Putin just got terrible news! Ukraine dealt biggest blow to Russian navy with a surprise airstrike!

[Music] [Music] for Welcome to the USS Global YouTube channel the Ukrainian troops hard-fought battle was crowned with a good win this morning Ukrainian troops reconnoitered the southern axis last night this reconnaissance was the first step in preparing a terrible end for the enemy during the reconnaissance the fighters spotted the enemy’s Landing ships with the first light of the day the operation began Ukrainian border guards dropped ammunition from an fpv drone and destroyed two Russian landing craft in the southern Direction the pilots of the warbirds of the state Border guard service continue to inflict more and more losses on the Invaders Defenders shot down two enemy small ships with a Precision drop of ammunition using an fpv drone shocked by this sudden attack the Russians were unable to defend themselves as a result two Russian soldiers were killed in action a few hours after this attack another major operation began Ukrainian troops defeated the Russian missile carrier cyclone in the temporarily occup Ed sevastopol officially unconfirmed information about the defeat of the Russian caliber carrier Cyclone has emerged the head of the center for strategic Communications of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine Captain third rank Dimitri penchuk noted that if the Defense Forces confirm the defeat of the Russian Cyclone launch vehicle in the temporarily occupied Crimea it would mean that there is no enemy according to data from Russian open sources Cyclone is a project 22800 rocket ship the ship was transferred to the Russian Navy in July 2023 the Russian Navy is taking a heavier blow with each new day Ukraine’s defense Ministry said Russia’s Black Sea fleet has had a bad month after Kiev launched a series of attacks on Putin’s prized ships the ministry posted the following on its social media channels as we can see the Russian Black Sea Fleet continues to suffer it has emerged that Russia has suffered significant losses in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine with 1,280 soldiers 15 tanks 42 artillery systems and 34 armored combat Vehicles missing in the last 24 hours the shocking information was published by the general staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski said said that Russian forces were concentrating their efforts on the Eastern donet Province and the northeastern KV region where Russian glider bombs caused serious damage to both military and civilian targets zalinski said in a statement on social media late on Monday this brings us back again and again to the need for air defense additional defense systems that can significantly reduce the challenges facing our Fighters and the threat to our cities and communities despite the intense offensives zalinski claims that Ukrainian forces remain in control of the disputed territories while Russia claims to have captured numerous border Villages however the battlefield claims by both sides could not be independently verified in addition a Russian drone strike overnight targeted transport infrastructure in the city of KV injuring seven people and damaging more than 25 Vehicles including trucks and buses according to Regional Governor oih hubo the Ukrainian general staff noted that the frequency of Russian attacks on KV has decreased but clashes continue Russian troops are also conducting reconnaissance and sabotage operations in the northern Sumi and chern regions shelling border settlements and laying minefields the front line of the conflict stretches some 1,000 km 620 Mi meanwhile the Russians continue to face major problems in KV where they are trying to make up for these losses and advance to new positions less than two weeks after the first Russian detachments marched along Ukraine’s northern border with Russia just north of KV the Russian operation ground to a halt after only a few miles worse for the Russian occupation Army of some 500,000 men in Russia the northern offensive overextended Russian logistical and armor support and forced unprotected infantry to attack on foot Russian casualties were high in the runup to Victory Day it is now catastrophically high as Ukrainian mechanized brigades reinforce the northern front as the northern offensive reaches its climax it is even possible that the Russians have experienced the bloodiest day of the 27-month war according to Ukraine’s defense Ministry there were a record 1, dunon 40 Russian casualties on May 12th this is hundreds more than the daily Russian losses in previous weeks no one outside the Kremlin knows what the real military objectives of the offensive were supposed to be but from a strictly military perspective the attack was almost certainly not worth it not only did the Russians fail to gain control of any significant Terrain they squandered offensive Firepower that could have made more of a difference elsewhere along the 700 mile front line one possibility was that Russian commanders hoped their 30,000 strong force in the north would break through the Ukrainian defenses and Advance 20 mi South to KV alternatively they may have intended Ukrainian commanders to think that the Russians were targeting KV all this may have been done to force the UK ukrainians to redeploy all available brigades from east to North this would weaken Ukraine’s position in the East and facilitate a separate Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine which has been ongoing since last fall it is also possible that Russian commanders intend to remain flexible and move from one target to another depending on Ukraine’s response to the first Russian attacks across the border in any case as the northern offensive appr approaches its third week it is clear that the Russians have failed to achieve either objective at the cost of several th000 casualties the new Northern grouping of Russian forces has advanced about 5 miles south Along 2 8 mile wide axis north of KV in the first few days of the offensive the Russians captured a number of small lightly defended settlements but when they reached the outskirts of the first major town s on both Northern axis they encountered tougher Ukrainian defenses reinforced by 2,000 man mechanized brigades running East and South toward KV there on the outskirts of lipy and vchan the Russian Advance literally slowed down in the brutal Urban fighting in these towns a successful day for the Russians could see them Advance across a single City Block capturing a single large building a building that Ukrainian Air Force can bomb to Rubble as soon as the Russians occupy it needless to say it would be almost impossible for the Russians to capture KV under these circumstances and has the Russian offensive achieved its other possible objective and forc the Ukrainian general staff to weaken the Eastern front in order to strengthen the northern one so far no several Ukrainian brigades have left the East and headed north joining other brigades that the Ukrainian command has in reserve precisely for this Northern scenario but not only are the Ukrainian defenses in the East not intact but Russia’s Advance on the Eastern Front has slowed as the focus of the war has shifted North exactly how Ukraine was able to stop Russia’s Northern offensive without sacrificing Ukrainian defenses in the East is an untold story a story as damaging to Ukrainian intell intelligence ammunition stockpiles and the orderliness of Ukrainian reserves as it is to Russian planning leadership and Firepower after a six-month legislative blockade by Russia friendly Republicans in the US Congress that ended in late April the provision of much delayed fresh US military assistance has made a big difference in recent weeks the Americans have hastily dispatched large shipments of ammunition and armored vehicles in addition US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and at least 50 defense leaders from Europe and around the world met on Monday to coordinate military support for Ukraine as it fights A Renewed Russian offensive in the northeastern carv region Ukraine has also launched a war against Russian troops on the Russian occupied Crimean Peninsula Austin said Monday’s meeting came at a moment of defiance and promised that Us weapons would be moved to Ukraine for weeks Ukrainian president volodimir zalinski has been urging the United States for weeks to send more weapons at a time when Ukraine is trying to push back Russian forces on two fronts but political gridlock in the United States has delayed delivery Russia has capitalized on the slow arrival of promised weapons by intensifying its campaign in KV President Joe Biden recently approved a multi-billion doll arms package for Ukraine but it is not yet clear when the US funded Hardware will appear on the front lines where Ukraine is currently fighting a better equipped Russian army meanwhile Ukraine’s military said on Monday it had destroyed all 29 aerial drones launched by Russia in night attacks the Ukrainian Air Force said the measures took place in Lviv molive Odesa and pava region and Regional authorities reported no casualties or damage the Russian defense Ministry said on Monday that seven Ukrainian drones were destroyed five over the belgorod region and two over the ksk region Russian missile strikes killed at least 11 people in a crowded Resort town just outside the city of KV on Sunday yaroslav trinco the Police Inspector in the resort Town said there were no soldiers here it was Sunday people were supposed to rest here children pregnant women were supposed to be here to rest to enjoy a normal lifestyle zalinski once again pressed Western allies to provide additional air defense systems to protect KV and other Ukrainian cities zalinsky commented on social media as follows the world can stop Russian terrorism and to do so the lack of Pol political will among leaders must be overcome referring to the Patriot missile defense systems he added that two patriots in KV would make a fundamental difference he also said that air defense systems for other cities and support for Frontline troops would ensure Russia’s defeat meanwhile the Ukrainian Army shelled two towns in Russia’s southern belgrad region injuring at least 13 people and damaging residential areas Regional governor vaslav gladkov said gladkov said many apartment buildings were damaged the Ukrainian Army frequently launches attacks on towns and villages in Russian border regions Russia reported that Ukraine launched 62 drones into Russian regions prompting Russia to Halt operations at the slaviansk oil refinery in Russia’s southern codar region a Ukrainian intelligence source told Reuters in Kiev that Ukrainian security and military drones attacked the slaviansk refinery and a military Airfield in kodar in night strikes the Ukrainian Navy also said it destroyed the Russian Black Sea fleet’s project two hun 66m ket’s M sweeper Russia said its forces defeated Ukraine’s 24th and 42 mechanized brigades and the 125th air defense Brigade at lukans vess and rados in the KV region and repelled attacks by Kiev forces at other points in the region Russia has accused Kiev forces of launching us French and Ukrainian missiles at Russian controlled territory during a visit to China on Friday Russian President Vladimir Putin said moscow’s attack on the carv region in northeastern Ukraine was in response to Ukraine’s shelling of Border regions zalinsky signed two laws on Friday allowing prisoners to join the Army and imposing High fines on draft evaders in a bid to boost the number of Ukrainian troops the controversial mobilization law came into force on Saturday Ukraine recently lowered the age of conscription for soldiers from 27 to 25 and toughened penalties for those who evade the draft under the new law Ukrainian men must also update their personal data at conscript ion centers across the country a measure aimed at facilitating recruitment into the army later in the day the Russian foreign Ministry accused Western countries of playing with fire by allowing Ukraine to use long range rockets and weapons they have provided to hit targets inside Russia the ministry continued its statement as follows once again we would like to clearly warn Washington London Brussels and other Western capitals as well as well as Kiev under their control that they are playing with fire the statement also singled out the US and the UK and accused them of escalating the conflict between Russia and Ukraine by allowing Kiev to use Western supplied weapons inside Russia White House National Security spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Friday that the Biden Administration has not encouraged or authorized attacks inside Russia with us supplied weapons at least one person was killed and another wounded in Russia’s southern belgrad region when a Ukrainian drone struck the Border Village of novaya noova regional Governor viacheslav gladkov wrote the Russian defense Ministry later reported that 14 multi-barrel Rockets from Ukraine were intercepted and destroyed on the Russian occupied Crimean Peninsula another Ukrainian drone strike hit the power grid of the city of sevastopol while an earlier attack on a Russian Airbase damaged aircraft and fuel storage earlier on Friday a Ukrainian drone strike caused a fire at an oil refinery in the Russian city of tuap on the northeast coast of the Black Sea the refinery was forced to take an emergency shutdown decision according to two sources familiar with the matter the fire at the Ros nef owned Refinery was later extinguished Russia’s state-owned Tas news agency reported citing local officials the Ukrainian Defense Forces breached the Russian defenses entrenched in the donet region the fighters retook their positions east of yolka this operation which started at first light did not last long because the Russians did not have enough forces to resist the Ukrainian Fighters the attack was reportedly carried out by soldiers of the 23rd rifle infantry battalion and the 63rd mechanized Brigade Ukrainian soldiers used fpv drones to launch a fire attack on Russian positions and carried out a dynamic infantry assault as a result of the offensive the Ukrainian Army managed to liberate 1.21 Square kilm earlier the Ukrainian Air Force carried out air strikes on the bases of Russian Invaders in detet and zapara regions the Ukrainian military did not specify what kind of bombs targeted the Invaders however it can be assumed that they could be American Jam or French aasm 250 Hammer the bases of the Invaders were destroyed in the village of oktin in the donet region and in the village of stov in the zapar Zia region earlier a officials reported that the soldiers of the 92nd assault Brigade drove the Russian Invaders from their positions near ivanovski near bakut soldiers of the 92nd Ivan Ciro assault brigade’s fourth assault Battalion cleared and took over the Russian Invaders positions paratroopers of the 79th Air Assault Brigade showed another reaction to a Russian attack near Nova mikai livka last week the footage shows a failed attempt by the Russians to launch a quick attack on the positions of Ukrainian defenders in the donet region for this two Russian armored personnel carriers with infantry and full ammunition were thrown into a suicide attack on the positions of the Ukrainian Defenders on the other hand Ukrainian troops captured a large Russian Convoy after a detailed operation Charter soldiers of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of UK ukine destroyed seven units of Russian automotive equipment and an automatic mortar vasil luu in the Lyman Direction the Russian Invaders did not recover from the shock of this attack for a long time a lot of enemy equipment was destroyed in this battle the Russians are aware that their operational capabilities have atrophied as a result Ukrainian authorities made the following statement after the operation units of fpv drone oper operators in the Lyman Direction destroyed seven vehicles and one vasilo automatic mortar fighters of the Southern Air Command had recently destroyed an enemy reconnaissance aircraft of the super cam type in the Skies over the Ken region after all this French foreign minister stefane Sour’s speech was noteworthy stefane sourn said that France estimates that 150,000 Russian soldiers were killed in moscow’s inv invion of Ukraine sour said Paris estimated total Russian casualties including wounded at 500,000 since the start of the war now in its third year the minister continued Europe and its Partners will remain United and determined for as long as necessary Russia’s military defeat is already clear we estimate Russia’s military losses at 500,000 including 150,000 deaths despite all these promises Russia did not provide any information on casualties Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinsky claimed in February that 180,000 Russian soldiers had been killed in the war according to British estimates around 450,000 Russians have been liquidated or wounded in Ukraine as we all know at dawn on February 24th 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin declared a special military operation that turned into a bloody war of attrition isolating Russia from the West some military analysts believe that Russia may be on the verge of launching a new and Massive Attack on Ukraine in the aftermath Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has called on Beijing to join peace talks next month saying he wants to work with countries like China that have influence over Russia at a time when his country is facing a renewed Moscow of offensive zalinski said Chinese leader Xi Jinping assured him in a phone call that Beijing supports Ukraine’s territorial Integrity but did not say when that shift took place Beijing has never condemned Russia’s invasion in February 2022 instead claiming neutrality in the conflict and issuing a vaguely worded 12-point position on a settlement ahead of peace talks in Switzerland next month she has called for negotiations that take into account the positions of both sides zalinsky said he would like to see China at the international talks in Switzerland next month aiming to pave the way for a peace process in Ukraine according to Swiss president Viola amherd delegations from more than 50 countries have so far attended the summit thank you for watching us

Putin just got terrible news! Ukraine dealt biggest blow to Russian navy with a surprise airstrike!

  1. A concern I have in a draft is the next generation. 19yr old boys being sent to fight, too young to have kids, no legacy, no DNA, no next generation of Ukrainians, 1 & done. Sperm banks?

  2. Lieber Gott schütze die großen Helden und Kämpfer in die Ukraine 👆🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🪖🪖🪖👊👊👊💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍💯%🇺🇦🇩🇪🌻❤️🇺🇦🙏🇩🇪🙏🇨🇭🤘🤘🫶🫶🇺🇦🇺🇦

  3. Sure the cult clansmen 🇮🇱 with their bank connections with US AIPAC enjoy Europeans are killing each other again and making billions.

  4. It's disturbing to see South Africa doing nothing as Russia kills pregnant women & children in Ukraine. Are Ukrainians blood not as red as the blood of enemies of Israel?


  6. БЛАГОСЛОВИТЬ БОЖЕ УКРАЇНУ СОЛДАТИ Знищте Україну, славою Божою, половину землі і лісів Росії виділили народу України.

  7. The US Republicans are NOT pro Russia. America just cannot continue to support other nations militaries at the expense of their own readiness.

  8. worldsmasterofspiritsknightsofchrist,tm* s u b s you say ummm i do not like subs there sneaky all men on subs leave them now cause ukraine is seeking them out to distroy lol hey you nazis in russia paying attention to us there going to make your subs go boom lol jumpship kids

  9. What a day you guys have had, my heart was so much with you all, absolutely superior, saints could not have done more, done better, done what you have done today, just fabulous, fantastic, again words cannot be found for you all, I could not blink incase I missed something, o my gosh you all excelled to the highest, I cannot find what I want to say, you really are my angels of the world n for the world, Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦, Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 and God bless you all everyday, also Italy coming g in today with help, lots of help bless them toooooo, I love my guys, my angels n they are in my heart as always, I feel so proud I am crying again but happy crying, love you, ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

  10. ★★★★★★★UKRAINE 2024 IN FIRST 4½ MONTHS★★★★★★★

    ★Zelenskyy Vows: Ukraine will take back Crimea from Russia★

    Russians Captured Marinka 2023.12.27

    Russians Captured Krokhmalne 2024.01.20

    Russians Captured Kotliarivka 2024.01.28

    Russians Captured Vesele 2024.02.06

    Russians Captured Avdiivka 2024.02.20

    Russians Captured Pobieda 2024.02.22

    Russians Captured Ivanivske 2024.02.23

    Russians Captured Lastochkyne 2024.02.26

    Russians Captured Severne 2024.02.27

    Russians Captured Stepove 2024.02.28

    Russians Captured Nevelske 2024-03-12

    Russians Captured Krasnogorovka 2024.03.12

    Russians Captured Orlivka 2024.03.19

    Russians Captured Tonenke 2024.03.21

    Russians Captured Ivanivske 2024.03.23

    Russians Captured Bakhmutivka 2024.03.23

    Russians Captured Yasnobrodovka 2024.03.29

    Russians Captured Spirne 2024.04.05

    Russians Capture Ivano-Darivka 2024.04.05

    Russians Captured Vodyane 2024.04.05

    Russians Captured Avdiivka 2024.04.09

    Russians Captured Yasnobrodovka 2024.04.11

    Russians Advance at Nevelskoye 2024.04.11

    Russians Captured Vodyane 2024-04-12

    Russians Captured Pervomaiske 2024.04.13

    Russians Captured Berdychi 2024.04.16

    Russia Recaptured Tabaivka on 2024.01.27

    Russians Advance Kalynivka 2024.04.19

    Russians Captured Arivka 2024.04.20

    Russians Captured Netailovo 2024.04.20

    Russians Captured Krynky 2024.02.20

    Russians Captured Novomikhailovka / Novomykhailivka 2024.04.22

    Russians Captured Semenivka 2024.04.24

    Russians Captured Vital 2024.04.21

    Russians Captured Bogdanovka 2024.04.21

    Russians Captured Bohdanivka 2024.04.23

    Russians Captured Netailovo / Netailove 2024.04.24

    Russians Captured Arkhangelske 2024.04.26

    Russians Captured Ocheretyne 2024.04.27

    Russians Captured Soloviove / Solovyov 2024.04.27

    Russians Captured Semenivka 2024.04.27

    Russians Captured Novobakhmutivka 2024.04.28

    Russians Captured Kyslivka 2024.04.28

    Russians Captured Makiivka 2024.04.28

    Russians Captured Novokalynove 2024.04.30

    Russians Captured Keramik 2024.04.30

    Russians Captured Semyonovka 2024.04.30

    Russians Captured Nova-Alexandrovka 2024.05.01

    Russians Captured Robotyne 2024.05.02

    Russians Captured Berdychi 2024.05.02

    Russians Captured Arkhanhelske 2024-05-04

    Russians Captured Krasnohorivka 2024.05.04

    Russians Captured Kalinova 2024.05.05

    Russians Captured Nevelske 2024.05.05

    Russians Captured Solovyovo 2024.05.06

    Russians Captured Kotlyarivka / Kotliarivka / Kotlyarovka 2024.05.06

    Russians Captured Kyslivka 2024.05.06

    Russians Captured Umanske 2024.05.09

    Russians Captured Strilecha 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Krasne 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Borysivka 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Pylna 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Olinykove 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Zelene 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Zhuravievka 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Hoptivka 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Neskychne 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Hatyshche 2024.05.11

    Russians Captured Pletenivka 2024.05.11

    Russians Captured Argysove 2024.05.10

    Russians Captured Lukiantsi 2024.05.11

    Russians Captured Buhruvativka 2024.05.11

    Russians Captured Marhaviets 2024.05.11

    Russians Captured Alininkova 2024.05.11

    Russians Captured Gatishove 2024.05.11

    Russians Captured Katichyne 2024.05.11

    Russians Captured Startica / Starytsya 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Umanske 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Hyboke 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Zylone 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Ohirtseve 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Tykhe / Tyke 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Vovchansk 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Krasnohorivka 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Lyptsi 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Prylipka 2024.05.12

    Russians Captured Vovchansk 2024.05.13

    Russians Captured Starytsia 2024.05.13

    Russians Captured Izbytske 2024.05.13

    Russians Captured Buhruvatka 2024.05.14

    Russians Captured Ternova 2024.05.14

    Russians Captured Krasnohorivka 2024.05.14

    Russians Captured Robotyne 2024.05.15

    Russians Captured Nataliove / Nalitove / Netailove / Neitalova 2024.05.15

    Russians Captured Liptze 2024.05.15

    Russians Captured Berestove 2024.05.15

    Russians Captured Heorhiivka 2024.05.16

    Russians Captured Tykhe 2024.05.17

    Russians Captured Zubyne 2024.05.17

    Russians Captured Klishchiivka 2024.05.19

    Russians Captured Bilohorivka 2024.05.20

    Russians Captured Belogorovka 2024.05.20

    Russians Captured Robotyne 2024.05.20

    Russians Captured Myasozharivka 2024.05.20

    Russians Captured Klishchiivka 2024.05.21

    Russians Captured Natailove 2024.05.21

    Russians Captured Novooleksandrivka 2024.05.22

    ★★★★In 2024 Zelenskyy took NO Towns, Cities, and Villages★★★★

    ★★★★★In 2024 Russians Took 597 square / km of Ukraine★★★★★

  11. US president Biden has admitted Ukraine lost the war
    Misinformation and propaganda has never won wars….

    Stop peddling lies when the whole world knows the truth about the defeat Ukraine

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