FINALLY! Ukrainians FOUND and BLASTED the Largest Russian Air Base near Krasnodar with US ATACM’s!

[Music] [Music] welcome to the USS Global YouTube channel Ukrainian troops prepared a big good morning surprise for the enemy this morning Russia’s kusov skaya Airbase was attacked by several drones the airbase suffered heavy damage as a result of the Drone attack authorities announced that su27 fighter jets were damaged according to their data the Russians failed to shoot down at least three drones the attack caused fire and damage to the fighter jet and the Airfield satellite imagery confirmed new damage to the Airfield following the drone strikes the images also show that after the attack the Russian Aerospace forces moved most of the aircraft back to other airfields this is the second drone attack on the kusov skaya military Airbase in the last 3 weeks several aircraft were previously shot down here earlier explosions at the kusov skaya military airbase and the slaviansk oil refinery in Russia’s codar cry occurred on the night of April 27th on 3rd of May British intelligence noted that the Ukrainian attack on the Russian kovia military Airbase probably led to the withdrawal of about 40 aircraft of different types from the area and their dispersal to several airfields further away from the front line the impact is unlikely to be immediately obvious or dramatic but Ukraine has already demonstrated to Russia its ability to strike much farther away from these dispersal sites forcing such dispersal measures means that sorty length will have to increase to maintain the same persistence on the battlefield this in turn will require more fuel increasing the cost and at the same time putting more pressure on air Crews the UK added that Russian war planes from kushev skaya Airfield and some other air bases usually make 100 to 150 sorties a day as previously reported two Russian Mig 31 interceptors were destroyed during a large scale combined offensive in temporarily occupied Crimea on May 145 these incidents have severely damaged the Russian reputation the Russian authorities quickly began preparing for an offensive in order to recover the situation however things did not go quite the way the Russians wanted Ukraine announced that enemy troops had launched a series of attacks on the shadows in the West Center and south of the country Fighters said more than two dozen Russian drones were shot down overnight targeting areas on all sides the governor of the southern molive region said debris from one of the drones damaged a private residents and burned a woman Ukraine’s Air Force said its air defense systems intercepted Iranian style shahad attack drones over the central pava region the southern odisa region on the Black Sea and the Western Lviv region bordering Poland Russia also fired isander ballistic missiles at the northeastern carv region where Russian forces recently launched a ground offensive and captured several Villages the Air Force said Russian air strikes on Ukrainian energy infrastructure have forced providers to impose rolling blackouts to limit consumption the energy Ministry warned of new planned blackouts and said Ukraine was again importing electricity from neighboring Romania Slovakia and Poland after all this the enemy military suffered another unexpected loss the Russians had built a well protected structure on the bmud axis because of attacks on Ammunition Depot the brave ukrainians discovered this structure and immediately took action the nightl long drone War won some victories for Ukraine as border guards destroyed a Russian Ammunition Depot in the [ __ ] area while Air Defense Forces shot down 37 chaad drones drones belonging to the Phoenix Border guard unit destroyed a Russian Ammunition Depot and hit several positions and bunkers belonging to Russian forces in the occupied [ __ ] region the state Border guard service of Ukraine posted a video of the vampire drone strike on its website later Ukrainian authorities issued the following statement border guards used vampires at night to destroy an ammunition Depo a Ural and a uaz and hit the positions and shelters of the Invaders meanwhile Air Force Commander mola oleschuk reported that Ukrainian air defense shot down all 37 Shahed 131 136 attack aircraft launched by Russia according to the report Russian forces launched the drones from primor akar and ksk regions anti-aircraft missile units of the Ukrainian Air Force Mobile fire groups and electronic warfare units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces took part in repelling the Air Attack all 37 drones were shot down in Kiev Odessa molive Sumi venitzia jomir chery and keran regions as Russia and Ukraine Target each other’s territory with drone strikes and air strikes hitting Urban centers and energy facilities both sides are looking for ways to inflict damage beyond the battlefield the Russian military said it shot down about 60 Ukrainian drones over Southwestern Russia’s Kadar region which Ukraine has increasingly targeted in recent weeks because it is home to energy and military installations that support combat operations local Russian officials said an oil refinery was hit in the strike a Ukrainian security official speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military matters said Ukrainian drones hit the refinery as well as military airspace in the region Russian officials have not commented on the reported attack on the airport Ukrainian officials said Russia struck Northeastern Ukraine including the city of KV killing at least 10 civilians and wounded more than 20 others Russia has not commented on the strikes which could not be verified by independent sources KV Ukraine’s second largest city has been hit by Russian missiles in recent months which military experts say is a Russian tactic aimed at creating panic and forcing residents to flee attacks on logistical centers and Troop concentrations deep Behind Enemy Lines have been constant in this war but it has become become even more important for Ukraine which is trying to relieve troops trying to contain Russia’s Advance on the ground by disrupting moscow’s military operations since the fall Russia has gained the upper hand on the battlefield allowing it to launch attacks on different parts of the more than 600 mile front line to probe and break through Ukrainian defenses recently it opened a new front near KV in northeastern Ukraine quickly capturing sever settlements and forcing the Ukrainian Army to redeploy units there from other hotspots on the battlefield Russia is now looking for ways to make the most of the situation by breaking through the thinning Ukrainian lines the Ukrainian general staff reported more than 80 Russian attacks in the past day many of them took place in the southeastern denet region which Russia annexed in 2022 but does not fully control in particular the Ukrainian military said it repelled a major Russian offensive involving tanks on the Ukrainian stronghold of chivar one of Russia’s main Targets in the donet region over the course of months of bloody offensives Russia has gradually begun to retake Ukrainian territory analyst posi perin of the Finnish Blackbird group who analyzed satellite imagery and Battlefield combat footage said Russia has gained more territory this year than Ukraine lost in last year’s summer counter offensive part of Ukraine’s strategy to thwart this slow but steady Advance has been a sustained air campaign against Russian facilities that Supply tanks ships and war planes with fuel and other refined petroleum products six Ukrainian drones attacked an oil refinery in slaviansk in Russia’s kodar region forcing it to shut down the the campaign also appears to be aimed at undermining the Russian energy industry which is at the center of the Russian economy and the war effort the strikes have disrupted about 14% of Russia’s oil refining capacity and increased domestic gasoline and diesel prices in Russia by 20 to 30% the United States said in a report last week the report only covered the two-month period from late January to late March Russia also said it intercepted nine Ukrainian missiles heading toward Crimea the Ukrainian Peninsula that Moscow illegally annexed in 2014 Moscow has turned the peninsula into a military logistics Hub to send troops and ammunition to the southern Battlefield it is also used as a launching pad for drone and missile attacks later in the day some steps were taken that will stab the Russians in the heart the United States and Europe are coalescing around a plan to use interest earned on Russia’s Frozen Central Bank assets to provide a loan that will be used for military and economic aid to Ukraine this would potentially provide the country with a multi- billion doll Lifeline as Russia’s war effort intensifies treasury secretary Janet L Yellen said in an interview the other day that various options for using the $300 billion in dormant Russian assets remain on the table but she said the most promising idea for the group of seven countries was a loan to Ukraine backed by profits and interest income from Russian assets held in Europe Finance Ministers of the group of 7 will meet in Italy later this week in the hope of finalizing a plan they can present to heads of state ahead of a meeting of group leaders next month the urgency to find a way to provide more financial support to Ukraine is growing as the country’s efforts to fend off Russia show signs of faltering I think we’ve seen a great deal of Interest among all of our partners in a credit structure that would bring forward windfall profits Miss yelen said during a flight to Germany where she is holding meetings ahead of the group of seven Summit yelen continued it would generate a significant upfront amount that would help meet the needs that we anticipate Ukraine will have both militarily and through reconstruction for months Western allies have been discussing how far to go in using Russian Central Bank assets the US believes it would be legal under international law to seize the money and give it to Ukraine but many European countries including France and Germany have been wary of the legality of such a move and the precedent it would set although the United States recently passed legislation that would have authorized the Biden Administration to seize and confiscate Russian assets the desire to act in concert with Europe has largely scuttled that idea European Union countries agreed in principle this month that they would be willing to use 90% of the profits to buy arms for Ukraine through the European peace facility an EU structure that would fund military aid and its own military missions the remaining 10% will go to Recon construction and non-lethal purchases to satisfy militarily neutral countries like Ireland Austria Cyprus and Malta around €90 billion EUR of Russian Central Bank assets are held by Euro CLE Belgium’s Central Securities depository the assets generate around $3 billion a year in interest that could be transferred to Ukraine but using the interest as the basis for a loan could provide Ukraine with a much larger upfront payment potentially up to $50 billion the method of delivering the money still needs to be developed the World Bank or another International Organization could be the intermediary it also remains unclear how the loan will be repaid if the war ends before the bond matures or if interest rates fall and income from the assets is insufficient to repay the loan such details are expected to be discussed among Finance ministers later this week they hope to provide additional funding to Ukraine this summer Miss yelen said the allocation of the money to Ukraine is critical to show Russia that it cannot Outlast Western support M yelen continued I think Russia is playing a waiting game and they have a view that the United States and our partners have long lost the will to support Ukraine showing that we have the ability to convert the proceed from frozen assets into a flow of support to Ukraine is I think an important way to show that we’re not about to give up it shows that we can help in the aftermath of all this Russia has made some renewed attempts to recover its lost credibility while Kiev is trying to stop a new Russian offensive Russian forces are opening a new front in the war by expanding their offensive against Ukrainian border settlements near the northeastern city of kov mobile units of Russian troops are trying to capture Ukrainian Villages including vchan and lipy located 30 km north of KV Ukraine has fired missiles at Russia from the border region including deadly strikes on the Russian city of belgrad Defense analyst Patrick bur of the University of bath in the UK said Moscow wants to stop the attacks Barry continued his statement as follows I think there’s more than one reason for Russia to try something here to create a buffer zone of course but also to test the defenses and see what happens but the way the Russian forces are set up and the amount of troops they have maybe 30,000 to 40,000 not that much armor they attack in small infantry groups this doesn’t mean that they are actually trying to make an arrangement surrounding KV or something like that KV said the the other day that its defensive moves were slowing the pace of moscow’s Advance Jack Watling an analyst at the Royal United Services Institute in London said that Russian attacks are likely to continue Jack Watling continued his statement as follows Russia’s aim is not to achieve a major breakthrough but rather to convince Ukraine that it can continue its Relentless Advance on the front kilometer by kilometer having pushed push the ukrainians it is easy to understand the outlines of Russia’s summer offensive first there will be pressure on KV Ukraine must send troops to defend its second largest city and given the size of the Russian Force grouping in the region this will draw down critical material reserves from air defense to artillery second Russia will put pressure on the other end of the line first by threatening to reverse Ukraine’s gains from the 2023 offensive and second by putting the city of zapoi at risk Ukraine needs to neutralize this offensive but this will require the determination of the reserves meanwhile Ukrainian forces are still waiting for the bulk of arms deliveries under the $60 billion US Aid package finally approved last month after a 6month delay Ukrainian MP Seri Rak manin a member of the Parliamentary committee commented us Aid is very important so the unfortunate pause in arms deliveries has had a significant impact on the situation on the front line and this is what we are seeing now Ukraine says Russian Jets and missiles can easily attack its positions before the Infantry can mobilize Kiev has repeatedly asked for more air defense systems especially us-made Patriot missiles Germany has a agreed to supply Ukraine with two Patriot batteries and the US is reportedly working to provide another unit analyst Patrick burry said the weapons would start arriving in the coming weeks Barry continued the US for example has pre-positioned stock pillies of supplies in Germany and also has strategic irft to move them quickly from the US if needed but it will take some time to produce the number of shells Ukraine now needs s and at the moment Russian shells outnumber them by at least five or 6 to one last month Ukraine passed a mobilization Bill to address Personnel shortages rusi’s Watling said Russia has amassed a force of 510,000 troops Watling continued this means that Russia has established a significant numerical superiority over the Ukrainian Armed Forces according to MP Rock Manan the next 3 months will be crucial for Ukraine the Russians now have a window of opportunity the Ukrainian armed forces have been reduced in strength and the Russians feel it they have accumulated quite sufficient resources they are trying to distribute our forces along the entire front line Rak Manan emphasized but can Ukraine and its Western allies turn the tide of the war analyst burry gave the following answer to this question in the the medium term their chances of retaking significant territory seem to be diminishing none of this is going to happen right now unless there is some kind of Step change such as a major Force building package with Western backing and a long-term strategy for what success will look like then I think Ukraine will remain on the defensive and hold its ground ruse’s Watling agrees with bu the Outlook in Ukraine is Bleak but if Ukraine’s allies act now to replenish Ukraine’s ammunition stockpiles help build a robust training Pipeline and make industrial Investments to sustain the effort then Russia’s summer offensive could be blunted and Ukraine could get the breathing space it needs to regain the breathing space it needs to regain its defenses in the wake of all this British defense secretary grant shaps called on Germany to provide Ukraine with long range missiles and allow them to be used in attacks on Crimea shap said that the UK considers Crimea to be part of Russian occupied Ukraine and that his country has allowed Ukraine to use the weapons provided by Ukraine to strike Russian Targets in Crimea in his view Partners should do the same shaps continued what I would like to see is that all of our partners including Germany have the ability to provide these long range weapons but but not allow them to be used in Crimea which is part of Ukraine these are the things that need to happen first shaps called on other European countries to increase Aid to Ukraine emphasizing that the West is in a situation where there is a fight for democracy and at the same time Aid to Ukraine is overdue shaps then concluded his remarks as follows we have to understand that we are in an existential struggle about the way we govern the world order about democracy itself thank you for tuning in

FINALLY! Ukrainians FOUND and BLASTED the Largest Russian Air Base near Krasnodar with US ATACM’s!

  1. Why are we sending weapons there? Does Biden want war with Russia?. Ukraine is not in NATO nor is it our ally other than Bidens ally. I do not want my tax dollars going to a corrupt country that is no democracy it was a coup.

  2. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

  3. ГСроям слава, Π’ΠΈΠ½Π΅ΡΡ–Ρ‚ΡŒ ΠŸΠ΅Ρ€Π΅ΠΌΠΎΠ³Ρƒ Π£ΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ—Π½ΠΈ Π² ΠΏΡ–Π΄Π²Π°Π» ΠšΡ€Π΅ΠΌΠ»Ρ

  4. Endlich ihr seid die besten kΓ€mpfer und Helden der Ukraine πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™macht weiter so meine Freunde der Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ’ͺπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ™β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸͺ–πŸ‘ŠπŸ’ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‘

  5. ❀❀❀❀❀❀Es lebe die Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸͺ–πŸͺ–πŸͺ–πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️

  6. Big difference between Ukraine and Russia, Ukraine is fighting for their home land's while the Russians are being given orders from a true madman, "Putin" .

  7. Blackwater founder Erik Prince thinks Ukraine cant survive its conflict with Russia as an independent country.
    PUBLIC DEBT = $145.3 billion in 2023 & 2024 and 2025 – to 98.6% and 100.7%, respectively
    MIGRATION = 6 million left Ukraine. In a few years the pension pop will be twice as much as workers?
    ECONOMY if Russia takes Odessa the economic viability of Ukraine is lost—kaput……..

  8. Damaged 1-2…planes, a bit of a destroyed runway, and that's what they call a heavy destroyer strike, they just gave the Russians an opportunity to withdraw a lot of fighters, such opportunities will be fewer and fewer…

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