On The Ground INTEL Reveals Russia’s Next Objective – Wagner Return? – Ukraine War Map Analysis News

get out Legends I hope that you’re having so far a fantastic day and here in Australia it is a Wednesday so happy midweek halfway through the week getting towards then the weekend now today we have a lot to go we’ll talk about the scalp Storm Shadow strike yesterday in Lans a bit more information has come out about that talk about potentially NATO intercepting missiles over Ukraine we’ll talk about claims in the Black Sea Fleet look at frozen assets of course we’ll look at the maps we need to talk about the Italian defense minister and his health but the majority of this video is going to be about up in the north and what is happening there as I’ve been sent some information across from a very trusted sourcer mine of course has to remain anonymous but is very reliable confirmed on the ground we’ve met before all of this so really good send it across with some imagery with some geolocations and with what potentially may actually be happening up in the north H and as given what I haven’t seen reported as well as where the front may actually in har so we’ll talk about that and we’ll look at some footage of some other soldiers operating here as well as some other geolocations too so let’s have a look at the map straight off the bat so here is Ukraine and the capital of keev the red areas occupied since 22 the purple of course since 2014 now the green is areas where Russia has been in this initial 22 till now not the 2014 but has either withdrawn or been pushed out of these regions now there is a of a lot of fighting and zinski has said more fighting down in the East than in the north but most eyes are up in this North as it is the new front that has occurred and of course could be very strategically important depending on what Ukraine has to do with reserves to counter this of course this is where the fear that Russia may open another front in KK and Sumi and will further have to move forces around and of course the attempt here is to try and thin out the Ukrainian defenses in other regions of the front that’s column A and column B is I think also to create that sort of 10 or 15 km buffer zone for belgrad but this is the area we need to talk so the hariv sort of belgrad front now this map shows no updates in here today but I’m not interested yet in what updates we’re seeing here I’m interested in what my friend has sent me across about the axes of advance in here so sent across this imagery here of two fires so this is lipy here just to the East and this is s this is zeleni I’ll show the G locations to fill it in and another large fire happening on the ground here now these are important but it will all stack together so this is the jail location of the one to the east of lipy so the uh left one here and then this is the geolocation of then the right one right here now the exact location doesn’t matter but I will show you then on this map so here we have Lipsy so it’s about here and veli about here so a fairway behind Where The Red Zone Gray Zone actually is on what ordinance has caused then these fires this is coming together don’t worry about it now let’s have a look at what my friend has told me also sorry before we get into that he said these are about 700 M that is actually burnt referring to large ordinance here but he said lipy ain’t the Left Flank it’s the central keep an eye on iash that will be the left Eastern flank horn worked at the distance of those Scorch marks and Rising smoke left is about 200 M long and the right is 700 big ordinance so this is the interesting part and the map that he has then sent across now this isn’t the easiest to see but this is Sumi this is V Chans and lipy here and II up here so let’s actually have a look at where he’s doing this I know this may not be easy to follow along I apologize but let’s have a look now this is that first front who was speaking of that will be the left this is lipy this is veli so of course the Russian advancement looks something like this at the moment and something like this is V Chun then over here so saying that this here will become the left and at leftmost Western flank of this as well as V chance on his map then shows a much further push down I just need to remember to malania so I’ve just had to change the map a little bit to show you this but this is basically we just had to shift it down and then malanka here and of course this is H so his map showing some TR advancement down to malanka and of course that the eastern most and this then the Western most and we haven’t seen any front line opened up here as it is a long way from what we are seeing potentially as what we thought may have been the eastern most flank so let’s measure this we’re talking about Marathon distance 40 km away from there and this is what he’s showing on his map just to line this up in here so lipy veli front where we’re seeing these fires in around here as well as the V chansy front as well as this Iasi area as well now again this is just speculation on my behalf but it’ll be very interesting to see that and it is interesting to see what people are saying to very knowledgeable about what is happening directly down in here so you can see right down where this malanka is and maybe an attempt on har we don’t know if this is possible or not but we need to speak about all possible situations that may occur here and he’s also said this there’s a large thunderstorm coming there and the Russians often exploit the weather so it will be very interesting to see exactly what is happening here now we have some GE locations in Chans as well now we have the Noel reports map sitting here now this is showing fairly similar I’ll say maybe more advancement in V chance area but again very similar now on this Eastern side here it is showing more down into staria as well down here but not as much fill out in here as the mod map so it probably should go across here if Ukraine mod deep state is confirming this we know that’s definitely an occupied region in there but has put on his map as well this then geolocation so if we look at where this Lins up it’s just about here at the district court and a Russian soldier here then has the sign off the front of the building confirming that now the amount of footage we’re actually seeing of the Russians here is very very limited but some is starting to come out and this came through a Russian telegram chat our boys took a little break during the storming of V chunk the mood is good the Vagner boys look comfortably out the window Ukraine is too late the boys are no longer in the building but moved further south so I watch this and these guys are definitely under areas of fire here you can hear some shelling in the background as well but as this camera then turns we can see just need to pause in the right area interesting patch on the front of this guy equipment of course we recognize that as the Vagner PMC and what you can see is some soldiers here hit it out significantly better than others some have cans on weapons some have better camouflage all of this now what we have looked at before is better soldiers leading less experienced and we’ve talked at length about this off another contact of mine and this was to do down in chass of Y at the front the vdv the paratroop is led by spzn they’re in small teams utilizing hit- and run tactics along their joint fires capability and it’s working well and they’re gaining ground fast so joint fire capability is anything to do with more fire so artillery tanks aircraft but in this typically will be artillery and drone small hard fast teams in and out something the ukrainians should be doing and that’s what I would do the Russians are constantly learning and amending their tactics speaks about the Ukrainian command if he’s not really happy with what is happening there and I wouldn’t be surprised and this is speculation on my behalf if we’re seeing the better troops of vagna PMC the full-time guys ex Special Forces guys leading smaller teams of maybe lesser experienced in and doing these then missions that lines up with what many um Coalition forces did in Afghanistan in mentoring task phes of then that war to some success this is what like say Green Berets then specialize that and this was from months ago speaking about spit nar’s then vdv doing that and we have seen Vagner of course push across into bellus to train forces there as well so interesting lineup I think on on all of that and I hope I hope you guys got something out of that maybe I didn’t articulate it great enough but you have an idea of what could then be the Far East sorry Far Western Flank In harv and the Far Eastern as well that will be very interesting to see what happens further on now speaking Just One Last Thing involved chance this should have been the other folder but we do have that Russia are dropping a lot of Fabs in this area as well Fabs are coming into hariv too but that this is on a building here I don’t a direct duration of this but this is said to be a Fab 1500 coming in and of course major major explosion from those and as we do know and I’ve spoken about the further that this has pushed in in some areas 10 km gives the weapon systems here another 10ks of range so let’s say there was a defensive line that was built through here just just for sake of this and that the weapon systems here this is 30ks that when the Border was back here a lot of these Fabs couldn’t then reach that if they need to be fired from back here somewhere as well as then out of range of some of the mlrs systems too but now that there is an advancement here maybe this has taken into account that now it can hit defensive positions it’s not only the front line we need to look at we need to look at further back and where bits of ground will give of course uh the advantage in some strategic weapons this is what was so important about Ukraine needing to get to tokm Mar in their counter offensive so to get to to Mark then they would have full fire control over areas down until the Sea of Azo to get to here then you’ve got 60k so there are high M systems blah blah blah that will then ret it and this was before the longer range came in but into here you’re talking a lot longer so this is the importance of other areas and advancements even if on the surface may not look too important so that lines up with what I want to speak about up in the north now let’s have a look at some other areas now we spoke about yesterday there’s claims and bilka no changes on this of course both sides that I used the maps of were saying that there is no truth to biva then falling and being under Russian occupation but we do have footage today said to be of to1 thermobaric multi multiple launch rocket systems landing on bka and you can just see the absolute hell unfold that these systems then create it is unbelievable there’s thunder outside I thought my audio was up but there’s thunder outside um lined up it was like I was in a threedimensional movie at bloody one point so you can just see the amount of fires on here as well from then those systems so Russia obviously is trying to make some movement here or just flatten areas to try and push through now let’s move down into the buck moot front now this map has updated showing a breakin into the east of chiv Y now of course we have this river through here and this bridge has been then taken down we did know that a Russian tank was operating in this vcinity so This should at least be Gray Zone here but showing that there is some level of break in there and that is an important update on this map to then show we don’t have that shown on our other map then we will push down then further I thought there was another update here no I’m wrong then we’ll come down into then a divka and we can see multiple updates here so a westly push out of Z and then a southernly push out of this oser rney front here I believe trying to close this then up get some more ground in here as we can see expanding this sort of nub that they’ve made pushing out of here eventually well depends the map this is saying it’s closed I believe if this is all gray Zone where the river runs I would imagine even if there’s no Russian soldiers in here that the defensive line would sit here you wouldn’t really want to be in here having to cross back across Logistics and everything across this River but regardless and then we have nalo this major southernly push out of here capturing some areas in the direction of nelski as well pushing down here and I think the next goal here will be khiva because if we zoom out let’s have a zoom out if Russia was to get to khiva the next town along here this puts a lot of pressure to to the south on crer hika where Russia are having a hell of a lot of fighting but it also puts a lot of pressure North in these regions if they are able to expand out to here somewhere you get these sort of two envelopments in here and then further Fire Control so that will be interesting to see and I think in the East that may be Russia’s next goal then in this direction now let’s have a look at no my livka I do have a uh Map update just here from suriak he’s only one today so situation Southwest D ask during the last four days Russian army increased the buffer zone around no my livka by taking some position Northwest uh so Northwest and west of the locality so down in this region here and just up in this padic in here so expanding control outwardly from there but this is the only map updates we have on this and nothing on roboty here although more maps are now showing more control in here I think we may drip feed in some uh map updates down there so let’s talk about in Odessa hon region we have video here we’ve seen this before but we don’t see it that often of a Ukrainian Naval drone operating in the Black Sea down here this is it here firing an unguided Rockets out in a direction now I’m no expert on this but I would imagine that it is one of the helicopter rocket pods uh potentially they all went off at the same time which tells me maybe not that regardless unguided Rockets then fired out said to be then in the direction we lose tracking here eventually in the direction of I believe the tendra spit here so again we see a lot of unguided rockets I question uh the effectiveness of that especially on water in such a small vessel if you’re like in a tiny compared to a yacht how much any chop in the water does but it may just be seeing a reaction of what happens and sort of like reconnaissance by fire firing something in and see then what occurs there but it’s interesting to see the development then of course of those drones now uh Ukraine has claimed two ships one has been destroyed and one attacked over the past 72 hours 96 hours maybe now but we haven’t had any evidence com out yet no satellite imagery no video from the Russians no nothing the Russian Black Sea Fleet they always put a non- capital has lost a warship again so lost a warship typically to me would then mean destroyed May 19th ukra Defenders hit Cyclone this Corvette uh sorry Corvette uh ship but again we haven’t seen any evidence yet of those two uh what you know the first one now you’re looking at 72 hours typically would always have some level of evidence before then but I guess we will just wait and see now yesterday we spoke about uh the actually now let’s let’s speak about this the Italian defense minister now uh it’s been today reportedly hospitalized after falling ill during a meeting in Italian Supreme defense Council crosetto who was 60 was reply taken ambulance to this Hospital in Rome after suffering from chest pains and this is suspecting of what they are saying that it is now the Italian defense minister we have spoken a lot about him before as from the defense ministers in NATO I actually believe he’s the most outspoken about this war publicly that I have then seen we actually spoke about him just the other day and I recognized the name and I thought I’d bring this back up so on May 6th ital’s Italy’s defense minister said on Monday economic sanctions against Russia had failed and called on the west to try harder that g cretto so same guy here um told the West that he wrongly believed that sanctions could stop Russia’s aggression instead the way to resolve this crisis is to involve everyone a truce and then peace and let’s take a look at what he actually said then in this interview I’ve been saying the result of this war is the sum of whoever has the most man and most means he who has the truth or Justice on his sides does not win even in ude I argued in international forums and when speaking with seninsky when he came to Rome that the Ukrainian counter offensive so 23 would not be successful to Russian military superiority and could be detrimental to the outcome of this conflict but I wasn’t listening to and I’ve spoken about this before that I think that 23 offensive by Ukraine really had a net negative result overall we haven’t seen any offensive actions since then now a year later would have it been better to save that and have it this year but was their Western pressure on Ukraine to show results uh blah blah blah where the possibility of helping ukrainians to resist with every help within the limits of what’s possible to have time and the conditions for building truce and peace I won’t say anything about the contents of the decree because it like previous ones it is classified but I can talk about it to Kar what is made clear to the public opinion in the military field Italian and Western production capacity is as much lower than that of the dark side of the force that is Russia Iran North Korea they have transfer transformed into war economies and we do know with shells North Korea delivered more shells to Russia in 23 than the entire West did in 23 and that is something incredibly concerning yes I know those shells will not be as good but are we seeing a dramatic difference in the front line I’m not meaning behind line on the front line between a good shell and a mediocre shell no are we seeing a massive difference in a t9s performance to a t60 performance not really so you know I think there is this quantity over quality that we are seeing in the front line because if that quality Equipment can be jammed such as you know GPS guided shells then you just have a bunch of expensive shells that are just regular now shells and you of course will have less of them um even if even if we can’t tax the Giants of the web what they belong to the West we can stop economically those states such as Russia which moreover they trade with the entire Globe which is the West is now one small part and I think into the future in our Liv times we will see the um unipolar world turn into more of a multipolar word I believe we are seeing this and I believe this conflict as well as what’s happening in Israel Gaza has actually sped up that dramatically are we deluded about sanctions many times behaviors of the world didn’t exist changed we like those French Nobles who did not realize that their palaces would not defend from them from a new class of hungry people that was about to arrive we always thought that it was enough uh the West to stop Russia and the sanctions a result of the fact that we are still stuck in the idea that the world is our world instead the world is much bigger and we can only solve this crisis to involving everyone first with a truce and then peace so incredibly interesting to see I hope that he’s all right you know I likeing people who have spoken out in their own way about how they feel about things even if it’s going against the grain now yesterday we had a look at a scalp that was intercepted we showed some footage of where one had hit but at that time we had no real idea what was going on again it is hard to know what has happened here so this telegram which is not one that I’d use typically so again grain of salt but a um a blow was struck at the complex of buildings at the ministry of internal affairs in luhansk people Republic the event took place in a village saying as a result 13 soldiers were killed and another 26 in injured with these scalp missiles there was a meeting being held so interesting of what they are saying has happened there but let’s talk about this with this strike we need to put things in what is most likely here so I can’t confirm exactly what or wasn’t hit but the firing of a scalp due to the cost of these the availability then the targeting chain and procedural Hoops that we need to jump through it would likely need very solid Intel actually before firing these meaning that there’s likely something there same with Calas aanders these systems of which don’t have millions of and they’re very expensive you can say that there must be some more solid Intel going forth before then that is fired exactly the same with storm shadows and scalp so yeah and I think it was interesting of one of my in guys raised appointment that we know due to the leaked uh phone call between German officers that the United Kingdom and French and the French have members in Ukraine assisting with these weapon systems and I think we often forget that these are UK and French officers in Ukraine using UK and French weapon systems targeting Russian commanders equipment and targets now whether or not you see this as an issue that’s beside the point but at this we can’t deny the direct involvement of NATO within this war now let’s have a little look about potential more NATO involvement with air defense now this is from a interview New York Times and zalinski now his animated he ticked off his checklist of actions he believed his allies should take to support Ukraine he argued that NATO should shoot down Russian missiles in Flight over Ukraine saying that it would be purely defensive tactic and pose no risk of direct combat with Russian forces now depending on what is fired whether it’s air defense from an ad system or intercepting from an Airborne system say missile off a fighter jet range could be the issue because you’re going to be out somewhere over Romania Hungary Slovakia Poland how much range to actually hit these systems depending where they’re going but areas like Lviv potentially K would be uh more protected by this but I write here in my note as well missile numbers we do know that you know a lot of countries are finding it hard to find extra Patriot systems and interceptors and all this how many systems one could actually go in we know there been issues with that but how many interceptors are actually there as well to do this there could be more of a problem than these countries may want to give it in may want to do this but how many do they actually have then for if it went wider so my question is what’s the problem why can’t we shoot them down is it defensive yes is an attack against Russia no are you shooting down Russian planes and killing Russian Pilots no so what’s the issue with involving NATO countries War there’s no such issue shoot down what’s in the sky over Ukraine and give us the weapons to use against Russian forces on the borders so here he wants weapons to be able to be used Within These border regions Western weapons but wants the West wants NATO to hit Ukrainian missiles over here and again with the example I gave before about scalp Storm Shadow I can see zin’s frustration of why is this then a problem that you know we we talk about red lines but we’ve jumped across a lot both ways Russia’s crossed a lot we have crossed a lot so it’ll be interesting to see if that will go forward and I think potentially that could go forward but I am unsure I I I know how Russia will react to it but are they going to drop a bom a Warsaw no so I don’t know I can see zin’s frustration there but it will be interesting to see exactly what then happens but of course I think NATO’s tiptoeing involvement when we know you know behind closed doors there’s a lot more than spoken about but again maybe they see that as then more direct now Germany warms the US plan to tap Frozen Russian assets for Ukraine funds so 50 billion in Aid to Ukraine a leverage to Future Revenue generator this is what we need to talk about it’s not the Frozen asset here of around the world talking about about $300 billion but it is the revenue generated on top of that which the example gave the other day that if your bank got frozen because the bank didn’t like you even that revenue generated legally that is yours and it may have distrust other um people in then putting money with those assets countries banks on a smaller level so I don’t know I see this as we talk about the concern about unipol to multiple world I can see the the money going in here it’s a good way to generate in the billions of dollars so let’s talk about if you even got you know 5% return on this 10% return I don’t know what they’d be looking at but you could be talking2 22 billion $5 billion a year year potentially more potentially less but I can see why they’re looking at this as money rebuild and it’s Russia doing that but larger scale I think there should be real concern about distrust now in these systems like my friend said if you’re a Chinese Saudi UAE billionaire from somewhere or you own a company or whatever would you then be like oh so if China does invade Taiwan although I have nothing to do with it I’m a billionaire operating over here they will freeze all my assets okay I’m going to not invest this in the US dollar in the euro in the pound I think I don’t know I’m not a financial guy but this to me gives some red flags I don’t not support the money but I think there could be further on some long-term implications of this as well as we already know that there is this leveling out of different areas and involvement around the world anyway legends that went actually quicker than I’d thought look out yourselves have a great day have a great rest of the week uh I may or may not see you tomorrow I’m getting the surgeon to relook at my elbow because I’m having some problems with it but look after yourselves and I’ll see you soon thanks bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. It's not the involvement of NATO. It's the involvement of individual counties making unilateral decisions. Britain & France having advisors in Ukraine is not NATO.

  2. thanks for the excellent unbiased analysis, but I wanted to clarify at 9:26 this is not a FAB, this is an ODAB 1500 (A volumetrically detonating aviation bomb) This is a thermobaric bomb, not a high explosive

  3. Why would the Russians expend so much to expensively militarily subdue such an expansive centre as Kharkov itself, when it will be surrendered with Ukraines capitulation anyway?

  4. Willy is on the side that totally shut down media, voting, and is now conscripting people into a war thay do not want to fight.. just stop and think about that for a moment.

  5. The US ordered the destruction of the Black Sea fleet. Strategically it only benefits the US, just like the undersea pipelines. Making deals with the devil only leads you to eventual destruction.

  6. What is the definition of a corrupt dictatorship? Most western countries have been over run by a beligerent occupation. Pay for play? its all about companies and corporations. and thats sad to say but its true.

  7. This makes me think of the USSR -Germany war so much. In 1941 Germany almost rollled over Russia. In 1943 Russia had fully adapted, starting to use the same tactics against Germany. Russia reeled was almost routed out of Charkov, now they are back with well adapted troops and equipment. Even their economy was turned into a war economy in 2 years time. Still NATO still thinks it can win this war.

  8. I watch alot of stuff. Your definitely pro Russian. Make up your fucking mind man. Everyday your saying something new that makes no sense. Almost done tuning in.

  9. No western country is going to declare any peace terms.
    Russia will decide the when, the where and the how of complete unconditional Ukranian capitulation.
    May as well stop dreaming and reading drivel regurgitated by NATO

  10. NATO shoooting down missile etc over Ukraine is basically say we are at war with Russia and Russia will legitimatly attack NATO bases where the equipment that shot their missiles etc down and even beyond that. If NATO are condering this, they are playing a very risky game.

  11. Can Europe permanently replace cheap Russian gas? Does Europe really want to keep paying more money for US gas, because of the war US caused? I don't know, that sounds really stupid to me. But, if Europe wants Russian gas after the war, then they have to pay the money back. So, Europe is basically borrowing money to give to Ukraine which Europe will be liable for later on. Is Europe broke or something? US is taking Europe for a ride, and I don't know if I should laugh about it or feel sad for them.

  12. Willy can make one video and run it on loop of Russian advancing and Ukraine retreating for the foreseeable future, this ain't changing folks. You Ukraine fanbois better get used to it. Embrace the butt hurt.

  13. Lets thank god we have Aussie reporting the hard facts about some unnamed friend of his saying what could maybe potentially happen specutavely. Whew. Grounbreaking info.

  14. Using initial push of 90K militias and RU crack troops to get Zelensky and NATO to realize the gravity of the situation and withdrawals after getting the signature in Istanbul is somehow held as Russian military defeat, hahaha! Oh and they couldn't conquer Kiev, as if they intended!?

  15. If you allow NATO countries to shoot Down Russian aircraft firing within their own countries on the border of Ukraine, then whats to stop Belarus shooting down Ukrainian aircraft from their country into Ukraine, whats good for the Goose is good for the Gander! Right?

  16. That FAB-1500 was just a warmup, they're in full production of the FAB-3000, and those are going to make life completely unlivable when those start dropping regularly.

  17. No one will storm Kharkov, at least until Kupyansk falls. Most likely, it will not be stormed at all, but there will be a blockade. But this is possible only after the fall of Kupyansk. It is impossible to carry out such operations with a cluster of Armed Forces forces nearby. This direction can be considered as an attempt to reach the rear of the Kupyand group, but not as an assault on Kharkov.

    Poland will not shoot down missiles over Ukraine, simply for the reason that there is a shortage of air defense now, it is not only Ukraine. Poland will not be sent anti-missiles if it uses the ones it has, shooting down missiles over Ukraine.

  18. To be honest when talking about economy and frozen Russian assets, it feels like Western politicians are living in fairytale! Or making decisions based on Ukrainian reports, which of course is far from true… There's not much left before Europe will fall – economically! Day by day they are attacking themselves with their decisions… While they are sending all their equipment to Ukr, they are loosing influence in Africa and Middle East or in other words control over natural resources!!

  19. It's such a coincidence that the enemies of the US Empire and their friends who question their wars of domination suddenly get ill, die mysteriously or get assassination attempts on their lives … it's not like that global Empire learnt those tactics from the Mafia and the assassination of Kennedy who was going to expose/shut down the CIA a week before he was mysteriously assassinated in Dallas…

  20. The rate of Russian advances (not "advancements") has been incredible. Whether you support Ukraine or not, if you are claiming to be an objective observer, you would acknowledge these successes and conduct a favorable deep dive into why and how the Russians were able to achieve success as well as explore why the Ukrainians are faltering. Willy often seems disappointed or discouraged when Russia succeeds

  21. The journalist claims in a conversation with the Minister of Defense "Putin has never given any sign of wanteng to negotiate"… And these people continue their conversation as if nothing had happened. Boris Johnson choked on his coffee and splattered all over his laptop while reading this nonsense "I'm good, really good". ))

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