Russia-Ukraine war: Russia sharpens attacks on Ukraine’s Kharkiv | WION Newspoint | World News

and our top focus and news point right now is the continuous coverage of the Russia Ukraine war where the Battle of Kev has intensified with the Ukrainian military now pulling back to new positions in two areas of the northeastern region where Russia has sharpened its offensive recently kave has also warned of a Russian army build up to the North near its sui region in Kar Russia has made inroads into the north taking a 10th border Village buut buut vitka while exchanges of Fire have been reporting from W Chans which is a town just 5 kilm from the border that has been the target of one of the main Russian thrusts Ukraine’s military spy Chief says that mosow has committed all its troops stationed in the Border areas for the Kari region which is the second largest city of the country at least two people have been killed in shelling forcing over 7,500 people including elderly from W Chans and other border areas to evacuate well according to Ukraine Russian forces made 14 assaults on K on Tuesday compared with 13 on Monday and 22 the day before in a series of air strikes by Russia on residential areas in Kar at least 20 people were injured on Tuesday one of the sides hit was a 20 story building in the city center Russ used its new guided MBD 30 bombs in that attack while at another site at least 15 garages near to Residential Building caught fire after being struck by the guided bombs Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinsky earlier accused Russia of seeking to reduce KH Keef to Rubble however top Ukrainian officials also said that Russia currently does not have the troops to capture K meanwhile ukra UK State Border guard service released a video of May 10th to show fighting near the Frontier Town of wchan in the kar region in the video soldiers are seen firing and taking shelter under a Dugout in a forest [Music] furthermore Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decrees on Tuesday appointing all members of the government and also held a late evening meeting with his new cabinet lineup earlier in the day nominations from Deputy Prime Ministers and ministers were approved in the state Duma and consultations on the heads of law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Federation Council were also held [Music]

The battle for Kharkiv has intensified with the Ukrainian military now pulling back to new positions. Russian missile strikes destroyed buildings in Ukraine’s Kharkiv. Watch in for more details!

#ukraine #russiaukrainewar #wion

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  1. β€œRETREAT❗️” β€œSURRENDER ⁉️”

  2. Why are the Russians targeting civilians? I don't get what elderly people and children are the innocent targets in this barbaric invasion. Putin talks about facists in Ukraine. Let's not forget that during the Second World War, there were 3 Facist allies and regimes, Germany, Italy, and Russia. Now Russia is just a terrorist criminal system.

  3. Matthew 24:6
    6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation , and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

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