Putin’s New Defence Minister Pick’s Big Claims On Ukraine War: Entire Strategy To Change? | Belousov

Putin’s New Defence Minister Pick’s Big Claims On Ukraine War: Entire Strategy To Change? | Belousov

Will Andrey Belousov, who has been nominated to be Russia’s next Defense Minister by President Vladimir Putin, change the entire Ukraine war strategy? Belousov on May 13 publicly stated his priorities regarding the armed forces, and especially soldiers serving in Ukraine. Putin’s move has sparked speculation about potential shifts in Russia’s military strategy. Watch the full video for more.


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  1. One should not fail to understand that Shoigu's – a close confidant of Putin is moved to an alternative position to be assassinated very soon by the crookish Putin

  2. We must all remember that without Russian intervention, the fanatical Zelensky regime would have destroyed all peace and Russian people would've suffered far more than a Ukrainian embargo because it's world stage would've given it the means to attack Russia indiscriminately causing catastrophic consequences for all of Russia and it's allies.

  3. He’s very clever Putin,currently sending thousands of Africans into the front line as cannon fodder. We know he keeps his pure white Moscow and St. Petersburg young men as ceremonial troops!

  4. Brysseli eliitti on hyvin hyvin katkera Putinille. Maksetaanko länsi eliitille palkkaa, suunsoitosta, media on häpeällinen, ihmiset kauhistelee kuppojen kassajonoissa, että kyllä on sairas tämä EU, media, kansikuvat täynnä vihanpitoa valehtelua ja katkeraa vinkumista. Kauppojen kassojen päätyjä koristaa nämä iltapäivä lehdet jotka tupaten täynnä vihaa… Ei siis ihme, kun kukaan ei investoi EU, valtioihin, he pelkäävät tällaisia vihamielisiä valtioita. EU,ssa ei ole mitään hyvää.!

  5. Kaupunki kaupungilta otetaan koko ukraina huostaan, operaatio etenee suunnitellusti. EU, on aiheuttanut vihamielisyydellään myös matkustuspelon, ihmiset ei uskalla enään nousta lentokoneisiin, EU, on aiheuttanut vihamielisyydellään mailmanlaajuisen katastrofin. Ennen oli asiat niin hyvin, nyt nämä 27 EU, valtiota aiheutti vakavia ongelmia kaikkialle.

  6. Kyllä se on mahtavaa, että on vielä kurin ja järjestyksen valtioita. Ihmiset on tottuneet ainakin EU, valtioissa riehumaan, heille olisi kova paikka kun olisi yht äkkiä kuri ja järjestys, heille se olisi kova isku. Valtioissa joissa on kuri ja järjestys, ja sivistys kuten venäjä, siellä tarvitsee vain totella annettuja sääntöjä, se on näin helppoa. Kaduilla ollaan asiallisesti eikä mellakoida, eikä yllytetä mellakoihin, näillä pärjää aina.!! >>>> Ihana venäjä..!! Kiitos..

  7. SLOVENSKO : Prajem veľa úspechov novému ministrovi obrany . Ruská Federácia ekonimicki a politicky napreduje aj v čase keď , úspešne bojuje proti všetkým členským štátom , ktoré sú členmi zločineckej organizácie NATO a sú pod vedením USA . 👍🤍💙❤

  8. Yes, this is a further sign that strategic military victory is complete (Donbas is held) and we now enter a protracted period of long term military occupation throughout the remainder of Ukraine. The entirety of what was Ukraine will be occupied all the way to the a western border. Russian defense will be constructed along all borders. Ukraine has now returned to being a “buffer state.”

  9. Anytime you listen to how the WEST position the news, all you get it trash talking and nonsense about someone else, you could clearly see how thier media / news is design with evil intention to work in how people think. Evil people

  10. War is never a good thing, UK dknt want a war, I think people should just let people in there own country, war solves nothing it just makes things worse, wish they would pull out Ukraine call it a day, I'd but Putin a drink of did haha 😂

  11. Hahahahaha!! He’s gonna fix a lot of things for Poopster. One problem—NO MONEY!! Gazprom, the biggest governmental supplier of cash is going broke! Next problem—sanctions are tightening and really starting to bite as loopholes are being plugged. Next problem—inflation is skyrocketing and you just can’t keep printing money without end. Next problem—there are no NEW businesses being developed because no money or demand. Next problem—there are less workers now than ever so inflation will just keep climbing! Russia has lowered the working age to 14!! Sad, very sad. Next problem—hospitals are a disaster area and he thinks he’s gonna admit these hundreds of thousands of wounded military men to these overcrowded hospitals?? LOL! No new hospitals or roads being built. Why? NO MONIES left after military spending is accounted for!! The end is coming and Poopster knows it. Doesn’t matter who he puts in charge of this disaster the results are gonna be the same—BROKE!! Worse than the Soviet collapse!!

  12. 🐂💩💩💩💩💩💩💩🤡How can Zelenskyy' say Hes Winning the War that they shoot down missiles if they are begging for Patriots to all of Europe because they have none? Boy how they lie to the news and fools, that is why the whole City is lit up 💣💥💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥on Fire🤔🤐🙄😝

  13. "не имеет никакого военного опыта". Что за чушь! Он и не должен иметь, в России все боевые задачи решает Генеральный штаб и Главнокомандующий. Министерство обороны отвечает за производство, поставки, финансирование и выплаты военным. И Белоусов самый лучший выбор, он доктор экономических наук, человек, благодаря которому Россия успешно справилась с санкциями, умнейший человек, известный своей честностью и трудолюбием, настоящий патриот.

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