Is turbulence getting worse? #Turbulence #BBCNews

turbulence is where you get bumpy conditions in the air it’s usually caused by three things storms Mountains and the jet stream and it’s totally normal it can usually be predicted and not cause harm but clear air turbulence is harder to predict because it’s harder to see and how often this type of turbulence happens is increasing experts at reing University say it’s linked to climate change because of carbon emissions the air is getting warmer which causes changes in wind speeds up where the jet stream is that’s that narrow band of strong winds 5 to 7 miles in the air it’s also where airplanes fly experts say severe turbulence will happen more often as our planet keeps warming deaths from it are very rare but the safest thing to do is keep your seat Bel fastened when flying

  1. I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a diverse group of individuals. It's broadened my horizons in ways I never thought possible.πŸ’•

  2. Long life and good health to the people and government of Norway Ireland Spain ✌️ the rest of the world specially devil 😈 politicians of UK must learn humanity from Norway Ireland Spain πŸ•ŠοΈ long life Norway Ireland Spain ✌️

  3. But, but, but…….. the romans and their dinosaurs didn't suffer from turbulence !!!

    Which PROVES climate change is a hoaks.

    …….or something, something, plane-demic.

  4. Of course …. it's the climate change …. and if we give more money and power to the government and 'green' people bankrupting the working classes and families into serfdom once again – they will save us all from the turbulence …. ok got it …. πŸ™‚

  5. Climate change is caused by our weakening magnetic field due to the magnetic excursion taking place, makig us more vulnerable to the forces our sun which energizes out ionosphere and makes storms and everything more energized, aka stronger.

  6. I experienced this type of turbulence, almost 36 years ago, on Aeromexico while flying from San Diego, CA to La Paz, Mexico. I'm afraid of flying and that didn't help matters. 😏

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