Ukraine unleashes 100 kamikaze drones on Putin’s oil refineries in one of heaviest strikes of war

Ukraine unleashes 100 kamikaze drones on Putin’s oil refineries in one of heaviest strikes of war

you no no how don’t feel [Music] well it certainly is a big deal I think there’s been a couple of other um drone attacks on this scale but uh yes from what the Russian Ministry of Defense has been talking about they managed to shoot down all 101 of those drones of and of course they absolutely did um but uh nevertheless it is what it is but 101 is certainly a huge number of kamakazi drones and particularly focused on crier and other part and Kadar cry in Russia itself so it is certainly a significant um attack let’s put it that way it is oil refineries but it’s also the belbeck air Aerodrome as well they did take out uh according to even according to Russian Zed sources they did manage to take out a few planes Mig 29s especially from what I can understand but the Drone attack was focused also on toaz the oil a big oil refund he one of Russia’s was top 10 uh the ukrainians did take it or damage it I should say for um a while ago and that took it out for a month so if they can cause damage to it even for only a month that would still be significant in terms of Russia’s ability to export its oil to places like Malaysia and Taiwan and Singapore which is where I believe most of the oil goes from toaz certainly the Black Sea is important because it was considered to be the the Black Sea fleet was considered to be the symbol of the Russian military the ukrainians have pushed it out to a great extent from crier and now the Black Sea fleet’s headquarters is still officially sasto but in reality it’s no risk in Russia itself so the war in the Black Sea is is important certainly what can help Ukraine win this war is as I said before supplying Ukraine with enough weapons to win this war as quickly as possible or at least be able to negotiate from a position of strength whether Ukraine will be able to push Russia back to its 1992 borders that remains at least for now unlikely although in the long term it’s possible if Russia if Ukraine is able to push Russia back to its 2014 borders that’s a huge achievement but what needs to happen is that the West supports Ukraine with the weapons and other financial and financial resources to win this war as quickly as possible or at least to push the Russians back it’s good that Britain has said that it’s now okay for Ukraine to fire British made weapons into Russia it’s better late than never I would say the Americans and others are still procrastinating on that and certainly it’s important because Russia’s line line of of uh reserves and the its ability to wage this war comes from Russia if Ukraine is unable to hit Russian territory or hit the refineries hit the armed Supply dumps and various other things it becomes that much harder to wage a war when your enemy can keep on moving resources into your country and only then can you attack Vladimir Putin’s recently replaced his defense Chief this will be a bit of a humiliating start um yes but I’m sure that they’ll find a way they’ll they’ll blame Shi for this because of the failures of the generals I I think the Zed Patriots are going after jurass gasimov again because of the failure C needs to build hangers for the airplanes it is embarrassing uh but shyu is also whilst he’s head of the Security Council is also focused on the military so I’m sure they will find a way to blame him because balov has only just arrived and he’s more focused on the economic side of things getting the resources necessary for the Russian army or the Russian military sorry to be able to fight the long drawn out War well this war is important to Putin because it cements his legacy to a great extent and so he’s willing and prepared to kill as many Russian soldiers as possible in order to achieve his aims whatever those aims are and they Remain the very vague denazification demilitarization neutrality for Ukraine neutrality is slightly less vague than the other two but that’s by the way um so yes he we’ll see what happens with the summer offensive we’ll have to hope we’ll have to see whether the American uh equipment that was G that was given to Ukraine at leasts the $61 billion that was given to Ukraine arrives in time the ukrainians are just about holding on in HF and in NBAs at the moment it is tough but the Ukrainian Army has done amazing things before and I can imagine will be able to hold the line so we’ll see what happens in terms of the Russian defensive but I don’t expects I could be wrong of course I’m not a military expert but I don’t expect the Russians to make a major breakthrough in the line I mean the Russian army has not for the two years of this war being a an army that requires fast movement it’s always been slow it’s been grinding so we’ll have to see what happens in terms of the offensive they’re going to need the longrange missiles they’ve needed them for over over a year and a half they’ve needed the f-16s for over a year and a half the tanks took too long to come uh various other equipment has taken too long as well so yes um it’s wonderful that the West remains United the maximum the slogan sorry was always wrong we’ll support Ukraine for as long as it takes that should never have been the slogan it should have been we’ll support Ukraine to win this war as quickly as possible there was the opportunity to do so in 2022 and possibly in 2023 now it’s a long drawn out war and we’ll have to see what the west Western politicians need to do now is to provide Ukraine with with whatever resources are necessary it also they also need to tell their voters that we are moving to a war economy that this is existential for the west and the West has done very well out of the current International order and we are having to deal with a person who wants to destroy that International order and destroy our way of life that would be a way to sell it to the voters unfortunately Western politicians don’t seem prepared to take that stance at the moment should way there she there

Ukraine carried out one of the biggest kamikaze drone attacks of the entire war last night, to hit back at Putin’s forces during the recent Russian offensive on Kharkiv.

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  1. Meanwhile Ukraine loses significant further territory as their creaking defensive lines collapse and Kharkiv city begins to come into artillery range.

  2. What an achievement!!!!! Didnt sign the peace agreement, sent over 500k men to their demise, destroyed nation. But look!!! They hit oil refineries……. FFS!!!!

  3. I hate the fact Journalists call the little dictators invasion as a (War).yes theirs horrendous fighting an unnecessary lose of life but Ukraine didn't enter a war they in a fight to Repel Russians their home land.

  4. The west are helping Putin to win this war by not sending Ukraine what they need and when they do it’s Abram and Leopard tanks with the armour taken off. The US and west are scared of Putins lies and threats, he would never use Nuclear weapons in case the plume went towards Russia. Ukraine are fighting on 2 fronts both are lying to him. Don’t trust the west as these governments are only interested in feathering their own nests and are not interested in the normal public.

  5. ให้นาโต้ส่งทหารส่งทหารเข้ายูเครนด่วนช่วยยูเครนสหรัฐต้องปราบรัสเซียให้อยู่

  6. ⚡💘~†😑ok rất tốt⚡🌞chết càng nhiều càng tốt🔥👹YESSIRBOSSGOD🔥💀…🔥🎃…🔥👻…→🌪⚡👽salom⚡

  7. Those Russian solders in dress uniform marching behind Putin; are they thinking, "I can't wait to rise through the ranks up to the top brass when I can serve my Country best by falling out of a high rise window"?

  8. Magnifique, il faut détruire toutes les raffineries de pétrole russe ainsi que les installations de gaz !
    Gloire à l'Ukraine 💙💛 💙🤍❤

  9. Nor is Chechnya and its oil industry too far from Novorossiysk. This can always be taken into account if Kadyrov speaks too much!

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