Russian Army Completely Helpless! 3250 Russians and Hundreds of Armored were destroyed within hours!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global the war between Ukraine and Russia took a new turn when Kiev forces launched a decisive counter offensive in the KV region using a combination of infantry armor and artillery Ukrainian units pushed the Russian forces back they are currently conducting mop-up operations in the northern periphery of vonk the Ukrainian command confirmed that its troops have successfully liberated the outskirts of the strategically important city of vonk and reestablished defensive positions in parallel to these developments Ukrainian Air Defense Forces reportedly shot down a Russian suco su2 ground attack aircraft in the donet region the su2 known by its NATO reporting name frogfoot is a heavily armored close air support aircraft designed to provide tactical support to ground forces its loss is a significant blow to Russian air power in the regone and a testament to the effectiveness of Ukrainian air defense systems bolstered by the influx of advanced weapons supplied by the West such as the americanmade Patriot another notable success in the denet region was the ambush of a Russian tank Convoy thanks to a high degree of intelligence gathering and information from local sources the Ukrainian Army identified a route along which a Russian tank Battalion was to pass with this information Ukrainian troops prepared an ambush in a forested area next to a narrow pass in donet oblast the narrow pass through which the tank Battalion was to pass is forested on both sides this Forest provides ideal cover for Ukrainian troops to hide and launch surprise attacks the entrances and exits of the pass are equipped with mines and explosives these mines are designed to cut off the tanks passage routes and drive them into the designated Target area teams carrying anti-tank guided missiles and snipers have been deployed at various points in the wooded area these teams were positioned in strategic positions for attacks on tanks and accompanying infantry the Russian tank Battalion entered the narrow pass as planned the first tank stepped on a mine and stopped with a huge explosion this explosion brought the tanks in the rear to a halt and Chaos ensued Ukrainian troops went on the offensive in full-time coordination at GM teams opened fire on the tanks while snipers targeted the accompanying infantry while Russian troops tried to fight back Ukrainian troops retreated in a planned manner meanwhile the tanks were dragged into a second pre-prepared ambush in this second Ambush the Ukrainian Army armed with heavier weapons aimed to further weaken the Russian troops by the end of the operation the Russian tank Battalion suffered heavy losses and its Advance was halted Ukrainian troops gained a strategic advant Advantage achieving maximum effect with minimum losses thus the Ukrainian Army passed an important milestone in the Russian Ukrainian War the Ukrainian Army announced that Russia has suffered heavy losses in the last 24 hours according to the statement Russia lost more than 1 1500 soldiers during this time in addition Russian forces reportedly lost more than 100 armored and Logistics Vehicles these losses include 48 armored fighting Vehicles 14 tanks and around 50 various other vehicles in addition during the previous day’s clashes the Ukrainian military reported neutralizing 1740 Russian soldiers during the same clashes Russia lost more than 30 tanks and 42 armored vehicles since the beginning of the war the Russian army has lost around 48840 military personnel according to statistics kept by Kiev forces the UK Ministry of Defense estimated earlier this month that total Russian casualties were probably more than 465,000 meanwhile French foreign minister Stefan sour said that Paris estimated Russian casualties at around 500,000 of which around 150,000 were dead according to mid-april reports by the BBC’s Russian service and the independent Russian media Outlet media Zona the deaths of at least 50,000 Russian soldiers were confirmed Ukraine has also suffered heavy losses and rarely offers updates on the cost of fending off Russian aggression in late februari Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski said that 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed in the 2-year War Russia has suggested that the Ukrainian death toll is much higher saying Kiev lost 215,000 soldiers in 20123 alone critical support to compensate for these losses has come from Ukraine’s Ally eston the Estonian government is actively considering sending troops to Western Ukraine taking on support roles and freeing up Ukrainian forces for Frontline battles it is speculated that Estonia would prefer to pursue this with NATO’s approval as part of a broader Coalition effort should such a decision be made it is assumed that all the Baltic states Poland France and the chzech Republic would be among the first to send Aid to Ukraine the fact that we have reached this stage of open discussion about the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine to support the war effort marks an important step forward we believe that there are already a large number of Western experts advisers military Specialists and trainers actively assisting the troops in Ukraine but these efforts are often kept secret to give the West plausible deniability of direct involvement in the war Ukraine is waging an active struggle and it cannot be denied that the West is supporting them through military humanitarian and economic aid the US often uses the White House Press Room as a platform to instruct Ukraine on what actions should be taken or avoided the West is always trying to manage the conflict by controlling Ukraine that is why the handful of countries that want to play a non-combat role need to take decisive steps if they are waiting for the US to Greenlight their efforts they can stop these discussions altogether they need to come together and deploy large numbers of experts and officers to take over the support functions currently carried out by the Ukrainian Armed Forces by expanding the scale and scope of support the West can increase its influence on the war which is exactly what is needed it will take a long time for NATO to fully Embrace this idea Estonia must therefore step up Take the Lead and cooperate with a few willing Partners to move forward independently the urgency is great because if Ukraine Falls the baltics could become Putin’s next Target Putin’s political Ambitions and the need for a new conflict before the next presidential election make this scenario even more urgent meanwhile while Estonia is discussing the idea of sending troops Austria is offering financial support the Austrian finance ministry has decided to create a fund of 500 million EUR to support business opportunities in Ukraine and expand the activities of local companies there the decision was taken in view of the growing risks to Austrian exporters and investors posed by Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine according to the finance ministry this new fund will be provided through a special risk-oriented mechanism designed specifically for business in Ukraine the aim of the fund is to minimize the risks associated with doing business with Ukrainian companies and to enable Austrian companies to operate more safely and effectively in this market the ministry envisages allocating a total of 500 million EOS for this purpose over the next 5 years each year around € 100 million EUR will be allocated to new business developments in Ukraine Finance Minister Magnus Bruner emphasized that with this step Austria is actively contributing to the Reconstruction of Ukraine the fund will enable Austrian exporters to develop new business lines in Ukraine and support the country’s reconstruction efforts this will have positive repercussions not only for the Ukrainian economy and population but also for Austria’s domestic economy Minister Bruner said the aim is to support and expand Austrian exports the creation of this fund shows Austria’s intention to fulfill its responsibilities in the international Arena and play a proactive role in the face of global crisis the fund is expected to further strengthen the economic relations between the two countries and make an important contribution to Austria’s International cooperation and Aid efforts thank you for following us

Russian Army Completely Helpless! 3250 Russians and Hundreds of Armored were destroyed within hours!

  1. I aways get a good feeling when I learn Putin has lost troops and equipment to the Ukrainians, the more the better. But it is also very sad Russians don't want to be in Ukraine There is no reason for this. they know putin is the evil person in all this. I wish I could do more than just insult the evil putin.

  2. There are no Baltic STATES since these countries are no longer under Ruzzia'n rule and are not the ussr's baltic "states" They are individual countries. Many countries border the Baltic sea and are not called "states" Why single out the 3 who were occupied by Ruzzia and continue to call them by the title Ruzzia gave them after it invaded them. They are free and independent countries and Lithuania was a kingdom once.

  3. In tank battles like described, how is it that numbers of troops killed in their thousands can be determined so accurately and so quickly after a battle ? Combat deaths are reported to a man and numbers even challenged by both sides almost immediately after the conflict when the dead could be in damaged tanks, open ground, behind bunkers and elsewhere over a large area that hold the dead, wounded or surviving combatants from both sides.

  4. Rather than importing Chinese products where China seems to be one of the major protagonists for the prolonging of this illegal war, the EU should where possible, employ Ukranians to manufacture as much of those products as possible. Many Ukranians would be unemployed because of the war, so it represents a perfect opportunity to support their businesses and show the western thumb to China. Don't you think ???

  5. Complete fabrication aka bullsh*t!
    Reality check: More than 9,500 UA troops have been added to the demilitarised scoreboard in the last week!!!
    Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (11–17 May 2024)

    From 11 to 17 May 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out 28 group strikes by high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles, which hit command posts, military airfield infrastructure facilities, air defence equipment, fuel bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as a production and storage workshop for uncrewed surface vehicles and strike UAVs.

    Moreover, the strikes also hit deployment areas of nationalist groups and foreign mercenaries.

    Over the past week, the units of the Sever Group of Forces have liberated 12 settlements in Kharkov region: Borisovka, Bugrovatka, Gatishche, Glubokoye, Krasnoye, Lukyantsy, Morokhovets, Ogurtsovo, Oleynikovo, Pletenyevka, Pyulnaya, Strelechya, and continue advancing to the depth of the enemy's defence.

    The Russian troops have launched strikes at manpower and hardware of the five brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, four territorial defence brigades, and the 15th Ukrainian border detachment near Vesyoloye, Volchansk, Dergachi, Neskuchnoye, Krasnoye, and Liptsy (Kharkov region). Twenty-one counter-attacks launched by AFU assault groups were repelled close to Glubokoye, Tikhoye, and Staritsa (Kharkov region).

    The AFU losses amounted to up to 1,175 Ukrainian troops, 10 tanks, 14 armoured fighting vehicles, 45 motor vehicles, 13 MLRS combat vehicles, including six Czech-made Vampire MLRS, 26 field artillery guns, as well as five Buk and Strela-10 SAM combat vehicles.

    The Zapad Group of Forces continues to occupy more advantageous lines and has inflicted fire damage on 18 brigades close to Artyomovka, Makeyevka (Lugansk People's Republic), Kislovka, Sinkovka (Kharkov region), Yampolovka, Krasny Liman, and Torskoye (Donetsk People's Republic).

    Thirty-seven counter-attacks launched by assault groups of eight AFU brigades, as well as two National Guard brigades, were repelled close to Chervonaya Dibrova, Novoyegorovka, Stelmakhovka, Nevskoye (Lugansk People's Republic), Berestovoye, Kislovka, and Olshana (Kharkov region).

    The AFU losses amounted to up to 960 Ukrainian troops, two tanks, nine armoured fighting vehicles, 24 motor vehicles, four Grad and Verba MLRS combat vehicles, 25 field artillery guns, of which five are U.S.-made. In addition, two ammunition depots were destroyed.

    The Yug Group of Forces continue to advance into the depth of the enemy's defence. The Group launched strikes at manpower and hardware of six assault, ten mechanised, and seven territorial defence brigades close to Andreyevka, Antonovka, Georgiyevka, Grigorovka, Kleshcheyevka, Kurdyumovka, Paraskoviyevka, and Novomikhailovka (Donetsk People's Republic).

    Nine AFU counter-attacks were repelled near Belogorovka (Lugansk People's Republic), Razdolovka, Krasnoye, Spornoye, and Chasov Yar (Donetsk People's Republic).

    The enemy lost up to 3,725 Ukrainian troops, eight tanks, including five German-made Leopard-2A1 tanks, 13 armoured fighting vehicles, 55 motor vehicles, one Grad MLRS, 47 field artillery guns, to include 22 foreign-made ones.

    Three Nota and Bukovel-AD electronic warfare stations, two U.S.-made AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery warfare stations, and 16 field ammunition depots have been destroyed.

    The Tsentr Group of Forces has liberated the settlement of Keramik (Donetsk People's Republic), improved the situation along the front line, and defeated 14 brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and national guard brigades near Novoaleksandrovka, Yevgenovka, Karlovka, and Rozovka (Donetsk People's Republic).

    The Russian Armed Forces repelled 59 counter-attacks launched by the enemy's assault groups close to Arkhangelskoye, Semyonovka, Ocheretino, Solovyevo, Novgorodskoye, Umanskoye, Netaylovo, and Berdychi (Donetsk People's Republic).

    The AFU losses in this direction amounted to up to 2,475 Ukrainian troops, four tanks, including one U.S.-made Abrams, 20 armoured fighting vehicles, 27 motor vehicles, and one Croatian-made RAK-SA-12 MLRS combat vehicle.

    In addition, 23 field artillery guns, including five Paladin self-propelled guns and three U.S.-made M777 howitzers, were hit during counter-battery warfare.

    The Vostok Group of Forces improved the tactical situation and defeated the units of three brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and three territorial defence brigades near Ugledar, Velikaya Novoselka, Vodyanoye, Vladimirovka (Donetsk People's Republic), Chervonoye, and Dorozhyanka (Zaporozhye region).

    Two counter-attacks launched by assault groups of the AFU 123rd Territorial Defence Brigade and the 21st National Guard Brigade were repelled near Staromayorskoye and Urozhaynoye (Donetsk People's Republic).

    The AFU losses amounted to up to 965 Ukrainian troops, one tank, nine armoured fighting vehicles, 28 motor vehicles, one Grad MLRS vehicle, and two Strela-10 SAM combat vehicles.

    In counter-battery warfare, 20 field artillery guns were hit, to include four Polish-made Krab self-propelled guns and four U.S.-made M777 howitzers.

    The Dnepr Group of Forces liberated Rabotino (Zaporozhye region) as a result of intensive actions. They have also hit manpower and hardware of two brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the 35th Marine Brigade, three territorial defence brigades, as well as three national guard brigades close to Orekhov, Verbovoye, Nesteryanka, Malaya Tokmachka (Zaporozhye region), Nikopol, Kapulovka (Dnepropetrovsk region), Zolotaya Balka, and Ivanovka (Kherson region).

    The AFU losses amounted to up to 265 Ukrainian troops, two armoured fighting vehicles, 15 motor vehicles, one Czech-made Vampire MLRS launcher, 35 field artillery guns, including 14 U.S.-made M777 howitzers, as well as one Buk SAM self-propelled artillery system.

    The Groups' Missile Troops and Artillery and UAVs have neutralised four Mi-24 helicopters at a helipad, as well as 40 uncrewed surface ships at a storage depot over the past week.

    In addition, one U.S.-made Patriot anti-aircraft missile system battalion, ammunition and fuel depots, and aerial vehicles in parks of five military airfields were hit.

    Aviation and air defence systems have shot down six MiG-29 and one Su-27 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force, 31 U.S.-made ATACMS and Tochka-U operational-tactical missiles, 31 French-made Hammer guided air bombs, 15 U.S.-made HARM anti-radiation missiles, 199 HIMARS, Vampire, Grad, and Olkha projectiles, as well as 329 UAVs.

    In the last 24 hours alone, 123 Ukrainian fixed-wing UAVs have been shot down over the territory of Crimea and the Black Sea coast of Krasnodarsky Krai.

    The Black Sea Fleet destroyed 25 Ukrainian uncrewed surface vehicles in the Black Sea waters over the past day.

    Over the past week, 63 Ukrainian servicemen have surrendered on the line of contact, 48 of them in the area of responsibility of the Sever Group of Forces.

  6. This report is bias , Russia will win unless we step in ,this then is ww3 by proxy. I am with Ukrainian people but the Russian people were badly treated hence the invasion . The war will go on until the Donbas is Russian


  8. There is nothing as good as mediation when there is conflict. The act of distraction of humanity as a result of mere ideology is taking its toll on us. The major difference between us is just the culture. The Creator knows why we are fragmented. It has its beauty and advantage. These wars are only impoverishing the Earth in every sense.

  9. Et les auditeurs arrêter de juger le président ukrainien Poutine se qui a fait dans certain pays et en russie. et tricherie des élections Poutine à peur de perdre le pouvoir le président n'est pas une marionnette mais poutine lui il prend tout le monde pour des marionnettes qui a mis le président ukrainien la population ukrainien alors il est assez dirigé assez intelligent il a pas besoin d'interpréte

  10. La russie se bat toujours à envahir un pays plus faible parce que Poutine se crois le plus fort du monde entier et en réalité s'est pas toujours vrai je suis d'accord qu'on aide un pays plus faible alors Poutine fait se qui veux Poutine veux pas arrêter la guerre et il a peur aussi perdre le trône d'être président de la russie alors s'est pour la raison qui est pas invité et si la russie va dire qui est agressé parce que ukraine bombarde en russie mais ukraine s'est les matières premières et matériel militaire mais poutine il bombarde détruit les villes les centrales électriques et les civiles et Poutine arrêter pat organisme international contre les enfants et exportations ukrainien qui sont en russie et exportations des populations russe à ukraine

  11. Your comment that Russians forces are complete.The helpless doesn't make sense.The Russians are still creeping forward.Bit by bitch and the ukrainians are unable to put some back for the past two years

  12. Do you think if you say such shit on your lying channel that Ukraine will win???? Don't let this channel fool you. Every day Ukraine loses more land. Everything we say here is just a lie. Anyone who still believes it is just as stupid.

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