Zelenskyy pleads for Patriot air defense systems to defend Kharkiv | DW News

US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin is in ke today to reaffirm the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine blinkin has acknowledged that delays in Congress passing a military aid package have made Ukraine more vulnerable to Russian attacks America’s top Diplomat also insisted the Kremlin must pay for the destruction its Invasion has caused are US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin pays a symbolic visit to a military themed Pizzeria run by veterans in keev to reassure Ukraine more Aid is coming soon so good to see you all of us admire your extraordinary resilience uh your endurance your strength uh your leadership and we know this is a challenging time but we also know that um in the near term the assistance is now on the way uh some of it’s already arrived more of it will be arriving and that’s going to make a real difference against the ongoing Russian aggression president zalinski thanked Americans for the aid package worth over 60 billion dollar but said Ukraine’s air defenses were still in need of a boost really we need today two patriots for harv for harv region because they are the people are under attack civilians and warriors everybody there Russia’s Fierce crossborder attack on Ukraine’s harke region is forcing thousands to flee it’s here that zinsky says us made Patriot surface to a missile systems could help protect civilians in the city of har more than a dozen people were reportedly injured when a Russian guided Missile hit a residential building some 30 km away locals from vonk described constant shelling they are shooting from everywhere yesterday there was a hit in the front of our house burned down then the house opposite a bit caught fire as well as four or five other houses smoke is everywhere a nightmare it’s very bad back in keev urgent aid for HART keev is high on the agenda many hope more timely assistance can help Ukraine’s outgunned and outnumbered Forces fight off Russia’s ground offense I let’s go ahead and bring in our correspondent karolina chimoy who is in key following blink’s visit karolina why is blinc making this trip to Ukraine now well Nicole first of all it is of course a very important political symbol this is uh the first visit of secretary blinken after that eight package of over $ 60 billion doar was passed by US Congress blink uh wants to show with this that the United States still supports Ukraine despite any other conflicts in the world that they are still supporting Ukraine helping Ukraine and that this will not change anytime soon actually blink’s uh remarks uh today started with this words he said I come with a message to Ukraine and the message is you are not alone so a very clear message from secretary blink and a clear political symbol for Ukraine Ukraine is in a tough spot right now especially in the region how big a sense is there that us Aid will be too little too late that is a very good question Nicole because of course Kev is one thing it’s a bubble it’s a political bubble and the impact of Lincoln’s visit here in Kiev is one thing but the other thing are the Frontline cities the soldiers uh the the the places where people are really fighting and are feeling the shelters and and the attacks um we were there a couple of days ago different Frontline cities not only in the North near har but also in the Don donet region sorry this is the church just behind the camera H and soldiers were telling us that they are tired of these political symbols that they need ammunition they need longrange missiles they need air defense H that political symbols and political WS are not enough people are dying Russians are slowly advancing in certain parts of Ukraine uh so they’re really they’re fatigued and they they need to see the weapons they need to carry the Munitions to know that Aid is there and that Western countries are really helping well Anthony blinkin actually said that some of the latest us provided equipment had already been deployed but what vadir zalinski says he needs most right now are Patriot air defense systems How likely is the US to follow this request well it’s never only one thing uh Nicole of course uh the Patriot uh systems are really useful as air defense uh but soldiers were also mentioning the F-16 uh fighter jets for example so it’s not only one thing it’s always a mix of things and of course due to the situation we are seeing now in hariv The Patriot systems are really really necessary now uh Ukraine has three Patriot systems two came from Germany one from the United States Israel might be might be involved in this but there are still political discussions about which countries could deliver patri that Ukraine would really need a very important point that secretary blink also mentioned is that Russia has to pay for the destruction it’s causing here in Ukraine uh Nicole and US Secretary blinkin said uh that they will seize the assets uh the Russia Russia’s Assets in in the US and use them to repair and restore the damage that Russia is causing in Ukraine karolina too reporting from ke always great speaking to you thank you so much

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Kyiv to reaffirm the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine. Blinken has acknowledged that delays in Congress passing a military aid package have made Ukraine more vulnerable to Russian attacks. America’s top diplomat also insisted the Kremlin must pay for the destruction its invasion has caused.

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#USA #Ukraine #Patriot

  1. Вот кто разжигает войны! Вот из-за кого гибнут люди. Америке нужна Россия и они бьются до последнего украинца. Украины не будет. Также подомнут вас туда, куда им надо, а не украинцам. За что гибнут украинские солдаты? Кто вам даст незалежность. Вы в долгах у Америки по горло и выше.

  2. And if you try with peace negotiations ? Instead of 61 billion dollar aid ? It maybe result don’t you ever consider the possibility warmongers ?

  3. Isn't the problem that these Patriot systems are no match against the most advanced Russian rockets and once detected, would also just be destroyed?

  4. the US61b was package was discuss before Russian offensive on new front Kharkiv battle and next front Summi could be next. I assumed this meet-up may discussion of a new package in the making by US/NATO and this time will be covers prediction of Russian 'front', as Russian hold the Kharkiv front. US30b to cover Kharkiv and Summi on top of US61b.

  5. The better way to defend the airspace is jets with air to air missiles ! We still did not give those 40 years old
    F16s !!! Even 40 years old F16s can fire modern air to air missiles. The EU Metro-missile would be wonderful at keeping Russian bombers at a distance!
    But i believe USA has something with along range too. — WE TALK A LOT AND DO MUCH MUCH LESS

  6. Why doesn't the US approve already another 61 billion USD aid package? Ukraine needs unlimited money and arms for as long as it takes.

  7. So he didn't even bother to defend Kharkiv with simple fortifications or evacuation of civilians and now he's asking for Patriots? Wow.

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