Ignoring This Will Lead To DISASTER, Geolocation Confirm RU Advance – Ukraine War Map Analysis News

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and most importantly a fantastic friday leading into what I hope is a fantastic weekend now of course we’re going to look at the maps we’re going to talk about what’s happening up in the north we’re going to talk about some important strikes that Ukraine has conducted successfully against Russia and taken out a number of planes we’ll talk about xiin ping the leader of China with Putin and what has been said there as well as some study from the K Institute of research and a little bit of everything but I found out something which I didn’t actually know this morning and this is not going to help my case for those that think that I am a spy now occasionally on this channel I will say a spook that is Army lingo for a spy not racist okay just to clear up but I found out something amazing so in V chunk now if you don’t know where V chunk is it’s up here in the north of Ukraine from the northeast of hary this is where all sort of eyes are on at the moment now invol chunk they are these fighter aircraft left over from the Soviet Union abandoned here right on the border from 4 km from the Russian border anyway I saw this and like on the mapping I was looking at I was like that looks awful familiar guess who’s B this is a photograph of Willie this is postwar so was a bit fatter but a bit better beard lot better beard uh of me actually with these aircraft right on the border so that’s not going to help my case there but I want to talk about hariv and my experience here and how I think hariv has changed so much just about myself now I spent a lot of time in har both pre-war and postwar and this time goes into months and months both embedded with things like firefighters uh military units and I have a lot of friends here and a lot of friends here fighting as well and hariv became my first real experience with mass tragedy of War now I’ve done some videos talking about this previously just about the amount of death here especially in this push back at late 2022 when Ukraine swept back through some of these areas you know Finding basements full of bodies just decomposing there uh as we moved in I moved in uh with a person of further ahead than where the media was allowed at the time and were in front of the artillery lines right behind the soldiers and just the horrible amount of loss that war has it is unbelievable and I think about these men both Ukrainian and Russian and everything every day into the horrible things that I saw in this area [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all the Russians yeah around here and some of the locals we’re talking to have told us that they was I guess a mass grave of Russians in the basement here and we found it uh in the basement probably can’t show any of this on YouTube I’d get booted immediately um but yeah there’s multiple Russian bodies just dumped in a basement just like animals just thrown in there and just degrading but that’s a bit all I can say to be honest but I have a lot of time for H it’s a beautiful city but also a lot of experience around this area even chance of being there and I think I got drunk at like a Servo there as well cuz the bus was late but regardless that’s just a little background on me there and what I’ve seen in these areas and maybe why I am a bit of a [ __ ] maybe when it comes to reporting that I’m maybe too thoughtful for the men fighting in this for a reporter on what is happening I’m very sympathetic to people losing their lives uh maybe that blurs how I report on things but we will look at the maps as you can see some change in here now few people have asked me oh actually sorry there will be an interview at the end of this video while I was there in a recently liberated bit of territory and it was only a day or two since the Russians actually had moved out from that area there’s an interview with a resident uh there as well at the at the end and that I found very very interesting of course I got a lot of blowback for that but few people asking why suits well one I’ve actually lost a lot of weight recently and I had a life before YouTube to now I fit into my previous clothes and that’s great and I also feel like I’m addressing on some videos you know uh 50 60 70,000 people about very serious topics and I will try and be as respectful and professional as possible given the situations we are talking about like I wouldn’t go to Congress wearing a bloody t-shirt but let’s first off the bat have a look at these strikes down in choma as these are important and some important pieces have been hit for Russ we’ll talk about why down here when A lot’s happening up in the north people will use that excuse to try and diminish what has actually happened here so yesterday we reported that there were potentially three aircraft taken out and it seems we were correct although may be wrong on the type but that regardless doesn’t matter now these photographs show that at least three aircraft have been taken out so these are here two Mig 31s that have been exploded Beyond repair on uh the landing strip here this the apron and this over here there’s a bit of discussion whether this is a fuel dump or an ammo dump either way both very important these attack them strikes here have definitely been very successful now Mig 31s are very important aircraft especially down in this region of course this is down in the belbeck Airfield in choma because these are the ones that carry the Hypersonic cruise missiles as well Hypersonic missiles I should say now here as well there is a sutile airplane taken out here now what exactly type this is most saying Sue 27 judging by the one next to it but unsure yet can’t 100% confirm exactly what has been taken out here but that’s the third and then look I will say differently to a lot of other reporters I’ll say that this is a fourth now people are saying and this is actually off deep State here uh two Mig 31s su27 completely destroyed and mig29 was damaged I think this this is the mig29 here this is destroyed uh not May one half the bloody front’s missing but more so because I can’t see Russia putting the resources into to repair a mig29 it’s a much older platform there of course much newer platforms than that so this will be I believe written off like if you drive a 1996 coroller and you crash it you might buy a 2005 one if if that then makes sense now I’ll ask ask the question well answer the question at least the best of my ability and I’ll show you where this is of course this is down in Crimea of course down in the very south of Ukraine here of why is Ukraine focusing a lot of attention here and assets here instead of then the more time sensitive North now you got to remember that both Ukraine and Russia they have cogs moving all over the country and strategic assets regardless of where they are are still very important but targeting of strategic assets like this it comes when it is the opportunity then presents itself so Ukraine had obviously the highas systems in place the attacks had come in the effectiveness of attacks currently is still very high we have seen after an amount of time we do see a drop in GPS ordinance we’ve seen that from things like the Excalibur and other systems so we potentially if history is anything to go by will see that with these systems but it’s at the peak of use of these in place and opportune targets on the ground you’re not going to absolutely miss that and obviously Ukraine has assessed correctly that this opportunity they had created a time to hit very important assets but as well we know these planes they drop missiles over here that go into Ukraine into Odessa into other areas and one thing you need to consider is these planes these air defense system so saw the S400 uh the radar and launcher and maybe an s300 launcher taken out two nights ago maybe three nights ago but that these are most threatening to Odessa and many are saying that Russia’s ultimate goal is Odessa now I think if you were to have a strategic Victory other than you know um maybe a peace deal s whatever would be Russia would have to take Odessa I don’t know how that would look or if there’s any possibility of that regardless that these are most threatening to there as just where they bloody located but as well for when the FC 16s coming these will also be a huge threat both the air defense and the aircraft themselves that the f-16s will be most deadly out over the Black Sea or areas of which then uh the awax aircraft from NATO can give information into the targeting and striking and precision Munitions that will be aboard these planes we’ve spoken about that up in the north we may see them use there but I don’t believe they’ll be as effective up in that area as well so that’s just my overview of that now also we need to look at another Russian base just showing the amount of equipment at some bases now there’s this base up here now this is the ENA base now this comes right up on the border of Finland you can see Ukraine down here so a long long way away and new images today have shown just the amount of equipment sitting areas like this so we’ve got 10 t95 1 Tu 160 these are very new photographs as well as 13 Tu 22s two Tu um 95s and Tu 160 and12 these are these and this one is being dismantled maybe for parts maybe repairs unsure but a hell of a lot sitting in a base like that still a very long way away that is like we spoke about the other day that nato buildups in areas let me jump back on this map in areas like Finland or maybe in the northeast of Norway will make Russia have to move assets around because of the threat which they may see there as well as areas down from the north of Japan where Russia does have some islands in here that are still um both Japan and Russia say that they’re theirs regardless but buildup in these areas will force Russia to move troops around the country thinning out from there and we have spoken about there could be a plan sort of on the back burner as well to try and thin uh Russia’s forces out by deploying NATO or Western forces around now let’s have a look at the North I know this is proba exactly why you’re here so this is what we’re looking at of course this is Ukraine the capital of ke and in I’ve missed a bit in the red areas this been occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 and the green has been where Russia has been at some point and has previously pushed back you’ll see it turned blue when that is liberated territory within two weeks now here we have belgrad hariv and of course evve chance now you can see straight off the bat no changes in hoki but we do see a change in Gray Zone here we will talk about that and then we do see this change then in the amount of Red Zone that has been taken by Russia occupied coming into V chunk now this map isn’t correct from geolocations now I will say there’s a lot of people just using the Deep state map and the Deep state map is not keeping up to date with geolocations and other maps that we then look at so let’s have a look over this it’s been a lot going on up in this area and we’ll talk about what zalinsky said we look at defensive Works little bit of everything now one thing I said well this I think I put on the telegram I said um bad for this blow because it would have hurt good for us we get a jail location is this Russian soldier here climbs out onto this like Veranda shade here of the hospital involved CH and Way Comes A that would have hurt like hell down onto the concrete trying to you know n no didn’t hurt boys anyway falls out of the bloody window off that Veranda there but what this gives us is a geolocation then to the hospital now there are multiple hospitals but it is said to be this one down here from the G locations that I am then looking at so let’s compare then these Maps now I don’t know whose background map this is here but let’s ignore it for now so we know Russia is down into this area shown of Gray Zone here so confirmation that this map is not keeping up as well as where we saw the mortars dropped on the Russians out in around this direction and up here over the past couple of days as well that this map is definitely lagging behind in my opinion and that opinion is shared also then by Noel reports so if we say the hospital is uh right here this region right where my cursor is Noel reports show the exact same as this Pro Ukrainian Source showing then that map update now I did have a geolocation to this but I just I I bloody cannot find it down in so it’s on the Northern side of the vure river but in V chunk there are Ukrainian Special Forces working in this direction as well now it was J located off here now things to look for when you’re looking for Special Forces a couple of things you want to see how they conduct themselves on the ground which may not be that easy if you don’t have say an infantry background uh but regardless we just look more professional better gear so things like these dump pouch is here more builtup equipment multi cams high cut helmets things like this and suppressors silencers cans on weapons better night fighting equipment bits and pieces like that so moving around these areas so we know there’s a hell of a lot of Street to Street Fighting up in this area we don’t know if Russia has much of a foothold over the southern side of the vaans river yet some will say yes some will say no we are unsure but we’ll talk about I’m calling this the east of the northern push and then the West now zalinsky has said a couple of things up in here as well now Babel reported this but president sski Russia will not be able to take harive if Ukraine is given to Patriots I don’t believe Russia will be able to take hug unless they deploy tens of thousands more soldiers what we’ve seen actually cross is still very limited and I still believe personally from my experience this is a reconnaissance element that we may see withdraw we may see push in that we may be you a a l to reinforce you know guys have deployed in with pxs on so maybe 3 four 5 days we may be seeing reinforcements Russia may be assessing what then they move or that suy up the top you know 100 KS away open on the front but he said the situation is very serious we cannot afford to lose H asked by journalist whether he believes United States is to blame for the current situation in h zinski said the whole world is to blame the whole world is to blame they gave Putin the opportunity to occupy Ukrainian territories but now the world can help now I think this is shifting a fair bit of blame that the should have looked after as well we know there’s been we know because getting called out like deep State there has been corruption up in here people sacked purely because of that and the defensive Works gave Russia the opportunity to push across there now there has been of course the artificial um weapons shortage that Ukraine has been suffering with now for months of a decision not being made in the US but that weapon shortage could have been not not fixed but helped alleviate a bit with better defensive works with better defensive works you could could have sat in defense and sustain used much less ammunition as well in areas like aiva in Bak mood and that and I still have a huge concern of what the defensive Works in other areas actually look like as we step into this war of attrition and people are waiting to see these big moves and big for the rest of the war I believe unless we see a collapse which I’ve said m multiple times in my reporting we will not see a complete collapse regardless of what my title may say to get your attention but we’re in a nutritional War for at least I believe the next few years it will just be a grind of 100 200 M back forward big movements at once anyway all we need are two Patriot systems Russia will not occupy har if we have them now that what that tells in Patriot air defense what that exactly tells me is how effective the Fab Glide bombs actually have been here one thing which is interesting is Imagine two patriots come in here well the Glide bombs which have a range of about 40 clicks so let’s say here’s some you know it depends if it’s got the little booster on it or not but let’s just go with that will be being launched from well back in Russia and let’s say evolve chance at 40ks back over belgrad we have seen reports that one of them actually was released and accidentally hit in Belgrade as well but regardless will a patriot system actually be allowed to strike a Russian jet over here we know American Munitions can’t be used against it can it be used in defense not sure that’s going to be a hard one for the Yanks to answer now speaking on then defensive works here now Clement Morris he is the one that coped a hell of a lot of hate for doing this but again he has mapped the Ukrainian defensive Works in here and people that say this is like the shs it’s um opsc blah blah blah trust me Russia is flying drones around China is and Russia have satellites in the sky they know where all this stuff is same as Ukraine know where all Russia stuff is I don’t believe any of these guys are giving away anything that is time sensitive anyway let’s have a look here so on this Eastern side here we can see there’s only a few defensive Works which have been taken but there really isn’t much till a fairway back near the star Sal T sort of area here so it’s a long way back and there has been huge concern and huge concern about the actual buildup in here now we jump across then onto then the western side here that we can see a lot of these defensive works here which we presume were not either uh ready or man properly or something has gone wrong here because Russia basically walked across the border have been taken up and absorbed in here in the East footage of Russians within trench systems here and we can see the Russian Works behind the line before belgrad up in here as well so we’ll be referring to that map more and more for uh that of when we see then movements now on this western side here let’s then take a look at this as we’ve seen nothing really move but Noah reports Ukrainian Source here does show then this now we have hoki we’ve spoken a lot about this these are these Dashers here before lipy and we do believe that Russia has got to there the outskirts sorry of lipy so let’s take a look at where this road comes off to the left here this is this road right here you can see that it’s the same one that it is in line with here so Rush is down to about here somewhere we believe you can see where this tree line is this is said tree line here so Russia has moved and up onto the northern outskirts of lipy and I think this map is ignoring this is a Ukrainian map we are showing you there now the big concern here has been defensive Works multiple times we’ve seen the photograph used by Ukrainian deep state for those bloody um dragons teeth the concrete tank traps here not in position we actually have a little bit better of a look at those because we actually have this Drone footage then geolocated here now where is this footage I’ll show you straight off the bat so zoom in one click so see this Paddock this tree line down here it’s right on this corner here now this is said to be a couple of days old but this is a Russian drone targeting Ukrainian troops now of course I’m not going to show you this but I just got demonetized for I guess saying that but we can see these piles of dragon tee that are not yet in place because we can see these are correctly placed here these ones then are not and there is then in this tree line more dragon teeth and then trenches in the tree line behind there as well so they has huge problems with defensive works and you know you can’t just blame the West for not having these defensive works together someone said something to me as well of you can’t um Engineers building these you know they can’t just Refuge orders but you’ve also got to remember there’s probably private contractors here too and they could just walk off the job if they believe they’re not getting paid enough or it’s too dangerous so it is a growing situation in here and I think the larger snowball of this is what do the rest of the defensive Works bloody look like and i’ reckon there’d be some Mayors and commanders pulling their finger at our ass now going they’re not ready let’s pump into these other defensive Works especially if we see something open in sui now this is an scander that is claimed to have hit a uh headquarters for a Ukrainian anti-aircraft regiment here let’s mute that sorry there’s I scander we’ve seen a hell of a lot of success with aanders and drones up in this area recently as well and that strike there said to be on target geolocated to then this this tree line here and as we can see out from har so this would be an area where you may have this again we don’t exactly know what is lining up exactly there now uh something else which is very important to talk about in here now I’ve done all my folder stuff but we are then seeing another movement out to the east of here so we see this movement and this is large out from his livka as well out near better stove now let’s have a look again 2.2 km that is a lot of movement if you look at any Ukrainian or Russian gain since 2023 till now 100 m is a long way when things are moving 2 km in areas which haven’t moved for a lot that is a lot of time whether it’s Ukrainian whether it’s Russian to move that Marsh is still a lot of movement we think back to the counter offensive that got 8 to 10 km now of course in much heavily much heavier defended area but still so this down here and this is what one of my friends said to me yesterday if you remember that video he was talking about the situation here but then an opening in sui and maybe a try on cyance could we see a real stretch of forces out somewhere like here as we still do believe I believe that this up here is at at most maybe Recon but also to try and draw Ukrainian soldiers away from other front lines as well now let’s have a look at the maps now this better stove front down here this is then shown also on Surak Maps update but I believe here was a maybe a little bit in front here regardless he does show some movement but nowhere near to the degree that this then shows here on the Ukrainian map now let’s move down now I don’t believe there’s any other changes shown this map no there’s not whether through a divka or buck mot but we will have a look down here we’ve spoken about this nalo front here and of course or mank now we know because of Ja locations that this front sits then like that but let’s look at n now name this per meeski front but can see that there is a further Push by Surak up to then where this Reservoir is in here and we do believe that there will be a try to push to get the complete part of niovi and then kka and try and push this front line back and actually shorten the front line as it goes there for Russia now will come down Kiva no updates nelski no updates and then this marenka Hova front as well which we’re seeing a push down the reservoirs and between these towns of course trying to get to kurov in here which is a bit of a hub for Supply down into Vadar as well out into these areas we can see Surak is saying that there is a change in here and this is pretty major showing here during the last 5 days Russian army took control over the most locality of herova and the Southeastern plantations Ukraine Army is still present houses at the end of uh this and corova streets in the south at the Western end of pan Street in the north but if we line up where let’s just have a look at where this uh Westerly Reservoir is that there is a fair push this is the road that’s road so basically the gray Zone shown here is then in red according to suriak map and in areas this deep state from geolocated stuff we know has been very behind and no change shown down here in roboty which is different from both Ukrainian and suriak and private Maps as well so down here I believe be very interesting to see exactly what comes of that there now let’s talk about xiin ping and Putin we know they’ve been together talking about stuff and this is in their joint statement or the media statement but this is said from uh China Jing ping but um we express firm commitment to working together in the context of Russia’s Brooks chairmanship this year and when China assumes the SEO presidency in the second half the year forging comprehensive closely knit result-driven and inclusive high level partnership for uniting Global South and making it stronger now this is a few things brics is not NATO brics is an economic Alliance NATO is a defensive Alliance military economy although yes we know it’s linked it is different people like to compare the two but the most important bit I think they say here is the global South now if you look at much Russian history you know back you’re looking at the terrible those times Russia of course sits in Eurasia that you know you’ve got the Europe sort of part of Russia you can draw the Border where you’d want but then of course and these borders don’t show that much but then you it’s hard to see the borders but of course then you’ve got China and Korea areas out near Japan as well a lot of influence in um Asia as well and something of which I believe and I spoke to someone very knowledgeable far more knowledgeable than I in politics about these yesterday privately but but I can share this p is about what the sanctions we’ve put on Russia the sanctions we’ve then put on China is actually pushing these then closer together which we can obviously see here we can see the way Xian ping acts and talks around Putin uh and therefore further away now short-term maybe have a lot of influence but we are seeing that the uh unipolar word we have had for a long time is becoming more multipolar as we do see the global south and east definitely you know starting to level that as far as population Eon economic all of this President Putin and I discussed the need to achieve an immediate settlement in the Israeli Palestine uh Palestinian conflict and to resolve the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solution and keeping with UN resolution now this is one of the big information downfalls I think Ukraine H had a loss on and Russia had a win on with Ukraine backing Israel I think they may have lost some public support and with Russia backing then Palestine I think they may have gained some support I spoke to my friend about this and he agreed with that too uh now China and Russia believe that Ukraine crisis must be resolved by political means China has been consistent and clear on this matter by advocating for compliance with the norms and principles of the set forth un Charter respecting State sovereignty and territorial Integrity for all countries so this includes a for Ukraine and Russia and we know the UN child was broken on the The Invasion but while taking into consideration their reasonable security concerns now this is something and I was doing some reading on this yesterday that Russia has felt like for a long time now whether whether this is correct or incorrect it’s something that it was saying that Russia was for a long time that their security concerns were not being taken into account and the security concern of NATO being their border that is a security concern if you’re in the you know Kremlin but they believed it wasn’t then being taken into account wasn’t being taken seriously and no one cared about it now at the end of the day weather right or wrong you need to take into the concerns of other countries that have Bloody nuclear weapons or you know could launch a war like this and this where many people say what actually happened was avoidable with some differences but that is what we are seeing that so China we know is such an influence on the world on people and as well this War now the Swiss peace conference I’m not even going to bloody talk about it because if Russia’s not there yet Russia’s moving on the battlefield then I I don’t see where they can go starting with the 10-point peace plan at this moment in time but China I believe is the one of so much fulum of movement here of course if China starts applying Russia more so than just some buggies and some ISR the war could continue almost indefinitely industrial capacity of China is bloody unbelievable look around room and tell me what isn’t made in China there um it is thanks to their efforts over the past 75 years that China and Russia have been building up their centuries old friendship and comprehensive cooperation to generate powerful momentum which enabled to overcome the challenges of a new height so that was from Xi Jinping Putin’s one there was nothing that really related to this in it so of course China’s trying to find some happy ground between Ukraine and Russia which we know by statements of officials there is no happy ground really there I think to be found for a long time now this is something I want to speak about all look at this Anthony blinkin Rock performance in Kev bar divides opinion in Ukraine now well question the Optics of Performing bar situation the front is so tense now I think this is ridiculous people wanted me to speak about this people loved it people hated it he rocked up to the country he’s not a he’s not going to go to the front line and fight he rocked up handing over $60 billion in Aid he could do what he bloody wanted and if he rocked up to my house and gave me 20 bucks and could do what he bloody wants to me so I think this is just ridiculous as well as it’s in key like everyone’s out at drinking at bars and doing whatever it’s not on the front line even just back from the front line not very far away in areas like zap people are going to bars and doing this and that what do you expect different he’s not taking the piss he rocks up with billions upon billions of dollars of Aid with the US the strongest economy and military in the world backing the War I think it’s just I I think it’s been fussy for fussy sake now I’ve spoken a lot about demographics in Ukraine and what could be a big problem into the future especially Manpower shortages and all this as well trying to get people back in in the key of the kiss which is the Kev Institute of science but they’re like a research thing here they’re really good um they do some breakdowns on little bits and pieces of this and they release them every couple of months so this is talking about people who have left Ukraine as refugees for coming back satisfaction of Life abroad conditions and returning to Ukraine to to obtain a passport in another country now Ukrainian refugees in Germany Poland and the Czech Republic now how satisfied are you with uh in general with your current life in Germany Poland Czech Republic so 28% saying they’re completely satisfied 38% say that that they’re rather satisfied then 20% say they are dissatisfied as well as six so let’s just look at this we have 26% saying that then they’re not very satisfied and then 66% saying that they they are fairly satisfied with their new life and 8% of hard to say currently some ukrainians abroad are trying to obtain citizenship of the country where they are others do not plan to do so how about you now Ukraine to my knowledge does not offer dual citizenship like other nations that 7% I have uh the citizenship of another country 12% submitted documents and then 45% I’ve not submitted but in general I would like to obtain citizenship of another country so that’s a very large chunk and 34% here I have not submitted documents and do not plan to obtain citizenship of then another country so a large chunk here now what we’ve talked about for is as this war drags on people are going to just they’re going to have new lives develop that you’ve moved out of the country now for over two years jobs apartments maybe kids maybe you’ve lost uh your family or your home back you’re going to start your new life and that is going to be a problem down the line not only I’m meaning Frontline I’m meaning just people in general anyway some ukraines I mean like taxpaying e economic to restart that then some Ukraine abroad plan to return to Ukraine under certain conditions While others for various regions plan to stay in the country for a long time how about you if you plan to return under what conditions from this list would you be ready to uh return to Ukraine so the two largest is if critical infrastructure will work normally in where they live I believe that my settlement will be safe so these are the two largest ones which is completely fair enough if my home is not destroyed or repaired uh or if it is repaired or given uh another these L I won’t be back until after the war so 26% we’re going to see critical infrastructure problems and settlement issues and chance of Destruction all of these up here which are of course part of unless and once the full scale war is while while the full scale war is running these are a risk so realistically I think these three could actually be put into this bracket here if that makes sense but a PL Stand country or another foreign country for a long time down here at 12 so yeah it is interesting to see and I think as this goes on it’s going to become more and more of an issue estimated percentage of Ukrainian refugees who are likely to return to Ukraine at 50% now of course Russia has its own demographic issues but not the amount that have left and starting with a much larger population that this could become a problem I don’t really know how it’s going to be solved until at least after the war and even then may be a problem this is their comment Ukraine’s uh currently living in Ukraine admit that country suffered from a powerful demographic blow that had that and that a significant problem in its looming future uh that is why we should be interested in having as many of our citizens as possible return to Ukraine after being forced to leave abroad the results of the survey in the press release show that a significant part of Ukrainian refugees are losing or have already lost their connection with Ukraine at a personal level many ukine abroad face a difficult decisions to take Route in a new place or wait for a certain moment of return and nothing Warfare is yet guaranteed we don’t know where this ends and we you know these people they don’t know for 100% certainly of this as well that’s why they’re maybe staying out of here starting a new life and this could become a massive problem even after a victory here how many people will then move back economic problems regardless demographic issues of course massive losses and Russia is going to have the same they’ve lost a hell of a lot of people and people will look to maybe leave Russia’s refugees as well again could be a large issue I think we’re avoiding some of those and it may be awkward hard questions but it can’t be ignored whether there refugees from outside come in we can see that that is incredibly unpopular in Europe at the moment we can see the effect of that as well so I don’t know anyway Legends enjoy the interview part if you’d like to support me this links down below but onto the next bit I’ll speak to you tomorrow thanks byebye one that one is video this one is audio you will become the star in Australia yeah ask your question he lived in this house during the war yeah in the basement in the basement in the basement he was coming up to cook to eat but most of the time he was in the basement and what did you eat I had some food they were giving K Food Russians were giving they were giving russan okay yeah Russian food yeah yeah they were Distributing it BR Italian Pasta Italian pasta yeah no not really Sugar Sugar yeah Russians were giving the food yeah Russians were giving the Russians did they bring theying actually they stayed here for two months almost and how did you get it they were bringing it to the houses or no no they at Specialized location yeah but you had enough food yeah well so to say just barely especially there were some problems with the bread with the bread it was difficult problems with bread instead of bread instead of bread they were giving this dried bread [Music] what else was difficult water for sure in order to get the water we had to go to the well but in general if you take into account the martial law status this part kka was not suffering much he thinks this is not the what about electricity it disappeared on the first day yeah on the first day it disappeared what about heating oh my God thanks God there is gas gas supply and gas supply was all the time was all the time the electricity disappeared immediately when they entered but there is no water since the beginning of the water this is the water how we can get it from the well and how did the Russian treat you quite well good they didn’t defend us no looting but they took two laptops from your neighbor well friends I’m an old man and I can say only on behalf of myself I can see for myself so they treated you well yeah he thinks that they were treating him well but we didn’t think that they will bomb K like this so strong we didn’t think that they will shell it so much when Russians enter everything was okay but then and when they started to destroy this well listen when ukrainians pushed them away after this the Russians started to Shell it and to bomb our this Village listen more one more important point Ukrainian Army moved them away pushed them away they took new location Russians took new locations and started to Shell to bomb to shoot from that location with artillery they started to destroy Russians started to destroy our houses all all these distractions are made by Russians Ukrainian troops didn’t use artillery because it’s Village and the relative civilians I can say you that Ukrainian Army took very carefully without destruction yeah and they moved further ukrainians stayed for a short period of time they pushed away Russians and Ukraine Army Ukrainian soldiers were in different location they just passed through this Village and that’s it and after this Russians started to shoot civilian buildings and civilian population shooting this Village shooting our houses do you think that they made this on purpose well I think that they got an order to level everything to the ground to destroy everything completely that’s what I think well that’s it are we the first journalists to come here yes but please go to the kindergarten to the basement of the kindgarten go there please you will get there all the information that you want to get so just go around the red building go there and you will see there a real Stalingrad you’ve never seen something similar to this before it’s like a Stalingrad thank you stay safe I will stay alive thank you yeah

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Stupid Zalensky eats the world's donation money without completed defensive lines and blames the whole world for the Russian invasion in Kharkiv 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 USA NATO puppet clown 🤡

  2. Although I don't always agree with your opinions Willy, I respect your reporting. And by the way, you have really nice suit, really classy.

  3. I tell you what the two Patriots systems will do in Kharkiv.

    Decommissioned by General Iskander and sent to retirement by Major Khinzal

    Coupled with Lieutenant Tornado-S helping with the paperwork and deploying company officer Lancet-53 just for a good measure.

  4. Is this a war ? and if the answer is yes ,then any weapon being defensive or offensive is in play. Also Ukraine are already hitting targets inside Russia so again the question is voided. It's war ,so attack and defend how you see fit

  5. A spy hahaha!!!!!! I think you're certifiable wacko in fact I think fits the description perfectly. And living on the fringe of reality, so you say you condemned the war end the killing and suffering. But it sounds like to me you just promote the war and try to. Make something that's not true. Ukraine has no chance. And the sooner. They asked for a ceasefire. And negotiate. A peace treaty the longer Ukraine puts this off the more the thousands and hundreds of thousands of people will die and suffer from both countries. Again you're just doing Ukraine and yourself and the world a great disservice by trying to promote something that is a unwinnable War and a lost cause. I think it's just a matter of a month two at the most. And it's finished with engines for Ukraine. And if they have to do it the hard way. There probably won't be a Ukraine and if there is it'll be just a little speck in the western part of the country.

  6. Adolf Heusinger, Hitler's Chief of Staff, became Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, 1961-1964

    Hans Speidel, Rommel's Chief of Staff, became Commander in Chief of NATO Forces Central Europe, 1957-1963

    Johannes Steinhoff, Luftwaffe fighter ace, became Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, 1971-1974

    Johan von Kielmansegg, General Staff Officer Wehrmacht High Command, became NATO Commander Allied Forces Central Europe, 1966-1968

    Ernst Faber, Lt Col Wehrmacht General Staff, became Commander in Chief NATO Forces Central Europe, 1973-1975

    Karl Schnell, First General Staff Officer 76th Panzer Corps, became Commander in Chief NATO Forces Central Europe, 1975-1977

    Franz-Joseph Schulze, Senior Lieutenant Luftwaffe, became Commander in Chief NATO Forces Central Europe, 1977-1979

    Ferdinand von Senger und Etterlin, Adjutant Wehrmacht High Command, became Commander in Chief NATO Forces Central Europe, 1979-1983

  7. Willy you don't know northern Finland or actually anything about Finland if you think anything there could be threat to Russia there. That's the end of the world. It is nowhere it goes nowhere it leads nowhere. It's a cold wet forest. It has 2 roads that go to the north Willy. 2 roads. Nothing there worth anything can be supplied. The north is a forest the size of Tennessee with nothing in it but bears. There's a good reason Russia doesn't view Finland as a threat. It's not a highway to Russia, it's actually a hallway with no doors that runs into a brick wall. No Willy, Russia doesn't need to worry about it. BTW Finland has about one brigade they can field. They wouldn't last 24 hours. They have like 5 power plants all in range of Iskander. And they aren't having babies. They aren't a threat to Russia, they are another drain on NATO. Their PM in fact said she joined NATO so they could further cut their military expenditure. Finland makes Australia look like a great power.

  8. Notice how Zelensky never takes any responsibility but blames everyone else. A true sign of a narcissist and an untrustworthy corrupt individual.

  9. JDAM extended range has a range of 80km, its like 99% the same thing as the FAB glidebombs, there is no reason that FAB would only have range of "40km" and usually its said it has range of 70km in normal operation.

  10. I listen to you almost daily because you're one of very few sourses around with any shred of decency around. Your mere presence I believe are disiplining a whole host off others by setting a standard. That said, this is the first video I've heard you speed up your own comments, I believe for efficiency goals. Please don't, it is the most annoying and stressfull thing you could do.

  11. Willy do you know what is on the Kuril Islands north of Japan? Nothing Willy. What the hell are blabbing about. Russia is going to have to move their gear to Kuril Islands to what exactly? Kick rocks on deserted islands? I get the feeling you know nothing about these places. You see a map and you think wow look at this big Island. Russia will certainly have to move a brigade here to sit. WTF Willy. Is your cope coming back? What plans are you even talking about Japan building up? You're making stuff up again!

  12. Patriot systems in the Kharkiv region or anywhere near the front wont make a long term difference. The border isnt the issue. The issue is range. To make the Patriots effecttive you have to put them in Lancet and artillery range.

  13. making ukraine beg for weapons, west should stop playing these proxy games. go all in or get out, giving false hope will turn their relation sour.

  14. the whole blinken affair WAS ridiculous 😀 his ancestors or some of them are from kiev in fact only 2 generations ago they were talking ukrainian or russian. and here he comes, without an attempt to speak the language, singing a rock song from the time of the cold war, so almost noboby will know the song, in english of course….and it's not a glorification song of the "free world" but a critical one. but when they planned the whole gig the CIA or whoever they thought …aa that nuance will be lost on that stupid ukrainians anyway. as long as they hear the words "free world" they will think …a free world and they make us a part of it"…then they will take our 60 billions and go on dying.

  15. Regarding the interview – this is just silly. The grandpa tells what he's expected to tell – in the presence of the Ukrainian military who could do to him literally anything.

  16. Russian GDP is roughly the same as Australia's.

    How are they able to operate as a heavy hitter and be classed as a superpower with such a small GDP?

    If Australia decided to take on a country the size of Ukraine, we would last roughly 12 minutes.

    I just do not get it, they have a reasonable population but it's what, roughly the size of the US?

    I do not understand why they are so formidable, is it their heritage or that they are used to hardship?

  17. "Good Day!" Is a much better start than commenting on how "fantastic" my day is. Etymology:
    "late 14c., "existing only in imagination, produced by (mental) fantasy"
    "French had a different adjective form, fantasieus "weird; insane; make-believe."

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