Ukraine evacuates thousands from border towns | DW News

Ukraine’s military says it has stopped Russian forces in the har region near the village of lansi meanwhile police and the Region’s border towns are helping civilians evacuate before the Frontline reaches their front doors as Russian bombs rain down on Ukraine’s harke Region Police are going door too yeah quite over the last few days they’ve helped evacuate thousands from border towns and vill including many elderly residents hesitant to leave we weren’t going to leave home is home you know after the night that we endured it was really terrifying officer Gan Udan has been called to another Village today we’re evacuating the village of PR Russian forces have stepped up their attacks on Ukraine’s northern border in recent days in my opinion it’s a lack of ammunition we’re still waiting for the ammunition provided by America Russia’s offensive in the harke region comes as Ukraine faces critical shortages of ammunition after months of delayed deliveries look an explosion locals fear V Chang’s fate May mirror that of bahmut and abka Ukrainian cities that saw Fierce fighting and Scorch her tactics from Russia Chans has been destroyed by cluster bombs artillery mortars gun battles are happening on the Northern outskirts of the Town tanks are shelling the town they’re destroying everything they possibly can it’s dangerous to stay there as fierce battles grip the outskirts of V chunk and Ukrainian forces wait for urgently needed supplies to reach the front lines only a few hundred residents remain here now let’s uh cross to our key of correspondent Nick Conelly Nick what effect might the change of Defense Minister in Moscow have on the war in Ukraine I think anything that looks like infighting kind of rivalries within the Russian bureaucratic machine is very welcome from a Ukrainian perspective it doesn’t seem like this is kind of allout warfare it seems like a fairly organized um kind of change of personnel and you’ve had Shu not fully thrown out but put into a different post orbe it a less important one I think the kind of big deal from a Ukrainian perspective was when shu’s Deputy Ivanov was arrested on corruption charges a couple of weeks ago that was something that really got kind of pulses racing here in K the thought that you might see the Moscow bureaucracy more occupied with itself and kind of settling scores than we’re supplying the troops on the front lines of Ukraine with weapons um for the most part it doesn’t seem clear yet how this new figure is going to be able to you know change and break with what we’ve seen so far what he would be able to do differently or better but certainly that point about turning ukra Russia’s economy onto kind of War footing even more successfully and providing even more resources to allow those Russian troops to uh basically kind of steamroll through Ukraine that is something that we’ve already seen happen under Shu in which something the Ukraine is very worried about that the West just simply hasn’t caught up and hasn’t followed step with Russia’s kind of move towards producing huge volumes of weapons over you know years and years to come Nick stay with us for a moment I want to talk with you about the situation at the front lines in Northeast Ukraine because apparently a new Russian offensive in the area around the city of KF has forced thousands to flee their homes and some cases authorities are helping the vulnerable to leave the Border region they’re providing evacu a Vans to take residents away from the fighting ke has also just announced it is replacing one of its highest ranking officers the commander responsible for the northeastern khif front line and Eon and Keef how does this dismissal relate to the Russian offensive well there’s certainly been a lot of criticism here in Ukraine that the Russians especially in the kind of first day or two were able to make too much progress that the communications and the kind of logistics among the Ukrainian units in that part of the country were chaotic and the decisions taken were not always the best ones uh then there are also questions not just to the kind of military leadership but also to the civilian leadership about defenses being built uh there’s been some push back on that from the people in charge saying that it was basically impossible to build uh very kind of deep concrete structures near the border because of constant Russian shelling others have said well you could have at least put some minefields down that wouldn’t have required spending too much time in a dangerous place so that that kind of discussion is still ongoing it does seem based on the reports we’re getting that the situation has been stabilized a bit that uh the kind of initial chaos because you basically have two Russian advances that are about 10 15 km apart over a basically a 50 60 km kind of wide uh section of the Border have now been contained a bit more and it’s a bit clearer where they are and what needs to be done but certainly lots of questions being asked in Kev you this is territory that Ukraine won back at the end of 2022 and why was this not better prepared thank you very much DW correspondent Nick Connelly they’re reporting from ke

Police in the border towns of Kharkiv region are helping civilians evacuate before the frontline reaches their front doors. Bombs are continuing to rain down on the region as Russian forces have stepped up their attacks on the north of Ukraine.

DW correspondent Nick Connolly reports on the latest developments. Among other things, he reports on the replacement of one of the most senior Ukrainian officers – the commander responsible for the northeastern front line in Kharkiv.

#ukrainerussiawar #kharkiv #evacuation


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  1. Ukraine said a week ago they know that Russia is about to make an offensive against Kharkov oblast. 3 days ago Ukraine were suprised that Russia made an offence about Kharkiv. For real western "analysts and experts" are so dumb even kindergarten kids are way smarter.

  2. 100 years from now, this war will still be going on and Ukraine will still be waiting for ammunition from America after continued funding.

  3. West: russia lost.
    Ukraine: we are inflicting heavy losses to russians…
    Russia: yet you need to mobilist 500k mens… Sooo saaaadddd… Isn't it?🥺🥺🥺
    Glory to russia🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  4. Situation isstabilised a little bit sound same like the patriot air defence system os not damage but it's damage a little bit 😂😂😂😂

  5. I think the US has given up on Ukraine. What would the new money do to alleviate the problems Ukraine is facing? It needs ammunition but where do you find it? The US is basically stretch it out, playing Ukraine along until it crumbles into a heap.

    Biden wanted a victory for his term badly because his hasty and disorganized retreat from Afghanistan hurt his image. Another major loss in Ukraine would certainly bury his next bid for presidency. So the idea is to draw it out till the conclusion of the next presidential election. I do feel sorry for those elder people having to evacuate once again.

  6. Exactly how does Russia with like 30 times smaller GDP than the USA and NATO, and an even smaller fraction of military budget, outproduce the USA, the EU, Ukraine, and all of NATO combined? Also, evidently, they are outperforming on the front. If the west was winning, they'd have free'd ukraine by now, and putin's regime would have fallen.

  7. They speak Russian and are afraid to say that the reason they don't want to leave is because they are waiting for the Russian army.

  8. Zelensky allocated and spent 1 billion euros on the line of defense of the Kharkov region. He came and checked the line of defense, and said the enemy won’t move a meter. A week ago you showed the destruction of Russian equipment and assured that the Russians are cowardly attacking, and the Ukrainians are proudly fleeing from the Russians

  9. Will history repeat ?
    Putin start "playing" with Youkrain right after visited China.
    Putin’s state visit to China from May 16 to 17, meeting with Xi Jinping and Li Qiang

  10. Russia will not stop now. We all know they want to make sure NATO stays as far as possible from Moscow. In a couple of months I fear that Ukraine will fall and Zelensky will flee the Country. Only option, ukraine surrenders and signs that they will never join NATO.

  11. Ukraine been loosing on every measurable matrix.. just surreneder so you can save the 600k teens and women about to be forced into trenches to become gunfodder…

  12. The west and NATO are doing their best that no peace negotiations are done or started. By giving just hope to the Ukrainians they are making sure that the fight just keeps on going. There are two folds benefits to this:
    1. No NATO causality or destruction of their land and hoping that the Russian threat is neutralized due to a prolonged war.
    2. In any case utilizing Ukraine territory as a buffer zone between NATO and Russia. By keeping the Ukrainians in fight it makes sure that Russia remains engaged and psychologically having Ukrainians in there camp.
    Its basically a failure of the Ukrainian government not to utilize the diplomatic channel and put all their eggs in NATO basket.

  13. I'm very disappointed in EU and NATO
    Why is this war still going on?
    Why haven't they find a peaceful resolution?
    Everything shows that Ukraine cannot defeat Russia.
    In fact, no EU or even NATO can defeat Russia now.

  14. What will russia doing to america making its citizen abuse gun laws making america to spoil reproductive health making america to enslave its own citizens tsar political science

  15. I saw a CIS video a few days back. The Russian Southwestern command has detailed intelligence of the UA units. Emphasis was destroying EMS.

    So Russian Southwestern command can destroy the UA units with mortar, artillery, rockets, glide bombs and sniper at will. The analysr show picture of sattelite cam, Loitering drone cam and Soldiers cam.

    Casualties on the UA troops can be 10x more since target acquisition by UA troops is diminished.

    Expect progress reports from DW.


  16. And these are only the forward reconaissance units with 72 hours of supplies in their backpacks. Imagine what will be when the Russian main force appears at the front.

  17. Little old ladies always make me feel the worst. Doesn't matter which side I think is right or wrong, or which country it is, it's always hard to see them.

  18. Look, if the Ukraine army surrendered to the Russians, they people won't have to be relocated. It's the army's fault for holding on and allowing death at their door.

  19. Austrians used Ukraine for cannon fodder. Germans wanted to exterminate 60% of Ukraine. Russians want Ukraine for their buffer.
    Methinks Ukrainians need to stop looking left and right for their protection, but lead some sensible, non confrontational, independent policy.

  20. Russia is Terrifying it challenged all the West and still gaining territory everyday..fighting One of the Largest Army is a Mistake from Selenskyj !!
    He is Fooling the West and His People !!

    On the other hand,Mr Putin proves that He is a Man of Actions..He proves that He is the Maestro of the Orchestra.

    I wish We Had a Chancellor like Him in Germany..a Man of Principles who does not fool His Nation !!!

  21. i am not so sure i believe these news stories by DW anymore .. nor the Ukraini9an leadership stories … Zelensky chose to kill hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians for no reason at all

  22. The USA has to allow the Ukrainians to use supplied ordinance across boarder in the northeast, so they can disrupt the enemy supply lines.

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