This Doesn’t End Well – Skepticism Grows For Victory – NATO Troops – Ukraine War Map Analysis News

get Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day now as always we have a lot to go but just straight off the bat I want to say there’s a link here to come and join the telegram group there’s a link below in the description box as well now of course YouTube I can’t just post whatever I would want and to put together video upload it takes a long time so for more frequent updates as well as I’m far far more active on Telegram in the comments because YouTube comments are come and join that I think it’s really great I think a lot of people get a lot out and people can voice their opinion and share what’s happening there now today of course we’re going to look at the maps we’re going to look what’s happening in the north what’s happening in the East and the map movements we see and this will be with geolocated footage as well we’ll look at what zalinsky has toil told Reuters about weapons coming in late we’ll look at NATO troops already inside of Ukraine as well as future deployments of NATO troops we’ll talk about the kurur strait bridge and we will look at some missiles intercepted as well as claims on ships sunk but where I need to start and no one can ignore this is the IC the international criminal courts putting out arrest warrants against then the leader of Israel and then significant parties in Hamas as well of course people are looking at the hypocrisy of this and joining together what the US has said their support and then what has happened we need to speak about and Link this in to then the arrest warrants as well put out against Putin that was seen as legitimate by everyone as well as then this is now seen as illegitimate by at least 50% so we will talk about that and it is hard waiting into this you’re going into an absolute mindfield to trip yourselves up as a commentator but we will look at what is said and I’ll talk about what then I have seen now let’s look at what the IC has put out now you can go and watch this it’s on the telegram but it’s also on their website if you’d like to go and have a look so the head of the Islamic resistance of Hamas as well as the commander-in-chief and some other guys here from Hamas that they are now arrest warrants out for extermination as a crime against humanity murder as a crime taking hostages R and SV as crimes torture other Humane cruel treatment out of uh outrages upon Personnel dignity as a war crime now that was put out against that then further down in this and this is what’s really been going everywhere is the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office I have reasonable grounds to leave that Benjamin Netanyahu the prime minister of Israel and Y galand the minister of the defense of Israel bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity starvation of civilians willfully causing great suffering willful killing contrary to this article murder as a war crime contrary to this article intentionally directing attacks against civilian population extermination and or murder cont to these articles persecution as a war crime against humanity and other Humane acts as crimes Against Humanity now this is of course set Evan into action and people have questioned before when looking at this could be a possibility we’ve had leaders from the US and other areas talking about The credibility and legitimacy that the I then hold now that was months ago now we have of course a new update to this but what I want to talk about straight off the bat is of course Israel the US Russia they don’t see to the IC 124 countries do but they are not signatories to it that doesn’t then mean you can just do whatever you want but that is important to note in this now ISC this is what they say overall and we will reference back to this in a sec today we once again underly that international law and the laws of armed conflict so laak if you ever see that L A apply to all no foot soldier no Commander no civilian leader no one can act with impunity nothing can justify willfully depriving human beings including so many women and children the basic necessities required for life nothing can justify The Taking of hostages or the targeting of civilians now one thing I will say for the IC is they don’t uphold this in my opinion themselves either yes we set targeted toward then Putin and Hamas and Israel and other areas but when we have a look around the world at people that should be standing trial for war crimes committed well the absolute majority of those are not on these lists and they do turn a blinde to things you need to remember that the ICC the icj are arms of then the UN now the US has said about this these and other circumstances call into question the legitimacy and credibility of this investigation fundamentally this decision does not help and could help could jeopardize ongoing efforts to reach ceasefire that would get hostages out and a surge humanitarian assistance in now furthermore saying as well from Brian Master Republican in the house of reps America doesn’t recognize the international criminal court but the court sure as hell will recognize what happens when you target our allies so this is very um heavily loaded wording here neither the us nor Israel are parties to the Rome statute under which the IC was established neither recognize the jurisdiction of the court and this is where people are pointing out well you did recognize legitimacy and jurisdiction of this even if you’re not a member when an arrest warrant goes out for someone of which you’re not in support of but now you don’t once now this happens even if the evidence is large on both sides now of course then the IC had this against Vladimir Putin on the 17th of March 23 so over a year ago and against Maria lava belov so we’ve saw that and then response from of course Biden when it came to that at the time this is about that he’s clearly committed war crimes well I think it’s Justified but the question is it’s not recognized internationally by us either but I think it makes a very strong point and what people are pointing at here they read everything online is the seeming hypocrisy between other leading Nations around the world of when they see things as legitimate and illegitimate and of course how with wording like uh sorry not that one this one here um the court sure as hell will recognize what happens when you target our allies that they’re leaning on this but what the IC and these countries I think need to uphold whether recognize or not they apply to all no Soldier no Commander no civilian leader can act with impunity so this is one of those watch those space and sees what happens here my opinion is no one will stand trial in this because of now that the US and other countries will not see to the legitimacy of these warrants against Israel therefore how can they rightfully see the legitimacy of Warrant against Putin or others with one not the other now all of these I believe have legal rights to bring to warrants of everyone but but you’re not seeing one not seeing the other and I think that will we see people brought to Justice over this because we’re not going to see a therefore we won’t see B and C because of the credibility and legitimacy here and I think we are seeing an erosion and collapse of a lot of international conventions treaties all of this and exactly I I bring it up a lot on this channel things like laws of arm conflict or the CWC the chemical weapons convention and that these seemingly are enforced when then it suits narratives as like the IC say they should apply to all and just on I guess a note for this we see the same with turning a blind eye to investigations into clear executions by drones of which we see daily the Drone is in the air someone puts their hands up that is a surrender a kill shot from there is an execution now whether you your bias agree or disagree depending on the uniform of the gentleman being targeted does is regardless that all soldiers regardless are protected by those basic human rights but we see a blind eye turn to this same as the chemical weapon convention whether it is tear gas or not we see a blind eye turn to it now we are seeing as a byproduct of that we’re seeing now many soldiers committing suicide instead of surrendering now I spoke to an international lawyer about this to see if I was was correct the full interviews I’m here and I Am Soldier puts his hands up on the ground drone strikes them it is seen exactly how it is but of course a blind eye is turned to it and this is my concern when we turn blind eyes to some things of narratives and then illegitimacy the other way so of course I believe this is watch this face of what actually happens here will I think anyone will be brought to Justice personally no I think the icc’s jurisdiction starts and ends maybe with some African Warlords and some heads of terrorist cells large government bodies officials I don’t like their odds regardless if personally I believe yes or no now Ukraine has claimed that another ship has been sunk or destroyed in the Black Sea but so far there is no Visual Evidence has been provided for the two in the past now 3 days although all the pages are claiming this now in addition to the mon cover ofet the destruction of a ship which the Navy announced the day before destruction of one more ship the zicon which I believe is a missile carryer is likely he say but zon if the information about zon is confirmed yes there is a possibility and yes it is high in advance we’re talking about the fact most likely two units are affective uh affected sorry what I need to say is there’s been no visual confirmation of either of these two ships yet maybe will come maybe it won’t but everything in this war within 24 48 Hours comes out whether it is ships tanks drones um bloody boats it comes out so hold out again I might seem behind on some news but I like to report it when it is actually confirmed because we do know there’s two Wars there’s the Frontline War there’s really three there’s the Frontline War then there’s the direct informational War which is you know affecting what the targeting is and then there the next sort of or I don’t want to call it the Deep State War but there is the larger economic Financial political war going on as well that we see leaned into and that is much more much more murky to have a look into now where do we want to go do we want to talk about let’s let’s look at the maps I know I’ll bore people if I don’t do that straight off the bat so of course here we have Ukraine the capital of keave the red areas occupy since 22 the purple since 14 of course the green is areas where Russia has been at some point and either has withdrawn or has been pushed out by the Ukrainian forces down here just remember this is where the Kurt straight bridge is that will be relevant in a little bit so let’s come up into North belgrad then har region we can see then an expansion of control on this Eastern part into V chance the first time on the map of deep state is showing then this actual significant breakin into V Chans now what we do know is for the best part of our week we have had GE locations here and for under a week in here as well now finally showing up on this as well as this push out then to the west of which Surak has shown for an amount of time as well but this map I believe is still catching up on what is being made in here too but you can see significant break in into V Chans itself now let’s have a look then at what has been said according to the Deputy Governor he said that the enemy continues to try especially inside v v chance to push craan Armed Forces out of the town about 60% of the city is controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces meaning the assaults do not stop now I don’t have then a surric map update on this direction today although he’s yesterday bringing up to date if we see where this vure river runs through here the claim was that there are no ukrainians on the Northern side so this side of then that vure River now looking at this looking at the Crossing here that could be legit could be not but we do see an expansion of control there and this expansion of control is significant when we take the gains seen over the past year and a half in other areas that any gain is then definitely significant so let’s have a look at some other fronts so we have nothing out on this front of near better stov that we saw yesterday in the past days as well of Russia making a push here but we then do see near St mka here then Russia has had an advancement here as well now what is this trying to do then we don’t know what we do know is that Russia likes to envelop things so maybe there will be a further push here as well as pressure on better stove to try and shorten and collapse the front line down here now I need to have a better look at the ground and I don’t have time for that today to talk about if that is a legitimate goal or not but we are seeing then this ground made here we haven’t seen that area move now for a while now we see no changes down in here near belara although there are a lot of claims coming out about here but we have both Ukrainian and Syria then going against these claims there is no truth to the Russian capture of bka the Russian army is already fighting in the first streets but advances are very difficult to make the Ukrainian Army still controls to Western Hills so it will be impossible for the Russians to recapture this locality if they do not take them there is still a long way to go before the front is unblocked and one on one side or the other now to go against the Russian claims then deep state releaseed as well with footage shown in and around bka as well to show where the Russians are being targeted and where they are sitting here although we have seen some changes in here a little bit recently now someone asked W this isn’t strategically important what I will say any area the sers front through here the amount of changes between better stove and up near deoa here has been very very limited for the best part of the best part of a year and a half potential more any change in here means that there is some strategic importance because is the front line has as held for months upon months then there is significant movement that in turn makes it significant we have heard from Russians themselves in this area how good the defense has been around cerse now if you look at any other front in this on areas made bachot front a divka front Rob botney urani front this is the area that has been the most stable for the longest so any movement here is then significant but we do know the hilly regions in here too are going to be very very difficult with the Quarry here to fighting but deep set itself does show there is some breaking here so we will see more of now we’re just going to come up into this de bravoo region as suriak does have an update just in here as well before we look at some jail location stuff as well so let’s have a look now this isn’t the easiest to see but you can see the border between o blasts here and of course this intersection so what Surak is saying is that Russia is more sort of look where my cursor is making Grand along here of course kinar Forest we know there’s a hell of a lot of fighting in here any Forest built up urban areas that then having just uh numerical advantage of shells and stuff doesn’t really it of course helps it’s never a bad thing but the difference in fighting ability does get drawn back a little bit this why we’re seeing none of this really change for a long time Russian army re are the advances west of deoa taking control of serious positions of Ukrainian Army at the Forest Area very close to kinska electrical substation so we will see what will happen in here and this front like this I’ve spent a lot of time in here two years ago when I was here people thought that this was close to having more effect and still it is sitting fairly solid in here now let’s then uh where’s next let’s ahead and have a look there’s nothing oh sorry there is one small change in ivanovski here this is an area of which which we said that likely both here and here are closed up regardless of if there’s troops in here Russian probably should be shown as Red Zone because there’s not going to be soldiers pushing into here as well that is controlled area even if there aren’t people in here we do see that change there here as well now move down of course we saw a lot of updates yesterday Ry have div conf front no map updates then here today sorry I have one update that I missed around shess of Y and this is actually an important one sorry I have a little bit of footage to show you so we see this footage here now this will be fully on the telegram if you’d like now this is a Russian drone filming then a Russian tank now this isn’t the easiest footage because we are a long way up but once things start moving it’s a little bit easier to see now I’m not going to go fully over it here but you can see it firing as well as we get a little bit on in here we see you can see the tank sitting just down here and then a little bit later you can see the tank then moving here firing on positions inside of chass Y now this has then been geolocated to here so let’s have a look here so tank moving in and around this area on chass if y then we have a look at then the Deep state map and this isn’t even shown within Gray Zone on this so we do know this should definitely be gry Zone potentially Red Zone around here so we do know there’s definitely movement there so apologies for missing that now let’s then have a look down like I said a divk we saw a lot yesterday not much then today do have one Sur update around Neto front here of course the peski front which we spoke a lot about showing more of a push towards then this Reservoir here during the last four days Russian army took control over the parts of n over the battle for the locality is over so saying that Russia has now seized all of this territory and the next step will be Khalifa down here around then these reservoirs here and like we’ve spoken about this potential Spire down here to try and close up a large amount of ground in here the commander we know which is in here that is what he likes to do as we have seen on many separate examples now let’s talk about then no livka nothing in cren RKA we know there’s a lot of fighting but no my livka in here now we have a little bit more footage to show you as well some movements here so let’s look at then the Noel reports map now he is showing more than the Deep state map so we can see right up to where the cursor is here not significant but showing that there is a movement out here near parisia we know that break in has then occurred there we don’t have the Surak map but we have this footage here too this is one of your sort of Batmobile turtle tanks but with a mind sweeper on the front actually hitting what I believe to be multiple mines in a Minefield here and then the vehicle is destroyed but has has protected at least one of the crew members then we see escaping here this is a Russian tank um anti- mine tank roller here escaping from there don’t know the fate of that guy who survived that but then this is then ja located right on the outskirts down in this Paddock so if we have a look exactly where this is it’s right on here so we do know where this border is sitting is probably very close to where then it should be but we do know that there is armored movements in and around here and of course Russia will be trying to advance here whether they’ll come up on the North of this Reservoir and have Fire Control on this to close this or they’ll push on both sides into constantina we are unsure but the the gap between builtup areas here will prove very difficult because it will be a break into each one of these rather than more of a push through like we’ve seen in Neo as well so that is very interesting to see now no more changes in the South on this map including in roboty an area of which we know is probably one of the more important areas in the informational space about what happens here what the claims are in here because if it is seen that what has occurred in here has turned back the Ukrainian gains here that were very costly of course there’s an informational loss here and maps are showing significantly different so let’s look on the western side first so we have roboty here this is the Noel reports map now showing that this defensive work here being this one has now come under Russia control including this road right up into this intersection has come now under Russian control here that is from Ukrainian Source map then we have a look at say the suriak and this shows significantly different again see where this road turns just slightly Northwest here showing much more control over the complete locality here as well as over all the defensive work situations up front during the last 5 days Russian army secured new parts of roboty the urban area of locality is now Under full Russian control so claiming full control of roboty is now under Russian control of course these Maps show very differently but Noel reports shows very differently from all of these Maps I believe in vov so this is vov here and he is showing that just some of these defensive works are in control and that Ukraine still control deep down into within here which is not shown on the Deep state map which we know has ties with the mod so on that I’d lean towards if this map the Deep state is showing the most then that is likely what we are then seeing now we have some interesting footage up in the Lans oblast so of course Lans oblast in here of there has been a Storm Shadow hit here we presume this was a Storm Shadow not exactly sure what was hit yet but we have some very interesting here of a Russian Interceptor then targeting a Ukraine Ian Storm Shadow of course sorry not Storm Shadow a scalp a Storm Shadow scalp are the same thing but a FR scalp is from France intercepting that successfully and taking it down now many have asked why we are not seeing that many Storm Shadow or scalp attacks now there could be there’s probably two reasons for this and I believe they’re not mutually exclusive number one is these are expensive to make and to make them in large numbers we know is unavailable at this time to make large numbers of these and we’ve heard the UK and France talk about the problems with making a lot of these as well as we do know that Russia potentially has a lot better targeting of the system so it’s probably a bit of column a bit of column B if why we’re not seeing these one be as effective and secondly potentially as used as much although no one’s lighting up a beacon and having a siren on for when these get launched so we don’t know how many are actually getting intercepted or not as well as the attack them strikes we’ve seen and reported over the past couple of days the actual effect of those seems to not have been that great when we compare it to like Ukraine’s uh drone strikes over the past few days of targeting then the oil depos refineries we still don’t know how much damage it’s actually done there now speaking of Storm shows and Effectiveness we need to speak about the Kurt Strait Crimean Bridge here now what we have spoken about now for the best part of a year is a Russian rail line that has been reported to be built between rosov miao berans Mel topple and then down into saster pole as well now of course we’ve spoken about this in length and what this does is this does bypass the need for the kurd stra bridge as well as Ukrainian intelligence Ukrainian officials have said that Russia is now not using the bridge for military use as many point towards when are we going to then hit and take down the Kur straight bridge now let’s then talk exactly about this now I have a couple here this is from uh Demetri platuk the head of the Strategic Communication Center the corridor has not been full operational Overland does not connect Crimea with other occupied territories in southern Ukraine as the ra word is only under construction it is being built quite quickly and the Russians plan to use it primarily to provide military logistics for their southern grouping it currently operates on only one section of the railroad nevertheless they have plans to connect rostov with choma as we shown on the map particular uh particularly given that the um so-called croman Bridge does not currently provide sufficient military logistics and we know from Ukraine that they said there no military logistics are moving across that bridge he recalled that Russians hardly use kurch railroad bridge anymore we’re currently monitoring the situation is evident that this section of the railroad this Logistics route will be situated in closer to the contact line from one perspective it facilitates the logistics operations for the enemy this presents an opportunity for us to neutralize it the range of our Weaponry is of course much more extensive in this context rather than the destruction of the bridge so of course because this is going to be sitting closer Ukraine has far more weapons that can hit this but remember you’re taking a railroad on land much much faster fix than taking down a bridge over the bloody sea so they can Russia can fix it more quickly now Russia has a core um that is to fix railroads as well so like he says the railroad is restored quite quickly in case of damage so it does give another way through here yes of course that will be targeted but it can be fixed far faster than this and to link this back to actually sorry this is one of the areas he spoke about that is being built currently just Northwest of Med pool between madon and herit here too but speaking then of the bridge and taking that down we have seen that the German officers in the leaked phone call about the problems and how difficult it would be to take down then the Kurt stra Bridge we have spoken about there’s a limited amount of Storm Shadow and scalp missiles as well now of course there is fite I of everything and with Russia having that increased ability to then hit these and intercept them I do cars doubt on whether the bridge is worth targeting because it’s going to take a hell of a lot of equipment it’s not going to take some drones and some other equipment to take down a bridge bridges are very difficult to take down is it militarily tactically worth the amount of assets that would have to go there including the head numbers are there’s going to be ones intercepted and shot down as well to take down a bridge in which yourself have admitted to it’s not being used for military purposes is it worth it at this point but one thing I will say is it it has a huge symbolical relevance to this war because of course this is connecting Russia to occupied then Crimea and it would be a huge PR win but Ukraine can’t afford to use potentially huge amount of resources on a bridge that by their own admission is not being used for military items so will be very interesting to see what the future of this bridge actually is in here now let’s talk about Estonia and talk NATO troops in Ukraine and the longer this war goes on the more and more likely and I’m probably going to eat my words from months ago against we won’t see NATO troops in here I I think the longer this goes on the more likely we are to see more NATO troops deployed rather than the ones we have seen in officer positions and targeting currently I just I I just see no ending sight of this war and I don’t see you and having the uh military might without that push in to achieve what they say are their goals of victory of Crimea dones and Lans so let’s look at what the Estonian prime minister here kajak kalas has said I know it’s probably pronouncing correctly but regards that uh has denied that Western Nations who support Ukraine sending military personnel to that country primarily to train new Ukrainian troops would not escalate the situation further towards a general War it’s from Estonia this would be the case either from the perspective of provoking the Kremlin or invoking NATO’s Article 5 in the event that those Western Personnel being attacked so saying that even if an attack occurred against these guys training it’s not going to provoke the kremin or enact Article Five now one thing I will say about we do see a lot of these countries and Australia is guilty of this too speaking out against things under the cover of the American German French UK security Banner of militaries at NATO and then um the umbrella of their their nuclear weapons from those states there are countries who are training soldiers on the ground already she has noted so that is something new to then see of course we did realize that was likely happening in Estonia where this approval this is just higher ministers then have to approve it through I believe the parliament would be needed to make the move car is calling on other countries to make the situation is one an open public debate but I think we shouldn’t rule out anything right now we can only have the goal as victory but Ukraine will Define what victory is adding that Ukraine’s definition of victory is the full liberation of its territory including these areas we have spoken about I can’t possibly imagine that if somebody’s hurt there being a NATO troop and those who have sent their people there being the troops and the NATO countries it’s Article 5 let’s bomb Russia it is not how it works it’s not automatic so these fears are not well found founded most NATO members ruled out sending troops to Ukraine in the wake of French president Emanuel macron so I believe as this goes on the likelihood of seeing NATO soldiers here is growing do I believe then it extends the war and that is a pro a provocation well we know exactly what Putin is going to think of that and the last thing I think we want is larger war will that result directly of large War Article 5 no but I think we are tiptoeing towards much more wider War now lastly I just want to talk about zalinski in the interview exclusively with Reuters the hark of offensive today the situation is under control a week ago was more difficult the Western Military Support every decision to which we then later thought together comes to is late by around a year so saying the the support is late we’ve heard this before that by the time Ukraine get what is needed then it is out of date and we’ve seen people Point towards the f-16s being similar to this as well but it is what it is one big step for but before that two steps back so we need to change the Paradigm a little bit and I think we need to walk this path to the end preferably a Victorious one even though today people look somewhat skeptically at the word Victory I understand it is difficult because it is long and we know this victory of clearing Crimea dones luhansk other areas people are now becoming more skeptical of that when they see how long the war has been the losses which have already taken place what’s going in and can this actually being done in that Victoria Victory as we’ve seen the the Estonia prime minister talk about when we never used Western weapons on Russian territory because we don’t have acceptance for that we’re negotiating with Partners so that we can use their weapons against build-ups of Russian equipment on the border and their territory so far there is nothing positive so no one’s really budging on that according to president zalinski so legends that is all then we have for you today hope you’re having a great day uh come and join the telegram if you’d like to support me the links below but look after yourselves I’ll speak to you later on see you byebye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Zelensky allegedly believes that he is being kept in the dark about the situation at the front: Zelensky believes his generals are hiding the truth from him and has taken to shouting at them, The Economist has claimed, citing a government source. Purported fits of presidential rage were mentioned in a Monday report on the situation in Kharkov Region, where Russian forces have gained significant ground over the last month. According to the British newsweekly, Ukrainian troops deployed there are angry at the development and have competing theories about the causes.

    Some blame the U.S. and its allies for insufficient and untimely aid, not unlike Zelensky himself, while others “suspect that incompetence, or even treachery, played a more significant role.” There are also “conspiracy theories” about politicians in Kiev and Washington conspiring to sell the territory “down the river ahead of an ugly peace deal.”

    Denis Yaroslavsky, a local commander who made national headlines for complaining that fortifications that were supposed to prevent Russian advances did not really exist, told The Economist that Zelensky “is being kept in a warm bath” – that is, being told comforting lies by his aides.

    The Economist's anonymous government source said the president has been clashing with Ukrainian generals after allegedly sensing that he was not getting the whole truth about the frontline situation.

    With his term in office having reached its expiry date and the conflict going badly for Kiev, the Ukrainian leader is in a very difficult situation.

  2. 7:53 when UN Say there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And after a 6 month incentive inspection and spending millions of usd of money from UN budget organization. Because to prove the United States' accusations.

    The United States government simply threw Results Investigation out the window and clearly said it did not believe in UN Investigation.

    US government would be a crime to invade Iraq for no honest reason


  4. Hi Willy, are the Nazis doing badly? But it always happens, see the history of the 20th century. Apparently Poland, Romania, Hungary, and the Czech Republic will soon be in the gray zone…….

  5. Doesn't mean you can do what you want? Seriously? If you are a nuclear superpower – you can do pretty much what you want, – that is what the events of the last 60 or so years make glaringly apparent. And if on top of this your currency happens to be the world's reserve currency, – that gives you even more reasons to laugh at the ICC. Your war crimes will never even see the light of day, they won't make it to world press, and if by chance they do, – whoever leaked it, and even whoever printed it – will rot in prison for the rest of one's life. If Julian Assange's fate doesn't tip you off to the kind of impunity United States enjoys from International Law – I don't know what will.

  6. Maria Zakharova, spokesperson of the russian Foreign ministry, already commented Kalas's speech, which can roughly be translated as – some of the countries which had sent "instructors" in Ukraine are already getting them back in bodybags. Let's see if "brave" Kalas is willing to share more details on this.


  8. It really sucks that we weren't willing to help enough with weapons. Because I'm afraid it's gotten to the point that we now MUST send foreign troops into Ukraine to help protect them

  9. CIA created and released covid onto the world. Genocidal maniacs. For what? More wars for profit. Trump did not start a new war for profit, making the powerful military industrial complex very angry. The entire Ukrainian war is a war for profit. All the money goes from taxpayers to Ukraine to the corrupt leaders and the US military industrial complex. War for money. Who are the real fascists now.

  10. Russia was never going to lose . Too big too powerful and on their own land. Ukraine ( nato ) had plenty of chances to end this peacefully and have Ukraine retain most of its country with a number of agreements eg Minsk ,Istanbul , but they preferred to fight . Bad move

  11. Russia took every conceivable step to avoid war, but was left with no choice. Ukraine made a number of fatal mistakes and got a war.

    – brought to power the nationalists / Nazis as a result of the coup d’état in 2014 with the support of the United States. The cost was announced by Victoria Nuland – “We invested $ 5 billion in the revolution on the Maidan.” John McCain on the same stage with the Ukrainian Nazis in front of the crowd in Kyiv 2014 and so on. The attitude of Russians towards the Nazis is special. It is not the same as in the USA or in Europe. 27 million dead Soviet citizens (of which only 8 million were military losses). Each family lost many relatives, each Russian family. Russians have a genetic hatred for Nazism. The US made a big mistake by betting on the cultivation of Nazism heavily mixed with Ukrainian nationalism in Ukraine as a cheap way to fight Russia. They are useful idiots (such is their ideological motivation, they are ready to fight Russia for free.). But it was a guaranteed way to drag Russia into a military conflict. Why not? – thought in the United States and the tangible development of Nazism in Ukraine began rapidly 25 years ago, first painted as patriotism, after 27 years it grew into a violent Ukrainization of everyone. Although 2014 is the climax. The transformation of Ukraine into a Nazi state began back in 1991 after leaving the USSR along the chain – patriotism smoothly flowing into nationalism and then mixed with the ideology of Ukrainians in Western Ukraine on the ideas of Ukrainian nationalists Dontsov and Bandera – as a result, we get Ukrainian Nazism with the veneration of Hitler and his Ukrainian henchmen. The Ukrainian authorities named many streets after them and declared them heroes of Ukraine.

    – prohibition of the Russian language (38% of the population consider it their native language, and 65% of Ukrainians speak it in everyday life)

    – Forced Ukrainization of the inhabitants. The inhabitants of Ukraine are not homogeneous, and political elections over the past 30 years show that exactly half of Ukrainians gravitate towards Russia. As a result of the coup d’etat, people came to power with the ideology of Western Ukraine, which for 700 years was under the yoke of Poland and was brought up by the Poles in a fierce hatred of everything Russian.

    – Ukraine, when leaving the USSR in 1991, did not return Russian highly industrial lands to Russia, which it used while being part of the USSR. This is a huge area. Before joining the USSR in 1922, Ukraine was three small, impoverished, exclusively agrarian regions. These three regions make up only 1/3 of modern Ukraine, the rest 2/3 is the land of the Russian empire. With what she came to the USSR, she must leave with that. But the Russians looked at it loyally (historically a single people, and all that, the strongest kindred mixture of people over the centuries of living together in a single country, and so on) until a threat to Russia began to emanate from this territory.

    – The transformation of Ukraine into a kind of Anti-Russia, as the meaning of the existence of Ukraine as a result of the active cooperation of the Ukrainian elites with Western military circles. Hence the next point.

    – the actual development of the Ukrainian territory by NATO forces without the formal entry of Ukraine into NATO. Here, let me give you a little historical background: Ukraine left the USSR in 1991. And already on March 10, 1992, Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. Already in 1994, she was the first to join the Partnership for Peace program, which made it possible for NATO servicemen to participate in regular joint exercises on the territory of Ukraine since 1995. The military will not let me lie – what do any exercises mean? This is preparation for war. And with whom can NATO fight? For some people who began to delve into the situation a month ago, many things are not clear, but those who have followed politics for the past 40 years are well aware of where the origins come from. This is the Ukrainian party elite of the 80s and the connivance of Yeltsin (a very mediocre and short-sighted politician) to the nationalism of Western Ukraine. Russia would be quite satisfied with a neutral Ukraine (don’t even need to be loyal, just neutral). Russia economically powerfully supported the Ukrainian economy with energy benefits and direct gifts in the amount of 470 billion non-refundable dollars for all these 30 years. Naively believing that the economy is the best guarantee of friendly relations.

    – The beginning of the creation of their own nuclear weapons under President Poroshenko. President Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference in February 2022 confirmed this intention to revise Ukraine’s nuclear-free status. He was applauded by all the representatives of the collective West, and at the same moment, the ultimate goal and the role of Ukraine in it became clear to Russia.

    – A huge number of secret bio-laboratories of the Pentagon (26) on the territory of Ukraine to create bio-weapons of selective action in relation to the Slavic race. It’s right at the Russian borders.

    – 8 years of shelling by Ukrainian troops of territories that did not recognize the Nazi coup d’état in 2014 with numerous casualties among civilians (14,000 people died). Shelling was carried out mainly on non-military infrastructure facilities and villages in the hope of making life there unbearable and encouraging the local population to leave this territory. Their argument (words from a video from a Ukrainian soldier in a trench) is that there are no pro-Ukrainian residents there, pro-Ukrainian people have already left for Ukraine, they are separatists, you can kill.

    All these steps, fatal for Ukraine, were made under the influence of Western countries and led to war. Russia made all diplomatic overtures to prevent such a development of events. Minsk agreements (These are concrete steps to resolve the conflict within Ukraine between the new UN resolution of February 17, 2015 No. S / RES / 2202 (2015) – adopted for mandatory execution)- ignored by Ukraine. In December 2021, Russia sent Requests to NATO and the USA to ensure security for Russia – refusal from NATO and refusal from the USA.

    The question is closed. Russia acted not just logically, but super logically – it began the process of denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine in order to stop all threats. I think the United States would not even bother to do so in such a situation and carried out such a thing even if there was a hint of a threat. I draw this conclusion on the basis of all the pretexts for starting all military operations on the part of the United States over the past 60 years (and if you dig deeper, you can unearth more than one case of far-fetched US military intervention in military conflicts around the world). Everyone remembers about 836 US military bases around the world? 836!!!!

    And already in mid-April 2022, in his interview with the BBC, Zelensky said that the country had begun preparing for a clash with Russia since December 2021. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky revealed his (?) plans. According to him, Kyiv was preparing for clashes with Russia long before Moscow announced the start of a special operation. Judging by the state of the Ukrainian army and Zelensky’s lack of independence, plans to start a war with Russia came from abroad. “We started this war even earlier,” the head of the Ukrainian state said, referring to the beginning of the special operation of the Russian Federation.

    Thus, he indirectly admits his guilt in inciting the conflict with Russia. Zelensky called pumping Ukraine with Western weapons part of the preparations for the upcoming conflict. At the same time, in addition to public agreements with the United States and NATO, Kyiv also conducted closed negotiations with them regarding military assistance. “We non-publicly agreed on certain supplies,” the President of Ukraine admits in the same interview. This interview of the President of Ukraine, given by the BBC, interested Russian investigators. Zelensky inadvertently blabbed about what he should have kept quiet about. The head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin instructed to check the words of Zelensky. He believes that the statements of the Ukrainian leader may fall under the article on planning and preparing an aggressive war. Thus, we can conclude that Zelesky’s curators are striving to create such conditions in Ukraine that are guaranteed to draw Russia into a military conflict. And the brother will begin to kill the brother (historically, this is one people). This is ideal in the eyes of the United States. With his statement, he only confirmed what Russian politicians and experts have always said: NATO was preparing Ukraine for war with Russia. That is, in fact, Zelensky framed his curators.

    Further more interesting. In April 2022, the US Congress approved the supply of weapons to Ukraine through Lend Lease, but this proposal was submitted for consideration (attention here!) January 19, 2022 – almost a month before the start of Russia’s special military operation. After all, then no one could predict the development of events. That is, the West was very interested in drawing Russia into the conflict, and he was preparing for this. Everything had already been calculated and the West was sure that Russia would intervene in response to military operations against the Donbass. Ukraine had to start. But Russia preempted it by only a few days (judging from the documents that Russia got from the Ukrainian headquarters). Thus, many lives of civilians were saved.

  12. You know, normal people avoid people who has no moral compass, because you just know they're going to stab you in the back oneday for some ridiculous reason. But, wow, the way Biden stood up for Netanyahu and Israel, while they're committing crimes against humanity, what a sellout, who's gonna trust the US from now on? This is the problem I have against the US and the Europeans now days, there's no moral compass. I know there's no such thing as good guys and bad guys in geopolitics and it's all just perspective. But Jesus, I couldn't watch Biden trying to defend Netanyahu today, it was just too painful.

  13. The amount that Russia spent on weapons, i wonder if they could have bribed Ukranian officials to accept being annexed by Russia. The cost of one plane or ship is billions and they've lost a few, imagine if they had offered every Ukranian politician 2 billion each to vote for handing over the country without a war

  14. Russia GDP growth 5.6%..BRICS Countries have dumped the Petro Dollar ..get ready folks ..
    NATO Nazi 2.0 and their Fiveyes Zombie Serfs are not going to let this happen..things are going to get very tricky..
    NATO Nazi 2.0 need a Coup in Turkey or they have not got a shit show.

  15. Willy im an American vet of the war in Afghanistan like you are for the Australian military. I know its nice to think we know about war and combat but lets be honest we don't. Afghanistan was mostly a low intensity policing mission. Most of my time was spent training useless ANA troops and patrolling with them, i was more terrified of the ANA than i was of the taliban. But the fact is we dont have a true experience with true high intensity warfare. I kind of hate seeing my peers pretend they know so much about war just because they deployed to Afghanistan. Theres conscripts in this war who are way more well versed in modern combat than any afghan war vet. That goes doubly for countries that didnt even do much in the afghan war. I seen german troops never leave base and literally had no mission, they were just there taking up space.

  16. If the ICC wants to prosecute Putin and Netanjahu, they first need to start with Bush, Bombama, Blair and Cameron and probably many many other western leaders.

  17. My Nation is gross. I'm so sick of the US just getting away with everything. I was all for Israels retaliation but theyve gone way to far. I was all for Ukraine's defense until my govt and the whole world sat on its ass and threw leftover equipment into the coliseum. We go too far one way and not far enough the other? What the actual f*ck? We can aide Israel commit atrocities but we cant actually provide Ukraine a real defense? I see all this and yet there are still dumb asses ogling over these war crimes and bragging about it without a conscience, still propping up the US like its a hero. Its a shit. A big shit.

  18. ICC have no power, but at least it showed there’s some sense of justice. At least, the warrant itself, is a little moral win.

    Defeating Russia is simple – have greater or at least matching numbers, and willing to stomach greater or at least matching casualties.
    Ukraine doesn’t have matching numbers but willing to take the casualties. The question is, is NATO willing to match the number, let alone the casualties.

  19. There's no such thing as "international law", its all just fluff used by global superpowers to justify their political aims. Remember the London Naval Treaty/Washington Naval Treaty or the Treaty of Versailles or the League of Nations? Yeah when the chips fall, the "law" doesn't matter, just power and alliances. Welcome to realpolitik.

  20. Taking out the Kerch bridge is worth it. The Crimean peninsula economy is very dependent on that bridge for a lot of things. Taking out the bridge would make the Russian occupation fail. You have to have food and fuel. Take out the rails and leave the road, the Russians need a way to retreat.

  21. If the ICC wish to be regarded as a credible body where are the arrest warrants for Barack Obama, George Bush and Tony Blair for massive civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan bombings ? Gaza is a minor scuffle in comparison.

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