Putin is furious! NATO has finally taken action against the Russian threat! It’s All Over!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global the burden and responsibilities that the war between Russia and Ukraine has brought to Eastern Europe Western countries and the United States and Russia’s aggressive policies have pushed NATO to take critical and drastic steps amid concerns about an attack on NATO countries they have developed a new battle plan NATO’s border countries are preparing for the conventional threat posed by moscow’s forces NATO’s borders are being reinforced NATO’s decision to strengthen its eastern and far Northern flanks has been shaped by recent geopolitical tensions and security concerns following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine NATO countries such as Poland Estonia lvia and Lithuania have begun building new defense structures trenches border walls and other structures and form ations along their borders with bellarus and Russia these developments are among the measures taken against the growing threats on NATO’s Eastern borders NATO is strengthening its military presence on its eastern and Northern flanks and becoming better prepared to counter security threats in the region this capability will include the deployment of additional Regional military units and defense systems Poland is taking steps to bolster its borders with barus by building new defense struct structures on its border with bellarus by installing metal barriers trenches and electronic monitoring systems on the border Poland aims to ensure border deficiencies Estonia lvia and Lithuania are building Joint Defense lines along their borders with Russia and bellarus to provide a cushion against military threats these defense lines will be reinforced with concrete barriers trenches and other military structures polish defense minister vladis casinia kamis announced the expansion of Defense structures on the border with bellarus and Russia these steps are aimed at strengthening security measures on NATO’s Eastern flank polish prime minister Donald Tusk who visited the Polish bellerian border region said during a visit to the military unit in the village of kakule about 40 km from the border that he does not want to join any suspicion on the border and that the borders need to be strengthened due to the growing threat arising from the geopolitical situation last year Poland completed the construction of a wall on the border with bellus which is remembered for the migrant crisis polish officials said they will also install an electronic wall motion detectors and thermal imaging cameras we are talking about 70 M High towers that will be equipped with modern Optical electronic devices the towers will provide an accurate overview of what is happening within a radius of 10 km on both sides of the Border Poland has also said it will start building bunkers and trenches on the borders as NATO member Estonia is currently doing as the war between Russia and Ukraine continues Russian aggression has raised security concerns in the Baltic states concerned that the Kremlin might turn its attention to the Baltic states after Ukraine the Baltic states have focused on developing their own combat skills Estonia lvia and Lithuania decided to build Joint Defense lines along the borders with Russia and Belarus these lines are aimed at providing a Bull workk against military threats and defending Partnerships recall that NATO has pledged to protect every Square centimeter of territory in the three Baltic states for which three Force formations were created with reinforcements from Germany Poland and Finland then Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the most militarily vulnerable part of NATO’s Eastern flank were reinforced with the Baltic defense line now Poland is mobilizing the highest expenditure in its history for these purposes to ensure border security between 2021 and 2023 the surveillance and fortification of the Polish Belarusian border cost Warsaw almost €350 million in addition the NATO countries of Poland Lithuania lvia Estonia Norway and Finland have been grappling with the flow of migrants from Belarus and Russia in recent years they say these movements represent the weapon ation of migrants in Moscow Minsk to destabilize Western governments and societies NATO countries have recently built fences along most of their borders with Russia and bellarus but these fences are aimed at deterring migrants and Smugglers rather than tanks much of their military infrastructure is located further Inland the scenario that most worries NATO planners is that Russia could launch a Swift and far-reaching offensive against the Baltic states and score significant victories that would create chaos within the alliance the defense line is intended to contain such an invasion in the first phase on the other hand Estonia lvia and Lithuania have agreed to build new defense systems amid growing concerns in the region the Baltic states approved a plan to build defense systems on their borders with Russia and bellarus while Germany reiterated its warning that Russia could attack NATO within 5 to 8 years these successive developments have once again f focused the world’s attention on the region learning lessons from Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine Estonia Latvia and Lithuania signed an agreement on Friday to build Joint Defense fortifications along the 450 M border they share with Russia and bellarus the aim of the agreement signed in Ria lvia is to provide deterrence and if necessary protection against military threats according to a statement from the Estonian defense Ministry Estonian defense minister Hano pevor said that the construction of antim Mobility defense facilities is a carefully thought out project and the need for this project is due to the current security situation Russia’s war in Ukraine has shown that in addition to equipment ammunition and manpower to defend Estonia from the first meter physical defense facilities On the Border are also needed pevar said we are making this effort so that the Estonian people feel safe and if the slightest risk arises we will be ready for very ious developments more quickly defense minister Hano pevar continued according to local Estonian news 600 concrete defense structures will be placed along the defense line and the cost of the defense line is estimated at60 million EUR although the announcement of the plan is vague on the details it gives some information on how it could work the concrete structures and bunkers along the defense line are designed to protect soldiers from enemy fire and shrapnel and must also withstand direct hits from 152 mm caliber bullets they are designed to allow the Army to fire defensively with a capacity of 10 Soldiers the bunkers are 30 to 35 square m in size and include sleeping quarters experts explain that in the event of an attack bunkers would not be enough in this case mines barbed wire fences and dragon teeth anti-tank structures will also be used for fortification moreover such equipment will be stored close to the Russian eston Onan border it is not yet clear how far from the Russian border the concrete bunkers will be built however the installation of the bunkers is planned for early 2025 60 million EUR are planned to be allocated for these purposes to be clear the last time such bunkers and defense lines were built in Europe was during the second world war and the Cold War in some areas however by its very nature the Baltic Defense Zone is a complex of preventive and field security measures the elements of which support the activities of Defense units at their basing points in the terrain if necessary to stop the attack of aggression units accordingly the defenses are dispersed on the terrain taking into account the results of the analysis of the enemy and the environment and the battle plan of the units of the Defense Forces the Baltic states are one of the areas of operation and therefore the defense facilities are being built jointly in coordination with lvia and Lithuania the statement on the agreement contains no details on the specific locations of the fortifications or construction timelines it does however include a graphic of what the fortifications might look like it shows a model for t-shaped trenches with a reinforced bunker that can be closed for concealment according to the description in peace time no explosives no cutting wire or other obstacles are placed in the protection Zone but a network of support points and distribution lines is being set up these plans will also be realized in cooperation with local communities and in agreement with land owners in addition to the call for Joint Defense fortifications the three defense ministers signed the so-called m142 High Mobility artillery rocket systems or himars multiple rocket launcher Declaration of intent agreement which aims to establish a framework for the joint use of the weapon it is also stated that the defense facilities to be established by these three countries are an important step towards preventing military conflict in the region the ministry of Defense really values these joint efforts because they are not only for the benefit of the Baltic states in short seeing Estonia lvia and Lithuania coming together for defense is a good sign for regional security and stability it is also perfectly in line with what NATO and the United States are aiming for NATO’s efforts to strengthen its eastern and far Northern flanks are an important step in addressing security threat threats in the region countries such as Poland Estonia Latvia and Lithuania are aiming to increase their border security and become better prepared for potential threats these efforts aim to strengthen NATO’s defenses in the region and provide a cushion against potential threats these efforts aim to strengthen NATO’s defenses in the region and provide a cushion against potential threats but we can also increase the regional intensity of these steps and make international unification efforts even more important thank you for following us

Putin is furious! NATO has finally taken action against the Russian threat! It’s All Over!

  1. Ukraine should sue Russia in the World Court for damages from the invation. This would give countries a legal way to give Ukraine the ceased Russian funds and punish Putin.

  2. I think your extreme hatred with Russia blinded you to the result of your hailed extreme measure to annihilate Russia which could result for the extermination of human species? I hope you are happy to know that.. or do you care at all?

  3. Who cares …. All those nations are just baking at nothing.
    A war with NATO vs Russia wont have tank or solders in battle …..
    Its just missels and poof we all 💀💀💀

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