Massive Strike: Ukrainians HIT the main Russian railway and cut the link with an ingenious tactic!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global as the conflict in the Russia Ukraine war continues to heat up Ukraine’s crossborder operations continue to reshape the regional security Paradigm the recent drone strike in vulgarr demonstrates once again that this ongoing conflict is felt not only within borders but also across a wide geography targeting strategic infrastructure this attack underscores that tensions between the two countries are intensifying not only on the front lines but also along Logistics and energy lines let us now examine the details of the latest attack and analyze its impact on Russia a drone attack took place in the vulgarr region of Russia near the kluin station at around 1:00 at night according to information from the Russian telegram Channel Baza as a result of this attack on a freight train nine wagons carrying fuel derailed and overturned the first explosion occurred in a fuel wagon and then a second wagon caught fire the fire spread quickly as spilled fuel ignited the surrounding grass Baza reports that the fire is localized but not yet fully under control according to the information shared by the telegram Channel there were no casualties or injuries in the incident local authorities and emergency teams have have been dispatched to the scene and continue to extinguish the fire and increase security measures following this serious incident security Protocols are expected to be reviewed and measures against similar attacks are expected to be increased the incident has raised serious concerns for regional security and all relevant units are reportedly on high alert this latest incident has caused tensions in the vulgargrad region to escalate in a daring night operation on May 10th 11 drones of the Ukrainian defense intelligence attacked the Lukoil oil refinery in vulgarr oblast the attack focused on the refinery’s main oil processing units avt1 and av6 causing serious damage to these vital components the attack resulted in the shutdown of seven air refrigerators due to the destruction of a control cable while the chimney of the P1 furnace was also directly hit Russia should be aware that these attacks could damage the Russian Fortress eony Ukraine has disabled Russia’s production of about 900,000 barrels per day repairs will be slow and expensive spare parts and Specialists will be hard to find without Western expertise Russia’s diesel production fell by 16% and gasoline production by 9% the average weekly wholesale price of gasoline and diesel in Western Russia increased by 23% and 47% respectively between the end of 2023 and mid April moreover these attacks do not only cause Financial damage such Visual and destructive attacks have the potential to create distrust and fear among the population citizens confidence in the state’s ability to protect them can be undermined the psychological fatigue and stress of living under constant threat can create General unrest in society asymmetric threats such as drone attacks may cause Russia to reconsider its military defense strategies Investments in more advanced air defense systems and anti-drone Technologies may increase attacks could lead to changes in Russia’s military Doctrine and increased training of troops in Modern Warfare techniques challenging times for Russia are not limited to its borders drones have also become a nightmare for the Russian military on the front lines recent footage that has taken social media by Storm shows Ukrainian forces using a two-touch attack strategy to neutralize Russian tanks even those equipped with Advanced defensive features such as cages since the start of the conflict the Russian army has suffered significant losses with an estimated 3,000 pieces of armor destroyed by Ukrainian forces a significant portion of these losses can be attributed to the destructive effectiveness of firstperson perspective drones these relatively inexpensive drones costing only a few hundred have proven to be a formidable asset in the hands of skilled Ukrainian operators who are constantly adapting their tactics to counter Russian defenses the footage reportedly shot near BAH horka on the war ravaged Eastern Front shows a Soviet era t64 BV tank speeding down a dirt road its turret covered by what appears to be netting or wire mesh despite the grainy quality of the video it is clear that two Ukrainian kamakazi drones are highlighting the tank the first drone specifically targets the side of the tower as the Drone approaches its Target Two fuse activators resembling menacing wire Spears become visible just before the moment of impact and explosion the main purpose of the protective cover is to trigger the drone’s Warhead at some distance from the hull or in an ideal scenario to completely intercept the Drone and prevent it from exploding altogether in this particular case however none of these intended outcomes came to fruition a closer examination of the footage shows that the t64 tank is not equipped with external jamming equipment such as the RP 377 a portable Jammer developed by the Russian military to jam enemy Communications and defend Vehicles Against fpv drones while these jamming systems are now Factory fitted to some more advanced Russian Vehicles such as the t80 BVM tank Ukrainian forces have overcome this challenge by developing new drones with automatic locking capabilities to counter such jamming efforts these Advanced drones have the ability to fly autonomously to a designated Target even in the event of a loss of radio contact with the operator the double tap technique shown in the footage involves a meticulously planned and executed two-stage attack the first drone acts as an initiator softening up the Target by peeling back the protective cage and exposing sensitive areas of the Tank’s turret this initial attack is quickly followed by a second drone which strikes the same compromised section of the tur with devastating Precision the second drone presumably carries a formidable 2.6 kg payload armed with a russian-made PG 7vl high explosive anti-tank round as the Drone delivers its payload the shaped charge penetrates the weakened Hull triggering a catastrophic explosion that plunges the tank into a fiery Inferno the t64 tanks vulnerability to such attacks goes back to its pioneering design features the first Soviet era tank to feature an automatic loading system the t64 stores its ammunition in a carousel on the hull floor that automatically feeds shells into the Tank’s main gun this Innovative design allows the tank to fire 5 to eight rounds per minute allowing for a significantly increased rate of fire while also making the vehicle highly vulnerable to top- down attacks the high concentration of explosives under the turret creates a glaring vulnerability that you Ukrainian fpv Pilots skillfully exploit to devastating effect the remarkable effectiveness of the double tap technique raises important questions about the long-term viability of conventional armored vehicles when faced with rapid advances in drone technology moreover the accessibility and affordability of fpv drones has democratized the modern Battlefield to some extent allowing smaller Nations and non-state actors to challenge the military dominance of larger Powers this development has important implications for Global Security and the delicate balance of power in various regions of the world as the proliferation of drone technology could potentially lead to an increased frequency of asymmetric conflicts and an increased risk of regional instability in conclusion the emergence of the double strike drone tactic used by Ukrainian forces against Russian armor represents a significant milestone in the ongoing evolution of Modern War the success of this tactic underscores the adaptability and Ingenuity of Ukrainian forces as well as the profound impact that advances in drone technology are having on the management of armed conflict as the war between Ukraine and Russia continues it is imperative that military leaders and policy makers carefully consider the broader implications of these tactical developments and their potential to shape the future of Warfare by learning from this conflict and investing in the development of innovative strategies and Technologies militaries around the world can better prepare themselves to face the challenges of an increasingly complex and unpredictable Battlefield thank you for watching us

Massive Strike: Ukrainians HIT the main Russian railway and cut the link with an ingenious tactic!

  1. Total BS, Ukraine has been losing, is losing and kicking back here and there might provoke a huge USA Shock &Awe attack. I am amazed Kiev has electricity at all. Soon the high ranking Nazis will run with their $millions courtesy of NATO neocons.

  2. 🤣 Just stop. The Ukraine is in ruins, and it's army surrendering en masse daily, and the Russians haven't even kicked the offensive into high gear. Zelenskiyy needs to pack his bags and seek refuge in Biden's basement.

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