Brave move from Macron! The most famous French-made missiles appear in Ukraine! Putin is furious!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global Ukraine is preparing to Dethrone Vladimir Putin in his new term with the help of Western countries Against The Invasion offensive of Russian forces the failure in KV the critical situation on the luhansk and donet front lines and the defeats in the southern Ukrainian regions have left the Russian army devastated as part of Putin’s war strategies the Russian Army’s casualties on these front lines have reached 450,000 although the Kremlin occupies a large part of Ukrainian territory on all these front lines it faces a major problem in the long term with the Russian military losses reaching record levels military support from the West is becoming an important phenomenon in terms of driving the occupation forces from the front line in particular thanks to the support of the US the UK and France Kiev is preparing to not only expel the Russians from its territory but also to take important steps in crossborder offensive operations the most important strategic Target of kiev’s crossb operations is the Russian occupied Crimean Peninsula so far the ukrainians have skillfully used drones and Western long-range missiles to Target the peninsula in recent days the Kirch Bridge has been completely closed to traffic following the heavy pressure on Crimea for nearly 2 months the Russians have been unable to provide any additional military support for their attempted offensive across the bridge into Southern Ukraine now Ukraine’s allies have decided to increase kiev’s military stockpile of long-range missiles in view of the Russian situation in Crimea France has taken the latest step in this regard France has found a way to help Ukraine with longrange missile ammunition without depleting its own reserves the Paris government has approved the transfer to Ukraine of scalp longrange missiles assembled from expired or expired components within the framework of the chrysis program journalists also explained that the launch of the chrysis program roughly coincided with the announcement by French president Emanuel macron of plans to transfer 40 scalp missiles to Ukraine as part of this dramatic Aid the missiles stored in warehouses will be delivered to French factories where they will be put into service within 3 months since the Ukrainian Army urgently needs these missiles the tests will be carried out according to a simplified scheme thus the missiles will be available to the Ukrainian Army as soon as possible French military sources claim that in this way each missile will cost four times less than a missile built from scratch the Chrysalis program is scheduled to be completed this year the scalp long range missiles that will be provided to the Ukrainian Army under this program will likely increase air strikes against the Crimean peninsula in this way the Ukrainian Army plans to seriously disrupt Russian dominance in the Black Sea for this reason the Kremlin May harshly criticize France’s missile support for Ukraine in the future however macron has so far downplayed the kremlin’s intimidation and Putin’s harsh stance on its support for Ukraine the French leader foresees that in the long run Russia could become a major threat not only to Ukraine but also to the Baltic states and even the whole world that is why macron has been open in his support for the Ukrainian Army if you remember the French government and macron in particular has taken steps to push the envelope in terms of Aid to Ukraine macron had left behind an important milestone in terms of military support with the idea of sending troops to Ukrainian territory now this issue is back on the agenda the idea of sending troops to Ukraine which is seen as a reflection of France’s idea of sending scalp longrange missiles to Ukraine was voiced by macron again French president Emanuel macron said that he does not rule out sending ground troops to Ukraine if Russia crosses Ukraine’s front lines and the Kiev government makes such a request asked whether he stood by his comments earlier this year that he did not rule out sending Western troops to Ukraine macron said that he did not rule anything out because there is someone who does not care about anything it is a well-known fact that the person macron was referring to was Russian leader Vladimir Putin with these statements macron was sending an ultimatum to Putin the French president said that European countries must protect themselves and pointed out that Russia has been aggressive in destabilizing the region including threatening to use nuclear weapons the French leader added that if Russia wins in Ukraine there will be no security in Europe and this will cause big problems for the neighboring countries of mova Romania Poland Lithuania at the moment France has not received NATO’s support on this issue NATO member states do not support France’s idea of sending troops to Ukraine German Chancellor Olaf Schultz wary of bringing NATO into direct conflict with Russia rejects the possibility of deploying German or Alliance forces in Ukraine even if the deployment of troops is not approved Russia seems to be wary of French actions in support of Ukraine the most obvious evidence of this is Russia’s recent troop recruitment activity several Ukrainian officials including Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski have recently reported that Russia is mobilizing troops that are scheduled to arrive in Ukraine by June 2024 there is talk of a routine spring conscription campaign calling 150,000 Russian citizens to military service there are also reports that this effort was added due to the relatively weak response to the country’s presidential election in which Putin won more than 87% of the vote previously the Kremlin has faced backlash over mobilization initiatives in Russia mobilization in the fall of 2022 sparked widespread protests with hundreds of thousands fleeing the country but despite the backlash Russia has the advantage of a significantly larger population and an infinite number of soldiers who seem ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of money and national pride military losses have not stopped the kremlin’s propaganda in December 2023 us intelligence estimated that the Kremlin had lost more than 315,000 soldiers since the start of the conflict however these estimates vary even if the figures do not meet zelinsky’s estimate of 300,000 troops it is likely to be a significant increase from the 150,000 expected due to Putin’s propaganda machine capitalizing on the success of the Sham Russian presidential elections therefore while the $61 billion in military to Ukraine is very welcome Ukraine needs to solve its mobilization problems zalinski does not have the Manpower that Putin has at his disposal for months if not more than a year zalinski refused to lower the age of conscription in Ukraine from 27 to 25 because of the unpopularity of the action but the Ukrainian leader had to balance popular support for the war and the ability to prevent Russia from steadily advancing on the front line especially recently in key places like Aviva and chavar following these challenges zalinski agreed to lower the age of conscription to the stated 25 years because it was no longer possible to keep it at previous levels in February 2024 the vov NADA approved a proposed Bill to recruit more soldiers into the Armed Forces on the question of how many soldiers Ukraine needs zalinsky said it was unclear how many troops he planned to mobilize this year suggesting that they did not need half a million zalinski also emphasized that May and June should be a time of activity for Ukraine to achieve its goals in this war of course France’s scalp missile Aid and the latest us Aid package will give Ukraine significant advantages in the coming summer however Putin’s recruitment efforts for the Russian army and the covert military support from its allies are raising some key issues for Ukraine at the heart of these key points is the necessity of much more military support for the Ukrainian Army from the West because military experts and analysts predict that even if the Russian army increases the number of military personnel Ukraine will be able to overcome this situation by continuing its military development with Western support thank you for following us

Brave move from Macron! The most famous French-made missiles appear in Ukraine! Putin is furious!

  1. Macron has balls. Biden is afraid of his own shadow. Ukraine wants to fight, give them what they need. Better to send equipment now rather than our soldiers later! Remember history or you will repeat it!!!!

  2. Lo Zar è furioso? Buon segno. In Occidente non tutti sono conigli. Come Hitler, Putin si avvantaggia della debolezza europea. L' Italia non ha nemmeno la capacità di vergognarsi, talmente è sprofondata nel fango di stalla che si permette addirittura di rimproverare Macron, l'unico osso duro in grado di dire ai russi : " Non prevalebunt " !

  3. Parabéns Presidente Macron,por sua preocupação pela Libertação de Ucrânea.Um exemplo a seguir por EUA, porque de outra forma Putin ficará Livre para atacar outros Países Europeus.

  4. Does anybody really fall for the bullshit this reporter is barffing out? Nothing will stop Russia from winning this war. Do I have to repeat it? Is there something unclear to anyone about this? Then please let me know!!

  5. Me I France, an now with the loss of the Iran leader, Putin the putrid has lost a alli. What’s goin to happen to the Bollitical optics now?
    Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
    Slava Heroes

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