weapons to strike legitimate military targets on Russian territory, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said in a report."

  10. The problem is the EU who planned this with the USA sorry but just go back to the Minsk agreement Russia is looking after it's territory not like the politicians in the UK and EU who are all cruped with greed and power war mongering organisation like the UN WHO European Union the lot should be put in jail for crimes against humanity just my opinion because I can still think for myself not like most of the sheep who have been indoctrinated by their teachers in the educational systems

  11. Remember when British occupied the whole world. Stop your hypocrisy. Ukrainian soldiers are dying for hypocrites of west.
    You have no credibility a mouthpiece of corrupt British government.
    Spend the money on your people.

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