Start Of A Much Larger Operation, Brutal REALITY Of Attritional War – Ukraine War Map Analysis News

get a Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and so far a fantastic weekend and good news from the Willie residents my washing machine broke months ago so I’ve been going to friends’ houses and Lily’s parents’ house and everything but my replacement is here and I’ve got everything washing it’s on anyway we have a lot to talk about today we’re going to have a look of course at Ukrainian strikes down in Crimea and what damage has been caused there of course we need to talk about the Slovakian leader Robert Foo who has been shot multiple times we will look at what’s happening up in the north we’ll talk about the US and Ukraine and Aid as well as strikes potentially in Russia and of course then we’ll have a look at the maps now it is Thursday the 16th here in Australia and I’ll just double check and refresh now no as per usual the Deep state map doesn’t update on uh a Thursday so I’ll double check before this goes I guess up and I may cut in a bit but otherwise we’ll be going off Surak maps and Noel reports Maps today so first off let’s have a look at the maps and show you around where we’re looking so of course here we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 14 and the green here areas of which Russia has been at some point and has either withdrawn or has been pushed out by Ukrainian offensives now where we’ll talk about at first is down here in then Crimea now this will be a massive proponent of the war it has been since 2014 it will be more and more into the future as down in here will be the Crux of so much coming in the future not only future future attacks but diplomatic actions eventually peace deals negotiations all of this at some point regardless of where the fighting ends anyway let’s have a look over some strikes down here now it’s not a th% clear what exactly has happened as we know right now there’s another strike going on so of course it’s midday here in Australia so it’s night time or early morning in Ukraine and we have alerts that there could be Naval drones going against Targets in chme as well as far and as well as other attacks strikes but until we know then we don’t know so last night though we saw this so this is footage from the belbeck Airfield we looking onto the belbeck Airfield of major fires out here said to be from attacks Munitions now F bomber has said this missile attack at belbeck presumably attack thems that’s what we would think it is and talking of ATT attacks as we see with a lot of weapon systems going into Ukraine especially GPS systems such as the Excalibur artillery rounds there’s this sharp fall of success about 6 or eight weeks after entering the battle space as Russia reprograms its defenses and other bits of warfare equipment to then counter that so you have that sharp fall off so I believe in the next coming weeks we will see massive amounts of attacks being fired in before then Russia’s counter for that does improve but these are having a lot of success down here so what we’re seeing here is a very important air defense system now this is said to be a 92 November 6 Echo radar that of course works with an S400 can work with s300 I believe as well destroyed down at the Airfield now these are the only photographs we actually have so far of this then of course destroyed here of course very expensive very important systems any air defense is and we’ve seen multiple of those systems then heavily damaged or destroyed down in cria recently as well and this points towards will we see more actions here we know Ukraine from people online through to officials everything talk more and more about the Kur straight Bridge down here of course connecting Russia to Ukraine but the Strategic importance of this has probably reduced significantly over the past 2 years and it still will be very difficult to hit regardless I believe we will see more attempts on that now this is not from F bomber although people are saying it is of double checked and it’s not but said to be from still Russian sources talking about down here bad news from sevastopol so we’re talking down in chome still we lost planes air defense systems and military personnel as a result of shelling in SAS by attacking missiles we unfortunately suffered serious losses the enemy hit PLS belbeck Airfield one Mig 31 was lost and complet completely destroyed and three Su 27s were damaged they were hit by submunitions from missiles we have seen Russian againsts posting photographs of submunitions on the ground as well as warnings for people civilians in the area to be very careful of submunitions submunitions are incredibly incredibly unstable on the ground we see this throughout Ukraine as well submunitions then acting as basically a mine on the ground if it hasn’t gone off and the amount of submunitions that are actually that actually fail is very high considering you can have hundreds in each missile depending on the type but we are finding out whether it’s possible to repair them these are s 27s we lost two air defense launchers s300 and 400 and a radar now the radar is far more important than the launchers but and the S400 therefore far more important than s300 as well unfortunately 11 soldiers were killed so we know a radar and launcher has definitely been taken out as far as the aircraft again we haven’t seen any photographs of that and photographs of things like this footage Drone footage satellite imagery does come out within 2448 hours so I know R will be making large claims but just hold your horses yes we may be behind but at least we know when we do report it that it will be to the best of our ability what is said to be correct now massive news came or here time last night that the leader of Slovakia Robert Foo was shot multiple times now he’s reportedly out of surgery and conscious and no longer is in a critical condition now the shooter was a 71y old man who opened fire outside a cultural Community Center in had Lova in Slovakia so it is said to be politically motivated but yet we don’t know what I want to talk about here is how the information propaganda Wars space which is a venag that goes over itself and that includes mainstream that includes Independence it includes officials it includes bloody Grandma down the street as well and how this will have effect on this even if it had nothing to do with this so Victor Oran here who we know himself and the Slovakian leader they get lumped in the same category of these pro-russian bot um being put in by Putin all of this now he’s came out straight after the shooting as I was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend prime minister Robert Foo we pray for his health and quick recovery God bless him and his country and zalinsky has said similar as well now this was on the telegram but I just want to break this down further now who is prime minister Robert FICO how can it relate to this conflict and like I say regardless of the motive or not this will be used in the informational space everything is pushed out to push something around and I think more is connected then Pro people probably want to believe to but he’s the leader of Slovakia since 2023 now he ran on what people would say a pro-russian candidate that that was what he was saying now regardless of whether he was one way or the other Slovakia is a democratic NATO and EU member and he won the popular election so he obviously appealed to the majority of people there now similar to Hungarian LCT Oran he has been labeled as pro-russian Putin sympathizer or a Russian plant Putin plant now again to be labeled as this is very very slim I haven’t seen him waving around flags and funding money over there or whatever but that has been you know him and of course or ban supporting that there should be negotiation should be pet talks and stopping or questioning Aid stopping aid from maybe their country but also questioning aid from other EU NATO members and has actually maintained relations into Russia as well although we have seen Foo did not uh go against Ukraine’s EU membership bids where they do hold power to definitely uproot a lot of that so this will of course be used in many circles and the a lot of the pro Ukrainian crowd are celebrating this and saying that it was Russia the pro-russian crowd are then pointing that it was some CIA Ukraine mad operation now so far there’s no evidence of either of these so hold your horses but of course regardless it’s going to be used in that way now I’ve probably missed a lot in this but regardless leaders of countries democratically elected NATO EU this is a huge thing and I hope that we don’t stumble and trip our way into something far more serious due to this our Legends I know I look different as you might have heard in that last clip my microphone was going a bit Rogue these cables are the most useless thing I’ve ever had in my life so we’re back to Casual Willie I’m going to redo this part but what we’re going to do is we’re going to have a look at the maps and we’re going to talk about what is happening up in the north between hariv and belgrad now still personally I believe that this is still a reconnaissance element now this map hasn’t updated for today but I haven’t seen much that suggests that this is a full-on offensive everyone’s piled and if we’re hearing from 30 to 80,000 Russian troops were built up in here we haven’t seen anywhere near that all the assets cross here we’ve seen a few Vehicles hit we’ve seen a few soldiers we’ve seen in the 10 taken uh P was well as killed and some Vehicles some tanks but nowhere near nowhere near the amount we would see here now this to me means we’ll see a decision made on this area and I think it’s just as likely that we’ll see a full commitment and push down here as it could be that we see then a complete withdrawal if this isn’t seen as working pulling Ukrainian troops away or an opportune push down to the South we could just see in a day a complete withdrawal from there and of course you know how the informational space will then report on that and we’ll talk about maneuver and nutritional Warfare in directions like this near the end of this video now let’s have a look at this now I’ll sent this across from a dear friend of mine uh yeah I won’t say anymore but mate I have a few friends working around har at the moment and is worse than buak mut Russia is gaining ground very fast won’t be long before kopans sui roll through as well now what he’s talking about here we’ll talk about sui first so of course KK borders belgrad and sui this is the Ukraine Russian border sitting through here everyone from officials uh bloggers budanov has said there may be a Russian opening in Sumi to further try and thin out Ukrainian forces as well now up in the north the two big areas which are massive Central hubs of course there’s H but there’s also kopans and my friend saying that there may be a push on kopan we’ve seen Russia try here a lot with areas such as Sin kka and uh livka down here as well and I wouldn’t be surprised if we do see this opening in Sumi many as suggesting that is maybe what we’ll see but we have a lot of geolocated footage to look at to line up where the map should be sitting and we’ll look at the Surak Maps as I mentioned this one now hasn’t updated and we’ll look at problems with the defensive lines here too let’s start at the defensive works I think this is incredibly important not to just hash over regardless of how you feel about this this is something that is a massive massive stuff up here and has allowed this push in and the loss of a lot of territory now this is from Deep State continuation of yesterday’s topic about ifs many accept the thesis about the commission and the search for the guilty with skepticism and we’ll probably agree because instead of finding the culprits everything is is dis everything is blamed on discrediting and hostile ipso this informational psychological Special Operation so saying everyone saying no no this is some sort of scops rather than people are responsible for this mistake that has happened down here talking about these fortifications some of which 10ks from the border 15ks from the next Russian fortif fortifications not being built up or their poor preparation and incompetent approach we’ve heard of Ukrainian soldiers saying that it’s just in some of them are just in the complete wrong spot and that these here yes they’ve been built up and barricaded but people suggesting these aren’t in the spot of where they need to be or completed or actually manned now uh here we to as such as a negligent approach to the work process played an evil joke in the a district now only due to the fact that Fighters had to withdraw from their positions now this is what we’re talking about down in a divka and of course we come we have a divka sitting here oh at and of course we know that have divka front line here held for a long time and then had a massive withdrawal back to areas like lini stov and then a further withdrawal to osney more and more questions came out about well moving back to better positions that were built up and then movement back movement back movement back and more questions about what was actually built up in here and there was a hell of a lot of time to build this up and then it wasn’t done and they suggest that in here as well from 23 to 24 they were able to carry the first age of construction there so again massive problems there and we have seen of course Russia has built huge fortifications in the south of Ukraine and in the south of Russia down here as well that far exceed what from what we’re looking at Ukraine has been able to build in these directions now look at V Chans here is the russan two layers of defensive Works before sheb Kino in here then we look at VCH very very little if anything before it some maps do show some before it but fairly deep well back in here then this is the other area of which we’re then talking about this is the hokei front in here now of course what we’re seeing if we line up somewhere where the rough outline would be many positions now are in occupied territory and beyond that there’s not that much so you can’t just say that it was some sort of information campaign and to call this out is somehow Pro Russian we need to look at what has actually occurred here and even deep State now is calling that out so let’s stuff it let’s look on the VCH front straight off the bat first now what we have seen here what is a big change is we have seen tanks arriving in V chunk now now still not that many but we do have reports of it and footage that here Russian tanks have entered the northern part of of chance and are shooting inside the city National Police Officer this blog as well said that on their national television now we do have then this video this is a destroyed Russian tank here then on fire and take this clip here then this has been geoc by EJ Shahed I believe of where exactly this is then further put on this check dot Point here we see this is where Zoom a little bit see this borderline runs upon V Chans it’s sitting right about here so right on the edge of where this red zone is and we believe that those tanks have now crossed into V chance itself well that is right on the outskirt so suggesting a break in meaning the situation here has deteriorated a lot if heavy armor has then arrived D in this location now we have then this bloke from the National Police here as well I believe speaking from inside ch situation of V is extremely difficult you’ll hear a lot of small arms fire in the background too enemy occupi positions on the local streets of V Chans so please evacuate asking for people to evacuate from here so there we go so let’s have a look at exactly where it was then J located of where he was so V chance itself is sort of split by this vulture River down here so we can see that he is right down around here now what people are saying is well the majority of this northern part and some of the Eastern has then been occupied by Russia that’s where they are then fighting through so let’s have a look then at the suriak map and compare these now of course on the western side of here it just looks significantly different we don’t know what’s happening there but let’s have a look at the center of vask so showing far more fighting right down halfway into the center down here no Crossing yet of this River but also a fight from the East pushing West coming across then uh enveloping this part of the city here and a lot of street by street fighting continuing here now these Maps these don’t line up at all potentially we’ll see this map catch up tomorrow but again we know this deep state map has been a fair way behind in the past few weeks now let’s look at what then suria says specifically about his map here so uh from this axis Russian Force continue advancing inside V chance taking control over a series of positions so inside here on these Street wild troops advance advance along the VRA River and managed to enter the first houses from the East so we had that geolocated footage down in here yesterday so we know russer is here somewhere and then pushing through on the city there so the situation it is definitely developing seeing what is then occurring on that front now let’s push to then the western side this hokei front in here and have a look at some footage some geolocations as well so we have this bit of footage here this is unbelievable footage these are Ukrainian soldiers here I believe from looking at things like cans on weapons so suppressors high cut helmets uh multi cams and the drills these are probably some level of Special Forces element compared to a lot of the other guys that we then see so you know better kit better drills can point towards that we see then an assault on this building we know Russians are occupying this building currently we see a push back here to get some gap between themselves and the building here on this then advancement these are good drills here as well as good spacing and Cordon from the guys in the behind here of course it’s very hard to know exactly the situation from zoomed in like this and not on the ground but solid drills and then we do see that they managed to get the Russians actually move out from this building and surrender to them and then immediate first aid is given uh torices on things like this of course the here’s a tnic going on this full video uh can be seen on my telegram as well this is what we like to see that once soldiers are non-combatants they’ve surrendered hands up or injured that by the convention laws put in place La laws of arm conflict they are allowed to surrender and then given medical treatment as well so that is good good footage there all around and good solid drills from what I can see in my limited experience now this is where the geolocation is done and and if we Chuck it onto then the map we see this is the blue dot down here if we look on this map we’re talking right on this outside of these Dashers here now these Dashers is part of this lipy I believe not part of hoki so right on the outskirts of the gray zone so the gray zone is definitely more than is being shown on this map but we do know this map then is one day behind as this does expand control around here now let’s have a look then at some other Maps here we have then the Noel reports he shows this same movement here and this capturing of hoki not too dissimilar from the deep state map then today let’s have a look at suriak and this is where we start seeing some changes although not too dissimilar this western side of these two pushes is far more similar than the Eastern side so we see this red dot this is hokei now right on here is right where that house was and it’s saying that there is a further southernly push here gry Zone we don’t know exactly when that footage was taken but saying that they have broke in down to the south of these Dashers and controlling more area from here for the Russians again we like when Maps line up but it’s going to get further and further from that because the maps uh pushing harder and harder on other but the harive axis which is this axis so this is the harive axis that surri calls it Russian army continue advancing Northern dashes of lipip so exactly where we saw then those elements deployed in here now zalinsky has spoken about this situation that is developing in the north of the country over the course of the day all of Ukraine’s Defense Force units managed to partially stabilize the situation in the har region so partially everyone’s quoting they’ve managed to stabilize situation and just putting stabilizing quotation marks partially stabilized we can clearly see that the occupies are attempting to stretch our forces thin and make our combat work less concentrated we react appropriately in every direction and we must have the means to respond to the enemy so what meaning here the means is that asking for more equipment to come in or equipment that has been promised we have Zen zinsky recently talking a lot about there’s been a lot of equipment promise that then has never arrived or has then arrived very late but this is what we do believe Russia is trying to do I think this is there’s a multifaceted approach here yes to try and thin out ukrainians lines down in the South or the East and see their movement but also check and see what Ukraine’s response will be here do they mobilize well men do they send in reserves do they do nothing how built up are the defensive works and that will then uh come into what Russia’s next step is depending on this reaction they may then make this the Axis or that Recon element may go hey boys not coming through here let’s withdraw and try and Sumi or somewhere else I think there is multiple outcomes still up in the air of what may actually happen here maybe Ukraine will say let’s just sacrifice this part of land will fall back to if there are builtup defensive works here we’ll take this back at some point but it’s not worth pushing too many elements in here at the moment so you know you got to remember that big strategic plays are at work here by Russia and Ukraine and we are in the phase of attritional warfare where both sides need to consider what ATT tring they are willing to actually have on their own forces so that is the juice worth The Squeeze so let’s actually have a look at the maps in some other front so we’ll come down to a diva straight off then the batting here of course this is an older map but this is what then suriak says situation north and west of adiva during the last 32 hours Ukraine Army ret took the trenches west of salov meanwhile Russian combing operations were taking place at umans following Ukrainian withdrawal so just to give you an idea on this map this dot is umans this dot then is solivo here just give you an idea so up at Sol that Ukraine managed to push back in and retake some trenches in this position we saw a movement here of the car past couple of days so it he’s coming back and forward and that Russia is clearing through the remaining areas then in om mank down here now what we do know is this map is behind because we had G located footage all the way up through here from about a week pretty much bang on a week ago now so we know that he’s in the wrong location on this map now the area of which is just being ignored and I believe potentially on purpose is roboty down here now we did see that this map caught up and showed the Russian movement out from V vov recapturing then their own defensive line through here from 2023 but what we then see in here is no movement at all in order of botney which is going against many many other maps including War mappa who is more on the pro-ukrainian side as well as then today a Noel report map here showing that a lot of the southern part of roboty has come under Russian control of course we look at the suriak map as well but that this plug who is the representative of the president of the Southern Defense Forces has said the statements of the Russian Ministry of Defense about the occupation of Rob botney in zap region are not true the position of our troops has not changed the situation is under control so saying that nothing here has changed although many Maps do disagree with this especially surric and Surak is showing a large movement out through robotany if we zoom out one on this we can see Shrine line up where no is see where the defensive work is and then robotany itself so see where this road turns just then to the Northwest that is right here so showing significantly different here Russian army took control of the Eastern trenches of roboty moreover the front was leveled in this area following the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Army northwards despite official Declarations of the liberation of this locality it is still necessary to take the northern trenches where Ukrainian troops still remain so Russia is saying they’ve got it Ukraine is saying nothing has changed in here now that’s no different to the informational War we see play it every single day but I believe we have this map showing that Ukrainian Maps other maps showing there has been movement in here so I believe there’s been movement in here and it’ll be interesting to see now I just want to talk about those defensive works for a second let’s have a look at just the difference in some of these Works where is my map Maybe then deleted it here we go so we see this we see the two lines of defense this line a long way back in from V Chans up in the East now we know that these lines down here were built in a much much shorter time frame than Ukraine did have so this green this was cleared in September November 2022 you’ve had the best part of 18 months and what has been built up in here is this area even compared to what Russia was built on the other side both of which are under Threat by fpv drones artillery everything I understand that it’s bloody a lot easier said than done but it is interesting to see what has now come under control and what then hasn’t and just the scale of the works Russia has built compared to what Ukraine has built in areas that we believe were very very likely to have an attack at some point from sui to Har and I believe this is incredibly concerning and ra is a lot of questions for further back how is this going to look if Russia continue the an advancement now before we talk about uh American weapons used inside Russia I just want to talk about the front line and what we’re seeing now I spoke to a friend last night uh senior officer very knowledgeable he’s actually going to help me with some stuff about attritional Warfare and the mo the movement from then maneuver Warfare and he basically said look any large War maneuver Warfare ends and attritional warfare starts we’ve seen this war in the attritional Warfare phase for a long time hence the massive buildup of works and the very limited amount of ground being taken you’re talking hundreds of meters or kilometers a day or months with zero changes from the end of the last time we saw major moves was Ukraine in 2022 hon H since then we’ve seen basically a net zero change this is attritional Warfare mobilization now something that has sped up and exacerbated this are drones both your intelligence Advance reconnaissance drones and your kamakazi drones that the ability to Target maneuver elements whether infantry or Vehicles has just gone through the roof not only target them but see them eliminate them or uh at least cut off what they are trying to do and this is the reason why we’re not seeing better equipment make a massive change on the front line so just go with me a second that a leopard 26 compared to a t62 is Light Years better tank how much change have we seen the leopard 2a6 make compared to the t62 on the on the front line not really that much when you compare the cost versus the training all of this on it now yes that is a miles better vehicle but how much change is it actually made well a lot of those more modern tanks are being used as basically dug in artillery pieces back from the front line what we’re seeing now is a dug in grinding war and operations working inside their own bubble of influence so let’s say up here these troops won’t push I believe any more than 10 km before artillery and electronic warfare assets then cross over here to stay within that bubble to not get cut off and who wins in an attritional War well once you start losing an attritional War it is incredibly difficult to then turn the tide but who ultimately wins in a nutritional war is who can produce the most shells the most soldiers and who is willing to wear the most amount of hurt for the most amount of time not only the civilians the soldiers and the economy and who can sacrifice for the longest amount of time both ways you live and how many losses you are going to have we’re not going to see any major movements on this map without huge huge losses how many people are you willing to sacrifice this is what I’ve said in this ball before we see any objectives reached by either Russia or Ukraine we’re going to see over a million men killed for Ukraine to push through these defensive Works in a nutritional war is going to be incredibly costly yes longer range weapons will help and f-16s will help but at the end of the day going to have to move through dug in positions and massive massive minefields positions we know same as Russia making any movements east to west or north to south we’re in an attritional phase of War and who is willing to take the most amount of hurt and most amount of sacrifice that Russia and Ukraine both see this war as an existential threat and their own territory and the future of the Nations too so there’s no end in sight but in the immediate to going on future it’s going to just become this massive meat grinder of G and who will hold out then the longest that’s the way I then said but what we do know is Ukraine so far has not been allowed to use the majority of Western weapons inside Russia now we have seen some used across into belgrad and some in other areas but not on a huge amount and we’re going to talk at length then about this and what I was sent across what blinkin has said and what Ukrainian officials have been asking for of course we saw David ceron from the UK suggest and say that their weapons could be used inside Russia I will note though we haven’t yet seen those used then either so let’s look at what I sent across from my mate before we go over the US map my two sense if the stri on the strikes issue if storm shatters scalp same thing just UK and French hit Russian territory that would be the UK and French weapons programmed by officers of those countries hitting land everyone recognizes as Russia so everyone recognizes that this is Russia and and we know that there are officers from those countries helping with those systems so I don’t think Russian strikes on UK France land would be out of the question my guess is that British statements about the possibility of hitting anything anywhere Were Meant to test the waters and the Russian response made it clear that this was a bad idea so likely won’t happen and we haven’t then seen that happen either the Russians would have the option of hitting UK French bases in some Third Country outside of NATO as an intermediate step so before launching a missile across and trying to hit London or Paris well are UK or French soldiers deployed say in X country that’s not in NATO and a potential strike there a sort of warning but even then I don’t think anyone wants to go there and I don’t think that people the leaders or people in Democratic countries want or have the appetite for extended and pro protracted and larger War than what we have both in Israel Gaza Ukraine and Russia now this all comes because of these newer calls here for uhan officials are trying to convince Washington to allow ke to strike at Russian territory with us supplied weapons saying the main problem right now is the White House policy to limit our capability uh we saw their military sitting in one or two km from the border inside Russia and there was nothing we could do about that uh Russia no there is a restriction on ukrainians to shoot at the Russian territory and we saw all their military equipment sitting one or 2 km from the border near har and there was nothing we could do we have seen things like vampire get fired across we have seen incursions across and Ukrainian domestically produced weapons Finn said that weapons can be used as well as other nations as well but I do get this is a massive problem I don’t know if this is going to change as two unnamed us officials to Politico that the issue has not changed that if Russian equipment sits inside Russia then the ability to strike that is very limited yes Ukraine has some systems but it is very limited this is where I think the f-16s without that change in policy are not going to have a huge effect they will somewhere down here for an amount of time I believe but if they can’t conduct seed and deed within Russia it’s going to be a huge problem because these Russian missiles will be fir out of these areas but can they then strike actually back on that and that’s something I’ve said their entire time instead of asking for more weapons this is V zinsky pushing hard on trying to change that policy and the closer if Ukraine starts pushing Russia back the Clos to this border the more of an issue that’s actually going to become like it’s more of an issue up in here than it is out here we’ve got five or six kilm of occupied territory then it is when you’ve got you know a lot lot further let’s look at somewhere like here where you’re talking 100 and 50k so you can strike a lot of the occupied you know uh logistic centers whatever that’s all good to strike but up in here it’s it’s only five clicks behind the line now many are pointing at what Anthony blinkin has said of course he is in Ukraine as a $2 billion package at two billion coming out of than the 60 billion but here said we have not encouraged or enabled strikes at sort of Ukraine and ultimately Ukraine has to make decisions for itself about how it’s going to conduct this war a war it’s conducting in defense of its freedom sovereignty and territorial Integrity but people saying well this is the next step to doing it enabled and if you’re using one of their weapon systems inside Russia that is America enabling it I can’t see American weapons on large at least being used inside Russia at this point same as with Western troops NATO troops coming into Ukraine now of course future of this war potentially Anything Could Happen depending how the war goes with shell issues Manpower issues whatever how does that become fixed as the West has committed to this I won’t say 100% I’ll say 80% because if it was 100% commitment there could be far more equipment and stuff going in but regardless committed for the long time and the clearance of AR like Dona how is that going to go into the future and What needs to come into potentially give that result I don’t know anyway Legends look after yourself and I’ll speak to you tomorrow sorry about the Midway shift okay so yeah

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. The most important issue for Russia… is time. This accelerating dilemma converges into two conjoining scenarios.
    Firstly the new weapons will begin to flow into the hands of the Ukrainian nationalists very soon.
    It will be a steady trickle… but the US have made it clear, it's not going to abruptly end.
    This means any major advance in the near-future will be far too costly to contemplate.
    Pushing the war into a frozen conflict. Which only 'helps' the current Ukrainian nationalist regime enter NATO and complete safety.
    Time is moving speedily against the Russians .. and they know it.

    So Russia has to make gains now. The only way to do that is make Ukraine pull resources away from the main 'active' frontline.
    To try and 'win' the oblasts they annexed… in order to say they have won their main objective.
    They're using ill-trained cannon fodder to push aimlessly at Kharkiv. The Ukrainians know this is just a poorly executed subterfuge.
    That's why they aren't concerned about it. They're only concerned about how Russia is using the propaganda from it.
    It is a meaningless gesture, as most efforts by the Russian regime are now.

    This leads to Russias' real and main worry. Trump is not going to be elected this year. That's official now.
    Whomever, or whatever controls the US has made that obvious… Trump is not a mistake they're likely to make a second time.
    This means four more years of a near-constant military lethal aid reaching the nationalists.
    As soon as Biden is re-elected… there will be a huge push to 'finish Russia off'. Get as much lethal aid there as possible.
    The Russian regime has no leverage… all they can do is rattle their nukes. But agains, it's a bluff… because they literally cannot use them.
    Russia is on the ropes… and the regime in charge know it.

  2. The people that populate your telegram comments are actually the most room temp IQ people I have ever had the chance to read responses from.

  3. CVR just posted a video in which he claims "Russia is a small country that lacks resources".

    I try watching pro Ukrainian channels so im not stuck in a Pro Russian bubble but when they come out with things like this i just cant watch the idiocy.

  4. In the U.S. the media stopped talking about Ukraine almost completely. Unless their is a random Russian ship getting hit by a drone

  5. hi, I'm native to Poland, currently living and working in England.
    Impressive, it is exactly as you say @willy. Your political knowledge about countries in Europe which aren't as far in development as the neighbours is impressive.
    What I mean is that my knowledge looking at for example the Hawai is almost 0 zero.
    Love to you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  6. Willy This war is about Ticks that Putin talked about way back. There is a war going on with the Operation Paperclip gang and the dying Deep State at Yale Harvard Hopkins etc.

    I was poisoned in America by a Yale test site they use on the public IMO. They let these rabbits run around and all carry ticks. They used to use deer but changed to use Tulermia and now new name tech.

    They control the blood tests and know how well it spreads from data. Tuskeegee all over.

    They can see who comes to the hospital ER.

    So who is really behind this no one knows.
    Putin said it out loud and I will show it online soon as I figure how not to die.

    It's not Ukraine or Russia. It's a 3rd party and they are using you and the other sites to keep the subject away from the reality.

    I'm deadly sick from a disease with no antibiotic cures. It gives you fog like altimers and you cant hold a gun because joints flare up. All the symptoms of Covid if not the same.

    Now it spread to the rich peoples land in Greenwich that send the money to Ukraine so whe they find out that will stop if not already. Soldiers are dropping thier guns and everyone is learning.

    IT is why they tried to stop Karkiv so much until the Ukrainians soldiers realized they are sick too from tick bites.

    Look up "poisoner in chief" MK Ultra and Plum Island Fort Detrick

  7. "High cut helmets", "better kit". Yeah, when a piece of an artillery shell flies into your ear its very cool, true special forces recon marine alpha bravo charlie spec ops navy seal stuff right here.

    Remember guys, anything americans do on their gun ranges is what`s setting the definition of what is "better". They are experts in shooting cardboard targets after all.

  8. The incoming Dutch government led by Geert Wilders' far-right PVV party has reaffirmed support for Ukraine "politically, militarily, financially, and morally against Russian aggression," it said in a statement on May 16.

  9. The attempted assassin in Slovakia was linked to a Slovakia Pro Russian paramilitary group so if I put my tin foil hat on… Was this a Russian op to send blame on ukraine as you said Slovakia is in EU & NATO and I was elected in a democratic manner.. Their country people spoke.. Obviously some may not agree with them and it wouldn't be hard to find a person to do the deed and having Russian connection always is a helpfully part

  10. We are in an information war as well as a kinetic war. The Russians keep losing the information war because they either don't have the will or the means to take and hold very significant ground, so that it can't be denied by everyone who supports the other side. Instead all we've seen for the past couple of years looks like a stalemate, and that keeps the west and its puppet regime in Kiev alive in the information war. The Russians have to really fight and dominate, or go home. Maybe the Russians are Russian in name only, and they just don't have the character that earlier generations had. Maybe the Russians have gotten soft, and are easy to bully.

  11. @11:09 I note that Ukraine has been caught recycling old photos and using photoshop to add the army group north symbol on those old photos to pass them off as current

    Was shown on History Legends with examples showing begore and after, and time stamped

  12. @31:10…there you go propogatin gthe now obvious myth of the superiority of western equipment

    I guess it's hard to shake that, whay is now, clear, indoctrination of many decades

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