“Israel CAN defeat Hamas in Rafah, but it will regenerate & ideology will live on”, ex general warns

“Israel CAN defeat Hamas in Rafah, but it will regenerate & ideology will live on”, ex general warns

the IDF is preparing for an invasion of Rafa as peace negotiations between Hamas and Israel have [Music] sto I’m Jerome starky this is World at War and my guest today is General Sir Richard Barons one of Britain’s foremost military mines and a former joint chief of the UK’s Armed Forces General Sir Richard thank you for joining us what does Israel hope to achieve can they end the war can they win the war with this planned offensive in Rafa so Israel believes there are three battalions of Hamas in Rafa and so they can’t claim to have defeated Hamas until they’ve dealt with those three battalions but if they do that and it looks like they will they are already finding that in places in Gaza which they believe they had cleared Hamas out of Hamas is able to regenerate so we’re coming back to the point we all made on the 7th of October last year which is you can’t kill an idea and you can’t destroy an organization like Kamas you you can make it much weaker but you can’t destroy it so we’re about to have to live with the fact that Israel has crunched through the whole of Gaza at an enormous cost 35,000 civilian casualties so far and and will have broken the Hamas infrastructure that it can find so tunnels headquarters dumps and the people who choose to fight but Hamas as an organization as an idea here will of course continue to exist what can Israel do if if you were commanding the IDF what would you be advising Netanyahu to do now he has said he wants to crush Hamas and he will not stop until they are destroyed what would your advice as a military man be to Netanyahu and his government so I would say three things first I’ve done what you asked I have gone through Gaza and I have broken the Hamas military machine as much as I could find it secondly but that doesn’t mean I’ve destroyed Hamas I’m now going to have to deal with Hamas reappearing orbe it in smaller numbers and and at different places of its own choosing for as long as I remain in Gaza do I want to remain in Gaza and the third thing I would say well now we need to change this and convert it from a military success into a political Victory and that means finding a way forward for Gaza which is nothing to do with the forces what will they what will happen if they go into Rafa I me I’m asking you to predict the future but but how do you see that unfolding so the the military challenge is there are about a million Palestinian civilians sitting in your target area and you would very much prefer that they opted to move away and and I would maybe even offer to bust them North and about 300,000 apparently have have moved and then I’ve really got a a choice I I I could um reapply some of the tactics I’ve used in Northern Gaza which is about wh scale destruction and when I do that I know I’m going to kill a lot more civilians because they are just going to be in the way and we have seen how much of the world is suggesting that isn’t the best possible way of going forward so probably what I’m going to do is try and be more uh precise I’m going to try and find specific Hamas targets who are not going to volunteer themselves for this and then engage in Precision strikes from range and precision raids using ground forces that go into Rafa and come out my objective is to destroy three battalions without killing Palestinian citizens that’s going to be really difficult whenever I raise the the civilian casualties argument um I I’m told by those who support the IDF and those who support its objectives understandable after the atro on October 7th that these civilian casualties are not Israel’s fault they are hamas’s fault Hamas is hiding amongst uh the civilian population they are holding Israeli hostages if they release the hostages uh you know this would go this would go if they surrendered this would go away and no civilians would be killed I mean is that a is that a realistic or is that a credible uh defense the Israeli line has been completely consistent throughout its intervention in Gaza it means to destroy Hamas because Hamas is an existential risk to Security in Israel and that’s going to come at a price to the damage to the habitat in Gaza and the civilians who are caught up in in the fighting and the Israeli forces will argue that Hamas has done its level best to make sure civilians are close to their Fighters and we come back to this um lawful position of as is your military action necessary discriminate and proportionate that is a matter of judgment and if you’re in the Israeli Defense Forces you believe and there may be exceptions in Behavior but you believe you have you have stuck to that um if you are a Palestinian citizen caught in the fighting and many other people who support the Palestinian case around the world then they are not going to agree with you but the fact is the stakes are really high here both for Israel and for Palestine and that’s why you’re seeing the source of War see Richard as a military man I mean you you’re familiar that when British troops operate you know they have incredibly strict rules of engagement I’ve been with them on operations in Iraq and Afghanistan where they you know they have absolutely sort of prescribed rules on who they can shoot in what circumstances they have to be shot at first in some cases you know having watched this war unfold do you do you agree with the Israeli assertion that they do more than any other army in the world to protect civilians so I don’t know that the the detail of the Israeli operation but the point about Rules of Engagement is that they are tuned to the operation that you’re conducting so a a British military operation in Northern Ireland in in Bosnia in Iraq and Afghanistan all of which I I took part in were the Rules of Engagement were geared to what you were trying to do which was to change the facts on the ground but in in a way that sustained the support of the Civil population and that brings you back to rules of mation largely based on on self-defense but in the case of Gaza both parties feel they are at War for existential reasons and in those circumstances where the survival of your state is in question you’re going to take a different degree of risk and and that is lawful in the long run uh it appears that Israel at least in the medium term it appears Israel risks alienating some of its allies we’ve seen uh America we’ve seen President Joe Biden withholding the delivery of uh some of its largest Munitions because they’re uncomfortable with how they could be used in a Rafa offensive the British government’s main message appears to have been focusing on the humanitarian the need for more humanitarian assistance um do you think the British and the American uh positions are consistent and correct so I think both um Britain and America are are clear that it is going to be extremely difficult to turn whatever sort of military Victory the IDF can claim in Gaza into a stable strategic political outcome so there’s a real risk that this just makes things worse with no end in sight and secondly because of the way this war is going that it does spiral into a regional configration that draws in neighboring Arab states Iran and others at a consequence for Global Security and the global economy and nobody wants that either so we are in a very difficult place and and I know um before you mentioned the operations that you’ve been involved in and um in M delivering humanitarian Aid uh in mustar is that is that the priority now you know getting Aid in into into Gaza to try and keep people alive whilst the conflict is ongoing so I took part in the uh un Le operation to deliver Humanity in a to the people of Bosnia whilst the war was going on around them in the 1990s and and you’re caught between a rock and a hard place because on the one hand if you can stop people starving or in the case of BOS freezing in the winter then it’s a it’s a reasonable thing to do to see if you can get Aid to them without in any way getting caught up in the flow of the war and and what I found then was that the people we delivered Aid to were grateful that actually some help had arrived but they were not slow in pointing out that we had turned up with all this capability we were keeping them alive but they may well just get shot or blown up the next day feeling a little happier and what they were really saying is why are you just tinkering with the symptoms of this conflict when you must have the power to make it stop and that’s what I think the Dilemma is faced by the the UK the US Arab states and and uh many other countries which is why aren’t you making this this stop generals Richard Barons thank you very much for joining me uh this is World at War and I’m J starky if you’re watching on YouTube and you have any questions please ask them in the comments below and we will do our best to answer some of them next week

“Israel CAN defeat Hamas in Rafah, but its ideology will live on”, former general warns.

Sir Richard Barrons spoke to The Sun’s Defence Editor Jerome Starkey on The Sun’s brand new show ‘World at War’ to discuss the biggest issues facing the conflict in Gaza as Israel launched an offensive in Rafah.

– Contents of video –
00:00 – 00:12 – World at War introduction
00:12 – 01:32 – Can Israel win the war in Rafah?
01:32 – 02:31 – What can Israel do to gain victory?
02:31 – 03:50 – What will happen in Rafah?
03:50 – 06:44 – Reducing risk to civilians and ground tactics
06:44 – 07:57 – Perceptions of Israel from allies, US and UK
07:57 – 09:18 – Challenges of getting aid into Gaza
09:18 – 09:38 – Final comments

Read more:
Dramatic picture shows laser-like Israeli strike hits house in Gaza as war continues in Rafah

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  1. So as far as any civilians go in the perspective of Israel it's a "heads I win, tails you lose", because you are Palestinians and there is no safe place in Palestine for you, because this is Israel. Oh and you provide cover for Hamas as long as you continue to exist in Israel therefor all Palestinians are legitimate targets

  2. Lol nice to see the UK supporting genocide but then that's nothing new. As for the general lol, utter tool and mouth piece to push that agenda.
    Looks like it's past his bedtime and meds.

  3. No one is even fighting back. They are driving tanks over women and children.
    If this was any other country, the US would've already intervened, but it's Israel, which keeps the US on a remote control, using subversion, bribery, political corruption…

  4. A Qatar Government Is The Iran Proxy Alliance To Also Funding Donation Into A Several America College Institute Like The Colombia University New-York & Etch Its A Terrorist Money~£aundry From The Iran Government , CCP-PLA Beijing , Vladimir Putin Administration In Russia & A Pakistan Corruptor Politician's To Will Try Destroying The Freedom Democracy Country Form US Soil In Anytime Every Where Forever !

    Why The Global Moeslim Philosopher's To Can't Protest About A Different Islamic Problems Like The Rohingya-Refugees Crisis of A Junta-Military Solution on The Myanmar Conflict or A Uigurs Etnic-Cleansing Genocide In Xinjiang-China By The CCP Regime Policy Since of 1951 Until Now When A Extrimist Palestine-Pro Sympathier To Want Vanishing The Jewish-Hebrew Exist In A Their Ancestor Soil From The Abraham Heritage Legacy By The Massive Hate~Speech Narrative Anything For Them ! 👥🌍

    PS : A TU-22M-3 Back-Fire Is The Famous Russian Strategic Bomber Plane Since of A Cold-Wars Era Technology To Facing The US B-1 A Lancer Jet Bomber Threat So Then This The Another Russian Big Plane Type To Shooting Down By A Ukrainian Old-$chool SAM Battery Like S-20 V-300 Bulk Missile 😎✈️🚀

    The Israel Nations & A Ukrainian People's To Have Self-Defense Right To Again The Olyqarcy Dictator Regime Like A Russian Putin Leadership Tyrant or The Khomeini Teheran Terrorist Ruler With A Hardest Determination Struggles Effort Anytime Forever Never Surrender For The Truly Liberty Freedom! 🤖🌟😈

  5. The islamists have killed thousands in Africa especially in Nigeria no one is bothered , no country or international organizations , UN , the strange deal is that this international organization is siding with terror team in the middle east .

  6. If you are concerned that hatred for Israel will resurface after Hamas is defeated by Israel, you should know that this is not just due to Hamas. The enmity for Israel dates back to the seventh century, when the Rashidun Caliphate was established in 638 AD by Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Rashidun ruler during the Arab invasion and Muslim period (636-1099). Hatred against Israel has been instilled in Muslim groups for centuries, especially during the Arab uprisings in Palestine in the twentieth century, especially in 1920, when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haji Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, became the leader of the Palestinian Arab movement and played an important role in inciting religious riots against the Jewish population in Palestine. The Mufti incited religious zeal against the Jews by claiming that they were attempting to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the location of the Dome of the Rock and Jami Al-Aqsa. In my perspective, remove this narrow narrative that if Hamas has vanished, there will be a regeneration of hatred against Israel, which has actually been embedded for decades. History can teach and open your opinions

  7. Can't destroy an idea? From a Biritsh general, the country that participated in the destruction and denazification of Germany? Of course they can destroy the idea, but the idea they cannot destroy is centuries of Muslim intolerance qand, here, antisemitism. The hatred taught in Gazan/West Bank Schools is more the problem than Hamas.

  8. Its astonishing that a general cites "35,000 civilian casulaties" the same week that even the UN had to downgrade its estimate to 8000 civilian caualties. What's with these people?

  9. When you defend yourself and try to liberate your land from the occupier, they describe you as a terrorist. What a crazy world this is 😂

  10. Israeled Israeled Israeled Israeled…We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.♥️🇵🇸♥️🇵🇸♥️🇵🇸♥️♥️🇵🇸♥️♥️♥️🇵🇸🇵🇸'" Nelson Mandela""♥🇵🇸🇵🇸 In fact, if the land of Palestine is not independent, then no country is still an independent democracy,,
    Severing ties with illegally occupied Israel,, Jews and Westerners are good at acting and lying. Palestinian people are trying to protect their country and people from the oppressors.
    Illegally occupying Israel will try to falsely slander the brave freedom fighters of Palestine.
    The lies of the Jews will be destroyed no matter how strong they are and the truth of the innocent people of Palestine will prevail. Palestine will be victorious inshallah,Be patient
    Arab states love the West as their friends,no matter how much the Muslims love the West they will never love the Muslims.,
    Don't trust the land grabbers who murder and conspire to brutally oppress the Palestinian people..,,
    Being a beggar and occupying the owner's house and land and oppressing the owner,
    When Hitler was massacring the Jews, no one gave them a safe haven.
    At that time, the simple Palestinian Muslims gave their Jewish brothers a safe place to live. Those Jews occupied the lands of the Muslims by strategy and illegally occupied them.,. But today the Jews are oppressing the Muslims..
    Day after day oppression is inflicting psychological torture on Palestinian people,,
    What should the Palestinian people do when Israel, the illegal occupier, has been killing and oppressing the innocent Palestinian people for 75 years?
    A day when no country gave safe haven to Jews On that day the simple and honest
    Palestinian Muslim nation gave the Jews a safe place to live.
    And today, the Jews consider the Muslims to be simple and play a conspiratorial plan to occupy the land of the Muslims. the Jews are killing the Muslim brothers sisters children old people by killing them by bombing cutting off water electricity and food,,
    Go back to where the Jewish brothers came from.
    Why are you occupying other's native land?
    There are many places in Europe America Canada. Go there.
    Whenever people do something to get back the freedom of democracy, they are slandered by false conspiracies. No one says anything to those who occupy other people's land.
    What kind of judgment is that?
    Europe, America, organization of westerners only killing Muslims, oppressing them severely and occupying the land of Muslims and looting.
    What is the purpose of the United Nations Human Rights Organization? How can the land of others be occupied? How can Muslims be killed under house arrest? How can people's rights, democracy and freedom be taken away from the Palestinian people?
    Everyone just talks and gives false assurances nothing works.
    Cannot liberate Palestinian land occupation Cannot stop oppressing Palestinian people.
    Palestine people can not return the freedom of democracy?
    Everything is organized by America and Europe.
    Do something great leaders work to try to keep the world from chaos anarchy to peace.
    Return land rights, democracy and freedom to everyone.
    What else can be expected from the people of Europe and America who have plundered other people's land and oppressed people?
    Great leaders of the world must work to return the freedom democracy land of Palestine to the people of Palestine
    And strict measures must be taken to prosecute the oppression and murder of the Palestinian people by house arrest.
    America and Europe talk about democracy,, where is the freedom and democracy of Palestine?
    Where is the human rights of the United Nations today, everyone in the world knows that the Jewish Israel is taking away the land, freedom and democracy of the Palestinian people by acting in a conspiracy.,
    Day after day oppression is inflicting psychological torture on Palestinian people
    What should the Palestinian people do when Israel, the illegal occupier, has been killing and oppressing the innocent Palestinian people for 75 years?
    Of course the brave Palestinian freedom fighters must fight to stop the criminals' attacks.
    All Europe America Westerners are in tune with the lying conspirators. Simple and innocent
    No one comes for people
    Jewish brothers, why are you coming from other countries and illegally occupying other people's land and persecuting people with false conspiracies?
    Why are you creating chaos and anarchy all over the world, you sinful Jews?
    Give the Palestinian people back their land give them democracy and freedom,.
    May Allah protect the Palestinian Muslims and give them strength to endure this great danger.,
    Protect the Palestinian freedom fighters from the conspiracies of the enemy. May Allah protect the Palestinian freedom fighters.
    Ya Allah, judge those who are killing Muslim people under house arrest.
    May Allah guide us all, Ameen.
    Give guidance and help to the Muslims,..,,

  11. they would go where they know they are.. you have Yemen maybe houtis, but hezbolla in Lebanon, and the combination with links etc.. and they said they didn't have support for iran, but talked about tunnels in sinai and they were a thing as well as Lebanon.. not sure about Jordan but probably Yemen

  12. I tend to agree with you unfortunately i dont think they will get rid of hamas ,theres to much civilians that adores hamas i really font know how they are going to do it sorry Israel i know you ate extremely good fighters but i just dont know we can only pray

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