Ukraine’s Strategy Becomes Clear, Russia’s REAL Goal In The North – Ukraine War Map Analysis News

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and it’s the weekend so I hope you’re taking some time off doing something for yourself and that you and your family are really well now we have a lot to go over we’re going to talk about what’s happening in the north of course we’ll look at the massive drone attack and Strikes that Ukraine conducted against Crimea and down in ports and oil refineries in Russia last night it was massive somewhere between 100 and 140 drones being claimed look at prisoners being conscripted to go onto the front line and we’ll talk about the shell shortages and what Ukraine is saying and what then troops on the front line are saying and of course we’ll look at some geolocations and show bits and pieces now something that I want to point out straight off the bat is today we will not be using the Deep state map we will use it to show you where locations are and what Ukraine is saying because this is tied to the mod but what I want to point out down in here this was updated on the 16th at 1900 it is currently midday on the 18th so this map is the best part of 48 hours behind and that is something very important that this map has been lagging a long way behind and many have questioned why I still use it I still use it so I can give Pro Ukrainian and pro Russian sources then both and we’ll find a happy medium on the map but we have speculated there’s informational war going on and by not updating for a few days or late or behind whatever it does give the informational space ammunition because now it looks like for people that use this map it looks like there’s been no advancement or any movement although it just has not been updated typically it doesn’t update on a Thursday whatever but it just has ignored some areas and hasn’t but we’ll continue to use it but the credibility of this map I think is declining rapidly from what I see in comments and and I believe bloggers out there I don’t know if any of them watch my stuff but please look at other look at geolocations of things and other Maps expand your sources CU even some of the most Pro Ukrainian sources are showing very different to what then this map is you need in this map uh in this war and informational space to really try and expand your horizons to as many sources as possible even if you don’t agree with them look at what it is saying so look after that rant let’s have a look at these drone attacks that went in now I can’t find an exact number and look that’ll be classified or given but a lot of Ukrainian pages are saying it’s around 100 and Russian Pages saying around 140 so we know that is massive we’ll show you some footage we’ll show you some locations at which these struck now in those numbers some are claiming around 15 of those Becks or the uh drone boats as well now people have said well where’s the air defense well no air defense system can intercept this many of anything now the numbers a lot of people claim around air defense is what the radar can track the radar May track tens hundreds or thousands of targets depending on the type but remember these systems are limited by the interceptors or the ammunition if it’s a type of spag like a self-propelled anti-air gun and just like when we see Russia launch into Ukraine that yes the first one start getting hit but then it overloads and some start getting hits so we’ll look at this and we’ll talk about the Kurt straight Bridge as well so let’s have a look on the map it’s probably easier we’ll jump onto Google Maps and have a look so of course this is the Neo River so just imagine a red line running through here that’s about where the front line sits this Odessa molave areas which you’ll be familiar with of course this is Crimea down here and there were hits on around sylas pole Crimea reported as well there was hits down in this uh top here as well against this uh Fuel Depot oil as well in here now this is a major port out into then the Black Sea of course then out through uh turkey as well as strikes against I won’t even try and pronounce this I’ve done it before everyone laughed To Me Against here now what important what is important here is a lot of ships have moved Russian Black Sea Fleet from sevastopol around to this port here due to being struck and we’ll talk about those ships in a second but that’s just an idea of where these areas are before we have a little squee at some footage so down at this ge location here this is from this drone we see cruising through here now these drones would talk about exactly what type it is and then strike successfully on a Depo there and then we’ll have a look this is at the one just here we can see then a successful strike against something in the port here as well as another one and there has been multiple strikes indicated through multiple areas as well but will’ll say and I haven’t really seen many say this there must have been a lot intercepted because if you’re talking 100 to 140 we’ve got footage of maybe 10 say so there has been a lot intercepted as well and this will go into your numbers you know something going to be intercepted but do you just go by mass uh as well we have this strike on Refinery here as well this is just uh after the strike and the Damage that has been conducted there now Russia has responded and at this geolocation here this is Odessa so we’re talking this is CR to give you an idea of where we are up here has launched some are saying several is scander M uh missiles in against a warehouse here and this is some footage of the smoke going up on that warehouse as well as we’ll look at some of the damage released by Ukraine here of this then on fire and a lot of Destruction there of course the claims R what is there is going to be massive but we don’t really know now the footage I did want to show you is this now we have spoken a lot about artificial intelligence targeting on drones this is why we see paintings of things on runways and all of this now the word artificial intelligence I think is used a lot just to describe anything but what we have spoken about is in electronic warfare environment you can use systems that can’t be jammed a lot of it using optical now we have spoken at length about that and looking into these specific types of drones this is what it is saying and this is actually this is by CNN but this was on the ministry of Defense Ukraine’s website that this Ukrainian this type of drone is guided by’s high accuracy due to Machine Vision accuracy under jamming is enabled through the use of AI each aircraft has terminal computer with satellite and terrain data the flights are determined in advance with our allies so that with the Western allies they are determined of what these flights and where they’re going to go in other words this drone is able to adjust the flight Direction real time by comparing objects it sees on the map so what it is doing is it will be looking at something comparing that to data within itself and then targeting from there now this is why things like tires on wings paintings on runways could actually work as much as people just want to call it stupid it could actually work it’s just comparing these images like that Optical now it doesn’t work the same but similarly kind of is how a javelin missile works as well in the um anti-tank role with Optical lining things up on then the targeting so that is interesting and you and I have actually spoke at length about that’s how it may be working and we actually spoke when the Drone robotics guy reached out to me and gave a rundown of how that drone would have potentially struck the Kremlin back May 9 or May 8 maybe it was uh 2023 he spoke about how that may work in even a radio Dead Zone and it was very similar to that but we can see on this drone here and this is very impressive footage I believe this is the best footage I’ve actually seen we can see the Drone coming in here and a sharp turn so obviously if it is targeting by AI at this point it has matched something and made that hard like Bank left here it’s impressive maneuverability and then it’s on to then its final course run in here so it’s using like set way points but set off Optics and then we can see I thought we saw that one dive in but we’ll look at that turn this may be the one I’m thinking of but it’s another one just cruising over the top but regard you can see in that footage before I believe that a very impressive turn in using that Optical targeting if that is what happening we have more footage of those drones there all of this is available on then the telegram if you’d like to have a squeeze now in this I am surprised that we didn’t then see more effort to try and hit the Kirch Bridge as we know this is a lot of drones we’re not sure how many of these Ukraine has overwhelming those systems you’d think an attempt would have been made it was and maybe it got uh caught out and targeted in the Water by drone boats or drones or whatever now actually F bomber speaks about this and this could line up so I see only reason the crest Ukraine did not uh hit attacks into the bridge there’s a military un with fragmentation submunitions so the belbeck Airfield was hit with submunitions that’s what you want to take out like say planes with but submunitions will do nothing against say a bridge as soon as it doesn’t to missiles with high explosive Warheads appear to wait for the bridge to attack apparently Crest either have very few of them or none at all we have to wait for their arrival any minute now and we haven’t seen many scallop or Storm Shadow hits for actually a while now so we there is question around how many of those are in maybe there’s more being developed but something like that will be better to hit the bridge than say an attacks or the type of attacks we’ve seen used with fragmentations there are ones with a high explosive Warhead as well but you’d think in this attack that would be the time if you’ve overloaded all this uh ad that would be the time to then go for it now uh we’ll look at some things here but we’re speaking about as well this is what zalinsky has said around uh drones according to the president initiative is being launched now where Partners will give money for production of our drones and electronic warfare systems precisely in this specific Direction our drones are performing better we’re starting to produce a lot of them but there is no money for them we can produce more there is uh money to this end we can produce more than there is money to this end so saying that there’s no money for the drones well okay fair enough but there is a lot of this and I think people are getting a bit turned away from this like constant there’s no money no money no money and people where $200 billion has gone in and there’s a lot of people in drone initiatives and this and that regardless but we have seen as well I spoke about this port down in here now some satellite imageries come up because there were some claims around this but it’s seeming that there hasn’t been any damage to in here from these then satellite Imes so this shows the harbor defenses closed so of course like Gates closing up so something would have to break in physically to get in there and doesn’t show any damage here we can see sub pen one painted on the dock now as well this may or may not work with that AI targeting depending on it but shows the ships here with according to these images no damage to them and a lot of these ships were moved from the Black Sea Fleet across to this location and more footage has come out now I’m struggling to find a day and time group on this some are saying it was yesterday defeating these drones Russia is saying there 15 of these drone boats got sent in last night some are saying it from days ago I don’t know but we can see these here and you can see these are then Russian ships in the background these are then like the Ukrainian speedboat um drones and you can see some have been killed in the water we do know Russia has been conducting drills uh specifically trying to Target these type of drones we have seen them Tak some important ships in the Black Sea Fleet we can see the speed and maneuverability of these as you can see them here now one thing I will say about these is what I’m hearing is a lot of these drone Boats were actually waiting dead in the water out in the Black Sea this is what I’ve sort of been reading that it’s not one trip from Odessa out to hit in Sasa po one trip out to hit somewhere here they come out into Open Water they’re very low Target and basically go dead in the water sit in an area and then are enacted when like an opportune target comes in like say boat moves whatever and then can strike in so when that opportunity comes up from surveillance then it’s got a lot shorter run in to hit something now don’t quote me on that that’s just what I’ve been hearing and as my Naval Commander talked about a year and a bit ago the way to intercept these would be helicopter and machine gun away from anything in the water and we can see a Russian helicopter here then striking a boat in the water and then a large explosion of it there so so far we haven’t seen any confirmed damage by those drone boats in and around either syasa PA or the other ports or Bridge either so it may by looks of it at the moment it has seemed that they have been intercepted if then they were then sent in we have as well some more footage of one of these drones with the r37 anti-air on them as well washed up on a beach incepted by Russia now of course what these are going is these are screaming out into here somewhere to get more range on that missile and then striking targets by Russian aircraft it gives it a lot extra length to then that missile system to hit something potentially like the A50 potentially the tu22 something like this putting it out there very clever idea in use of already existing systems of course these systems can be used cuz it’s a r37 Soviet missil well so that’s very interesting now let’s speak about the refineries we know the US doesn’t like Ukraine hitting oil refiner at least publicly that’s what they say and this seemingly though has had very little effect between the US and Ukraine’s relationship now these ports this will have an effect hitting fuel oil gas these things do have an effect longterm on Russia’s ability to maintain this war but what this does do say for oil is it does have a short-term cash influx of course there supply and demand so supply has gone down demand is always steady so short term Russia will have reserves therefore that Reserve is worth more money longterm that’s where you start having issues but I do think that this is where Ukraine is pushing regardless of what maybe America or other countries are saying they’re realizing we have to do this and I think this lines with the West’s initial strategy uh even say with like the war strategy of sanctions too is to try and have Russia burn itself out and have a Frontline collapse and have to withdraw rather than a win militarily if that makes so it makes sense so you hit the Russian economy with sanctions with hitting these refiners whatever so to the point of which they can’t then launch a further war and we have seen those sanctions and those hits not have anywhere near the effect now over two years in than we thought that it would and we’re seeing this military Gap here if does that make sense that there was more of a try and have Russia defeat itself rather than a military Victory head v head on then the front line does that make a sense I I don’t know that’s what I’m trying to then put across now let’s talk about shells and then we’ll have a look then at the maps I didn’t delete the wrong folder good so uh let’s have a look at this so zalinsky has come out with this even head of the check initiative uh we see progress for the first time since the war start none of the brigades claimed there were no artillery shells and this has been happening the past two months everyone has a lot of work to do to check and if she will go ahead we’re negotiating Partners so saying that there is no complaints over military ammunition shortage now this is very different to what I’ve been hearing has been the case this has been the case over two months so saying for now a time a while that no military un have been complaining of shell shortages this doesn’t line up with other reports and people I’m speaking to so French paper lemond had this then today Ukrainian soldiers in dbass are fed up waiting for West ammunitions neither the shells including the check plan announced this winter nor those tied to us Aid approved at the end of April have reached the front line undermining the morale of Ukrainian troops further the firing ratio the number of shells shot who fire um to the ukrainians who fired an average of 12 times fewer explosive projectiles so we’re hearing this 10 to1 some erors reporting 20 to1 we read the news but we are realistic um five different brigades deployed in the dbas front where the fastest fighting has taking place all confirmed that neither Munitions links the check plan which is 800,000 rounds announced this winter nor those links the US Aid package voted on April 20th reach them we read the news but we’re realistic we only rely on what we actually have on hand so differing information of course and look I will lean towards what a troop on the front line is saying anonymously over any official any day now of course there’s more and more talk about us weapons being used inside of Russia and we’ve spoken a lot and I have been on this for a lot I think you us has given Ukraine enough to defend thems but as far as really pushes back it’s going to have to be a lot more and Strikes than here this goes with people saying close the airspace as well who don’t understand what that actually would look like now US Department of Defense has answered questions about this as well today we’ve heard a number of times the US officials that us does not want Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia with American weapons in the wake of Russian offense and attacks on hary does the US consider changing that approach because that’s what ukrainians are asking for Mr s says yes uh we haven’t changed our position we believe that the equipment the capabilities that we’re giving to Ukraine that other countries are giving to Ukraine should be used to take back Ukrainian Sovereign territory just a clarification is this a request to Ukraine Ians or this binding condition that goes along with that we’ve made our requests pretty public on this again I would reiterate that every single Ukraine defense contact group the secretary convenes the weapons are provided again it’s for use on the battlefield um talks and how best these capabilities be used we believe that is within Ukrainian territory so it does not seem like the US is budging on that which is going to be an issue places like belgrad where it’s right then on the border or furthermore strikes from bits and pieces like uh say uh down in Crimea for f-16s as well having to strike than other targets so let’s talk about what’s happening up in the north of course here is Ukraine here’s the capital of ke red area since 22 purple since 2014 Green is which Russia has been at some point but has been pushed back or withdrawn from now again this map let me let me just refresh it right now just still now even older than when we started the video but we luckily have war mappa suriak and some other bits and pieces in here both quotes from Putin and zalinsky to turn over as well so zinski has then said this that um they didn’t reach the concrete fortification they halted at the first line of defense okay the first and second lines are being built by the military and the third line is built by local authorities it is more powerful is most powerful simply because it’s further from the Russian weapons from the shelling the deepest point of the advance is 10 km in some areas there is no advance and we know there is more and more coming out about the lack of defensive buildups in here that Russia was able to advance 10 km which is a long way in a few days now why is or is not this important of people going a it’s a few kilom blah blah blah what if if you want to get nitty-gritty with kilometers look down here and look up here at kilom if you want to go that way but why do I and of course it’s different territory different buildup but people saying that oh 5 km is nothing well okay but what I want to talk about is what changes when you move any amount of ground forward well other elements can start moving forward because of course now that this is occupied there is no Ukrainian artillery and no air defense in here and any of these systems have to be pushed back the same amount so say an artillery system was 10ks back from this border now it has to be 10ks back from here so it’s a lot further back what it also does is give Russia a further then length on systems that can move into here so if it was 10ks behind here now it may be right on the border now where I’m going with this is it extends the range of systems so let’s take for example a grad a grad has about 20 km of range so let’s say it had to sit right on let’s say it had to sit 10ks behind the Border then initially so let’s go right here okay so we’re about here 20ks oh my God sorry stuff this up this is going to be rough as but it points my idea so 20ks you’re talking out to then here somewhere now let’s say because it’s moved they can come a few KS this side of the Border let’s have a look at where 20ks is you’re coming into the outskirts of hariv same as if you push further and further up you’re getting that range in there same as where the Fabs released and Fabs say with 40ks of range that initially if they were being dropped right over oh my God sorry this map is so bad right over belgrad let’s say at 40ks now if they can come safer forward because of those other systems have moved then we’re talking on the outskirts of har that as this extends other things get pushed further and further forward it does increase that any movement is very important if you’d see it as important the other way it’s just as important this way regard of where your buyas is sitting if you are saying this this is nothing if your side had this you’d have a wet dream and vice versa so there is importance here to strike things like say a road that leads between hariv and V chance care now maybe safer to come into range in Pockets down here too there’s a lot in this now has this slowed down in here yeah and we expected it to slow down and we never really knew exactly what was actually going to happen in here from the beginning we have said this seems like a reconnaissance operation and will they will Rush up but they want to extend that bubble of influence it needs to cross ew and artillery across the border as we’ve talked about it’s about 10ks of that bubble of influence we haven’t seen an extension past that it has seemed to Halt there so we may see that happening now this lines up a little bit with then War mappers then buffer zone speak about here now we heard Putin talk about when Russian uh Ukrainian Russian but I don’t know we’ll just say Ukrainian troops crossed into then Russia up here that Putin said there needs to be a buffer zone and what war mapper has done here is put in a 10 km line and then a 15 km line here that you can see these are coming up to so we may not even see more of a push here and more commitment because you’re going to be up against defensive works now uh let’s say what let’s have a look at what Putin has said here and we will look at the maps I do promise that said um you for targeting Russian B regions and said there’s no plan to take har uh he does not he but he does want to turn the area into a buffer zone the amount of Russian troops we’ve seen here is nowhere near enough to take har when it comes to what’s happening in h that is their fault too because they have been shelling and sadly continue to Target residential neighborhoods in the bordered areas including bulgara and I said publicly that this will continue we will be forced to create a safe Zone a sanitary Zone that is what we are doing as for haky we have no such plans to capture it as of today so look I think this is a deception to pull troops away 100% And A feel out operation reconnaissance to see what the defensive works are in here before there was a further commitment to see exactly what would actually then occur in here now I actually have some information here from the Russian side of a someone I know most of the mysterious Northern Group got their casualties from landm and fpv drones 5% casualties so far which is high effing War so take that information as then you will now let’s have a look at what zki zinsky has said while we then have a look at the map so let’s look on this then western side straight off and this is suriak showing here now what we know is we do know that down to the outskirts of lipy here there are Russian troops if knows from ja occasion stuff yesterday we know it from Ukrainian Maps now what Surak is showing here is this is the road through here that right up in this tree line that there are a large advancement in here from Russian forces that is then what suriak is saying and let’s what see actually H he says about this this is the hary of AIS Russian army continue advancing towards the dashes of dipy and made significant advances from here and the river reaching the outskirts of the latter locality so outskirts of right down in here now I believe there is another one no this is on the other side so let’s go over to then the Eastern side here where we do know that this is behind from GE locations as well that let’s have a squeeze here let’s bring this then up we can see in the middle of V chance here that this Gap has closed up we had a geolocation at the hospital of Russian troops yesterday if you know that had a g location of Russian troops just out in these fields here as well so we know that as well that’s not argumentative it is a fact of geolocated bloody footage that people will ignore and we can see an expansion out to the West here which we don’t really know cuz he’s showing cich way out in this region too so a lot of changes on this map and of course this is going to slow down into builtup urban environments now let’s see what he says on the first update this axis most of the town of VCH above the vure river has been taken by troops 20 to 25% of the Town own the area the police station High School and Industrial plant are located remains under Ukrainian Army control on the other hand clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces continue here as well so down in this region here which isn’t being shown on any of the maps I’m sure more footage will come out there’s been very very little footage actually then come out from the Russian side in here which I think is interesting that tells me more that it may be some sort of SF reconnaissance element that has come in maybe replaced with other troops and pushed out haven’t had time to upload the GoPro footage literally like you know you come in for a couple of days with PS on you may not have had time so it’ be interesting I think Mo’s actually going to come out soon so this is the area down here where they are fighting this was his second update secured the town down here so it’s saying the Russian army secured this we’ll be interesting to see if we get Drone footage of a flag going up here in addition Russian Force took full control over here eastwards of the hills that Overlook zein which was vacated by the Ukrainian Army so look we just we just don’t know this is zini up here up here well within the we just do not know what is happening but these show significantly different this map is a couple of days old we know so much is involved in information campaigns I’ll run myself ragged but let’s have a look at War mappa and see what he is saying now he lies about halfway between these he shows far more push out on then this western side of from V chk if we come out here so more there and more into the center of Gray Zone in V chunk as well as this push out towards here now this is impossible to line up because it’s not then a satellite image here but he’s I believe closer maybe to I don’t know he’s in between the two which is typical of War mapper it seems to be a bit behind but more correct if that can make a sense but we do have this so hoki for way further out as well as in Lipsy here that the gray Zone should be shown well down around here so if we take where this is itself somewhere down around here so we do know we do know there is different from this map because it’s a couple of days old even if Ukraine pushed back this I get would update quickly then but regardless now concerningly many are talking about there will be a cross from sui and we’re hearing more and more that oh sorry cross into Sumi from K and that would would stretch even further and we do believe this is Russia’s goal but videos come out from Ukrainian Pages Sumi region 10K On the Border fortifications since March 23 so there apparently these uh dragon SE have been there since March 23 I feel sorry for the soldiers unfortunately some deputies and officials just want to give our country to Russia so this is very disappointing of what is happening there now let’s look at what zalinsky has said about the whole situation Russia’s entire hary of operation boils down to its attempt to weaken our forces along the front lines while trying to strengthen propaganda uh which is also aimed at world leaders but you got to remember a lot of fuel has been given to Russian propaganda as if they were able to walk in as zinsky has said up to 10 kmers not reaching defensive works or the defensive Works have as Ukrainian page is saying have just not being built or the corruption that that gives a lot of ammunition to that propaganda War as well so you need to be looking outwards as well as inwards I held a long meeting today to discuss our preparations for the first peace Summit in Switzerland in June which be the first real opportunity to bring fair end to this War sooner without Russia or China there there’s no opportunity to bring a fair end to this war it is a attempt to get more support from those countries but without those two countries involved especially China who has a win-win either way of which this war goes I believe I don’t see what is to come of this as far as peace deals my postman’s here so I I don’t see what is going to come of this with other countries is not being involved there but we will then see now Commander CI he has had a long uh briefing here on telegram about the situation here that uh I’ve been working several days in a row the units who conducting combat operations har the enemy expanded the zone of hostilities by almost 70 km thus trying to use as an additional number of brigades from the reserve main efforts of the enemy were concentrated in these directions which we’ve talked about this person the enemy created significantly strengthened the operational tactical grouping of enemy troops the enemy launched an offensive well ahead of schedule when he noticed the overturning of our troops however he failed to break throughout offensive so like we talk about opportune targe it’s a lot of reactive not proactive so you react to okay this is the time let’s do it that’s what I’ve spoken about those drone boats may be dead in the water reactive okay ships out of the harbor gates open go and Ukraine doing a switch over troops straight through uh he failed to break through our defenses in areas didn’t have to break through they walked over the top however uh we understand that there will be tough battles ahead under such circumstances we must prevent the further advance of enemy troops by steadily maintaining the occupied lines and positions inflicting maximum losses as we hear about with air strik missell systems blah blah blah blah of course we must make the most of our advantage uavs in combination with use of exonic warfare and accurate fire uh my work is devoted to these issues as well as the regrouping of forces and the simplification of system of comprehensive support or support what I kind of talk he worked on brigades conducting combat operations har region was one in the Italian defending B Chans and made all the necessary decisions on the spot to ensure the stability and efficiency of Defense he went around checked all the units of were PR defense in the sui region interesting Sumi region defense I hope they buddy checking this [ __ ] a regular report president of Ukraine on the situation and progress of the specified task it is felt the leadership of the regional military Administration provides maximum assistance to commanders and commanders of units so of course painting the situation has everything’s going great we’ve we’ve looked at these are inflicting large losses defense works are fine when we know even the Ukrainian Pages saying the defensive works are not fine in areas um I thank every the members for fighting so I don’t know I think there’s a lot to still develop up in this situation and this if we’re talking 30 to 80,000 troops reported in here this has not poured in that many guys yet there’ be significantly more losses of Tanks of guys and larger fighting taking place if they ped that over we’d see tens and tens of videos of Ukrainian drones hitting tankers and troops not some then trickling through now let’s actually have a look at the maps in other than areas and I’ve shown yep I’ve shown these so this map hasn’t updated but we’ll show you where we’re talking about so let’s talk chass of yast off the bat so this is bmud here Russia is trying to get some location in chassa here again maps are behind but we have some footage Leger located to right here so if we look on this map right where my cursor is is there now what this shows is this is a Ukrainian tank but firing close range so the tank in here the footage is terrible quality but seems to be firing on the buildings right in here right in here the tanks just here at Incredibly Close Range now straight off the I know this is very dusty but it almost looks like a CH to me I could be very wrong um but far in close range in here so I don’t know maybe he’s firing straight down this road but it does look like some of these buildings so we may see a breaking in here on this map but regardless we don’t really know suriak would say that there is this break in here again hard to know exactly so let’s just come to the South we’ll then talk about a diva so here we have the front nalo umans we know that nalii by other Maps has moved westwards more same as omansky now let’s have a look here what is this showing these are these two reservoirs here and movement just south of umans so you got to remember this here see this road this road here this is this road so it’s saying it’s a head so it’s down here somewhere which lines up with the geolocation we saw around almost there Russian army restarted advancing east of here more over Russian forces took control of these trench systems to the south of umans again we don’t know as well a push just up the top here so we have a look at o this is where he’s talking about a northern push out here again we just don’t know things are not lining up now let’s just come down to the South somewhere we used to speak about a lot but not too much it’s Julia pole down here really nice people nice town have been there and let’s talk here out from Martha pills it does show on this that Russia see this tree line it’s like a zigzag looks like Harry Potter scar is that tree line or river sorry or creek that has pushed out from here Russian army reactivated this axis north of M M mafa pill taking control over the northern dashes so restarting an axis down here as we know I believe that Russia is trying to just divert assets a lot at the moment and see maybe where they could get through now let’s have a look at better stove here we did see an update here maybe yeah four days ago the last time this updated or maybe two days ago depending but better stove here we do see that Surak has actually caught up a little bit to where the Deep State shows in this direction out of better stove so we can confirm that has then moved now let’s look at biva down in here this is criar Forest we talk a lot there seems like a lot of front and back here the defense here is incredibly tough we’ve even seen this I call the cerse front we’ve even seen uh Russians saying how good the Ukrainian defense is in here there’s barely been any movement for a long timea here we can see that this is yellow’s hard to see but you can see that aak is showing there is more Russian advancement out along than this Quarry line here last 10 days Russian army managed to enter the First Street of bifa from the East the degree of destruction of the locality is high we know it must be high because just the amount of bloody shelling and working that has been going into that area now the ministry of justice of Ukraine today has put through new agreements to deploy uh people who have been convicted of crimes into mobilization and onto the front lines according to Minister of Justice the meeting uh 20,000 convicts use of right can use the right of parole people saying there been about 5,000 so far law gives convict a chance to par and early release of serving a sentence in exchange for protecting the motherland so they go into the military instead of then their sentence as of May 15 24 there are 27,000 convicts in Ukrainian colonies and 1500 women but who cannot mobilize crimes against National Security in intentional murder of two or more so if you just one murder you can uh or combined with the r word of course you can’t sound here or sa um criminal offenses against Freedom blah blah blah terrorism fatal accidents influence of drugs or alcohol we’ll talk about this in a bit lawmakers have written a rule law that s uh that released convicts will serve in separate military units so they serve in their own units by doing so unnecessary caution about the alleged evasion of released convicts are removed from society they definitely won’t serve in the rear so it will be interesting to see what happen happens here we saw Russia do very similar with Vagner PMC and a lot of issues as well here so 5,000 convicts agreed to pass parole law here but what we do know these guys already in jail we looked into the Ukrainian investigation uh maybe a couple of weeks back now about guys who haven’t yet been fully convicted but are serving in the military instead and we know the statute of limitations in this so fatal traffic accidents we hear our word of minor assisted to Contract Killers of these people who the crial defendants voluntarily mobilize so they mobilize instead of going through the court process J blah blah blah for suspended cases and what they’re worried about here is then the statute of limitations because the consideration of the case where we stopped until demobilization so we don’t know how long this war is going to go for so they mobilized in and statute of limitations may actually end and they may not have to actually front up for these char and 11,000 cases but most of these were theft drugs serious traffic incidents but there are some very very very severe cases like this are of minor what included um others involved as well this is a Ukrainian investigation here now this happened say in 2019 now let’s have a look at the statute of limitations so Ukraine goes from 2 years to 15 years depending on the seriousness of this now I don’t know how serious this would see surely it would be 15 but what some people have pointed out with some say fatal traffic incidents say this was 10 years and it happened in 2019 2020 like we’ve seen this war could go for a long time or sum of corruption three or five years it may be getting right to the end of that demobilization I sorry Yet right the end of that statute of limitations demobilization will happen and never actually have to face up to what has occurred and some are saying this is giving way to more corruption as well so there are a lot of people annoyed about this now this isn’t the same as the first thing we looked at but it still is mobilization of then people who have committed a crime or alleged crime here too and there are people very annoyed about this because people going well some of these people are not on the front line they are mobilized territorial defense and they’re somewhere on a checkpoint in a city and could be avoiding until the statute of limitations so I don’t know the solution you can’t just have men sitting around pres doing nothing when they could be fighting the front line but I still I’m a big one of people need to face up to what has happened and the letter of the law and justice for the victims of bits and pieces like this but we do know Ukraine need to get more people mobilized and in the fight for the future of what’s going to happen in this conflict Legends long today I apologize look after yourselves have a great day I’ll speak tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Hey Legends, As always thanks for all the support, I recognize these videos are getting LONG, But I do vehemently believe that it is so important to cover all aspects, instead of just leaning into one narrative, even if that would increase my viewership haha, thanks guys, have a great weekend 🙂

  2. Man I'm watching you for a long time almost from the beginning And it's always same shit you spending so much time blah bringing about some Stuff why you're not even sure what happened Bringing your assumptions And Theories. Stick to the facts.

  3. Putin has over and over again stated what Russia will do. If you do that, Russia answers with that, and when it happens everyone acts surprised. I mostly just read the Kremlin transcripts and the only thing that has been a surprise for me on the battlefield yet is the amount of restriction and second chances Ukraine gets before finally Russia puts down its hand…

    It’s almost like watching a dad teaching his child how the world works, ‘I tell you if you keep doing that you’re going to hurt yourself’ kind of situation. But apparently Russia just sucks at everything except for on how to use shovels and dishwashers that by pure luck turned out to be the only game-changing weapons so far and that instead is the only reasonable conclusion to draw…

    No wonder simpel prediction is such a big surprise for you guys.

  4. I am yet to see that famous Russian prpganda.
    I would be so gratefull if some natobot would point out a Russian prpganda outlet. I am so courious to see how it looks

  5. Russia lost 3-4 million t refining capacity, all in the West. Belarus has 24 million t refining capacity, needs internally 7 million t and is not using 6 million t atm. Belarus refining and transport capacities were designed to supply the Soviet army against Europe. Belarus alone can supply the whole Russian war machine against Ukraine with petroleum products.

  6. The US currently produces 400k artillery shells a year. Most of these will go to israel and US stocks. Even if they got it all its enough for a month or two max. Russia produces 4.5 million a year with 3 million more from N korea for 7.5 million total yearly. US estimates HOPEFULLY and its not looking good to get that production up to just 1 million by 2025 original estimate 2028. Ukraines artillery shortage is just starting and is going to be a PERMANEN T FEATURE. The frontline Ukrainians saying they got no ammunition are telling the plain truth. Slava Ukraini

  7. Willy, like always thank you for what you do and the hard work that goes into getting these videos ready and subject to talk about. it really is a lot of work and yet you always show up dressed like a real professional. a true legend on youtube.

  8. It wouldn't be rare that the sea drones are sleeping assets, they are launched and waiting that papa NATO gives they a target with the AWACS or other surveillance airships over the Black Sea, and them Ukraine wake them up. I don't see another way that Ukraine could acquire targets so far from their territory.

  9. willy is an idio1 how will the war continue for a long time when ukraine is not finding enough men now ? as time passes less and less people would want to fight ,this war will not continue for a long time

  10. It the Crimea Bridge? If you could get ALL the drones to hit the bridge in one location it would still not be enough to bring it down in any noticeable way. The Crimea bridge isn't anything like the baltimore bridge afterall 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Secondly the Russians have made it very clear what will happen if the Bridge is brought down.

  11. Good God you have no understanding. The damage done to the oil /gas refineries are pin pricks……..and its an extremely tiny prick 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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