I’m really fascinated with micro-states especially Liechtenstein therefore i bought this amazing book. And people from Liechtenstein, what are your own opinions about your own country and its history ?

  1. I’m from Liechtenstein and I think our history has loads of stories to tell for such a small country. I find it also fascinating how we were able to keep our neutrality throughout all kinds of European conflicts. I believe it was pure luck that our country wasn’t consumed by any of our neighboring states.

  2. I love listening to my grandparents and their stories and experiences, for example during WW2 and the Cold War.


    Like my grandfather how his family hid a jewish child for a year in their shed.

    Another story my grandmother told me was how my great-grandfather helped a group of Sowiet Soldiers at the end of the WW2 over the Austrian-Liechtenstein Border ( about here [https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B014’33.3%22N+9%C2%B034’00.7%22E/@47.24257,9.566872,437m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d47.2425704!4d9.5668722](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B014'33.3%22N+9%C2%B034'00.7%22E/@47.24257,9.566872,437m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d47.2425704!4d9.5668722)) and how they were shot when they went over the border.


    Or the story about how Liechtenstein was nearly annexed by Nazi-Germany. And how the pastor of Schann stopped the mob to talk to them until other citizens arrived to help him turn them back.

  3. The book is probably the best “non-german” source about Liechtenstein and gives you the gist of it.

    I really like it here (Liechtenstein) and our history (I’m a history teacher) has these great (and not so great) little stories that mirror events in larger countries but have a special “micro-state” spin. You’re probably related to one of the people in the story, you’ve been in “the room where it once happened”…

    We’re probably one of the most secure and prosperous places in the world, especially now (so far 1 death “related” to covid) but then again, women weren’t allowed to vote until 1984… so yeah, still room for improvement….

    …but not when it comes to the military, best military ever. 🙂

  4. It’s an interesting place to say the least. Aside from it’s history I can also recommend reading up on it’s fables and legends. A well known one would be “The Three Sisters”.

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