Big Assassination: High-ranking Russian commander was ELIMINATED near Bryansk! Putin in shock!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global the war between Ukraine and Russia continues to intensify on all fronts both sides are trying to gain strategic depth and gain the upper hand by targeting the other side’s weak points while Ukraine is significantly strengthening its military capacity with international support and Aid Russia is escal ating the intensity of the war by making its Counterattack more aggressive among these strategic moves the most remarkable event of the day was the neutralization of a Russian general by Ukrainian forces the incident in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminated Russian Major General Vladimir zukin on the front line had a major impact on the Russian military and public opinion zukin was known as the commander of the Brans troop group and took an active role on the front line of the war this loss is seen as a serious blow to Russia’s military leadership and could affect the course of the war since Generals play a critical role in war management such losses are important in terms of weakening the enemy’s operational capacity and gaining psychological superiority Russia has not only accepted Major General zukin’s death but has also attempted to keep his memory alive according to Russian propaganda telegram channels a memorial PL black for zukin has been installed at the suverov military school in St Petersburg the school is known as zukin’s alma mater and the memorial ceremony held there saw him depicted as a war hero an Alleyway near the entrance to the suvarov military school where the commemorative plaque was placed is notable as a place where the names of other graduates liquidated by Ukrainian forces are immortalized according to a message on a Russian public page a wall decor ated with commemorative plaques in this alley has been turned into a memorial site dedicated to the school’s graduates the wall is intended to honor the schools and Russia’s commitment to its military past and the memory of these graduates as Russia seeks to immortalize high-profile losses the Dynamics on the front lines continue to change the recent operation in the kke region of Ukraine has had a significant impact on the military Dynamics in the region the operation planned and directed by the Special Operations Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was successful as a result of the coordinated actions of The Operators of the eighth Special Operations Regiment of the Special Operations forces in coordination with the fighters of the 92nd separate assault Brigade the operation took place in a densely populated area in the kke region Ukrainian Commandos targeted a strategically important building this building was under Russian occupation and served as a command center where Russian military units directed their activities in the region the main objective of the operation was to retake this strategic point and weaken the Russian presence in the region Ukrainian Special Forces organized a meticulously planned raid around the building the resistance encountered during the operation showed the importance and strategic value of the position for the Russian forces during the fighting four Russian soldiers were neutralized these soldiers were on a mission to defend the building and engaged in an armed clash with Ukrainian troops two Russian soldiers were also captured alive the capture of these soldiers was important as they had the potential to provide valuable intelligence for interrogation the captured Russian soldiers will be subjected to indepth interrogation this interrogation process aims to obtain critical information on Russian tactics operational intentions and other strategic points in the region they will also be held in exchange for Ukrainian prisoners of War such prisoners swap s play a critical role in efforts to manage the humanitarian aspects of the war and get their own soldiers back for its part Russia is responding to the losses in its army with heavy artillery bombardments air strikes and complex offensive operations kiv is among the Region’s hardest hit by Russian strikes today karv mayor ihor tacov and Ole sin hubo head of the KV Regional military Administration Shar details of the attacks on the city on their telegram channels the latest wave of attacks in K was carried out by iranian-made fighter jets mainly of the Shahed type according to ihor tacov these drones carried out air strikes on the city resulting in a series of explosions the first explosions in the city probably took place in the outskirts of the city and then at 23.2 hours explosions were also heard in the central areas these strikes are causing serious damage to the city’s infrastructure and civilian areas Ole S hub constantly advises residents to take cover to ensure their safety the protection of the civilian population during such attacks is of utmost importance and the regional Administration is constantly informing and warning the population about this on the other hand the city of vchan located in the north of kke region is another hotspot of fierce clashes since this region is a strategic Transit point it is an area where both sides are making intense efforts to take contr control photos taken by Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance drones show that after the attacks in vchan Thick Smoke Rose over the city and dozens of fires broke out such attacks severely affect civilian life in and around KV and damage the socioeconomic structure of the region they also leave deep scars on the psychology of the civilian population who live under constant threat on the other hand the Ken region continues to stand out as a critical front line in the the Russian Ukrainian War the latest attack on the kersen region was carried out by the Russian military Air Force law enforcement agencies are carefully recording the results of the attack the investigation revealed that the attack took place around 16.10 in this attack intensive shelling of a settlement in the Ken region was carried out in one of the areas hit by the shelling a 45-year-old man was killed in addition another civilian was injured and was treated by Medical Teams that quickly arrived at the scene such attacks have a profound psychological and physical impact on the civilian population and jeopardize the daily lives of residents the kerson regional prosecutor’s office emphasizes that these attacks violate international law and constitute war crimes in this regard prosecutors are taking all possible measures to document war crimes committed by representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation this process includes is collecting all relevant evidence taking statements from Witnesses and carefully analyzing the information obtained from the crime scene as we can see the intensity of the war and the devastation it brings are increasing every day against this backdrop Western allies are once again stepping in to help the Ukrainian Army continue its resistance Denmark has once again demonstrated its determination to support Ukraine with a new comprehensive military aid package the Danish government government has announced that it will provide Ukraine with substantial financial support totaling €750 million e according to the Danish Ministry of defense this new support package includes special equipment and ammunition for air defense systems and artillery replenishment in order to increase Ukraine’s defense capability moreover out of the total donation of €750 million e321 million is directly dedicated to air defense systems the funds also include the free transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine which could significantly boost Ukraine’s air power Danish foreign minister LS Loca rasmusen noted that the package also includes direct investment in the Ukrainian defense industry this is seen as a critical step to increase Ukraine’s indigenous defense capacity and ensure its self-sufficiency during wartime as part of the package Ukraine will also be provided with shells and anti-tank mines such weapons are important elements that will enhance the defensive and offensive capability of Ukraine’s Ground Forces this is Denmark’s 18th Aid package to Ukraine in announcing the aid package defense minister trel’s Lund pson highlighted the seriousness of the situation in Ukraine and the need for continued and massive support from Ukraine’s allies Minister pson said that this package sends a clear message to Ukraine and to the International Community according to pson Denmark is ready not only to provide financial support but also to invest in Ukraine’s defense industry this shows that Ukraine’s struggle for freedom is one that Denmark supports not only in the short term but also in the long term how this support will shape the active War remains to be seen thank you for following us

Big Assassination: High-ranking Russian commander was ELIMINATED near Bryansk! Putin in shock!

  1. Hey "Russia", your heroes and warriors were sent to their needless deaths by PUTiN, because of his personal greed, ruthless ambition, etc, at the expense of the peace loving Russian population, so sad!!!

  2. Ukraine intelligence has become a formidable force and has surpased the capabilitie of the Mosad . They have adapted and come a long wa,y and like Israel they fight for their country at all costs

  3. Poutine les morts russes pour lui s'est pas important mais comme Poutine est un égoïste il pense que à lui à s'est intérêt personnel et le pouvoir d'être président il crois qui va changer se monde mais sa sera pire la 3ème guerre mondiale ou nucléaire comme il en parle souvent comme un jeu on vois bien la faiblesse l'impuissance de poutine aussi provoque la terreur et la peur la russie a toujours bombarde des villes centrales électriques ou des civils pour gagner la guerre un exemple la tchechenie et d'autre endroit également

  4. Und wieder eine "Ukrainische Wochenschau-2024"!
    Ist inzwischen nichts neues, das die Ukraine jeden Tag neu kurz vor dem Endsieg steht!
    Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt! ……………………………………..Und ein paar unbewiesene Behauptungen sollen die Moral aufrecht erhalten.


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  6. Ele Putim esta a pahar caro aquilo que ele pensou ser bom para ele saiu lhe o tiro pela colatra haver vamos ainda vai a meio veremos qual o fim da Russos quem tudo lo quer tudo lo perde e o que vai acontecer ao Putim Gloria a Ukranya que Deus esteja sempre do lado deles obrigado pelas boas noticias boa sorte

  7. In reality Russia will win this war between USA and Russia. This war is not between Ukraine. Ukraine is the battle ground of USA. Ukrainians are like a pawn that secrifise in chess game. 😅

  8. Wouldn't this ceremony in honour of this general whatever not be a perfect opportunity for a visit of an unmanned chicken-legged guest with rotary wings?

  9. Fuerza y Fortaleza a los valientes y heroicos voluntarios de todo el mundo que luchan por Ucrania.💪💪💪💪💪💪🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  10. Fuerza y Fortaleza al valiente y heroico Ejército pueblo y Mujeres de Ucrania.🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💪💪💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  11. Plaques and memorials do not make up for the one life you are granted by your parents on this planet. Putin should lead from the front. It's his lust for power. You can take land, but no way can you take the hearts of people. All this is so last century.

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