Is This Just The First RU Wave? INTEL From The FRONT – Ukraine War Map Analysis News & Updates

get Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic Sunday you’ve had a fantastic weekend and the Sunday Blues haven’t got you too bad leading into the working week now as I’m recording this there’s multiple sources coming out and saying that there is large drone attacks against Crimea some are reporting up to 100 drones which is similar to what we saw then the other day say two days ago against Crimea striking Targets in both cria and Russia too now it is very unclear at moment exactly what has happened but I will give you a full update on that tomorrow now in this video we’re going to look at Maps we’re going to talk about the north we’ll look at an interview with zalinsky and AFP we’ll look at strikes and geolocated footage of course we like geolocated footage we’ll talk about casualties as well as we’ll have say in the north both Uh Russian and Ukrainian sources information in this video as well now first off the bat bit of information I’ll sent off one of my sources now A Commentary by one Commander that I know spent he spent of course a lot of time here more so than I but the commentary is zalinski saying that there is no complaints about artillery is complete [ __ ] and we can tell you firsthand all units that we know lack ammunition of all kinds Sabrina Singh is a typical talking head for the USG and just parrots whatever she is told to say now what she was in was an interview talking about can Ukrainian weapons be used inside the territory of Russia to strike targets and the answer there was ultimately no but let’s talk about the war as a whole now all big Wars eventually turn from maneuver into ational war grinding away until one side starts to buckle collapse and then movements and agreements whatever then come from that whether economically whether militarily but eventually it has to move somewhere but a lot of people like to draw conclusions between this war and Wars we have seen previously World War I World War II and go we’ll look at the amount of ground made week to week dayto day on this compared to this now I don’t think that there is a real comparison to be had there yes we’re seeing tanks and men fighting but in those Wars and Wars prior and more recent Wars haven’t been as conventional recently but those large conventional Wars haven’t included things like drones night fighting capabilities thermal so we’re sort of stumbling in the dark learn learning a lot about how Modern Warfare looks as we’re seeing this and we’re learning about what works and what doesn’t work so looking at well this amount of ground was made week to we compared to this well it’s hard because now we have a 24-hour Battlefield which wasn’t present before night vision thermal capabilities and now we have 24-hours surveillance on Bloody every inch with drones the ability to Target both soldiers and tanks in the open from fpv or other drones atgm guide munitions all of this of course artillery is much longer so I think those comparisons although there are bits and pieces we can make it doesn’t line up perfectly many people many military analysts are learning exactly from what we are then seeing here now speaking of this many will claim that there’s some four-dimensional Grand strategy chess game going on and you see this on both the Russian side and the Ukrainian side that it’s all going to fall into place and we’ll see then this sweep across and I just believe this late in the war we haven’t seen any of that yet and I don’t think anyone’s moving the pieces on the chessboard particularly for that especially that both sides now have a lot of experience in the battlefield and as well that the surveillance is so good there’s so much information it’d be very hard to set something like that up and we have seen a Reliance on mistakes being made on the battlefield to then make ground now I’m not saying that mistakes now won’t present themselves it’s a war it’s undetermined of course they will but it’s not a sound tactic this late in the war to now rely on mistakes both Russia and Ukraine have gained a hell of a lot of experience now in the beginning I talk about that attritional phase push push push until you start seeing a buckle now this Buckle is what I’m most concerned about in this war because it could lead to something like a large false flag event I think that is a real possibility now what would this look like well we don’t know but could it be to draw in other nations maybe drop a weapon of where there’s no turning back from and this drawing of Nations this isn’t just drawing in NATO it could be drawing in China or India or one of these countries as well and if we did see then the deployment of Western troops to Ukraine I would say I think this expands the war potentially to cross that event horizon of a global conflict so one way has to start losing really badly at some point in this world whether it’s East or whether it’s West we don’t know now people will say yeah this is all done and dusted but look it’s not the war and the final product of where this ends we don’t know but speaking of potential of Western troops deploying we’ve seen France float the idea we’ve heard the UK talk about it but this is something that comes into mind and I found this really interesting it is an unpalatable Prospect but in a future conflict are prepared for video imagery of British soldiers being killed with drones being released on social media perhaps even live streamed as we see in the current Ukraine Russia conflict are our next of King notification procedures and social media responses and people that run these processes ready now first off I can tell you no these processes are not ready and those processes in place even back in the beginnings of social media and you know fast news online the process failed multiple times even on much much smaller losses but this is something that people are going to have to think about if we did see not only in this war but in potential future Wars too that is going to be a real thing going on but that’s how I see now this attritional phase of War now that maneuver Warfare is really really limited to maybe some small pushes but let’s have a look at the North straight off the bat so up in here we have a deep state map update of just this sliver in here but still doesn’t show of what we know to be a geolocation in V chance both in the center at the hospital and then on the Eastern side here as well but deep state does have some other interesting map updates too but we do know we had that footage of the Russian BL falling off the veranda in the hospital so speaking of that hospital we do have some footage here of Ukrainian jams then striking the hospital so this is the hospital here and you see these strikes against it here then bringing that down claimed that there are dozens of Russian troops in here that said in this whole War we never really know now many have pointed that this does look like a controlled demolition but if you do slow down the video you can see one of these bombs coming in here with its wings out so that has then been struck and destroyed there as far as casualties there so far there’s only claims but what we do know in this area is the movement has slowed down as it his has hid more defensive works and of course Urban centers where that will slow down inevitably but in here we do know there was huge concern with the walking over that we did see of defensive works and questioning what then has happened in other areas deploying a smaller force in here to what we’re being told and has had a lot of success up to ziny has said 10 km that is a long way and I spoke about it yesterday well that has basically added 10 km onto any weapon system for Russia moving in and reduced it on some pushing then onto here maybe now to be able to hit other defensive lines in the rear too but this map here isn’t showing much but this is from a russal source I shared this yesterday but some of the mysterious Northern Group got their casualties from landmines and fpv drones 5% C so far that is high that is 5 in 100 5% obviously ly but that are high casualties and we do not know how many people actually then crossed here and that may be under it may be over regardless but I have this off than a Ukrainian Source here talking about down in this direction of lipy where we know this map is incorrect here too based off other Ukrainian Maps but enemy are now advancing on lipy and we have to somehow create a defensive position and line there Traders have compromised construction of effective defensive positions and allow the enemy to advance the way that they have now we have to somehow fix this problem why do we always suffer the failures of the commanders and the chain of command why do we not have professional educated and competent command structure in Ukraine 10 years ago people were told to prepare what was needed by myself and others and no one did what was needed or made promises that were never actioned or done it is traitorous criminal Behavior by officials and government that is directly off S you know around here is reported to us before about the situation of what has happened and defensive lines in here that people have spoken out against now Noel reports map this is one of the Ukrainian maps that we then use but let’s line this up with the Deep State now of course he shows his advancement down here inps as well as in the center of V Chans here that’s not linting up between these two Ukrainian maps and we do then have a syak update on this Eastern side of the north here showing a push still further out from where Hospital sits here where we saw those JMS dropping um Russian army finally made new advances inside V Chans in which troops Advanced south of the hospital reaching this Street then attacks with Ukrainian Army began at the fire station located on the opposite shore of the VTA River so fights happening now according to suriak across the volure river just down then around here but very interesting situation of what is actually occurring up in the north and I won’t be surprised if we then do see an open up in other areas now let’s have a look on this update so it’s been 48 hours since this map updated and we do have some other interesting pushes so down better stove here this is what suriak showed yesterday was pushing to the outskirts of better stove along where this Creek line runs as well so it’s showing a Russian advancement there that is still considered up in the north although that was on Surak yday so I don’t have his Map update there today showing nothing around chass of Y although we know the street fighting there is intense now we have this out from ntio as well which does line up with a Surak Map update in this exact direction to pushing down here and I would say to try and envelop these areas from nooski orans and nalii in long-term what’s happening here as the commander of adiva is still in charge of these areas as well now speaking of aiva we have a Noel reports update here too so bring this up and we have this push sh from Neto as well shown here but a lot more controlled region between umansky and Neto as well so up where my cursor is running here showing under then Russian occupied territory pushing then that front line forward and that is off then a Ukrainian Source now we’ll push down just a little bit more crer hi cup this is an area where we know there’s been a lot of debate around where the maps are sitting and it has seemed that the amount of GE locations coming out of here has been limited but we have a durc Map update showing just a push on this Northern side today during the last seven days Russian army made minimal advances along this street where the Ukrainian Army continues to put up great resistance meanwhile during the last hours Russian forces managed to take these two streets reducing the Ukrainian presence on this axis in CR rivka at this Farm based and livestock Farm in addition the troops managed to take the trench system Northwest of the hunting house so pushes out just from the industrial area as well as the hunting house in the area down here an expansion in the north that is what then suriak is reporting there now little bit further south then we have Nova livka here an area of which there was a lot of fighting for a long time that break in and then push then through but these two maps showing very very similar this is what we then like to see on the southwestern side of Nova my livka a change in the map Russian army made some advances Southwest of no my livka this what we see because both maps are lining up can confirm that there was definitely 100% an advancement there so a couple of moves on this map still lagging behind in my opinion but roboty this map shows zero Russian presence inside roboty which jail locations confirm is incorrect as well as Ukrainian map so this is the Noel reports map showing then the defensive lines but shows a Breakin on the southern side of roboty here but then we had in a Ukrainian page which is this one here here giving this video of robotany God helps you TR follow glory and will we’re fighting for our dear Ukraine with this Drone footage now uh I can’t show you this Drone footage it’ll be on the telegram if you’d like to go and have a look but if you look at where some of the geolocations are then it gives you an idea of if this is where the Russians are well then we know where that front line grayzone at least should then be so this top J location is what is out of the video and then we’ve plugged in so this is in the northern side of robot up here where this road comes out so right up in here what is shown as the outer limit of gry Zone we know there is a presence there yes we know drones Were Striking it but we definitely know there is a presence there and there’s not the only video of course of that shows presence in roboty so that is in my opinion definitely being ignored of what we actually see in here now media Zone as well who confirm Russian casual they have released a new uh update on what they say the casualties are and we’ll look at this compared to Ukraine’s numbers and we’ll talk a little bit about this but what media Zone do is they go through obituaries they go through social media all of this and then they confirm how many Russians have actually been killed from those reports now they’re saying recorded names 52789 in collabor collaboration with BBC News Russ service a team of volunteers now they are open people always say that typically yes these will likely be higher as not everyone’s going to have a public orbitary or a post on social media how much higher is it 10% 20 200% we don’t know but what we can say is this is about a tenth of what the Ukrainian figure is which is near than half a million of and this is when they say liquidated Personnel so that assumes killed so you near half a million compared to that so significantly different but what is interesting here and regardless of whether it’s half or whatever this will still be very similar when you take into account large statistics around where the Russian deaths have been higher and lower now of course you can see in the beginning of course you’re going to have higher casualties and then it has reduced through here then in early than 23 we have have seen a large number of Russian casualties this leads into the beginning of then Ukrainian counter offensive and then into then this year we have seen some spikes but we have seen a trailing off of that now regardless of whether this number is a half or A fifth or a tenth or whatever that this is actually going to be very similar down here so that is interesting to see where the casualties lift and Rise now people of course when I share this will ask about Ukrainian casualties well I don’t know and very very very few people would actually know but what I will say is the majority of C deaths and casualties in this war have been from artillery now for months it has been reported that Russia has a 10 to1 or sometimes 20 to1 artillery Advantage so in this you can say that the Ukrainian claim casualty is 6% you know people have said about 30,000 of 491 th000 so around 6% and people do bring in doubt saying but if there’s a 10 or 20 to1 artillery advantage that does seem very low and I can see the reasoning in that but regardless on casualties neither Russia or Ukrainian casualties we have no idea of an actual figure on that and even at the end of the war we may only then get a range of how then that looks now zinsky had an ex exclusive interview with actually now let’s talk about these strikes first it’s a bit more interesting cuz some jaoc stuff so we did see those major strikes down in against Russia down in here where a lot of Warships have been moved from sasta pole around to here because of Ukrainian drone boats having success against them as well as then down around these areas against things like oil refineries now we have a little bit of footage here as well so this is some of the footage that came out in this area of a strike against one of these large oil uh storage tanks here on fire on the top now I no expert in saying how much damage has been or hasn’t been initiated from seeing the burning and I know people look at the color of the smoke and this and that I’m no expert in this but Brady africk has released this footage that he’s had put with lining up to this footage here anyway but it has shown the before and after satellite IM show so this is the May 3rd and then the May 18th after this strike and people have pointed out this doesn’t seem too heavily damaged maybe it’s burning on top I I don’t know but it’s not smoking this image so we don’t know exactly how much damage has been caused there although there are reports that there has been a 133% decrease in Russia’s oil capability of course affects economic but we don’t exactly know now what we do know is down in the port here there are Gates closing up protecting then the warships in here as well as there was Seaborn drone assaults from Ukraine towards Russia the other day so we can just see and this will be fully on the uh telegram if you’d like just this massive amount of fire here you can see the trace in the air these are the gates closing up and these are the ships in here against Seaborn drones you can see an explosion here now I would not want to be living in one of these houses then on the other side but strikes against those and it has this is Against drones out in the air now again we don’t know exact numbers on anything yet but just thought I’d show you guys and you guys can make up your own mind exactly what has happened here but we haven’t seen any ships say sunk in that attack and we’re not sure if there’s going to be a full attack on the Kurt straight bridge for a PR Victory massive but the amount of assets may take to take that bridge down which we know strategically has been brought into question of how relevant is it is it worth this massive PR win for maybe a limited strategic Victory if it soaks up a heap of assets I think that may be one of the reasons we haven’t seen more assaults directly on the bridge now zalinsky had an exclusive interview with AFP and let’s go through this so uh Russian offensive har he has said they started the operation it could consist of several waves there was a first wave and the situation there is contr saying the situation up in the north is controlled but it may just be the first wave of many maybe this was the reconnaissance smaller wave and we’ll see either a larger push in that direction or maybe another direction to throw off forces and have a deception to move forces around potentially but uh here’s talking about 5 10 km from the border point to where we stopped them I won’t say it’s great success for Russia uh but we have to be sober and understand that they are going deeper into our territory 51 km is a long way in the this war look at previous offensive actions that have had a few kilometers they want to attack but they understand that attacking H is very difficult it is a big city and they understand that we are forces there that will fight for a long time if they are stopped they will not die in millions for the sake of H now Putin has said H was never an objective to take that he talks about of course the buffer zone and we have speculated that the amount of forces even at that full 80,000 is not enough to take har was that actually the goal probably more likely the goal was to create an open here maybe one in Sumi to try and draw Ukrainian forces away from areas in the East and the South they don’t have the force of full scale offense in the capital like the one they had at the beginning of the invasion of course much larger numbers there but even on ke in the beginning the number of forces here many will say we’re never enough to try and have an occupation of somewhere of that size now battle the skies I believe that today we have about 25% of what we need to defend Ukraine talking about air defense so still air defense very limited we’ve seen zinsky asking begging more and more for more air defense and the West is struggling to actually come up with a solution to that more interceptors but not full systems and Patriots are number one on the list as for aircraft I say this openly so that Russia does not have air superiority our Fleet should have 120 to 130 modern aircraft in total we need this Fleet of f-16s in the number I’m talking about in order to have parody so that wouldn’t be priority it would just be par in the air this is more than the promises of modern aircraft and people have pointed out does that mean modern the ones Ukraine’s getting or the fully upgraded crem to to Creme of modern aircraft currently now people have said there’s going to be some Olympic truce it has seemed zalinski does not want PARTA they’re saying he can’t trust Putin and we’re against any truce that plays into the hands of the enemy now I don’t know whether how this would play if there was a truce for a few weeks it may give Ukraine a break to actually have time to dig in defensive lines start that mobilization get the training done yes it’s going to give Russia the same but who at the moment would benefit more from a two-e break Ukraine or Russia I don’t know I’d almost lean towards it may actually benefit Ukraine more at this time called to China we know China is going to be a fulcrum in this entire conflict of where it goes whether it expands whether it contracts and of course these peace negotiations which I’ve said if China and Russia is not involved in a peace Summit I don’t see the point of spending millions of dollars at a festar resort with 50 countries to come and just bloody hand Shandy each other Chinese leaders live a little bit with the feeling that if Russia loses the war it’s not a loss for Russia but a victory for the United States for them it is a victory for the west and they want to find a balance between the two that’s why I would like to see China involved in the peace Summit but we know that China is an incredibly important country in this the West is afraid we are in a nonsense situation where the West is afraid that if Russia will lose the war and it does not want Ukraine to lose it so they are scared what happens if Russia lose the war there people are scared because of the nuclear capability that we know we can’t stop from icbms that is something that has to come into every military plan’s head that sitting you know somewhere very high in the world but also doesn’t want Ukraine to lose the war as well so there is a real fine balance here I’m going to do a video down the line called like the impossible diplomacy in this war between how far you push one way risking a collapse somewhere risking this while trying to uphold World orders it’s incredibly delicate situation Ukraine’s final Victory will lead to Russia’s defeat and the final victory of Russia will lead to Ukraine’s defeat so both sides in this war have now made it a war of survival for their Nation for Ukraine to survive Russia has to be defeated and for Russia to survive Ukraine has to be defeated now I don’t see it that clearly I think the time will tell exactly how this comes out and I have my own ideas of where the border and um the militarized zones and whatever May last just looking at the military capacity of both Ukraine and Russia but of course things changed dramatically if there was a deployment of Western troops or more strikes or false Flags or whatever legends that is it for today I hope you’re having a great day and I’ll speak to you soon thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Позор украине! May Ukraine free itself of the NATO and American Hegemon. What fools run Ukraine. Look at the great loss of life Zelensky and his thugs have brought upon Ukraine’s youth. Shame on them.

  2. I heared from a very realiable source that Russia has lost over 2 million soldiers(All they have/had) and now they are Fighting with the Army of the dead from Lord of the Rings ! Aragorn saves Russia !!!!

  3. Russian losses: Here are the latest data from BBC and the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. Everything is very unbiased!
    Ukrainian losses: I don’t know and very few people can know this…

  4. Blinken has said US is not restricting their equipment to be used in Russia, they just don’t encourage it.
    Plus “liquidated” troops includes permanently injured and captured I imagine.

  5. Willie how useful is a "Massive PR win" when attacks on Crimea and the bridge will do nothing to change the course of the war and will just galvanise the Russian Army ?

  6. Russia and Ukraine has gained a lot of experience? How high are you Willie? You are an infantry, you know very well the limitations of skeletal fighting force, I know skeletal fighting crew, the experience gained by Ukraine are minimal. It's pretty much on defensive side that doesnt work. How can they gain experience against much more firepower they can't stop?

  7. Willy, just stick to actual battlefield analysis. Stop trying to copy Zelenski because if you don't people will just assume that you are like Zelenski , a complete pot and cocaine head. Please cut out the propaganda that the West does not want Russia to lose the war to badly etc, as it totally undermines your credibility.

  8. Thanks for the update Willie. As you know from my previous comments I don't often agree with you, you have a right wing bias, but at least in this video you were fair and even handed. Keep up the good work mate!

  9. The funny thing is, Russia has never invaded Europe to seize territory or impose its values, never had colonies, never enslaved people of a different colour. And at the same time, the West has always for some reason been afraid of a "scary and cruel" Russia periodically trying to conquer it and declaring Russian people wrong. In the Middle Ages, Europeans did not hesitate to buy and sell Slavs as slaves (even these two words are so similar in English), ignoring that Slavs were white Christians. For the Russians, there is nothing new in confronting the West. The West has forgotten how wars against Russia usually end. Or did he just remember and that’s why he prefers to fight with bought and cheated fools?

  10. Willy has said to manyy times about Russia's defeat in this video. Can someone explain me what is meant by this defeat? Are these 10 points Ze been talking about for the last year and half? If so then the conference in Switzerland is not a conference about a peace but a conference about the defeat of Russia? Seriously?! It has already been realized all over the world that the West is not capable of causing tangible damage to Russia, either politically, economically or militarily. Then what do Ze and the company talk about when they mention the truce or the defeat of Russia? This conference is more like a feast during the plague just because the sponsors don't want to admit that they screwed up.

  11. Ukraine do not have any long history as a country.
    Why cannot they just split up the country as the people votes in the different oblasts.
    Why having a war and try to force the people in Crimera to join NATO?
    It's a dream as Slovakia and Hungary will just veto any applications whatsoever. Blinken don't controls NATO as he claims.

    We don't need a war and this is like a civil war the world doesn't need.
    Let the people vote for which block they which to belong to and just split Ukraine accordingly.

  12. Russia isn't going to stop until they take Odessa, so let's negotiate before that happens. Without Odessa port Ukraine has no where to sell their grains to, it would be an economic disaster. I can appreciate the desire to fight to the bitter end, but come on, let's have some common sense. Ukraine will still exist tomorrow and Ukrainians still have to make a living.

  13. V-1 & V-2 were the first drones but the first ones were long time ago as catapulted infected bodies mostly dead & screaming live to kill enemy with biological virus drones , even birds were used as far as the legendary warfare goes ….
    Just modern sophisticated ways of killing is what we see.

  14. Come on Willy do some critical analysis on the briges over the Dnieper and why Russia has not attacked them and if they did what would it mean for the Ukrainian army. These bridges are never mentioned by anyone. I think if the Keech bridge is taken out i think the Russian gloves will come off.

  15. This is like the American civil war with 21st century technology
    Remember the confederacy did well winning battles etc but the greater population and industrial capacity of the Union prevailed in the end
    Territorial gains were not huge and was a war of attrition.

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