Eurovision UK entry Olly Alexander performs Dizzy. #Eurovision #BBCNews

won’t you make me G from your kisses will you take my hand and spin round and round until the moment never [Music] ends wow

  1. ZERO points from the public just goes to show how bad this song/performance actually was, and if the U.K. ever wants a chance of winning this crappy singing competition every again we must stop sending in rubbish entries like this

  2. As a gay I can honestly say that this is absolutely ludicrous. I would just like to point out that not all gay men are as vulgar and tacky as this. 90% of us are sick and tired of this gay pushing agenda and Olly Alexander is getting above his stations. I use to like him in his early years and years (years) but now he has gone down in my estimations. Nobody wants to see this, even a majority of the gay community is sick and tired of gay pride events (how can you be proud of something you didn’t achieve)? They are sick of pushing pronouns, pride month etc
    Being gay is not wearing glitter and being camp this behaviour is simply attention. Being gay to me and my social circle is having a private monogamous relationship in doors hidden away with a life no different to heterosexuals.

  3. The dancing was too vulgar and spending most of his performance in the box were the two big mistakes made. This could have done very well ! Bad advice from whoever conjured up the vulgar dancing and the box.

  4. Who in the fk, is entering these?
    Like, is this like a Lowest bloody Bidder who's hired the choreographer & whatnot kind of thing?

    I mean, this is Eurovision, not a high school competition, this is the cream of our crop, shite……

  5. Sam Ryder is the best entry we’ve had in 20 years! Anyone with a half decent ear for music can pick a better artist/ song to represent the UK, than whoever is responsible for this trash. The BBC needs to stop gatekeeping and give someone with fresh ears a chance to project manage our next entry. I’d even volunteer to do it myself!

  6. Too much thrusting, spent too much time inside the box and he was out of tune multiple times. I still like the song, though, but it wasn't up to be a winner

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